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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

        l_deleted                       BOOLEAN := TRUE;
Line: 38

	select outer.effort_report_id,  outer.person_id, ppf.full_name,
--     people.full_name approver_name,
    pert.begin_date, pert.End_date,  pbg.name
    from psp_effort_reports outer,
    psp_effort_report_templates pert ,
    per_all_people_f ppf,
--    wf_notifications wfis,
    per_business_groups pbg
--    ,
--    per_assignments_f assignment,
--    per_people_f  people
    where outer.status_code in ('N', 'A')
    and outer.template_id = pert.template_id
    and pert.report_type='N'
/* Commented for bug 5048771
    and wfis.notification_id = (select max(wfas.notification_id)
                                from wf_item_activity_statuses wfas
                                where wfas.item_type='PSPEFFWF'
                                and wfas.item_key= outer.effort_report_id || outer.VERSION_NUM)
    and outer.person_id =ppf.person_id
    and ppf.effective_start_date = ( SELECT MAX (ppf2.effective_start_date)
                                     FROM   per_all_people_f ppf2
                                     WHERE  ppf.person_id = ppf2.person_id
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_start_date <=pert.end_date
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_end_date >= pert.begin_date)
--    and pert.begin_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_End_date
--    AND assignment.person_id = ppf.person_id
--    AND assignment.supervisor_id = people.person_id (+)
--    AND    assignment.assignment_type ='E'
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date (+) AND people.effective_end_date(+)
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN assignment.effective_start_date AND assignment.effective_end_date
--    AND    assignment.primary_flag = 'Y'
Line: 75

    SELECT 1 from pay_element_sets
    where ELEMENT_SET_NAME = p_element_set_name;
Line: 79

    SELECT DISTINCT business_group_id
    from psp_effort_report_elements;
Line: 83

    select distinct element_type_id
    from psp_effort_report_elements
    where use_in_effort_report='Y'
    and business_group_id =l_business_group_id;
Line: 90

    select  effort_report_id, outer.person_id, ppf.full_name ,
--    people.full_name approver_name,
    pert.begin_date, pert.end_date , pal.adjustment_batch_name, pbg.name
    from psp_effort_reports outer,
    psp_effort_report_templates pert,
    per_all_people_f ppf,
     ----wf_notifications wfis,
    psp_adjustment_control_table pal,
    per_business_groups pbg
--    ,
--    per_assignments_f assignment,
--    per_people_f  people
    where outer.person_id =  pal.person_id
    and pert.end_date >= pal.distribution_start_date
    and pert.begin_date <= pal.distribution_end_date
    and pal.approver_id is null
    and outer.status_code in ('S')
    and outer.person_id =ppf.person_id
    and outer.template_id = pert.template_id
--    and pert.begin_date between  ppf.effective_Start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
     and ppf.effective_start_date = ( SELECT MAX (ppf2.effective_start_date)
                                     FROM   per_all_people_f ppf2
                                     WHERE  ppf.person_id = ppf2.person_id
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_start_date <=pert.end_date
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_end_date >= pert.begin_date)
    ---and wfis.notification_id = (         --- removed this condn and added void check for 4665930
			----	SELECT	ias.notification_id
    and pal.void is null
/* Commented for bug 5048771
    and exists      (select 1
				FROM	wf_lookups l_at,
					wf_lookups l_as,
					wf_activities_vl a,
					wf_process_activities pa,
					wf_item_types_vl it,
					wf_items i,
					wf_item_activity_statuses ias
				WHERE	ias.item_type = 'PSPADJWF'
				AND	ias.item_key = pal.adjustment_batch_name
				AND	i.item_type = 'PSPADJWF'
				AND	i.item_key = pal.adjustment_batch_name
				AND	i.begin_date between a.begin_date AND nvl(a.end_date, i.begin_date)
				AND	i.item_type = it.name
				AND	ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
				AND	pa.activity_name = a.name
				AND	pa.activity_item_type = a.item_type
				AND	l_at.lookup_type = 'WFENG_ACTIVITY_TYPE'
				AND	l_at.lookup_code = a.type
				AND	l_as.lookup_type = 'WFENG_STATUS'
				AND	l_as.lookup_code = ias.activity_status
--    AND assignment.person_id = ppf.person_id
--    AND assignment.supervisor_id = people.person_id (+)
--    AND    assignment.assignment_type ='E'
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date (+) AND people.effective_end_date(+)
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN assignment.effective_start_date AND assignment.effective_end_date
--    AND    assignment.primary_flag = 'Y'
Line: 154

