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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 55

                                         query= select psif.sit_exists
                                          into l_sit_exists...
                                          This query was returning multiple rows and
                                          the Multi Work Site report was failing.
    12-OCT-2004 rmonge   115.16  3909329   Changed/Modified the cursor
                                          'c_derive_wksite_estab due to performance problems.
    12-OCT-2004 rmonge   115.17            No changes.
    15-DEC-2004 rmonge   115.18  4047812   Modified c_derive_wksite_estab due to
                                           performance problems.
   14-MAR-2005 sackumar  115.19  4222032 Change in the Range Cursor removing redundant
							   use of bind Variable (:payroll_action_id)
   18-aug-2005 sackumar  115.20  3613544  changed the c_get_sui_code cursor introduce use_nl hint.

   18-aug-2006 schowta 115.21   5399921  added code fix to include the work at home employee count in load_rpt_totals
  ** Package Local Variables
  gv_package varchar2(50) := 'pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg';
Line: 86

      select ppa.start_date
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa
      where payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 175

        'select distinct paa.assignment_id
            from pay_assignment_actions  paa  -- SQWL assignment action
            , pay_payroll_actions   ppa
         where ppa.business_group_id  = ' || ln_business_group_id || '
           and  ppa.effective_date between to_date(''' || to_char(ld_start_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy')   || ''', ''dd-mon-yyyy'') --Bug 3362257
                                       and to_date(''' || to_char(ld_end_date, 'dd-mon-yyyy')   || ''', ''dd-mon-yyyy'') --Bug 3362257
           and ppa.action_type = ''X''
           and   ppa.report_type = ''SQWL''
           and ppa.action_status =''C''
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
           and :payroll_action_id is not null
           order by paa.assignment_id
Line: 210

        select paa.assignment_id,
            from pay_assignment_actions  paa  -- SQWL assignment action
            , pay_payroll_actions   ppa
         where ppa.business_group_id  = cp_business_group_id
           and  ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date
                                       and cp_end_date
           and ppa.action_type = 'X'
           and   ppa.report_type = 'SQWL'
           and ppa.action_status ='C'
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
           and paa.assignment_id between cp_start_assignment_id
                                 and cp_end_assignment_id;
Line: 271

      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        into ln_locking_action_id
        from dual;
Line: 285

      update pay_assignment_actions paa
         set paa.serial_number = ln_assignment_action_id
       where paa.assignment_action_id = ln_locking_action_id;
Line: 303

      SELECT paa.assignment_id
      FROM  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
      WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 314

   SELECT fai.value,
          pus.state_code || '-000-0000',
   FROM   ff_archive_items fai
         ,ff_user_entities ue
         ,pay_us_states pus
         ,hr_locations  hl
   where fai.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
   and fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id)  -- context of assignment action id
   and ue.user_entity_name =
         decode(p_mon_of_qtr,4,'A_SQWL_LOC_QTR_END','A_SQWL_LOC_MON_' || to_char(p_mon_of_qtr))
   and fai.value = hl.location_id
   and hl.region_2 = pus.state_abbrev;
Line: 330

    SELECT /*+ use_nl (hoi1, hoi2)*/
    FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
           hr_organization_information hoi1,
           hr_organization_information hoi2
    WHERE hoi1.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id
    AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
    AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
    AND SR.jurisdiction_code = substr(p_jurisdiction,1,2)||'-000-0000'
    AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
    AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'Employer Identification' ;
Line: 348

         SELECT fai.value
         FROM   ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
                ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
                ff_contexts fc3,
                ff_contexts fc2,
                ff_archive_items fai
         WHERE fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
         and   fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id)
	  	   /* context assignment action id */
         and fc2.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'
         and con2.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con2.context_id = fc2.context_id
         and ltrim(rtrim(con2.context)) = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
		   /* 2nd context of tax_unit_id */
         and fc3.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
         and con3.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con3.context_id = fc3.context_id
         and substr(con3.context,1,2) = substr(p_jurisdiction_code,1,2)
             /* 3rd context of state jurisdiction_code*/;
Line: 374

