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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_ps_rlovr_fac_tsk AS
2 /* $Header: IGSPS83B.pls 120.5 2006/05/01 07:33:22 sommukhe noship $ */
4 --who        when            what
5 --
6 --============================================================================
9   FUNCTION crsp_chk_inst_time_conft(
10     p_start_dt_1  IN DATE ,
11     p_end_dt_1  IN DATE,
12     p_monday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
13     p_tuesday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
14     p_wednesday_1 IN VARCHAR2 ,
15     p_thursday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
16     p_friday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
17     p_saturday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
18     p_sunday_1  IN VARCHAR2 ,
19     p_start_dt_2  IN DATE ,
20     p_end_dt_2  IN DATE,
21     p_monday_2  IN VARCHAR2 ,
22     p_tuesday_2  IN VARCHAR2 ,
23     p_wednesday_2 IN VARCHAR2 ,
24     p_thursday_2  IN VARCHAR2 ,
25     p_friday_2  IN VARCHAR2 ,
26     p_saturday_2  IN VARCHAR2 ,
27     p_sunday_2 IN VARCHAR2
29   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30   --Created by  : smaddali ( Oracle IDC)
31   --Date created: 21-JAN-2002
32   --
33   --Purpose: This function will check wether the two unit section ocurences passed are
34   -- overlapping at instance level ( ie actual calendar day is overlapping)
35   --if yes return true else false
36   --
37   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
38   --
39   --Change History:
40   --Who         When            What
41   --
42   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43     l_overlap_mon  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
44     l_overlap_tue  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
45     l_overlap_wed  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
46     l_overlap_thu  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
47     l_overlap_fri  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
48     l_overlap_sat  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
49     l_overlap_sun  VARCHAR2(3) DEFAULT NULL;
50     l_overlap_start_date  DATE ;
51     l_overlap_end_date  DATE ;
52     l_loop_date_cntr  DATE ;
54   BEGIN
55     -- Capture all the days where both unit section occurences are meeting
56     IF  p_monday_1 ='Y' AND  p_monday_2 ='Y'  THEN
57         l_overlap_mon := 'MON' ;
58     END IF;
59     IF  p_tuesday_1 ='Y' AND  p_tuesday_2 ='Y'  THEN
60         l_overlap_tue := 'TUE' ;
61     END IF;
62     IF  p_wednesday_1 ='Y' AND  p_wednesday_2 ='Y'  THEN
63         l_overlap_wed := 'WED' ;
64     END IF;
65     IF  p_thursday_1 ='Y' AND  p_thursday_2 ='Y'  THEN
66         l_overlap_thu := 'THU' ;
67     END IF;
68     IF  p_friday_1 ='Y' AND  p_friday_2 ='Y'  THEN
69         l_overlap_fri := 'FRI' ;
70     END IF;
71     IF  p_saturday_1 ='Y' AND  p_saturday_2 ='Y'  THEN
72         l_overlap_sat := 'SAT' ;
73     END IF;
74     IF  p_sunday_1 ='Y' AND  p_sunday_2 ='Y'  THEN
75         l_overlap_sun := 'SUN' ;
76     END IF;
78     --Determine the start date and end date of the overlap period
79     --following are the possible scenarios of overlap
80     IF (p_start_dt_1 <= p_start_dt_2 AND p_end_dt_1 <= p_end_dt_2) THEN
81       --  S1--------------E1
82       --        S2-------------------E2
83       l_overlap_start_date := p_start_dt_2 ;
84       l_overlap_end_date  :=  p_end_dt_1 ;
85     ELSIF  (p_start_dt_1 <= p_start_dt_2 AND p_end_dt_1 >= p_end_dt_2 ) THEN
86       --  S1----------------------E1
87       --        S2--------------E2
88       l_overlap_start_date  := p_start_dt_2 ;
89       l_overlap_end_date  := p_end_dt_2 ;
90     ELSIF  (p_start_dt_1 >= p_start_dt_2 AND  p_end_dt_1 >= p_end_dt_2 ) THEN
91       --     S1 --------------- E1
92       --   S2 -------------E2
93       l_overlap_start_date := p_start_dt_1 ;
94       l_overlap_end_date  :=  p_end_dt_2;
95     ELSIF  (p_start_dt_1 >= p_start_dt_2 AND p_end_dt_1 <= p_end_dt_2 ) THEN
96       --    S1 -----------------E1
97       --S2--------------------------E2
98       l_overlap_start_date  := p_start_dt_1 ;
99       l_overlap_end_date  :=  p_end_dt_1 ;
100     END IF;
102     --loop thru the overlap dates and check if the unit sections are meeting on
103     -- that day  , if yes return true as conflict exists else false
104     l_loop_date_cntr  :=  l_overlap_start_date ;
105     WHILE l_loop_date_cntr  <= l_overlap_end_date LOOP
106        IF  TO_CHAR(l_loop_date_cntr,'DY') IN (l_overlap_mon,l_overlap_tue,
107                     l_overlap_wed,l_overlap_thu,l_overlap_fri,l_overlap_sat,
108                      l_overlap_sun) THEN
109               RETURN TRUE ;
110        END IF;
111        l_loop_date_cntr  := l_loop_date_cntr + 1;
112     END LOOP  ;
113     RETURN  FALSE ;
118        FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','Igs_ps_rlovr_fac_tsk.crsp_chk_inst_time_conft');
119        IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
120        App_exception.raise_exception  ;
122   END crsp_chk_inst_time_conft;
124   --
125   FUNCTION crsp_instrct_time_conflct(
126     p_person_id  IN NUMBER ,
127     p_unit_section_occurrence_id  IN NUMBER ,
128     p_monday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
129     p_tuesday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
