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Line 18: type defined_balance_id_tbl is table of pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type index by binary_integer;

14: --
15: type value_tbl is table of ff_archive_items.value%type index by binary_integer;
16: type balance_name_tbl is table of pay_balance_types.balance_name%type index by binary_integer;
17: type dimension_name_tbl is table of pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%type index by binary_integer;
18: type defined_balance_id_tbl is table of pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type index by binary_integer;
19: type user_entity_id_tbl is table of ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type index by binary_integer;
20: type user_entity_name_tbl is table of ff_user_entities.user_entity_name%type index by binary_integer;
21: type user_name_tbl is table of ff_database_items.user_name%type index by binary_integer;
22: /*

Line 85: pay_defined_balances pdb,

81: pdb.defined_balance_id defined_balance_id,
82: fue.user_entity_id user_entity_id
83: from ff_user_entities fue,
84: pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
85: pay_defined_balances pdb,
86: pay_balance_types pbt
87: where decode(pbt.business_group_id, null, g_business_group_id, pbt.business_group_id) = g_business_group_id
88: and decode(pbt.legislation_code, null, g_legislation_code, pbt.legislation_code) = g_legislation_code
89: and pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id

Line 169: l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;

165: p_business_group_id in number) return number
166: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167: is
168: --
169: l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
170: l_index binary_integer;
171: l_found boolean := FALSE;
172: --
173: cursor csr_defined_balance_id

Line 177: pay_defined_balances pdb,

173: cursor csr_defined_balance_id
174: is
175: select pdb.defined_balance_id defined_balance_id
176: from pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
177: pay_defined_balances pdb,
178: pay_balance_types pbt
179: where pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
180: and nvl(pbt.business_group_id, g_business_group_id) = g_business_group_id
181: and nvl(pbt.legislation_code, g_legislation_code) = g_legislation_code

Line 244: pay_defined_balances pdb

240: select fue.user_entity_id user_entity_id
241: from ff_user_entities fue,
242: pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
243: pay_balance_types pbt,
244: pay_defined_balances pdb
245: where pdb.defined_balance_id = p_defined_balance_id
246: and pbt.balance_type_id = pdb.balance_type_id
247: and pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
248: /* If creator_id is same as source user_entity_id, it might be simple. */