		  select  effort_report_id, outer.person_id, ppf.full_name ,
--          people.full_name approver_name,
          pert.begin_date, pert.end_date, pal.adjustment_batch_name, pbg.name
		  from psp_effort_reports outer,
		  psp_effort_report_templates pert,
		  per_all_people_f ppf,
		   ----wf_notifications wfis,
		  psp_adjustment_control_table pal,
		  psp_payroll_controls ppc,
          per_business_groups pbg
--          ,
--          per_assignments_f assignment,
--          per_people_f  people
		  where outer.person_id =  pal.person_id
		  and pert.end_date >= pal.distribution_start_date
		  and pert.begin_date <= pal.distribution_end_date
		  and ppc.SOURCE_TYPE = 'A'
		  and ppc.STATUS_CODE = 'N'
		  and outer.status_code = 'S'
		  and outer.person_id =ppf.person_id
		  and outer.template_id = pert.template_id
--		  and pert.begin_date between  ppf.effective_Start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
          and ppf.effective_start_date = ( SELECT MAX (ppf2.effective_start_date)
                                     FROM   per_all_people_f ppf2
                                     WHERE  ppf.person_id = ppf2.person_id
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_start_date <=pert.end_date
                                     AND    ppf2.effective_end_date >= pert.begin_date)
          and pbg.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = pert.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
		  -- and wfis.notification_id = (
				--		SELECT	ias.notification_id
                  and void is null                 ---added for 4665930
/* Commented for bug 5048771
                  and exists                   (select 1              --- 4665930
						FROM	wf_lookups l_at,
							wf_lookups l_as,
							wf_activities_vl a,
							wf_process_activities pa,
							wf_item_types_vl it,
							wf_items i,
							wf_item_activity_statuses ias
						WHERE	ias.item_type = 'PSPADJWF'
						AND	ias.item_key = pal.adjustment_batch_name
						AND	i.item_type = 'PSPADJWF'
						AND	i.item_key = pal.adjustment_batch_name
						AND	i.begin_date between a.begin_date AND nvl(a.end_date, i.begin_date)
						AND	i.item_type = it.name
						AND	ias.process_activity = pa.instance_id
						AND	pa.activity_name = a.name
						AND	pa.activity_item_type = a.item_type
						AND	l_at.lookup_type = 'WFENG_ACTIVITY_TYPE'
						AND	l_at.lookup_code = a.type
						AND	l_as.lookup_type = 'WFENG_STATUS'
						AND	l_as.lookup_code = ias.activity_status
--    AND assignment.person_id = ppf.person_id
--    AND assignment.supervisor_id = people.person_id (+)
--    AND    assignment.assignment_type ='E'
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date (+) AND people.effective_end_date(+)
--    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN assignment.effective_start_date AND assignment.effective_end_date
--    AND    assignment.primary_flag = 'Y'
Line: 255

Line: 256

Line: 257

Line: 258

Line: 259

Line: 286

Line: 287

Line: 288

Line: 289

Line: 290

Line: 320

Line: 321

Line: 322

Line: 323

Line: 324

Line: 382

  	hr_utility.trace(' Create Elements: pay_element_sets_pkg.insert_row');
Line: 386

     pay_element_sets_pkg.insert_row(l_rowid, l_element_Set_id, l_business_group_id, null, l_element_set_name,'C', 'LD Eff Reports Migration Set', null, null);
Line: 401

  	hr_utility.trace(' Create Elements: pay_element_type_rules_pkg.insert_row');
Line: 404

         pay_element_type_rules_pkg.insert_row(l_rowid, eff_element_rec.element_type_id(i), l_element_Set_id, 'I',
      sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate);
Line: 418

       /* Delete the obsolete menu items */

  --  fnd_file.put_line( FND_FILE.LOG, ' Before menu delete  ');
Line: 422

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menus : START');
Line: 423

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu : Effort Report Period Summary');
Line: 433

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 437

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu : Effort Report Creation');
Line: 447

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 451

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Adhoc Effort Report Creation');
Line: 460

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 464

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Review Effort Report');
Line: 473

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 476

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Review Effort Report');
Line: 485

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 488

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Effort Report Aging');
Line: 497

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 500

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Effort Report Messages');
Line: 509

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 512

  	hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Setup: Effort Report Element Types');
Line: 521

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 524

      hr_utility.trace(' Delete Menu :Setup: Create Notification Users');
Line: 533

                      delete_flag     =>      'Y');
Line: 539

  		select psp_upgrade_115_s.nextval
      		into l_current_run
  	   	from dual;
Line: 542

  	  hr_utility.trace(' Insert into psp_upgrade_115');
Line: 544

     INSERT into psp_upgrade_115(run_id, phase,object_name,date_time,status,error_message)
     VALUES (l_current_run,10000,'PSP_UPGRADE_115',sysdate,'R','Migrated Effort Reports') ;