130     p_wednesday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
131     p_thursday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
132     p_friday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
133     p_saturday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
134     p_sunday  IN VARCHAR2 ,
135     p_start_time  IN DATE ,
136     p_end_time  IN DATE ,
137     p_start_date IN DATE ,
138     p_end_date IN DATE ,
139     p_calling_module  IN VARCHAR2 ,
140     p_message_name  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
142   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143   --Created by  : smaddali ( Oracle IDC)
144   --Date created: 22-JAN-2002
145   --
146   --Purpose: This function will check wether time conflicting unit section ocurences exists
147   -- for the passed unit section occurrence
148   --if yes return false else true
149   --this function is called from the form IGSPS084 and the below procedure within this package
150   --
151   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
152   --
153   --Change History:
154   --Who         When            What
155   --smvk        21-Apr-2003     Bug # 2902710. Modified the cursor cur_time_conflct to check for
156   --                            unit section in meet with class instead unit section occurrence.
157   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159     l_rowid  VARCHAR2(25) ;
160     l_start_time  DATE ;
161     l_end_time DATE ;
162     l_time_conflct_exists  BOOLEAN DEFAULT  FALSE ;
164     -- select all the other unit section occurrences assigned to the same instructor as the passed uso
165     -- which conflict in date/day/time with the passed unit section occurrence
166     -- excluding cross listed and meeting with class group usos , which are not to be announced
167     CURSOR cur_time_conflct(cp_start_time DATE , cp_end_time DATE) IS
168     SELECT uso.row_id , uso.unit_section_occurrence_id , uso.monday,uso.tuesday,uso.wednesday,
169         uso.thursday,uso.friday,uso.saturday , uso.sunday,uso.start_date,uso.end_date
170     FROM  igs_ps_usec_occurs uso ,
171           igs_ps_uso_instrctrs usoi ,
172           igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo ,
173           igs_ca_inst ci
174     WHERE   usoi.instructor_id = p_person_id AND
175             usoi.unit_section_occurrence_id <> p_unit_section_occurrence_id  AND
176             usoi.unit_section_occurrence_id = uso.unit_section_occurrence_id AND
177             uoo.uoo_id = uso.uoo_id  AND
178             uoo.cal_type = ci.cal_type AND
179             uoo.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number AND
180             ( (uso.monday = p_monday  AND p_monday = 'Y' ) OR
181               (uso.tuesday = p_tuesday AND p_tuesday='Y') OR
182               (uso.wednesday = p_wednesday AND p_wednesday='Y')  OR
183               (uso.thursday = p_thursday AND p_thursday='Y')  OR
184               (uso.friday = p_friday  AND p_friday='Y') OR
185               (uso.saturday = p_saturday AND p_saturday='Y')  OR
186               (uso.sunday = p_sunday  AND p_sunday='Y') )  AND
187             ( (NVL(uso.start_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_start_date,ci.start_dt)) BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date) OR
188               (NVL(uso.end_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_end_date,ci.end_dt)) BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date ) OR
189               (p_start_date BETWEEN  NVL(uso.start_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_start_date,ci.start_dt)) AND
190                                   NVL(uso.end_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_end_date,ci.end_dt)))
191             )  AND
192             (  (TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.start_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') BETWEEN cp_start_time AND cp_end_time) OR
193                (TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.end_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') BETWEEN cp_start_time AND cp_end_time) OR
194                (cp_start_time BETWEEN TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.start_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') AND
195                                      TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.end_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') )
196             )  AND
197             -- considering boundary conditions as no conflict
198             (  (TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.start_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') <> cp_end_time) AND
199                (TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(uso.end_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') <> cp_start_time )
200             ) AND
201             NVL(uso.to_be_announced,'N') = 'N' AND
202             NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM igs_ps_uso_clas_meet ucm
203                         WHERE ucm.uoo_id = uso.uoo_id )  AND
204             NOT EXISTS  (SELECT 'x' FROM igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem uxg
205                          WHERE  uxg.uoo_id = uso.uoo_id)
206         ORDER BY uso.row_id asc;
208         --check if the conflicting record already exists in the temp table before inserting it.
