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2 /* $Header: wipbiaqb.pls 115.11 2004/04/14 10:56:42 achandak ship $ */
5 /*
6  * PostActual
7  *   Called by Alert_Check to post actuals to the BIS table.
8  *   The posting is done by calling BIS API (BIS_ACTUAL_PUB).
9  */
10 PROCEDURE PostActual( target_level_id        in number,
11                       time_level_value       in varchar2,
12                       org_level_value        in varchar2,
13                       dimension1_level_value in varchar2,
14                       dimension2_level_value in varchar2,
15                       actual                 in number,
16                       period_set_name        in varchar2) IS
17   actual_rec BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Actual_Rec_Type;
18   x_return_status VARCHAR2(30);
19   x_msg_count     NUMBER;
20   x_msg_data      VARCHAR2(30);
21   x_error_Tbl     BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type;
24   actual_rec.Target_Level_ID := target_level_id;
25   if (period_set_name is not NULL) then
26       actual_rec.Time_Level_Value_ID := period_set_name || '+' ||
27                                         time_level_value;
28   end if;
29   actual_rec.Org_Level_value_ID := org_level_value;
30   actual_rec.Dim1_Level_Value_ID := dimension1_level_value;
31   actual_rec.Dim2_Level_Value_ID := dimension2_level_value;
32   actual_rec.Actual := actual;
34   BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Post_Actual( p_api_version => 1.0,
35                               p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
36                               p_Actual_Rec => actual_rec,
37                               x_return_status => x_return_status,
38                               x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
39                               x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
40                               x_error_Tbl => x_error_Tbl);
42 END PostActual;
45 /*
46  * PostLevelActuals
47  *   Will post all actuals for the given dimension level combination.
48  *   The dimension level should be 0 for ALL, and increasing for
49  *   finer levels.
50  *   e.g.
51  *     time_level = 0 : TOTAL_TIME
52  *     time_level = 1 : YEAR
53  *     time_level = 2 : QUARTER
54  *     time_level = 3 : MONTH
55  */
57 PROCEDURE PostLevelActuals( target_level_id  in number,
58                             time_level       in number,
59                             org_level        in number,
60                             dimension1_level in number,
61                             dimension2_level in number) IS
63   /* the values retrieved */
65   v_actual            NUMBER;
66   v_time              VARCHAR2(80);
67   v_period_setname    VARCHAR2(80);
68   v_org               VARCHAR2(80);
69   v_geography         VARCHAR2(80);
70   v_product           VARCHAR2(80);
73   /* SELECT clause */
74   p_select_time            VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
75   p_select_period_setname  VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
76   p_select_org             VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
77   p_select_geo             VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
78   p_select_product         VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
80   /* FROM clause */
81   p_from              VARCHAR2(1000) := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD_V';
82   p_from_geo          VARCHAR2(1000) := 'sys.dual';
84   /* FROM clause */
85   p_where_geo         VARCHAR2(1000) := '1=1 ';
87   /* GROUP BY clause */
88   p_groupby_time      VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
89   p_groupby_org       VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
90   p_groupby_geo       VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
91   p_groupby_product   VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_char(NULL) ';
94   /* dynamic SQL stuff */
95   cursor_id          INTEGER;
96   ignore             INTEGER;
97   p_select_statement VARCHAR2(32767);
101   /* TIME */
103   if time_level = 1 then
104     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_year ';
105     p_select_period_setname := 'TEMP.period_set_name';
106   elsif time_level = 2 then
107     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_quarter ';
108     p_select_period_setname := 'TEMP.period_set_name';
109   elsif time_level = 3 then
110     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_month ';
111     p_select_period_setname := 'TEMP.period_set_name';
112   end if;
113   p_groupby_time := p_select_time || ', ' || p_select_period_setname;
117   /* ORGANIZATION */
119   if org_level = 1 then
120     p_select_org      := 'TEMP.set_of_books_id ';
121   elsif org_level = 2 then
122     p_select_org      := 'TEMP.legal_entity_id ';
123   elsif org_level = 3 then
124     p_select_org      := 'TEMP.operating_unit_id ';
125   elsif org_level = 4 then
126     p_select_org      := 'TEMP.organization_id ';
127   end if;
128   p_groupby_org := p_select_org;
131   /* GEOGRAPHY */
133   if dimension1_level = 2 then
134     p_select_geo := 'bth.parent_territory_code ';
135     p_from_geo := 'bis_territory_hierarchies_v ';
136     p_where_geo := 'TEMP.country_code = bth.child_territory_code ' ||
137                    'and bth.parent_territory_type = ''AREA'' ' ||
138                    'and bth.child_territory_type = ''COUNTRY'' ';
139     p_groupby_geo := p_select_geo;
140   elsif dimension1_level = 3 then
141     p_select_geo := 'bth.parent_territory_code || ''+'' ' ||
142                     '|| TEMP.country_code ';
143     p_from_geo := 'bis_territory_hierarchies_v ';
144     p_where_geo := 'TEMP.country_code = bth.child_territory_code ' ||
145                    'and bth.parent_territory_type = ''AREA'' ' ||
146                    'and bth.child_territory_type = ''COUNTRY'' ';
147     p_groupby_geo := 'bth.parent_territory_code, TEMP.country_code ';
148   end if;
151   /* PRODUCT */
153   if dimension2_level = 1 then
154      p_from                 := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD_V';
155   else
156      p_from                 := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_ASSY_YIELD_V';
157   end if;
159   if dimension2_level = 2 then
160     p_select_product       := 'TEMP.category_id ';
161   elsif dimension2_level = 3 then
162     p_select_product       := 'TEMP.inventory_item_id ';
163   end if;
165   p_groupby_product      := p_select_product;
168   cursor_id := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
170   -- No literals to change to bind variables as per coding standard,
171   -- because none of the variables are entered by user.
