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APPS.GMIVDBL dependencies on GMIGAPI

Line 53: | ic_item_mst_insert to GMIGAPIB.Create_Item. 2) Added |

49: | gmi_conv_audit_id_s. Was incorrectly calling |
50: | gmi_conv_audit_detail_id_s. |
51: | 11-Sep-2003 Teresa Wong B2378017 - Modified code to support new |
52: | classes. 1) Moved the call to gmi_item_categories from |
53: | ic_item_mst_insert to GMIGAPIB.Create_Item. 2) Added |
54: | p_item_rec parameter to gmi_item_categories. 3) Added |
55: | code to get category set information and to call |
56: | gmi_item_categories_insert. |
57: | 24-Feb-2004 Anoop Baddam B3151733 - Added a new procedure |

Line 416: PROCEDURE GMI_ITEM_CATEGORIES (p_item_rec IN GMIGAPI.item_rec_typ, p_ic_item_mst_row IN ic_item_mst%ROWTYPE)

412: END mtl_item_categories_insert;
413: --END BUG#3151733 Anoop.
415: -- TKW 9/11/2003 B2378017 Changed signature of proc below.
416: PROCEDURE GMI_ITEM_CATEGORIES (p_item_rec IN GMIGAPI.item_rec_typ, p_ic_item_mst_row IN ic_item_mst%ROWTYPE)
417: IS
418: Cursor get_category_set_id(Vopm_class gmi_category_sets.opm_class%TYPE) IS
419: SELECT gmi.category_set_id,mtl.structure_id
420: FROM gmi_category_sets gmi,