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Line 51: type t_cont_vl is table of pay_balance_context_values.value%type

47: type t_pay_id is table of pay_latest_balances.payroll_id%type
48: index by binary_integer;
49: type t_cont_nm is table of ff_contexts.context_name%type
50: index by binary_integer;
51: type t_cont_vl is table of pay_balance_context_values.value%type
52: index by binary_integer;
53: --
54: l_def_bal_id t_def_bal_id;
55: l_asg_act_id t_asg_act_id;

Line 95: from pay_balance_context_values pbcv,

91: cursor c_get_cont(p_latest_bal_id in number)
92: is
93: select fc.context_name,
94: pbcv.value
95: from pay_balance_context_values pbcv,
96: ff_contexts fc
97: where pbcv.latest_balance_id = p_latest_bal_id
98: and pbcv.context_id = fc.context_id;
99: --

Line 165: pay_balance_context_values pbcv,

161: l_p_asg_act_id,
162: l_cont_value,
163: l_cont_name
164: from pay_person_latest_balances pplb,
165: pay_balance_context_values pbcv,
166: ff_contexts fc
167: where pplb.person_id = p_person_id
168: and pplb.latest_balance_id = pbcv.latest_balance_id (+)
169: and nvl(pbcv.context_id, -1) = fc.context_id (+)

Line 324: pay_balance_context_values pbcv,

320: l_p_asg_act_id,
321: l_cont_value,
322: l_cont_name
323: from pay_assignment_latest_balances palb,
324: pay_balance_context_values pbcv,
325: ff_contexts fc
326: where palb.assignment_id = asgrec.assignment_id
327: and palb.latest_balance_id = pbcv.latest_balance_id (+)
328: and nvl(pbcv.context_id, -1) = fc.context_id (+)