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Line 200: IF( fnd_profile.value('CAREER_MODEL_ENABLED') = 'Y') THEN

196: FETCH c_cal_conf INTO l_plan_dalias, l_sch_dalias;
197: CLOSE c_cal_conf;
199: --Deciding career mode or program mode
200: IF( fnd_profile.value('CAREER_MODEL_ENABLED') = 'Y') THEN
201: -- Career mode
202: -- Loop thru all the distinct term career combinations
203: FOR rec_career IN c_career(p_n_person_id)
204: LOOP

Line 216: NVL(fnd_profile.value('IGS_EN_USE_PLAN'),'OFF') = 'ON' THEN

212: END IF;
213: END IF;
214: -- Check whether the planning sheet profile is ON and planning is allowed for the current term
215: IF rec_career.planning_flag = 'Y' AND
216: NVL(fnd_profile.value('IGS_EN_USE_PLAN'),'OFF') = 'ON' THEN
218: l_d_alias_val := igs_ss_enr_details.get_alias_val( rec_career.loadcal, rec_career.sequence_number, l_plan_dalias);
220: -- Check whether the planning sheet date alias value is greater than or equal to sysdate

Line 317: IF rec_program.planning_flag = 'Y' AND NVL(fnd_profile.value('IGS_EN_USE_PLAN'),'OFF') = 'ON'

313: l_schedule_available := TRUE;
314: END IF;
315: END IF;
316: -- Check whether the planning sheet profile is ON and planning is allowed for the current term
317: IF rec_program.planning_flag = 'Y' AND NVL(fnd_profile.value('IGS_EN_USE_PLAN'),'OFF') = 'ON'
318: THEN
319: -- get the planning sheet alias value for the current term.
320: l_d_alias_val := igs_ss_enr_details.get_alias_val(rec_program.loadcal, rec_program.sequence_number, l_plan_dalias);
321: -- Check whether the planning sheet date alias value is greater than or equal to sysdate