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2 /*$Header: IGCBVALS.pls 120.4.12000000.3 2007/10/08 04:04:44 mbremkum ship $*/
4 /*=======================================================================+
5  |                      PROCEDURE Validate_CCID                          |
6  |                                                                       |
7  | Note : This procedure is designed to validate the CCID that is given  |
8  |        based upon the rules defined for the CCID to be entered into   |
9  |        the CBC Funds Checker process and inserted into the table      |
10  |        IGC_CBC_JE_LINES.                                              |
11  |                                                                       |
12  |        If there is to be any changes inside of this procedure then    |
13  |        there needs to be analysis performed on the effect it will have|
14  |        on the Funds Checker process.                                  |
15  |                                                                       |
16  | Parameters :                                                          |
17  |                                                                       |
18  |  Standard header params for Public Procedures.                        |
19  |                                                                       |
20  |   p_api_version        Version number for API to run                  |
21  |   p_init_msg_list      Message stack to be initialized flag           |
22  |   p_commit             Is work to be commited here flag               |
23  |   p_validation_level   Validation Level to be performed               |
24  |   p_return_status      Status returned from Procedure                 |
25  |   p_msg_count          Number of messages on stack returned           |
26  |   p_msg_data           Message text information returned              |
27  |                                                                       |
28  |  Parameters for Procedure to process properly.                        |
29  |                                                                       |
30  |   p_validation_type    Type of Validation FC (Funds), LC (Legacy)     |
31  |   p_ccid               Code Combination ID From GL tables             |
32  |   p_transaction_date   Date transaction to compare period start / end |
33  |   p_det_sum_value      Detail (D) or Summary (S) transaction          |
34  |   p_set_of_books_id    Set Of Books being processed                   |
35  |   p_actual_flag        Actual Flag for Encumbrance or Budget.         |
36  |   p_result_code        Result Code mapping for status update to user  |
37  |                                                                       |
38  +=======================================================================*/
40 (
41    p_api_version         IN NUMBER,
42    p_init_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
43    p_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
44    p_validation_level    IN NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
45    p_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
46    p_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
47    p_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
49    p_validation_type     IN VARCHAR2,
50    p_ccid                IN igc_cbc_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE, -- Contract ID
51    p_effective_date      IN igc_cbc_je_lines.effective_date%TYPE,     -- Transaction Date
52    p_det_sum_value       IN igc_cbc_je_lines.detail_summary_code%TYPE,
53    p_set_of_books_id     IN gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
54    p_actual_flag         IN VARCHAR2,
55    p_result_code        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
56 );
59 /*=======================================================================+
60  |                PROCEDURE Validate_Get_CCID_Budget_Info                |
61  |                                                                       |
62  | Note : This procedure is designed to validate the CCID Budget Version |
63  |        information based upon the rules defined for the CCID to be    |
64  |        entered into the CBC Funds Checker process and inserted into   |
65  |        the table IGC_CBC_JE_LINES.                                    |
66  |                                                                       |
67  |        If there is to be any changes inside of this procedure then    |
68  |        there needs to be analysis performed on the effect it will have|
69  |        on the Funds Checker process.                                  |
70  |                                                                       |
71  | Parameters :                                                          |
72  |                                                                       |
73  |  Standard header params for Public Procedures.                        |
74  |                                                                       |
75  |   p_api_version        Version number for API to run                  |
76  |   p_init_msg_list      Message stack to be initialized flag           |
77  |   p_commit             Is work to be commited here flag               |
78  |   p_validation_level   Validation Level to be performed               |
79  |   p_return_status      Status returned from Procedure                 |
80  |   p_msg_count          Number of messages on stack returned           |
81  |   p_msg_data           Message text information returned              |
82  |                                                                       |
83  |  Parameters for Procedure to process properly.                        |
84  |                                                                       |
85  |   p_efc_enabled        Enhanced Funds Checker enabled flag.           |
86  |   p_set_of_books_id    GL Set Of books ID being processed             |
87  |   p_actual_flag        Actual Flag for Encumbrance or Budget.         |
88  |   p_ccid               GL Code Combination ID                         |
89  |   p_det_sum_value      Detail (D) or Summary (S) transaction          |
90  |   p_currency_code      Currency Code that transaction is for          |
91  |   p_effective_date     Transaction date for period range              |
92  |   p_budget_ver_id      Funding Budget Version ID if Budget CCID       |
93  |   p_out_budget_ver_id  Funding Budget Version ID if available for CCID|
94  |   p_amount_type        Amount type in GL for CCID                     |