172   p_select_statement :=
173     'select ' ||
174        p_select_time            || ', ' ||
175        p_select_period_setname  || ', ' ||
176        p_select_org             || ', ' ||
177        p_select_geo             || ', ' ||
178        p_select_product         || ', ' ||
179     '  (decode(sum(TEMP.total_quantity), 0, 0, ' ||
180     '    (sum(TEMP.total_quantity) -   ' ||
181     '    sum(TEMP.scrap_quantity))/sum(TEMP.total_quantity))*100) ' ||
182     'from ' ||
183        p_from_geo || ' bth, ' ||
184        p_from || ' TEMP ' ||
185     'where ' ||
186        p_where_geo || ' ' ||
187     'group by ' ||
188        p_groupby_time      || ', ' ||
189        p_groupby_org       || ', ' ||
190        p_groupby_geo       || ', ' ||
191        p_groupby_product;
193   DBMS_SQL.PARSE( cursor_id, p_select_statement, DBMS_SQL.V7 );
195   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 1, v_time           , 80 );
196   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 2, v_period_setname , 80 );
197   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 3, v_org            , 80 );
198   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 4, v_geography      , 80 );
199   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 5, v_product        , 80 );
200   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 6, v_actual              );
201   ignore := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE( cursor_id );
204   LOOP
205     IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS( cursor_id ) > 0 THEN
206       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 1, v_time           );
207       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 2, v_period_setname );
208       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 3, v_org            );
209       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 4, v_geography      );
210       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 5, v_product        );
211       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 6, v_actual         );
213       WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.PostActual(
214         target_level_id,
215         v_time,
216         v_org,
217         v_geography,
218         v_product,
219         v_actual,
220         v_period_setname );
222     ELSE
223       EXIT;
224     END IF;
226   END LOOP;
229 END PostLevelActuals;
232 /*
233  * StartFlow
234  *  Start the workflow by calling WIP_Strt_Wf_Process.
235  *  It will setup the notification messages for the attributes.
236  */
237 PROCEDURE StartFlow( time_level_value       in varchar2,
238                      start_date             in date,
239                      end_date               in date,
240                      org_level_value        in varchar2,
241                      dimension1_level_value in varchar2,
242                      dimension2_level_value in varchar2,
243                      prod_id                in number,
244                      sob                    in varchar2,
245                      le                     in varchar2,
246                      ou                     in varchar2,
247                      org                    in varchar2,
248                      area                   in varchar2,
249                      country                in varchar2,
250                      prod                   in varchar2,
251                      item                   in varchar2,
252                      actual                 in number,
253                      target                 in number,
254                      plan_id                in number,
255                      plan_name              in varchar2,
256                      wf                     in varchar2,
257                      resp_id                in number,
258                      resp_name              in varchar2,
259                      org_level              in number,
260                      dimension1_level       in number,
261                      dimension2_level       in number) IS
263   l_subject          VARCHAR2(240);
264   l_sob              VARCHAR2(240);
265   l_le               VARCHAR2(240);
266   l_ou               VARCHAR2(240);
267   l_org              VARCHAR2(240);
268   l_area             VARCHAR2(240);
269   l_country          VARCHAR2(240);
270   l_prod_cat         VARCHAR2(240);
271   l_prod             VARCHAR2(240);
272   l_period           VARCHAR2(240);
273   l_actual           VARCHAR2(240);
274   l_target           VARCHAR2(240);
275   status             Varchar2(30);
276   l_param            varchar2(2000);
279     l_subject := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_BIS_WK_SUBJECT');
280     l_sob := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'SET_OF_BOOKS') || ': ' || sob;
281     l_le := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_LEGAL_ENTITY') || ': ' || le;