209         -- here if we r trying to insert usec_occur_id1 and 2 then we check to see if
210         -- usec_occur2 , 1 already exists ,because order doesn't matter
211         CURSOR cur_tmp_exists(cp_usec_occur_id2 igs_ps_usec_occurs.unit_section_occurrence_id%TYPE) IS
212         SELECT 'x' FROM igs_ps_fac_tcft_tmp
213         WHERE  person_id = p_person_id AND
214               usec_occur_id1 = cp_usec_occur_id2 AND
215               usec_occur_id2 = p_unit_section_occurrence_id  ;
216         cur_tmp_exists_rec  cur_tmp_exists%ROWTYPE ;
218   BEGIN
219     -- format the dates
220     --
221     l_start_time := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_start_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') ;
222     l_end_time := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_end_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') ;
224     -- for each of the conflicting unit section  occurrences loop
225     --
226     FOR cur_time_conflct_rec IN cur_time_conflct(l_start_time,l_end_time) LOOP
227        --  check if time conflict exists at calendar date instance level
228        --
229        IF NOT crsp_chk_inst_time_conft( p_start_dt_1 => p_start_date,
230                                     p_end_dt_1 => p_end_date,
231                                     p_monday_1 => p_monday,
232                                     p_tuesday_1 => p_tuesday,
233                                     p_wednesday_1 => p_wednesday,
234                                     p_thursday_1 => p_thursday ,
235                                     p_friday_1 => p_friday,
236                                     p_saturday_1 => p_saturday,
237                                     p_sunday_1 => p_sunday,
238                                     p_start_dt_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.start_date ,
239                                     p_end_dt_2 =>  cur_time_conflct_rec.end_date,
240                                     p_monday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.monday ,
241                                     p_tuesday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.tuesday,
242                                     p_wednesday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.wednesday,
243                                     p_thursday_2 =>  cur_time_conflct_rec.thursday,
244                                     p_friday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.friday,
245                                     p_saturday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.saturday,
246                                     p_sunday_2 => cur_time_conflct_rec.sunday )  THEN
247             NULL ;
248         ELSE
249            -- if conflict exists then
250            --
251             l_time_conflct_exists :=  TRUE ;
252             --if form is calling this function then return false
253             --
254             IF p_calling_module = 'FORM' THEN
255                 p_message_name :=  'IGS_PS_TIME_CONFLCT_EXIST' ;
256                 RETURN FALSE ;
257             -- if report is calling this function then insert the conflicting record
258             --in the temporary table, from where the report displays it
259             --
260             ELSIF  p_calling_module = 'REPORT'  THEN
261               -- check if the record doesn't already exist then insert
262               --here  order does not matter  so u1 , u2  and  u2 , u1  both should not exist
263                OPEN cur_tmp_exists(cur_time_conflct_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id ) ;
264                FETCH cur_tmp_exists INTO cur_tmp_exists_rec ;
265                IF cur_tmp_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
267                    igs_ps_fac_tcft_tmp_pkg.insert_row (
268                         x_rowid     =>  l_rowid ,
269                         x_person_id  => p_person_id  ,
270                         x_usec_occur_id1   => p_unit_section_occurrence_id ,
271                         x_usec_occur_id2   => cur_time_conflct_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id ,
272                         x_mode    =>  'R'
273                         );
274                END IF;
275                CLOSE cur_tmp_exists ;
276             ELSE
277                  RETURN FALSE ;
278             END IF ;
279         END IF; -- end function call
280      END LOOP ;
281      --if time conflict exists then return false else return true
282      IF  l_time_conflct_exists  THEN
283             RETURN FALSE ;
284      END IF;
285      RETURN TRUE ;
289        IF cur_tmp_exists%ISOPEN  THEN
290          CLOSE cur_tmp_exists ;
291        END IF;
292        IF  cur_time_conflct%ISOPEN THEN
293           CLOSE cur_time_conflct ;
294        END IF;
296        FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','IGS_PS_RLOVR_FAC_TSK.crsp_instrct_time_conflct');
297        IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
298        App_exception.raise_exception  ;
300   END  crsp_instrct_time_conflct;
302   --
303   PROCEDURE  crsp_prc_inst_time_cft(
304     p_person_id IN NUMBER ,
305     p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
306     p_sequence_number IN NUMBER
307   )  AS
308   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
309   --Created by  : smaddali ( Oracle IDC)
310   --Date created: 21-JAN-2002
311   --
312   --Purpose: This procedure will report all the time conflicting unit section ocurences for the
313   -- passed instructor(or all instrcutors) . the report IGSPSS12 will use the temp table
314   -- where these recs are inserted
315   --this procedure is called from report IGSPSS12
316   --
317   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
318   --
319   --Change History:
320   --Who         When            What
321   --sarakshi    12-Jan-2006     Bug#4926548, modified cursor cur_inst_usec_occur to address the performance issue.