95  |   p_funds_level_code   What level of Funds Check required             |
96  |                                                                       |
97  +=======================================================================*/
98 PROCEDURE Validate_Get_CCID_Budget_Info
99 (
100    p_api_version          IN NUMBER,
101    p_init_msg_list        IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
102    p_commit               IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
103    p_validation_level     IN NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
104    p_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
105    p_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
106    p_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
108    p_efc_enabled         IN VARCHAR2,
109    p_set_of_books_id     IN gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
110    p_actual_flag         IN VARCHAR2,
111    p_ccid                IN igc_cbc_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE,
112    p_det_sum_value       IN igc_cbc_je_lines.detail_summary_code%TYPE,
113    p_currency_code       IN igc_cbc_je_lines.currency_code%TYPE,
114    p_effective_date      IN igc_cbc_je_lines.effective_date%TYPE,    -- Transaction Date
115    p_budget_ver_id       IN igc_cbc_je_lines.budget_version_id%TYPE,
116    p_out_budget_ver_id  OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.budget_version_id%TYPE,
117    p_amount_type        OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.amount_type%TYPE,
118    p_funds_level_code   OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.funds_check_level_code%TYPE
119 );
122 /*=======================================================================+
123  |                PROCEDURE Validate_Get_CCID_Period_Name                |
124  |                                                                       |
125  | Note : This procedure is designed to validate the CCID Period Name    |
126  |        information based upon the rules defined for the CCID to be    |
127  |        entered into the CBC Funds Checker process and inserted into   |
128  |        the table IGC_CBC_JE_LINES.                                    |
129  |                                                                       |
130  |        If there is to be any changes inside of this procedure then    |
131  |        there needs to be analysis performed on the effect it will have|
132  |        on the Funds Checker process.                                  |
133  |                                                                       |
134  | Parameters :                                                          |
135  |                                                                       |
136  |  Standard header params for Public Procedures.                        |
137  |                                                                       |
138  |   p_api_version        Version number for API to run                  |
139  |   p_init_msg_list      Message stack to be initialized flag           |
140  |   p_commit             Is work to be commited here flag               |
141  |   p_validation_level   Validation Level to be performed               |
142  |   p_return_status      Status returned from Procedure                 |
143  |   p_msg_count          Number of messages on stack returned           |
144  |   p_msg_data           Message text information returned              |
145  |                                                                       |
146  |  Parameters for Procedure to process properly.                        |
147  |                                                                       |
148  |   p_sob_id             GL Set of Books ID to be processed             |
149  |   p_effect_date        Transaction Date                               |
150  |   p_check_type         Type of check Funds (FC) or Legacy (LC)        |
151  |   p_period_name        Period name for CCID if found for Check type   |
152  |   p_period_set_name    Period Set Name for CCID if found              |
153  |   p_quarter_num        Quarter number for CCID if found               |
154  |   p_period_num         Period Number for CCID if found                |
155  |   p_period_year        Period Year for CCID if found                  |
156  |   p_result_status      Result Code for updating line status           |
157  |                                                                       |
158  +=======================================================================*/
159 PROCEDURE Validate_Get_CCID_Period_Name
160 (
161    p_api_version               IN  NUMBER,
162    p_init_msg_list             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
163    p_commit                    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
164    p_validation_level          IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
165    p_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
166    p_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
167    p_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
169    p_sob_id                     IN gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
170    p_effect_date                IN igc_cbc_je_lines.effective_date%TYPE,
171    p_check_type                 IN VARCHAR2,
172    p_period_name               OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.period_name%TYPE,
173    p_period_set_name           OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.period_set_name%TYPE,
174    p_quarter_num               OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.quarter_num%TYPE,
175    p_period_num                OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.period_num%TYPE,
176    p_period_year               OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.period_year%TYPE,
177    p_result_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
178 );
181 /*=======================================================================+
182  |                  PROCEDURE Validate_Check_EFC_Enabled                 |
183  |                                                                       |
184  | Note : This procedure is designed to validate the CCID Period Name    |
185  |        information based upon the rules defined for the CCID to be    |
186  |        entered into the CBC Funds Checker process and inserted into   |
187  |        the table IGC_CBC_JE_LINES.                                    |
188  |                                                                       |
189  |        If there is to be any changes inside of this procedure then    |