282     l_ou := fnd_message.get_string('BOM', 'CST_OPERATING_UNIT_LABEL') ||
283            ': ' || ou;
284     l_org := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'INVENTORY_ORGANIZATION') ||
285            ': ' || org;
286     l_area := fnd_message.get_string('BOM', 'CST_AREA_LABEL') || ': ' || area;
287     l_country := fnd_message.get_string('BOM', 'CST_COUNTRY_LABEL') ||
288            ': ' || country;
289     l_prod_cat := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_PROD_CATEGORY')
290            || ': ' || prod;
291     l_prod := fnd_message.get_string('BOM', 'CST_PRODUCT_LABEL') ||
292            ': ' || item;
293     l_period := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_PERIOD')
294            || ': ' || time_level_value;
295     l_actual := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_ACTUAL')
296                              || ': ' || round(actual, 2);
297     l_target := fnd_message.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_TARGET')
298                              || ': ' || round(target, 2);
300     l_param := 'P_PARAM_FROM_DATE=' ||
301                 to_char(start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') ||
302                 '*P_PARAM_TO_DATE=' ||
303                 to_char(end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') ||
304                 '*P_PARAM_ORG_LEVEL=' || org_level ||
305                 '*P_PARAM_ORGANIZATION=' || org_level_value ||
306                 '*P_PARAM_GEO_LEVEL=' || dimension1_level ||
307                 '*P_PARAM_GEOGRAPHY=' || dimension1_level_value ||
308                 '*P_PARAM_PROD_LEVEL=' || dimension2_level ||
309                 '*P_PARAM_PRODUCT=' || dimension2_level_value ||
310                 '*P_PARAM_PLAN_ID=' || plan_id ||
311                 '*P_PARAM_VIEW_BY=' || 1 ||
312                 '*paramform=NO*';
314     if dimension2_level = 3 then  /* item */
315         l_param := l_param || 'P_PARAM_CAT_ID=' || prod_id || '*';
316     end if;
318     WIP_Strt_Wf_Process(
319         p_subject => l_subject,
320         p_sob => l_sob,
321         p_le => l_le,
322         p_ou => l_ou,
323         p_org => l_org,
324         p_area => l_area,
325         p_country => l_country,
326         p_prod_cat => l_prod_cat,
327         p_prod => l_prod,
328         p_period => l_period,
329         p_target => l_target,
330         p_actual => l_actual,
331 --        p_wf_process => 'WIP_UTZ_SEND_NOTIFICATION',
332         p_wf_process => wf,
333 --        p_role => 'DEVELOPER',
334         p_role => resp_name,
335 --        p_resp_id => 52344,
336         p_resp_id => resp_id,
337         p_report_name => 'WIPBISQU',
338         p_report_param => l_param,
339         x_return_status => status);
341 END StartFlow;
344 /*
345  * CompareLevelTarget
346  *   Called by Alert_Check which
347  *   compares all actuals against all targets defined for the
348  *   given dimension level combination.
349  *   This routine will be called with every combination of
350  *   the 4 dimensions.
351  *
352  *   Based on the range values (high/low) defined in the PMF,
353  *   StartFlow will be called to start the workflow.
354  */
355 PROCEDURE CompareLevelTarget( target_level_id in number,
356                               time_level in number,
357                               org_level in number,
358                               dimension1_level in number,
359                               dimension2_level in number) IS
360   /* the values retrieved */
361   v_wf                VARCHAR2(80);
362   v_plan_id           NUMBER;
363   v_plan_name         VARCHAR2(80);
364   v_range1_low        NUMBER;
365   v_range1_high       NUMBER;
366   v_range2_low        NUMBER;
367   v_range2_high       NUMBER;
368   v_range3_low        NUMBER;
369   v_range3_high       NUMBER;
370   v_resp1_id          NUMBER;
371   v_resp2_id          NUMBER;
372   v_resp3_id          NUMBER;
373   v_resp1_name        VARCHAR2(100);
374   v_resp2_name        VARCHAR2(100);
375   v_resp3_name        VARCHAR2(100);
376   v_target            NUMBER;
377   v_actual            NUMBER;
378   v_time              VARCHAR2(80);
379   v_org               VARCHAR2(80);
380   v_geography         VARCHAR2(80);
381   v_product           VARCHAR2(80);
382   v_prod_id           NUMBER;
383   v_sob_name          VARCHAR2(80);
384   v_le_name           VARCHAR2(80);
385   v_ou_name           VARCHAR2(80);
386   v_org_name          HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS.NAME%TYPE;
387   v_area_name         VARCHAR2(80);
388   v_country_name      VARCHAR2(80);
389   v_prod_name         VARCHAR2(80);
390   v_item_name         VARCHAR2(80);
391   v_start_date        DATE;
392   v_end_date          DATE;
393   all_text            VARCHAR2(240);
396   /* SELECT clause */
397   p_select_time            VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
