1006: cursor l_max_p_cur is
1007: select max(uses.order_of_preference)
1008: from iby_pmt_instr_uses_all uses, iby_external_payees_all payee,
1009: iby_ext_bank_accounts act, ap_supplier_sites_all pvsa
1010: where uses.instrument_type = 'BANKACCOUNT'
1011: AND sysdate between NVL(act.start_date,sysdate) AND NVL(act.end_date,sysdate)
1012: and payee.ext_payee_id = uses.ext_pmt_party_id
1013: and payee.org_id = pvsa.org_id
1274: l_party_site_rec HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.PARTY_SITE_REC_TYPE;
1276: cursor l_cur_act_cur is
1277: select act.object_version_number, ow.account_owner_party_id
1278: from iby_ext_bank_accounts act, iby_account_owners ow
1279: where ow.ext_bank_account_id = act.ext_bank_account_id
1280: and act.ext_bank_account_id = l_ext_bank_account_id
1281: and ow.primary_flag = 'Y'
1282: and NVL(ow.end_date,SYSDATE+10)>SYSDATE
1804: AND ((pos.account_request_id <> p_account_request_id and p_account_request_id is not null and
1805: pos.account_request_id is not null) OR (p_account_request_id is null));
1807: cursor dup_cur_act_cur is
1808: select count(*) from iby_ext_bank_accounts act, iby_account_owners o, pos_supplier_mappings pmap
1809: where o.ext_bank_account_id = act.ext_bank_account_id
1810: and (
1811: (act.currency_code = p_currency_code
1812: and act.currency_code is not null and p_currency_code is not null) OR