190  |        there needs to be analysis performed on the effect it will have|
191  |        on the Funds Checker process.                                  |
192  |                                                                       |
193  | Parameters :                                                          |
194  |                                                                       |
195  |  Standard header params for Public Procedures.                        |
196  |                                                                       |
197  |   p_api_version        Version number for API to run                  |
198  |   p_init_msg_list      Message stack to be initialized flag           |
199  |   p_commit             Is work to be commited here flag               |
200  |   p_validation_level   Validation Level to be performed               |
201  |   p_return_status      Status returned from Procedure                 |
202  |   p_msg_count          Number of messages on stack returned           |
203  |   p_msg_data           Message text information returned              |
204  |                                                                       |
205  |  Parameters for Procedure to process properly.                        |
206  |                                                                       |
207  |   p_sob_id             GL Set Of Books being processed                |
208  |   p_efc_enabled        Enhanced Funds Checker enabled Flag            |
209  |                                                                       |
210  +=======================================================================*/
211 PROCEDURE Validate_Check_EFC_Enabled
212 (
213    p_api_version               IN  NUMBER,
214    p_init_msg_list             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
215    p_commit                    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
216    p_validation_level          IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
217    p_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
218    p_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
219    p_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
221    p_sob_id                     IN gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
222    p_efc_enabled               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
223 );
226 /*=======================================================================+
227  |                  PROCEDURE Validate_CC_Interface                      |
228  |                                                                       |
229  | Note : This procedure is designed to validate the CC Interface table  |
230  |        information based upon the rules defined for the CCID to be    |
231  |        entered into the CBC Funds Checker process and inserted into   |
232  |        the table IGC_CBC_JE_LINES.                                    |
233  |                                                                       |
234  |        If there is to be any changes inside of this procedure then    |
235  |        there needs to be analysis performed on the effect it will have|
236  |        on the Funds Checker process.                                  |
237  |                                                                       |
238  | Parameters :                                                          |
239  |                                                                       |
240  |  Standard header params for Public Procedures.                        |
241  |                                                                       |
242  |   p_api_version        Version number for API to run                  |
243  |   p_init_msg_list      Message stack to be initialized flag           |
244  |   p_commit             Is work to be commited here flag               |
245  |   p_validation_level   Validation Level to be performed               |
246  |   p_return_status      Status returned from Procedure                 |
247  |   p_msg_count          Number of messages on stack returned           |
248  |   p_msg_data           Message text information returned              |
252  |   p_sob_id             GL Set Or Books ID being processed             |
249  |                                                                       |
250  |  Parameters for Procedure to process properly.                        |
251  |                                                                       |
253  |   p_cbc_enabled        Commitment Budgetary Control enabled flag      |
254  |   p_cc_head_id         Contract Commitment Header ID                  |
255  |   p_actl_flag          Actual Flag for GL processing                  |
256  |   p_documt_type        Contract Commitment Document Type              |
257  |   p_sum_line_num       Summary Template Line Number                   |
258  |   p_cbc_flag           Is there CBC Lines present in table            |
259  |   p_sbc_flag           Is there SBC Lines present in table            |
260  |   p_packet_id          Packet_id, if originated from Purchasing       |
261  |                                                                       |
262  +=======================================================================*/
264 -- ssmales 29/01/02 bug 2201905 - added p_packet_id parameter below
265 PROCEDURE Validate_CC_Interface
266 (
267    p_api_version               IN  NUMBER,
268    p_init_msg_list             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
269    p_commit                    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
270    p_validation_level          IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
271    p_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
272    p_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
273    p_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
275    p_sob_id                    IN  gl_sets_of_books.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
276    p_cbc_enabled               IN  VARCHAR2,
277    p_cc_head_id                IN  igc_cbc_je_batches.cc_header_id%TYPE,
278    p_actl_flag                 IN  VARCHAR2,
279    p_documt_type               IN  igc_cc_interface.document_type%TYPE,
280 /*Bug No : 6341012. R12 SLA uptake*/
281 -- p_sum_line_num              OUT NOCOPY igc_cbc_je_lines.cbc_je_line_num%TYPE,
282    p_cbc_flag                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
283    p_sbc_flag                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
284 -- p_packet_id                 IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
285 );