398   p_select_start_date      VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_date(NULL) ';
399   p_select_end_date        VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_date(NULL) ';
400   p_select_org             VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
401   p_select_geo             VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
405   p_select_le_name         VARCHAR2(1000) ;
402   p_select_product         VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
403   p_select_prod_id         VARCHAR2(1000) := 'to_number(NULL) ';
404   p_select_sob_name        VARCHAR2(1000) ;
406   p_select_ou_name         VARCHAR2(1000) ;
407   p_select_org_name        VARCHAR2(1000) ;
408   p_select_area_name       VARCHAR2(1000) ;
409   p_select_country_name    VARCHAR2(1000) ;
410   p_select_prod_name       VARCHAR2(1000) ;
411   p_select_item_name       VARCHAR2(1000) ;
413   /* FROM clause */
414   p_from              VARCHAR2(1000) := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD_V ';
415   p_from_time         VARCHAR2(1000) := 'sys.dual ';
416   p_from_geo          VARCHAR2(1000) := 'sys.dual ';
418   /* WHERE for target clause */
419   p_where_trgt_time   VARCHAR2(1000) := 'and 1=1 ';
420   p_where_trgt_org    VARCHAR2(1000) := 'and 1=1 ';
421   p_where_trgt_geo    VARCHAR2(1000) := 'and 1=1 ';
422   p_where_trgt_prod   VARCHAR2(1000) := 'and 1=1 ';
424   /* GROUP BY clause */
425   p_groupby_time      VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
426   p_groupby_org       VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
427   p_groupby_geo       VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
428   p_groupby_product   VARCHAR2(1000) := '-1 ';
430   /* CONTEXT for target level */
431   p_context_time      VARCHAR2(100) := 'TOTAL_TIME';
432   p_context_org       VARCHAR2(100) := 'SET OF BOOKS';
433   p_context_prod      VARCHAR2(100) := 'TOTAL_PRODUCT';
434   p_context_geo       VARCHAR2(100) := 'TOTAL_GEOGRAPHY';
436   /* dynamic SQL stuff */
437   cursor_id          INTEGER;
438   ignore             INTEGER;
439   p_select_statement VARCHAR2(32767);
441   l_resp_id          NUMBER;
442   l_resp_name        VARCHAR2(100);
445   /* initialize the all text */
446   all_text := '''' || FND_MESSAGE.get_string('WIP', 'WIP_ALL') || '''';
448   p_select_sob_name := all_text;
449   p_select_le_name := all_text;
450   p_select_ou_name  := all_text;
451   p_select_org_name  := all_text;
452   p_select_area_name := all_text;
453   p_select_country_name := all_text;
454   p_select_prod_name := all_text;
455   p_select_item_name := all_text;
458   /* TIME */
460   if time_level = 0 then        /* we do not checking total time for target */
461     return;
462   end if;
464   if time_level = 1 then
465     p_from_time := 'gl_periods ';
466     p_select_start_date := 'gl_p.start_date '; --Bug 3554853
467     p_select_end_date := 'gl_p.end_date ';  --Bug 3554853
468     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_year ';
469     p_context_time := 'YEAR';
470     p_where_trgt_time := 'and gl_p.period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' || --Bug 3554853
471           'and gl_p.period_name = TEMP.period_year ' ||  --Bug 3554853
472           'and gl_p.start_date = (select max(gl_p.start_date) from gl_periods ' || -- Bug 3554853
473                             'where period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' ||
474                             '  and period_type = ''Year'') ';
475   elsif time_level = 2 then
476     p_from_time := 'gl_periods ';
477     p_select_start_date := 'gl_p.start_date '; --Bug 3554853
478     p_select_end_date := 'gl_p.end_date '; --Bug 3554853
479     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_quarter ';
480     p_context_time := 'QUARTER';
481     p_where_trgt_time := 'and gl_p.period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' || --Bug 3554853
482         'and gl_p.period_name = TEMP.period_quarter ' || --Bug 3554853
483         'and gl_p.start_date = (select max(gl_p.start_date) from gl_periods ' || --Bug 3554853
484                               'where period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' ||
485                               '  and period_type = ''Quarter'') ';
486   elsif time_level = 3 then
487     p_from_time := 'gl_periods ';
488     p_select_start_date := 'gl_p.start_date '; --Bug 3554853
489     p_select_end_date := 'gl_p.end_date '; --Bug 3554853
490     p_select_time  := 'TEMP.period_month ';
491     p_context_time := 'MONTH';
492     p_where_trgt_time := 'and gl_p.period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' || --Bug 3554853
493        'and gl_p.period_name = TEMP.period_month ' || --Bug 3554853
494        'and gl_p.start_date = ' ||
495        ' (select max(gl_p.start_date) ' ||  --Bug 3554853
496        '  from gl_periods p, gl_sets_of_books sob ' ||