322   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323   -- p_person_id instructor id for which the rollover should be performed ,
324   --  run the rollover for all the instructors if null
325   -- p_cal_type and p_sequence_number is the load calendar which is mandatory
327   --select all the records in the temp table for deletion
328     CURSOR  cur_tmp IS
329     SELECT rowid
330     FROM igs_ps_fac_tcft_tmp  ;
333     TYPE teach_cal_rec IS RECORD(
334 				 cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
335 				 sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE
336 				 );
337     TYPE teachCalendar IS TABLE OF teach_cal_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
338     teachCalendar_tbl teachCalendar;
339     l_n_counter NUMBER(10);
340     l_c_proceed BOOLEAN ;
342     CURSOR cur_load_teach IS
343     SELECT teach_cal_type,teach_ci_sequence_number
344     FROM   igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
345     WHERE  load_cal_type = p_cal_type
346     AND    load_ci_sequence_number = p_sequence_number;
348     --select all the unit section occurrences for the passed instructor or all instructors
349     -- whose teach cals lie within load calendar passed and to be announced = 'N'
350     CURSOR cur_inst_usec_occur IS
351     SELECT usoi.instructor_id ,
352            uso.unit_section_occurrence_id ,
353            uso.monday,
354            uso.tuesday,
355            uso.wednesday ,
356            uso.thursday ,
357            uso.friday,
358            uso.saturday ,
359            uso.sunday ,
360            NVL(uso.start_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_start_date,ci.start_dt))  start_date ,
361            NVL(uso.end_date ,NVL(uoo.unit_section_end_date,ci.end_dt))  end_date ,
362            uso.start_time ,
363            uso.end_time,
364 	   uoo.cal_type,
365 	   uoo.ci_sequence_number
366     FROM  igs_ps_usec_occurs uso,
367           igs_ps_uso_instrctrs usoi ,
368           igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt  uoo ,
369           igs_ca_inst ci
370     WHERE  usoi.instructor_id = p_person_id AND
371            usoi.unit_section_occurrence_id = uso.unit_section_occurrence_id AND
372            uso.uoo_id = uoo.uoo_id AND
373            uoo.cal_type = ci.cal_type  AND
374            uoo.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number AND
375            NVL(uso.to_be_announced,'N') = 'N' ;
377 -- Cursor to use when the person_id is null
378     CURSOR cur_inst_usec_occur1 IS
379     SELECT usoi.instructor_id ,
380            uso.unit_section_occurrence_id ,
381            uso.monday,
382            uso.tuesday,
383            uso.wednesday ,
384            uso.thursday ,
385            uso.friday,
386            uso.saturday ,
387            uso.sunday ,
388            NVL(uso.start_date,NVL(uoo.unit_section_start_date,ci.start_dt))  start_date ,
389            NVL(uso.end_date ,NVL(uoo.unit_section_end_date,ci.end_dt))  end_date ,
390            uso.start_time ,
391            uso.end_time,
392 	   uoo.cal_type,
393 	   uoo.ci_sequence_number
394     FROM  igs_ps_usec_occurs uso,
395           igs_ps_uso_instrctrs usoi ,
396           igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt  uoo ,
397           igs_ca_inst ci
398     WHERE  usoi.instructor_id > -1 AND
399            usoi.unit_section_occurrence_id = uso.unit_section_occurrence_id AND
400            uso.uoo_id = uoo.uoo_id AND
401            uoo.cal_type = ci.cal_type  AND
402            uoo.ci_sequence_number = ci.sequence_number AND
403            NVL(uso.to_be_announced,'N') = 'N'
404     ORDER BY usoi.instructor_id , uso.row_id asc  ;
406     l_conflct_exists  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE;
407     l_message_name  VARCHAR2(300);
408   BEGIN
410     -- delete all the records from the temp table before inserting new records
411     --
412     FOR cur_tmp_rec IN cur_tmp LOOP
413         IGS_PS_FAC_TCFT_TMP_PKG.DELETE_ROW (X_ROWID => cur_tmp_rec.rowid) ;
414     END LOOP ;
416     --for all the unit section occurrences for the passed instructor or all instructors check
417     --if any of them conflict with each other and insert those records
418     --
419     l_n_counter :=1;
420     FOR cur_load_teach_rec IN cur_load_teach LOOP
421       teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).cal_type :=cur_load_teach_rec.teach_cal_type;
422       teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).sequence_number :=cur_load_teach_rec.teach_ci_sequence_number;
423       l_n_counter:=l_n_counter+1;
424     END LOOP;
426     IF teachCalendar_tbl.EXISTS(1) THEN
427       IF p_person_id is NOT NULL THEN
428       FOR cur_inst_usec_occur_rec IN cur_inst_usec_occur LOOP
429 	 l_c_proceed:= FALSE;
431 	   FOR i IN 1..teachCalendar_tbl.last LOOP
432 	     IF cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.cal_type=teachCalendar_tbl(i).cal_type AND
433 		cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.ci_sequence_number=teachCalendar_tbl(i).sequence_number THEN
