940: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
941: REM 1. 04-Jul-2006 aiyer 5364288 120.3
942: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
943: REM Comments:-
944: REM Removed references to ra_customer_trx_all and replaced it with jai_ar_trx.
945: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
946: REM 2.
947: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
948: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1268: || Cursor added by aiyer for the bug 4185033
1269: || Check whether the JAI_AR_TRX_INS_LINES_T table still has the row corresponding to the current
1270: || customer_trx_id
1271: */
1272: CURSOR cur_chk_temp_lines_exist( cp_customer_trx_id JAI_AR_TRXS.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID%TYPE ) /* changed the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID%TYPE to JAI_AR_TRXS.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID%TYPE for the bug 5364288 */
1273: IS
1274: SELECT
1275: 1
1276: FROM
2379: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2380: REM 1. 04-Jul-2006 aiyer 5364288 120.3
2381: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2382: REM Comments:-
2383: REM Removed references to ra_customer_trx_all and replaced it with jai_ar_trx.
2384: REM also removed the cursor org_cur which was trying to fetch the org_id from ra_customer_trx_all.
2385: REM This was not required as pr_new.org_id is already being passed to the procedure and has the
2386: REM value of org_id.
2387: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2380: REM 1. 04-Jul-2006 aiyer 5364288 120.3
2381: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2382: REM Comments:-
2383: REM Removed references to ra_customer_trx_all and replaced it with jai_ar_trx.
2384: REM also removed the cursor org_cur which was trying to fetch the org_id from ra_customer_trx_all.
2385: REM This was not required as pr_new.org_id is already being passed to the procedure and has the
2386: REM value of org_id.
2387: REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2388: REM 2.
2543: v_err_mesg VARCHAR2(250);
2545: /*
2546: || start of bug 5364288 - code modified by aiyer
2547: ||changed the variable definition from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID%TYPE to JAI_AR_TRXS.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID%TYPE
2548: */
2549: v_trx_num JAI_AR_TRXS.TRX_NUMBER%TYPE;
2551: /* End of bug 5364288 */
2633: c_conversion_date := pr_new.exchange_date ;
2634: c_conversion_rate := pr_new.exchange_rate;
2636: /*
2637: || Assigned the value of pr_new.org_id to v_org and instead removed the cursor org_cur which was picking org_id from ra_customer_trx_all
2638: || and causing mutation issue
2639: */
2640: v_org_id := pr_new.org_id;
2641: OPEN jai_ar_trx_pkg.c_tax_regime_code_cur(V_ORG_ID);