497        ' where p.period_set_name = TEMP.period_set_name ' ||
498        '   and sob.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = TEMP.set_of_books_id ' ||
499        '   and p.period_type = sob.ACCOUNTED_PERIOD_TYPE) ';
500   end if;
501   p_groupby_time := p_select_time || ', ' || p_select_start_date ||
502                     ', ' ||  p_select_end_date;
506   /* ORGANIZATION */
508   if org_level = 1 then
509     p_select_org  := 'TEMP.set_of_books_id ';
510     p_select_sob_name := 'TEMP.set_of_books_name';
511     p_context_org := 'SET OF BOOKS';
512     p_where_trgt_org := 'and trgt.org_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.set_of_books_id) ';
513   elsif org_level = 2 then
514     p_select_org  := 'TEMP.legal_entity_id ';
515     p_select_sob_name := 'TEMP.set_of_books_name';
516     p_select_le_name := 'TEMP.legal_entity_name';
517     p_context_org := 'LEGAL ENTITY';
518     p_where_trgt_org := 'and trgt.org_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.legal_entity_id) ';
519   elsif org_level = 3 then
520     p_select_org  := 'TEMP.operating_unit_id ';
521     p_select_sob_name := 'TEMP.set_of_books_name';
525     p_where_trgt_org := 'and trgt.org_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.operating_unit_id) ';
522     p_select_le_name := 'TEMP.legal_entity_name';
523     p_select_ou_name := 'TEMP.operating_unit_name';
524     p_context_org := 'OPERATING UNIT';
526   elsif org_level = 4 then
527     p_select_org  := 'TEMP.organization_id ';
528     p_select_sob_name := 'TEMP.set_of_books_name';
529     p_select_le_name := 'TEMP.legal_entity_name';
530     p_select_ou_name := 'TEMP.operating_unit_name';
531     p_select_org_name := 'TEMP.organization_name';
532     p_context_org := 'ORGANIZATION';
533     p_where_trgt_org := 'and trgt.org_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.organization_id) ';
534   end if;
536   /* GEOGRAPHY */
538   if dimension1_level = 2 then    /* area */
539       p_select_geo := 'bth.parent_territory_code';
540       p_select_area_name := 'bth.parent_territory_name ';
541       p_from_geo := 'bis_territory_hierarchies_v';
542       p_context_geo := 'AREA';
543       p_where_trgt_geo := 'and TEMP.country_code = bth.child_territory_code ' ||
544                           'and bth.parent_territory_type = ''AREA'' ' ||
545                           'and bth.child_territory_type = ''COUNTRY'' ' ||
546                           'and trgt.dim1_level_value_id = ' ||
547                           'bth.parent_territory_code ';
548       p_groupby_geo := p_select_geo || ', ' || p_select_area_name;
549   elsif dimension1_level = 3 then     /* country */
550       p_select_geo := 'TEMP.country_code ' ;
551       p_select_area_name := 'bth.parent_territory_name ';
552       p_select_country_name := 'bth.child_territory_name ';
553       p_from_geo := 'bis_territory_hierarchies_v';
554       p_context_geo := 'COUNTRY';
555       p_where_trgt_geo := 'and TEMP.country_code = bth.child_territory_code ' ||
556                           'and bth.parent_territory_type = ''AREA'' ' ||
557                           'and bth.child_territory_type = ''COUNTRY'' ' ||
558                           'and WIP_BIS_COMMON.get_segment(trgt.dim1_level_value_id, ''+'',' ||
559                           ' 1) = bth.child_territory_code ';
560       p_groupby_geo := 'bth.parent_territory_code, ' ||
561                        'bth.parent_territory_name, ' ||
562                        'TEMP.country_code, bth.child_territory_name ';
563   end if;
566   /* PRODUCT */
568   if dimension2_level = 1 then
569      p_from                 := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_DEPT_YIELD_V';
570   else
571      p_from                 := 'WIP_BIS_PROD_ASSY_YIELD_V';
572   end if;
574   if dimension2_level = 2 then  /* prod cat */
575     p_select_product := 'TEMP.category_id ';
576     p_select_prod_name := 'TEMP.category_name ';
577     p_groupby_product := 'TEMP.category_id, TEMP.category_name';
578     p_context_prod := 'PRODUCT GROUP';
579     p_where_trgt_prod := 'and trgt.dim2_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.category_id) ';
580   elsif dimension2_level = 3 then  /* item */
581     p_select_product  := 'TEMP.inventory_item_id ';
582     p_select_prod_id := 'TEMP.category_id ';
583     p_select_prod_name := 'TEMP.category_name ';
584     p_select_item_name := 'TEMP.inventory_item_name ';
585     p_groupby_product := 'TEMP.category_id, TEMP.inventory_item_id, ' ||
586                          'TEMP.category_name, TEMP.inventory_item_name';
587     p_context_prod := 'ITEM';
588     p_where_trgt_prod := 'and trgt.dim2_level_value_id = to_char(TEMP.inventory_item_id) ';
589   end if;
592   cursor_id := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
594   -- Changing literals to bind variables as per coding standard.