434 		l_c_proceed:= TRUE;
435 		EXIT;
436 	     END IF;
437 	   END LOOP;
440 	 IF l_c_proceed THEN
441 	   l_conflct_exists := crsp_instrct_time_conflct(
442 	       p_person_id => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.instructor_id ,
443 	       p_unit_section_occurrence_id => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id ,
444 	       p_monday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.monday ,
445 	       p_tuesday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.tuesday ,
446 	       p_wednesday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.wednesday ,
447 	       p_thursday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.thursday ,
448 	       p_friday =>  cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.friday ,
449 	       p_saturday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.saturday ,
450 	       p_sunday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.sunday ,
451 	       p_start_time => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.start_time ,
452 	       p_end_time => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.end_time ,
453 	       p_start_date => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.start_date ,
454 	       p_end_date => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.end_date ,
455 	       p_calling_module => 'REPORT' ,
456 	       p_message_name => l_message_name) ;
457 	 END IF;
459       END LOOP;
460       ELSE
461         FOR cur_inst_usec_occur_rec IN cur_inst_usec_occur1 LOOP
462 	   l_c_proceed:= FALSE;
464 	     FOR i IN 1..teachCalendar_tbl.last LOOP
465 	       IF cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.cal_type=teachCalendar_tbl(i).cal_type AND
466 		  cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.ci_sequence_number=teachCalendar_tbl(i).sequence_number THEN
467 		  l_c_proceed:= TRUE;
468 		  EXIT;
469 	       END IF;
470 	     END LOOP;
473 	   IF l_c_proceed THEN
474 	     l_conflct_exists := crsp_instrct_time_conflct(
475 		 p_person_id => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.instructor_id ,
476 		 p_unit_section_occurrence_id => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.unit_section_occurrence_id ,
477 		 p_monday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.monday ,
478 		 p_tuesday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.tuesday ,
479 		 p_wednesday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.wednesday ,
480 		 p_thursday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.thursday ,
481 		 p_friday =>  cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.friday ,
482 		 p_saturday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.saturday ,
483 		 p_sunday => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.sunday ,
484 		 p_start_time => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.start_time ,
485 		 p_end_time => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.end_time ,
486 		 p_start_date => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.start_date ,
487 		 p_end_date => cur_inst_usec_occur_rec.end_date ,
488 		 p_calling_module => 'REPORT' ,
489 		 p_message_name => l_message_name) ;
490 	   END IF;
492 	END LOOP;
494       END IF;
495     teachCalendar_tbl.DELETE;
496     END IF;
501        IF cur_inst_usec_occur%ISOPEN  THEN
502          CLOSE cur_inst_usec_occur ;
503        END IF;
505        FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','IGS_PS_RLOVR_FAC_TSK.crsp_prc_inst_time_cft');
507        App_exception.raise_exception ;
508   END  crsp_prc_inst_time_cft;
510    PROCEDURE log_messages ( p_msg_name IN VARCHAR2 ,
511                            p_msg_val  IN VARCHAR2
512                          ) IS
513   ------------------------------------------------------------------
514   --Created by  : smaddali, Oracle IDC
515   --Date created:23/01/2002
516   --
517   --Purpose: This procedure is private to this package body .
518   --         The procedure logs all the parameter values ,
519   --         in the log file
520   --  called from job procedure rollover_fac_task
521   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
522   --
523   --Change History:
524   --Who         When            What
525   -------------------------------------------------------------------
526   BEGIN
533   END log_messages ;
536   --
537   PROCEDURE  rollover_fac_task(
538     errbuf  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
539     retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
540     p_person_id  IN NUMBER ,
541     p_source_cal_type  IN VARCHAR2 ,  --mandatory
542     p_dest_cal_type  IN VARCHAR2 ,  -- mandatory
543     p_org_id  IN NUMBER  --mandatory
544   )  AS
545   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
546   --Created by  : smaddali ( Oracle IDC)
547   --Date created: 21-JAN-2002
548   --
549   --Purpose: This procedure is called from the job IGSPSJ11
550   --this procedure will rollover faculty workload and tasks from one calendar to the next.
