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Line 408: l_person_id igs_pe_alt_pers_id.pe_person_id%TYPE;

404: ********************************************************************************************** */
406: -- Variables of type VARCHAR2
407: l_error_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
408: l_person_id igs_pe_alt_pers_id.pe_person_id%TYPE;
409: l_rec_installed igs_fi_control.rec_installed%TYPE;
410: l_exception_flag VARCHAR2(1);
411: l_message VARCHAR2(2000);
412: l_person_number igs_pe_person.person_number%TYPE;

Line 486: FROM igs_pe_alt_pers_id

482: -- Person Id Type and Alternate Person Id
483: CURSOR cur_person(cp_person_id_type IGS_PE_PERSON.Person_Id_Type%TYPE,
484: cp_api_person_id IGS_PE_PERSON.Api_Person_Id%TYPE) IS
485: SELECT pe_person_id
486: FROM igs_pe_alt_pers_id
487: WHERE person_id_type = cp_person_id_type
488: AND api_person_id = cp_api_person_id;
490: -- Cursor for checking whether the record exists in the Import Charges table

Line 1196: -- Cursor for checking the Person Id in IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID table for the

1193: l_temp VARCHAR2(1);
1194: l_ret BOOLEAN;
1196: -- Cursor for checking the Person Id in IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID table for the
1197: -- Person Id Type and the Alternate Person Id exists in the Person table
1198: CURSOR cur_person(cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
1199: cp_person_id_type IGS_PE_PERSON.Person_Id_Type%TYPE,
1200: cp_api_person_id IGS_PE_PERSON.Api_Person_Id%TYPE) IS

Line 1203: igs_pe_alt_pers_id api

1199: cp_person_id_type IGS_PE_PERSON.Person_Id_Type%TYPE,
1200: cp_api_person_id IGS_PE_PERSON.Api_Person_Id%TYPE) IS
1201: SELECT 'x'
1202: FROM igs_pe_person_base_v ppv,
1203: igs_pe_alt_pers_id api
1204: WHERE ppv.person_id = api.pe_person_id
1205: AND ppv.person_id = cp_person_id
1206: AND api.person_id_type = cp_person_id_type
1207: AND api.api_person_id = cp_api_person_id;