595   p_select_statement :=
596     'select ' ||
597        p_select_time            || ', ' ||
598        p_select_org             || ', ' ||
599        p_select_geo             || ', ' ||
600        p_select_product         || ', ' ||
601        p_select_prod_id         || ', ' ||
602        p_select_sob_name        || ', ' ||
603        p_select_le_name         || ', ' ||
604        p_select_ou_name         || ', ' ||
605        p_select_org_name        || ', ' ||
606        p_select_area_name       || ', ' ||
607        p_select_country_name    || ', ' ||
608        p_select_prod_name       || ', ' ||
609        p_select_item_name       || ', ' ||
610     '  (decode(sum(TEMP.total_quantity), 0, 0, ' ||
611     '    (sum(TEMP.total_quantity) -   ' ||
612     '    sum(TEMP.scrap_quantity))/sum(TEMP.total_quantity))*100), ' ||
613     '  trgt.target, ' ||
614     '  bbp.plan_id, ' ||
615     '  bbp.name, ' ||
616     '  btl.workflow_process_short_name, ' ||
617     '  min(trgt.range1_low), ' ||
618     '  min(trgt.range1_high), ' ||
619     '  min(trgt.range2_low), ' ||
620     '  min(trgt.range2_high), ' ||
621     '  min(trgt.range3_low), ' ||
622     '  min(trgt.range3_high), ' ||
623     '  min(trgt.notify_resp1_id), ' ||
624     '  min(trgt.notify_resp2_id), ' ||
625     '  min(trgt.notify_resp3_id), ' ||
626     '  min(trgt.notify_resp1_short_name), ' ||
627     '  min(trgt.notify_resp2_short_name), ' ||
628     '  min(trgt.notify_resp3_short_name), ' ||
629        p_select_start_date       || ', ' ||
630        p_select_end_date         ||
632     'from ' ||
633     '    bisbv_business_plans bbp, ' ||
634     '    bisbv_targets trgt, ' ||
635     '    bisbv_target_levels btl, ' ||
636          p_from_time || ' gl_p, ' ||  --Bug 3554853
637          p_from_geo || ' bth, ' ||
638          p_from || ' TEMP ' ||
642        p_where_trgt_time ||
639     'where btl.target_level_id = ' || ':target_level_id' ||
640     '  and trgt.target_level_id = btl.target_level_id ' ||
641     '  and bbp.plan_id = trgt.plan_id ' ||
643        p_where_trgt_org ||
644        p_where_trgt_geo ||
645        p_where_trgt_prod ||
646     'group by ' ||
647        p_groupby_time      || ', ' ||
648        p_select_org || ', ' ||
649        p_select_sob_name || ', ' ||
650        p_select_le_name || ', ' ||
651        p_select_ou_name || ', ' ||
652        p_select_org_name || ', ' ||
653        p_groupby_org       || ', ' ||
654        p_groupby_geo       || ', ' ||
655        p_groupby_product   || ', ' ||
656        'trgt.target, bbp.plan_id, bbp.name, ' ||
657        'btl.workflow_process_short_name ';
659 /*dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1,100));
660 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,100,100));
661 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,200,100));
662 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,300,100));
663 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,400,100));
664 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,500,100));
665 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,600,100));
666 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,700,100));
667 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,800,100));
668 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,900,100));
669 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1000,100));
670 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1100,100));
671 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1200,100));
672 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1300,100));
673 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1400,100));
674 dbms_output.put_line (substr(p_select_statement,1500,100)); */
676   DBMS_SQL.PARSE( cursor_id, p_select_statement, DBMS_SQL.V7 );
678   DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE ( cursor_id, ':target_level_id', target_level_id);
680   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  1, v_time         , 80 );
681   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  2, v_org          , 80 );
682   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  3, v_geography    , 80 );
683   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  4, v_product      , 80 );
684   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  5, v_prod_id           );
685   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  6, v_sob_name     , 80 );
686   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  7, v_le_name      , 80 );
687   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  8, v_ou_name      , 80 );
688   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id,  9, v_org_name     , 240 );
689   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 10, v_area_name    , 80 );
690   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 11, v_country_name , 80 );
691   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 12, v_prod_name    , 80 );
692   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 13, v_item_name    , 80 );
693   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 14, v_actual            );
694   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 15, v_target            );
695   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 16, v_plan_id           );
696   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 17, v_plan_name    , 80 );
697   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 18, v_wf           , 80 );
698   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 19, v_range1_low        );
699   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 20, v_range1_high       );
700   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 21, v_range2_low        );
701   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 22, v_range2_high       );
702   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 23, v_range3_low        );
703   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 24, v_range3_high       );
704   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 25, v_resp1_id          );
705   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 26, v_resp2_id          );
706   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 27, v_resp3_id          );
707   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 28, v_resp1_name  , 100 );
708   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 29, v_resp2_name  , 100 );
709   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 30, v_resp3_name  , 100 );
710   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 31, v_start_date        );
711   DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( cursor_id, 32, v_end_date          );
712   ignore := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE( cursor_id );
714   LOOP
715     IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS( cursor_id ) > 0 THEN
