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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

 |                          updated for the base_id with which it was    |
 |                          added. PREFLEND to do item is not updated.   |
 |                          Skipped when trying to add it again.         |
  |                          - main proc and log_input_params gets changed|
 | cdcruz     01-Oct-2003   Bug 3085558  - FA121 Verificaion Wksht       |
 |                          all parameters made optional now             |
 | bkkumar     04-jun-2003  Bug #2858504
 |                          Added legacy_record_flag
 |                          in the table handler calls for
 |                          igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.insert_row
 | rasingh     09-Jan-2003   Bug 2738442, Message IGF_AP_INVALID_QUERY   |
 |                           added                                                 |
 | brajendr    19-OCT-2002   Bug # 2632359                               |
 |                           Modified the Log file contents with         |
 |                           descriptive messages                        |
 | brajendr    12-Oct-2002   Changes the paramter order as specified in  |
 |                           the concurrent Job                          |
 |                           Modified the Messages IGF_AP_NO_BASEID      |
 | bkkumar     04-jun-2003   Bug #2858504                                |
 |                           Added legacy_record_flag                    |
 |                           in the table handler calls for              |
 |                           igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.insert_row          |
 | gvarapra    13-sep-2004   Added the validation to auto update the     |
 |                           To Do Item status that are attached to the  |
 |                            system to do type of ISIR or PROFILE.      |

  -- global Variables
  ln_skip_items NUMBER := 0;
Line: 114

    SELECT alternate_code
      FROM igs_ca_inst
     WHERE cal_type        = cp_ci_cal_type
       AND sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 120

    SELECT meaning, lookup_code
      FROM igf_lookups_view
     WHERE lookup_type='IGF_GE_PARAMETERS'
Line: 129

    SELECT description
      FROM igf_ap_td_item_mst
     WHERE todo_number = cp_todo_number;
Line: 137

    SELECT pe.person_number
      FROM igs_pe_person_base_v pe,
           igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all fa
     WHERE pe.person_id = fa.person_id
       AND fa.base_id = cp_base_id;
Line: 147

    SELECT description
      FROM igs_pe_all_persid_group_v
     WHERE group_id = cp_person_id_grp;
Line: 155

    SELECT description
      FROM igf_ap_td_item_mst_all
     WHERE todo_number = cp_item_number;
Line: 198

     ELSIF parameter_rec.lookup_code ='UPDATE_TD_MODE' THEN
       l_upd_mode_pmpt := TRIM(parameter_rec.meaning);
Line: 432

    ||                                  If item is PREFLEND, then the base id with which it was added is updated not with
    ||                                  the current base id
    ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    -- Get the details of Item codes and its descritpions
    CURSOR c_item_details(
                          cp_todo_number   igf_ap_td_item_mst.todo_number%TYPE
                         ) IS
      SELECT item_code, description, required_for_application, freq_attempt, max_attempt, career_item, system_todo_type_code
      FROM igf_ap_td_item_mst
      WHERE todo_number = cp_todo_number;
Line: 450

    SELECT 1 value, fab.base_id base_id
      FROM igf_ap_fa_base_rec fab,
           igf_ap_td_item_inst inst,
           igf_ap_td_item_mst mst
     WHERE fab.person_id = cp_person_id
       AND mst.todo_number = cp_todo_number
       AND mst.career_item = 'Y'
       AND inst.item_sequence_number = mst.todo_number
       AND inst.base_id = fab.base_id;
Line: 465

      SELECT  item_inst.ROWID row_id, item_inst.*
      FROM    igf_ap_td_item_inst_all item_inst
      WHERE   base_id = cp_base_id
      AND     item_sequence_number  = cp_item_sequence_number;
Line: 471

      SELECT 'x'
      WHERE person_id = cp_person_id AND
      TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(start_date) AND NVL(TRUNC(end_date),TRUNC(sysdate));
Line: 591

        Here, we have to update the item based on the following conditions:
        If p_upd_mode = UPD, then update the item at all times
        If p_upd_mode = NO_UPD_IF_COMP, then update is the status is NOT COM

     IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
       fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_todo_grps_prc_pkg.add_to_do.debug','p_upd_mode:'||p_todo_number||' and lc_to_do_item.status:'||lc_to_do_item.status);
Line: 601

         fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_todo_grps_prc_pkg.add_to_do.debug','calling igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.update_row with base_id/item_seq_number:'||lc_to_do_item.base_id||'/'||lc_to_do_item.item_sequence_number);
Line: 603

     igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.update_row (
                                          x_mode                      => 'R',
                                          x_rowid                     => lc_to_do_item.row_id,
                                          x_base_id                   => lc_to_do_item.base_id,
                                          x_item_sequence_number      => lc_to_do_item.item_sequence_number,
                                          x_status                    => l_status,
                                          x_status_date               => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                          x_add_date                  => lc_to_do_item.add_date,
                                          x_corsp_date                => lc_to_do_item.corsp_date,
                                          x_corsp_count               => lc_to_do_item.corsp_count,
                                          x_inactive_flag             => lc_to_do_item.inactive_flag,
                                          x_required_for_application  => lc_to_do_item.required_for_application,
                                          x_freq_attempt              => lc_to_do_item.freq_attempt,
                                          x_max_attempt               => lc_to_do_item.max_attempt,
                                          x_legacy_record_flag        => lc_to_do_item.legacy_record_flag,
                                          x_clprl_id                  => lc_to_do_item.clprl_id
Line: 629

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_todo_grps_prc_pkg.add_to_do.debug','calling igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.insert_row with base_id/item_seq_number:'||l_base_id||'/'||p_todo_number);
Line: 631

      igf_ap_td_item_inst_pkg.insert_row (
                                          x_mode                      => 'R',
                                          x_rowid                     => lv_rowid,
                                          x_base_id                   => l_base_id,
                                          x_item_sequence_number      => p_todo_number,
                                          x_status                    => l_status,
                                          x_status_date               => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                          x_add_date                  => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                          x_corsp_date                => NULL,
                                          x_corsp_count               => NULL,
                                          x_inactive_flag             => 'N',
                                          x_required_for_application  => lc_item_details.required_for_application,
                                          x_freq_attempt              => lc_item_details.freq_attempt,
                                          x_max_attempt               => lc_item_details.max_attempt,
                                          x_legacy_record_flag        => NULL,
                                          x_clprl_id                  => NULL
Line: 728

    SELECT person_id, person_number, full_name
      FROM igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem_v
     WHERE group_id = cp_person_id_grp
Line: 741

    SELECT base_id
      FROM igf_ap_fa_base_rec
     WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
       AND ci_cal_type = cp_ci_cal_type
       AND ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 752

    SELECT pe.person_number, pe.full_name person_name, fa.person_id
     FROM igf_ap_fa_base_rec fa,
          igs_pe_person_base_v pe
    WHERE fa.base_id = cp_base_id
      AND fa.person_id = pe.person_id;
Line: 760

    SELECT meaning
      FROM igf_lookups_view
     WHERE lookup_type='IGF_GE_PARAMETERS'
       AND lookup_code IN ('PERSON_NUMBER');
Line: 789

    SELECT isir_id
      FROM igf_ap_isir_matched_all
     WHERE payment_isir='Y'
       AND base_id=p_base_id
       AND system_record_type NOT IN ('INTERNAL','SIMULATED');
Line: 799

    SELECT cssp_id
      FROM igf_ap_css_profile_all
     WHERE active_profile='Y'
       AND base_id=p_base_id;
Line: 807

    SELECT isir_id
      FROM igf_ap_isir_matched_all
     WHERE base_id=p_base_id
       AND system_record_type IN ('ORIGINAL');
Line: 816

    SELECT cssp_id
      FROM igf_ap_css_profile_all
     WHERE base_id=p_base_id;
Line: 1014

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_ap_todo_grps_prc_pkg.each_student_todo.debug','calling igf_ap_batch_ver_prc_pkg.update_process_status');
Line: 1016

      igf_ap_batch_ver_prc_pkg.update_process_status(p_base_id, NULL);
Line: 1071

          OPEN c_person_id_grp  FOR 'SELECT person_id,person_number,full_name
                                        FROM igs_pe_person_base_v
                                        WHERE person_id in ('||lv_sql_stmt||') ' USING  p_person_id_grp;
Line: 1076

          OPEN c_person_id_grp  FOR 'SELECT person_id,person_number,full_name
                                        FROM igs_pe_person_base_v
                                        WHERE person_id in ('||lv_sql_stmt||')';
Line: 1235

        lv_sql_stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ( '||lv_sql_stmt||')';