551   --
552   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
553   --
554   --Change History:
555   --Who         When            What
556   --sommukhe     1-May-2006     Bug #5099457, Changes included as incorporated for 4111806
557   --sommukhe    10-FEB-2006     Bug #3712546,modified the cursor cur_fac_wl also added cursors cur_fac_wl_null and cur_fac_asg_task
558   --sommukhe    24-Jan-2006     Bug #4926548,replaced igs_pe_person_v with hz_parties for cursor c_per_id
559   -- sarakshi   14-Feb-2005     Bug#4099575, obsoleted the column std_exp_wl, removed the code asssociated with it
560   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561   -- p_person_id instructor id for which the rollover should be performed ,
562   --  run the rollover for all the instructors if null
563   -- the  source and dest calendars passed must be of the same calendar category
564   --and source is earlier than the dest
565   --
566     l_source_cal_type  igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE ;
567     l_dest_cal_type  igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
568     l_source_sequence_number  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
569     l_dest_sequence_number  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
570     l_source_start_date  igs_ca_inst.start_dt%TYPE ;
571     l_dest_start_date  igs_ca_inst.start_dt%TYPE ;
572     l_source_cal_cat  igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE ;
573     l_dest_cal_cat  igs_ca_type.s_cal_cat%TYPE ;
574     l_fac_wl_id  igs_ps_fac_wl.fac_wl_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
577     --get the calendar category for the passed calendar
578     --
579     CURSOR cur_cal_cat(cp_cal_type  igs_ca_type.cal_type%TYPE ) IS
580     SELECT s_cal_cat
581     FROM  igs_ca_type
582     WHERE  cal_type = cp_cal_type ;
584     --get all the faculty records
585     --
586     CURSOR cur_fac_wl  IS
587     SELECT person_id , fac_wl_id
588     FROM  igs_ps_fac_wl fw
589     WHERE  fw.cal_type = l_source_cal_type AND
590            fw.ci_sequence_number = l_source_sequence_number AND
591            fw.person_id = p_person_id;
594     CURSOR  cur_fac_wl_null IS
595     SELECT person_id , fac_wl_id
596     FROM  igs_ps_fac_wl fw
597     WHERE  fw.cal_type = l_source_cal_type
598     AND fw.ci_sequence_number = l_source_sequence_number
599     AND fw.person_id > -1
600     ORDER BY person_id ;
602    CURSOR cur_fac_asg_task(cp_fac_wl_id igs_ps_fac_asg_task.fac_wl_id%TYPE)  IS
603    SELECT 'x' FROM igs_ps_fac_asg_task
604    WHERE  fac_wl_id = cp_fac_wl_id
605    AND   NVL(num_rollover_period,99) >= 1
606    AND   NVL(rollover_flag,' ') <> 'S';
607    cur_fac_asg_task_rec cur_fac_asg_task%ROWTYPE;
608     -- check if the faculty record already exists for the dest calendar
609     --
610     CURSOR cur_fac_wl_exists(cp_person_id  igs_ps_fac_wl.person_id%TYPE)  IS
611     SELECT fac_wl_id
612     FROM  igs_ps_fac_wl
613     WHERE  person_id = cp_person_id AND
614            cal_type = l_dest_cal_type AND
615            ci_sequence_number = l_dest_sequence_number ;
617      -- check if faculty task record already exists in the destination calendar
618      --
619     CURSOR cur_fat_exists(cp_fac_wl_id  igs_ps_fac_asg_task.fac_wl_id%TYPE ,
620                      cp_faculty_task_type   igs_ps_fac_asg_task.faculty_task_type%TYPE) IS
621     SELECT  'x'
622     FROM  igs_ps_fac_asg_task
623     WHERE  fac_wl_id = cp_fac_wl_id AND
624           faculty_task_type = cp_faculty_task_type ;
625     cur_fat_exists_rec  cur_fat_exists%ROWTYPE ;
627     -- get all the assigned tasks for the faculty
628     --
629     CURSOR  cur_source_tasks(cp_fac_wl_id  igs_ps_fac_asg_task.fac_wl_id%TYPE) IS
630     SELECT  *
631     FROM  igs_ps_fac_Asg_task_v
632     WHERE  fac_wl_id = cp_fac_wl_id AND
633            NVL(num_rollover_period,99)  >= 1  ;
635     --update the source task type to set rollover_flag='S'
636     --
637     CURSOR cur_upd_src_task(cp_rowid VARCHAR2 ) IS
638     SELECT rowid,igs_ps_fac_asg_task.*
639     FROM igs_ps_fac_asg_task
640     WHERE rowid = cp_rowid
641     FOR UPDATE OF  rollover_flag NOWAIT;
643     cur_upd_src_task_rec  cur_upd_src_task%ROWTYPE ;
645     --get the faculty name and person number to be logged
646     --
647     CURSOR c_per_id (cp_person_id  igs_pe_person_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
648     SELECT party_number person_number, party_name person_name
649     FROM hz_parties
650     WHERE party_id =cp_person_id;
651     l_per_id    c_per_id%ROWTYPE;
653     TYPE plsql_rec IS RECORD (
654          person_id  NUMBER ,
655          fac_wl_id  NUMBER ) ;
656     TYPE plsql_tab  IS TABLE OF plsql_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
657     l_tab_person_id  plsql_tab ;
658     cntr  NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ;
660   BEGIN
661      retcode := 0;
662      savepoint a;
663      -- set org_id as in request of job
664      IGS_GE_GEN_003.set_org_id(p_org_id);