716       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  1, v_time          );
717       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  2, v_org           );
718       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  3, v_geography     );
719       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  4, v_product       );
720       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  5, v_prod_id       );
721       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  6, v_sob_name      );
722       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  7, v_le_name       );
723       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  8, v_ou_name       );
724       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id,  9, v_org_name      );
725       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 10, v_area_name     );
726       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 11, v_country_name  );
727       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 12, v_prod_name     );
728       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 13, v_item_name     );
729       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 14, v_actual        );
730       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 15, v_target        );
731       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 16, v_plan_id       );
732       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 17, v_plan_name     );
733       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 18, v_wf            );
734       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 19, v_range1_low    );
735       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 20, v_range1_high   );
736       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 21, v_range2_low    );
740       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 25, v_resp1_id      );
737       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 22, v_range2_high   );
738       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 23, v_range3_low    );
739       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 24, v_range3_high   );
741       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 26, v_resp2_id      );
742       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 27, v_resp3_id      );
743       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 28, v_resp1_name    );
744       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 29, v_resp2_name    );
745       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 30, v_resp3_name    );
746       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 31, v_start_date    );
747       DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( cursor_id, 32, v_end_date      );
751       /* do the range checking */
752       if ( v_actual < v_target*(1-(v_range1_low/100)) OR
753            v_actual > v_target*(1+(v_range1_high/100)) ) then
755           WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.StartFlow(
756             v_time, v_start_date, v_end_date,
757             v_org, v_geography, v_product, v_prod_id,
758             v_sob_name, v_le_name, v_ou_name, v_org_name,
759             v_area_name, v_country_name,
760             v_prod_name, v_item_name,
761             v_actual, v_target,
762             v_plan_id, v_plan_name, v_wf,
763             v_resp1_id, v_resp1_name,
764             org_level, dimension1_level, dimension2_level);
765       end if;
767       if ( v_actual < v_target*(1-(v_range2_low/100)) OR
768            v_actual > v_target*(1+(v_range2_high/100)) ) then
769           WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.StartFlow(
770             v_time, v_start_date, v_end_date,
771             v_org, v_geography, v_product, v_prod_id,
772             v_sob_name, v_le_name, v_ou_name, v_org_name,
773             v_area_name, v_country_name,
774             v_prod_name, v_item_name,
775             v_actual, v_target,
776             v_plan_id, v_plan_name, v_wf,
777             v_resp2_id, v_resp2_name,
778             org_level, dimension1_level, dimension2_level);
779       end if;
781       if ( v_actual < v_target*(1-(v_range3_low/100)) OR
782            v_actual > v_target*(1+(v_range3_high/100)) ) then
783           WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.StartFlow(
784             v_time, v_start_date, v_end_date,
785             v_org, v_geography, v_product, v_prod_id,
786             v_sob_name, v_le_name, v_ou_name, v_org_name,
787             v_area_name, v_country_name,
788             v_prod_name, v_item_name,
789             v_actual, v_target,
790             v_plan_id, v_plan_name, v_wf,
791             v_resp3_id, v_resp3_name,
792             org_level, dimension1_level, dimension2_level);
793       end if;
794     ELSE
795       EXIT;
796     END IF;
798   END LOOP;
800 END CompareLevelTarget;
802 /*
803  * WIP_Strt_Wf_Process
804  *   This procedure starts the workflow process based on the passed
805  *   in parameters
806 */
807 PROCEDURE WIP_Strt_Wf_Process(
808        p_subject          IN varchar2,
809        p_sob              IN varchar2,
810        p_le               IN varchar2,
811        p_ou               IN varchar2,
812        p_org              IN varchar2,
813        p_area             IN varchar2,
814        p_country          IN varchar2,
815        p_prod_cat         IN varchar2,
816        p_prod             IN varchar2,
817        p_period           IN varchar2,
818        p_target           IN varchar2,
819        p_actual           IN varchar2,
820        p_wf_process       IN varchar2,
821        p_role             IN varchar2,
822        p_resp_id          IN number,
823        p_report_name      IN varchar2,
824        p_report_param     IN varchar2,
825        x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY varchar2
826 ) IS
827 l_wf_item_key       Number;
828 l_item_type         Varchar2(30) := 'WIPBISWF';
829 l_report_link       Varchar2(500);
830 l_role_name         Varchar2(80);
831 l_url1              Varchar2(2000);
833 cursor c_role_name is
834    select name from wf_roles
835    where name = p_role;
838    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
839    if p_wf_process is null
840       or p_role is null then
841       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
842       return;
843    end if;
845    open c_role_name;
846    fetch c_role_name into l_role_name;
847    if c_role_name%NOTFOUND then
848       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
849       return;
850    end if;
852    select bis_excpt_wf_s.nextval
853    into l_wf_item_key
854    from dual;
856    l_report_link  := FND_PROFILE.value('ICX_REPORT_LINK');
858    if p_report_name is not null then
859       l_url1 := l_report_link ||  'OracleOASIS.RunReport?report='
