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Line 561: procedure transfer_dep(p_rec in out nocopy pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype)

557: end rollback_entry;
558: -- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
559: -- |-----------------------------< transfer_dep >------------------------------|
560: -- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
561: procedure transfer_dep(p_rec in out nocopy pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype)
562: is
563: c_proc constant varchar2(61) := c_package || '.transfer_dep';
564: l_esd date;
565: l_eed date;

Line 659: procedure rollback_dep(p_rec in out nocopy pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype)

655: end transfer_dep;
656: -- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
657: -- |-----------------------------< rollback_dep >------------------------------|
658: -- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
659: procedure rollback_dep(p_rec in out nocopy pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype)
660: is
661: c_proc constant varchar2(61) := c_package || '.rollback_dep';
662: l_esd date;
663: l_eed date;

Line 1850: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

1846: from pay_jp_def_emp_v
1847: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
1848: cursor csr_dep(p_assignment_action_id in number) is
1849: select *
1850: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
1851: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
1852: and status <> 'D'
1853: order by decode(contact_type, 'S', 1, 2), date_of_birth, last_name_kana, first_name_kana;
1854: begin

Line 2270: l_dep_rec pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype;

2266: is
2267: c_proc constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'do_transfer';
2268: l_assact_rec pay_jp_def_assact_v%rowtype;
2269: l_entry_rec pay_jp_def_entry_v%rowtype;
2270: l_dep_rec pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype;
2271: l_dep_oe_rec pay_jp_def_dep_oe_v%rowtype;
2272: l_dep_os_rec pay_jp_def_dep_os_v%rowtype;
2273: --
2274: cursor csr_entry(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2284: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2280: -- JP_DEF_DEP
2281: --
2282: cursor csr_dep_del(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2283: select *
2284: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2285: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2286: and status = 'D'
2287: for update nowait;
2288: cursor csr_dep_upd(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2290: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2286: and status = 'D'
2287: for update nowait;
2288: cursor csr_dep_upd(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2289: select *
2290: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2291: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2292: and status = 'Q'
2293: for update nowait;
2294: cursor csr_dep_ins(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2296: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2292: and status = 'Q'
2293: for update nowait;
2294: cursor csr_dep_ins(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2295: select *
2296: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2297: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2298: and status = 'I'
2299: for update nowait;
2300: --

Line 2540: l_dep_rec pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype;

2536: is
2537: c_proc constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'rollback_transfer';
2538: l_assact_rec pay_jp_def_assact_v%rowtype;
2539: l_entry_rec pay_jp_def_entry_v%rowtype;
2540: l_dep_rec pay_jp_def_dep_v%rowtype;
2541: l_dep_oe_rec pay_jp_def_dep_oe_v%rowtype;
2542: l_dep_os_rec pay_jp_def_dep_os_v%rowtype;
2543: --
2544: cursor csr_entry(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2554: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2550: -- JP_DEF_DEP
2551: --
2552: cursor csr_dep_ins(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2553: select *
2554: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2555: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2556: and status = 'I'
2557: for update nowait;
2558: cursor csr_dep_upd(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2560: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2556: and status = 'I'
2557: for update nowait;
2558: cursor csr_dep_upd(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2559: select *
2560: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2561: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2562: and status = 'U'
2563: for update nowait;
2564: cursor csr_dep_del(p_assignment_action_id number) is

Line 2566: from pay_jp_def_dep_v

2562: and status = 'U'
2563: for update nowait;
2564: cursor csr_dep_del(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2565: select *
2566: from pay_jp_def_dep_v
2567: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2568: and status = 'D'
2569: for update nowait;
2570: --

Line 2754: from pay_jp_def_dep_v v

2750: between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date)
2751: for update nowait;
2752: cursor csr_dep(p_assignment_action_id number) is
2753: select v.*
2754: from pay_jp_def_dep_v v
2755: where v.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2756: and status <> 'D'
2757: and exists(
2758: select null

Line 2960: from pay_jp_def_dep_v v

2956: cursor csr_dep(
2957: p_assignment_action_id number,
2958: p_expiry_date date) is
2959: select v.*
2960: from pay_jp_def_dep_v v
2961: where v.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
2962: and status <> 'D'
2963: and exists(
2964: select null