666      -- extract the cal type and sequence_numbers,start date from the passed parameters
667      --
668      l_source_cal_type               := RTRIM(SUBSTR (p_source_cal_type, 1, 10));
669      l_source_sequence_number        := TO_NUMBER(RTRIM(SUBSTR (p_source_cal_type,75,7)));
670      l_source_start_date  :=  TRUNC(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(p_source_cal_type,12,10),'DD/MM/YY')) ;
671      l_dest_cal_type :=   RTRIM(SUBSTR (p_dest_cal_type, 1, 10));
672      l_dest_sequence_number := TO_NUMBER(RTRIM(SUBSTR (p_dest_cal_type,75,7))) ;
673      l_dest_start_date  :=  TRUNC(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(p_dest_cal_type,12,10),'DD/MM/YY')) ;
675       /** logs all the parameters in the LOG **/
676       --
677      Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS','IGS_FI_ANC_LOG_PARM');
678      Fnd_File.Put_Line(Fnd_File.LOG,FND_MESSAGE.GET);
679       IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
680        OPEN c_per_id(p_person_id);
681        FETCH c_per_id INTO l_per_id;
682        CLOSE c_per_id;
683      END IF;
684      log_messages(igs_ps_validate_lgcy_pkg.get_lkup_meaning('PERSON_NUMBER','LEGACY_TOKENS'),l_per_id.person_number);
685      log_messages(igs_ps_validate_lgcy_pkg.get_lkup_meaning('SOURCE_CAL','IGS_PS_LOG_PARAMETERS'),p_source_cal_type);
686      log_messages(igs_ps_validate_lgcy_pkg.get_lkup_meaning('DEST_CAL','IGS_PS_LOG_PARAMETERS'),p_dest_cal_type);
687      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,' ') ;
689      -- get the source and dest calendar categories
690      --
691      OPEN cur_cal_cat(l_source_cal_type);
692      FETCH cur_cal_cat INTO l_source_cal_cat ;
693      CLOSE cur_cal_cat ;
694      OPEN cur_cal_cat(l_dest_cal_type) ;
695      FETCH cur_cal_cat  INTO l_dest_cal_cat ;
696      CLOSE cur_cal_cat ;
698      -- if the source and dest calendars are not of the same category then log message to file and return
699      --
700      IF l_source_cal_cat <> l_dest_cal_cat THEN
701         retcode := 2 ;
703         FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,Fnd_Message.GET) ;
704         RETURN ;
705      END IF;
707      --if source calendar starts later than the dest calendar then log message in file and return
708      --
709      IF l_source_start_date >=  l_dest_start_date  THEN
710         retcode := 2 ;
712         FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,Fnd_Message.GET) ;
713         RETURN ;
714      END IF;
716      -- copy all the eligible faculty workload records to be rolled over ,into the plsql table
717      --
718      cntr := 0 ;
719      IF p_person_id IS NOT NULL THEN
720        FOR cur_fac_wl_rec IN cur_fac_wl LOOP
721          OPEN cur_fac_asg_task(cur_fac_wl_rec.fac_wl_id);
722 	 FETCH cur_fac_asg_task INTO cur_fac_asg_task_rec;
723 	 IF cur_fac_asg_task%FOUND THEN
724 	   cntr  := cntr + 1 ;
725 	   l_tab_person_id(cntr) := cur_fac_wl_rec ;
726 	 END IF;
727 	 CLOSE cur_fac_asg_task;
728        END LOOP ;
729      ELSE
730        FOR cur_fac_wl_null_rec IN cur_fac_wl_null LOOP
731 	 OPEN cur_fac_asg_task(cur_fac_wl_null_rec.fac_wl_id);
732 	 FETCH cur_fac_asg_task INTO cur_fac_asg_task_rec;
733 	 IF cur_fac_asg_task%FOUND THEN
734 	   cntr  := cntr + 1 ;
735 	   l_tab_person_id(cntr) := cur_fac_wl_null_rec ;
736 	 END IF;
737 	 CLOSE cur_fac_asg_task;
738        END LOOP ;
739      END IF;
741      -- if no records found then return after loging message
742      --
743      IF l_tab_person_id.COUNT = 0 THEN
744         retcode := 2 ;
746         FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,Fnd_Message.GET) ;
747         RETURN ;
748      END IF;
750      -- log the heading
751      --
753      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG, Fnd_Message.GET ) ;
755      -- for each of the eligible faculty records rollover into dest calendar
756      -- and copy the tasks assigned to that faculty to the dest calendar also
757      --
758      FOR i IN 1 .. l_tab_person_id.COUNT LOOP
759        --
760        --log the faculty name and number being processed
761        --
762         l_fac_wl_id := NULL ;
763         OPEN   c_per_id(l_tab_person_id(i).person_id);
764         FETCH  c_per_id INTO l_per_id;
766         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NUMBER',RPAD(l_per_id.person_number,30));
767         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME',l_per_id.person_name);
769         CLOSE  c_per_id;
771        OPEN cur_fac_wl_exists(l_tab_person_id(i).person_id) ;
772        FETCH cur_fac_wl_exists INTO l_fac_wl_id ;
773        -- if the faculty record for the dest calendar doesn't exist already
774        --then insert it for the dest calendar
775        --
776        IF  cur_fac_wl_exists%NOTFOUND  THEN
777          DECLARE
778            l_rowid  VARCHAR2(40) ;
779          BEGIN
780             IGS_PS_FAC_WL_PKG.INSERT_ROW (
781                X_ROWID => l_rowid ,
782                X_FAC_WL_ID           =>  l_fac_wl_id   ,
783                X_PERSON_ID           =>   l_tab_person_id(i).person_id ,