860                        || p_report_name|| '&Parameters=' || p_report_param
861                        || '&responsibility_id=' || p_resp_id;
862    end if;
864    -- create a new workflow process
865    wf_engine.CreateProcess(itemtype=>l_item_type
866                            ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
867                            ,process =>p_wf_process);
869    -- set the workflow attributes
870    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
871                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
872                              ,aname=>'L_ROLE_NAME'
873                              ,avalue=>L_ROLE_NAME);
875    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
876                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
877                              ,aname=>'L_SUBJECT'
878                              ,avalue=>p_subject);
879    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
880                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
881                              ,aname=>'L_SOB'
882                              ,avalue=>p_sob);
883    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
884                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
885                              ,aname=>'L_LEGAL_ENTITY'
886                              ,avalue=>p_le);
887    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
888                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
889                              ,aname=>'L_OU'
890                              ,avalue=>p_ou);
891    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
892                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
893                              ,aname=>'L_ORG'
894                              ,avalue=>p_org);
895    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
896                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
897                              ,aname=>'L_AREA'
898                              ,avalue=>p_area);
899    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
900                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
901                              ,aname=>'L_COUNTRY'
902                              ,avalue=>p_country);
903    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
904                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
905                              ,aname=>'L_PROD_CAT'
906                              ,avalue=>p_prod_cat);
907    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
908                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
909                              ,aname=>'L_PROD'
910                              ,avalue=>p_prod);
911    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
912                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
913                              ,aname=>'L_PERIOD'
914                              ,avalue=>p_period);
915    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
916                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
917                              ,aname=>'L_TARGET'
918                              ,avalue=>p_target);
919    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
920                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
921                              ,aname=>'L_ACTUAL'
922                              ,avalue=>p_actual);
923    if l_url1 is not null then
924        wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
925                                  ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
926                                  ,aname=>'L_URL1'
927                                  ,avalue=>l_url1);
928    end if;
931    -- start the process
932    wf_engine.StartProcess(itemtype=>l_item_type
933                           ,itemkey => l_wf_item_key);
935     exception
936        when others then
937        x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
939 END WIP_Strt_Wf_Process;
941 /*
942  * Alert_Check
943  *   This procedure loops through all the target levels defined for
944  *   Resource Utilization performance measure and call
945  *      1) PostLevelActuals to post actuals to the BIS table
946  *      2) CompareLevelTarget to compare actual against target
947 */
949 PROCEDURE Alert_Check IS
950   target_level_id  number := 0;
951   time_level       number := 0;
952   org_level        number := 0;
953   geography_level  number := 0;
954   product_level    number := 0;
956   CURSOR get_target_level IS
957    select btl.target_level_id target_level_id,
958           decode(tltime.dimension_level_short_name,
959                  'TOTAL_TIME', 0,
960                  'YEAR', 1,
961                  'QUARTER', 2,
962                  'MONTH', 3) time_value,
963           decode(tlorg.dimension_level_short_name,
964                  'SET OF BOOKS', 1,
965                  'LEGAL ENTITY', 2,
966                  'OPERATING UNIT', 3,
967                  'ORGANIZATION', 4) org_value,
968           decode(tlgeo.dimension_level_short_name,
969                  'TOTAL GEOGRAPHY', 1,
970                  'AREA', 2,
971                  'COUNTRY', 3,
972               'REGION' , 4) geo_value,
973           decode(tlcat.dimension_level_short_name,
974                  'TOTAL PRODUCTS', 1,
975                  'PRODUCT GROUP', 2,
976                  'ITEM', 3) prod_value
977      from bisbv_performance_measures bpm,
978           bisbv_target_levels btl,
979           bisbv_dimension_levels tltime,
980           bisbv_dimension_levels tlorg,
981           bisbv_dimension_levels tlgeo,
982           bisbv_dimension_levels tlcat
983     where bpm.measure_short_name = 'WIPBIYD'
984       and btl.measure_id = bpm.measure_id
985       and btl.time_level_id = tltime.dimension_level_id
986       and btl.org_level_id = tlorg.dimension_level_id
987       and btl.dimension1_level_id = tlgeo.dimension_level_id
988       and btl.dimension2_level_id = tlcat.dimension_level_id;
992   FOR tl_rec in get_target_level LOOP
995     WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.PostLevelActuals(tl_rec.target_level_id,
996                                         tl_rec.time_value,
997                                         tl_rec.org_value,
998                                 tl_rec.geo_value,
999                                         tl_rec.prod_value);
1000     WIP_BIS_YDSP_ALERT.CompareLevelTarget(tl_rec.target_level_id,
1001                                           tl_rec.time_value,
1002                                   tl_rec.org_value,
1003                                           tl_rec.geo_value,
1004                                   tl_rec.prod_value);
1005   END LOOP;
1007 END Alert_Check;