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APPS.AME_API6 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

      select atah.row_timestamp row_timestamp
            ,atah.item_class item_class
            ,atah.item_id item_id
            ,atah.name name
            ,atah.order_number order_number
            ,atah.approver_category category
            ,atah.user_comments user_comment
            ,atah.status status
       from ame_trans_approval_history atah
      where atah.date_cleared is null
        and atah.transaction_id   = transactionIdIn
        and atah.application_id   = applicationIdIn
        and atah.trans_history_id =
              select max(b.trans_history_id)
                from ame_trans_approval_history b
               where atah.transaction_id     = b.transaction_id
                 and atah.application_id     = b.application_id
                 and atah.name               = b.name
                 and atah.approver_category  = b.approver_category
                 and atah.item_class         = b.item_class
                 and atah.item_id            = b.item_id
                 and atah.action_type_id     = b.action_type_id
                 and atah.authority          = b.authority
                 and atah.group_or_chain_id  = b.group_or_chain_id
                 and atah.occurrence         = b.occurrence
                 and b.date_cleared is null);
Line: 72

        approversOut(tempIndex).api_insertion := approver.api_insertion;
Line: 90

Line: 93

      procedure updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn in number,
                                 transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
                                 transactionIdIn in varchar2,
                                 approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2,
                                 notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
                                          default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
                                 forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2 default
                                 updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
     errorCode integer;
Line: 109

      ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
                                 transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
                                 transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
                                 approverIn => approverIn,
                                 notificationIn => notificationIn,
                                 forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
                                 updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
Line: 121

                                    routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
                                    exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
                                    exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
Line: 128

                                    routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
                                    exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
                                    exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
Line: 132

    end updateApprovalStatus;
Line: 133

  procedure updateApprovalStatus2(applicationIdIn in number,
                                  transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
                                  approvalStatusIn in varchar2,
                                  approverNameIn in varchar2,
                                  itemClassIn in varchar2 default null,
                                  itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
                                  actionTypeIdIn in number default null,
                                  groupOrChainIdIn in number default null,
                                  occurrenceIn in number default null,
                                  notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
                                        default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
                                  forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2
                                        default ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
                                 updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
    approver ame_util.approverRecord2;
Line: 153

      /* No locking needed here as it is done in updateApprovalStatus */
      if  approverNameIn is not null  then
        approver.name := approverNameIn;
Line: 169

      ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
                           transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
                           approverIn => approver,
                           transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
                           notificationIn => notificationIn,
                           forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
                           updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
Line: 183

                                    routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
                                    exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
                                    exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
Line: 190

                                    routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
                                    exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
                                    exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
Line: 194

    end updateApprovalStatus2;