784                X_CALENDAR_CAT        =>  l_dest_cal_cat ,
785                X_CAL_TYPE            =>  l_dest_cal_type ,
786                X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER  =>  l_dest_sequence_number ,
787                X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY   => NULL ,
788                X_ATTRIBUTE1    => NULL ,
789                X_ATTRIBUTE2    => NULL ,
790                X_ATTRIBUTE3    => NULL ,
791                X_ATTRIBUTE4    => NULL ,
792                X_ATTRIBUTE5    => NULL ,
793                X_ATTRIBUTE6    => NULL ,
794                X_ATTRIBUTE7    => NULL ,
795                X_ATTRIBUTE8    => NULL ,
796                X_ATTRIBUTE9    => NULL ,
797                X_ATTRIBUTE10   => NULL ,
798                X_ATTRIBUTE11   => NULL ,
799                X_ATTRIBUTE12   => NULL ,
800                X_ATTRIBUTE13   => NULL ,
801                X_ATTRIBUTE14   => NULL ,
802                X_ATTRIBUTE15   => NULL ,
803                X_ATTRIBUTE16   => NULL ,
804                X_ATTRIBUTE17   => NULL ,
805                X_ATTRIBUTE18   => NULL ,
806                X_ATTRIBUTE19   => NULL ,
807                X_ATTRIBUTE20   => NULL ,
808                X_MODE    => 'R' ) ;
809          END  ;
810        END IF ; -- if faculty record in dest cal already exists
811        CLOSE cur_fac_wl_exists ;
813        -- loop through all the tasks assigned to that faculty in source calendar: fac_wl_id
814        --
815        FOR cur_source_tasks_rec IN  cur_source_tasks(l_tab_person_id(i).fac_wl_id)  LOOP
816            OPEN  cur_fat_exists(l_fac_wl_id,cur_source_tasks_rec.faculty_task_type) ;
817            FETCH cur_fat_exists INTO cur_fat_exists_rec ;
818            --if the task is not already assigned to the faculty in the dest calendar
819            -- then insert it now
820            --
821            IF cur_fat_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
822              DECLARE
823                l_rowid1  VARCHAR2(40);
824              BEGIN
825                IGS_PS_FAC_ASG_TASK_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
826                  X_ROWID                    =>  l_rowid1 ,
827                  X_FAC_WL_ID                =>  l_fac_wl_id ,
828                  X_FACULTY_TASK_TYPE        =>  cur_source_tasks_rec.faculty_task_type ,
829                  X_CONFIRMED_IND            =>  cur_source_tasks_rec.confirmed_ind,
830                  X_NUM_ROLLOVER_PERIOD      =>  (NVL(cur_source_tasks_rec.num_rollover_period,99) - 1) ,
831                  X_ROLLOVER_FLAG            =>  'D' ,
832                  X_DEPT_BUDGET_CD           =>  cur_source_tasks_rec.dept_budget_cd ,
833                  X_DEFAULT_WL               =>  cur_source_tasks_rec.default_wl  ,
834                  X_MODE                     => 'R' );
835               -- log the task rolled over
836               --
838                FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('TASK',cur_source_tasks_rec.faculty_task_type );
839                FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,Fnd_Message.GET ) ;
840              END ;
841            END IF; -- task does not exists already
842            CLOSE cur_fat_exists ;
844            -- update the source task type ,set rollover flag to 'S'
845            --
846            OPEN cur_upd_src_task( cur_source_tasks_rec.row_id);
847            FETCH cur_upd_src_task  INTO  cur_upd_src_task_rec ;
848            IF  cur_upd_src_task%FOUND THEN
849                IGS_PS_FAC_ASG_TASK_PKG.UPDATE_ROW(
850                  X_ROWID                    =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.rowid,
851                  X_FAC_WL_ID                => cur_upd_src_task_rec.fac_wl_id ,
852                  X_FACULTY_TASK_TYPE        =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.faculty_task_type ,
853                  X_CONFIRMED_IND            =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.confirmed_ind,
854                  X_NUM_ROLLOVER_PERIOD      =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.num_rollover_period,
855                  X_ROLLOVER_FLAG            =>  'S' ,
856                  X_DEPT_BUDGET_CD           =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.dept_budget_cd ,
857                  X_DEFAULT_WL               =>  cur_upd_src_task_rec.default_wl  ,
858                  X_MODE                     => 'R' );
860            END IF; -- source task type is updated
861            CLOSE  cur_upd_src_task ;
862         END LOOP  ;  -- copying the source task types to dest
864      END LOOP ; -- loop all the faculty workloads to be rolled over
866      -- log the successful completion of the job and return
867      --
869      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(Fnd_File.LOG,Fnd_Message.GET) ;
870      RETURN ;
873         WHEN OTHERS THEN
874           ROLLBACK TO a;
875           retcode:= 2;
878   END  rollover_fac_task;
881 END igs_ps_rlovr_fac_tsk;