      SELECT pghn2.entity_id
      FROM  per_gen_hierarchy pgh
           ,per_gen_hierarchy_versions pghv
           ,per_gen_hierarchy_nodes    pghn2  -- establishment organizations
           ,pay_payroll_actions        ppa
      where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
      and   pgh.hierarchy_id = p_est_hierarchy_id
      and   pgh.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
      and   pgh.hierarchy_id = pghv.hierarchy_id
      and   pghv.HIERARCHY_VERSION_id = p_hierarchy_ver_id
      and   pghv.hierarchy_version_id = pghn2.hierarchy_version_id
      and  ( ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               and pghn2.entity_id             = p_location_id
             ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               AND p_location_id in
                    ( SELECT pghn3.entity_id
                      FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
                      WHERE  pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
                      AND    pghn3.hierarchy_version_id = pghv.HIERARCHY_VERSION_id
                      AND    pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pghn2.hierarchy_node_id
Line: 409

      SELECT pghn2.entity_id
      FROM  per_gen_hierarchy_nodes    pghn2  -- establishment organizations

      where p_hierarchy_ver_id = pghn2.hierarchy_version_id
      and  ( ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               and pghn2.entity_id             = p_location_id
             ( pghn2.node_type            = 'EST'
               AND p_location_id in
                    ( SELECT /*+ pghn3 PER_GEN_HIER_NOD_VER_N4 */ pghn3.entity_id
                      FROM   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
                      WHERE  pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
                      AND    pghn3.hierarchy_version_id =
                             pghn2.hierarchy_version_id      --p_hierarchy_ver_id
                      AND    pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id =
Line: 436

select fai.value,
from ff_archive_items fai,
     ff_user_entities ue,
     pay_assignment_actions paa,
     pay_payroll_actions ppa
where fai.context1 = cp_sqwl_assact
and   paa.assignment_action_id = fai.context1
and   fai.user_entity_id       = ue.user_entity_id
and   ue.user_entity_name     = 'A_SQWL_MONTH' || to_char(cp_month_of_quarter) || '_COUNT'
and   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id ;
Line: 482

         SELECT fai.value
         FROM   ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
                ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
                ff_contexts fc3,
                ff_contexts fc2,
                ff_archive_items fai
         WHERE fai.user_entity_id = cp_user_entity_id
         and   fai.context1 = to_char(cp_ass_act_id)
	  	   /* context assignment action id */
         and fc2.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'
         and con2.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con2.context_id = fc2.context_id
         and ltrim(rtrim(con2.context)) = to_char(cp_tax_unit_id)
		   /* 2nd context of tax_unit_id */
         and fc3.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
         and con3.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id
         and con3.context_id = fc3.context_id
         and substr(con3.context,1,2) = substr(cp_jurisdiction_code,1,2)
             /* 3rd context of state jurisdiction_code*/;
Line: 506

       SELECT fue.user_entity_id
       INTO   l_user_entity_id
       FROM   ff_user_entities fue
       WHERE  fue.user_entity_name = 'A_SUI_ER_PRE_TAX_REDNS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD'
       AND    fue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 539

    SELECT userenv('sessionid')
    INTO v_session_id
    FROM dual;
Line: 544

    SELECT ppa.legislative_parameters
    INTO   l_ppa_legislative_parameters
    FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 601

              SELECT ue.user_entity_id
              INTO   l_user_entity_id
              FROM   ff_user_entities ue
              WHERE  ue.user_entity_name = 'A_SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_MON_' || to_char(i)
              AND    ue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 607

              SELECT ue.user_entity_id
              INTO   l_user_entity_id
              FROM   ff_user_entities ue
              WHERE  ue.user_entity_name = 'A_SUI_ER_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_QTD'
              AND    ue.legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 650

                     SELECT psr.jurisdiction_code
                     INTO l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code
                     FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                          pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                          pay_state_rules        psr
                     WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = l_sqwl_assact
                     AND   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
                     AND   psr.state_code = ppa.report_qualifier;
Line: 678

                        SELECT report_qualifier
                        INTO   l_state_abbrev
                        FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa,
                               pay_payroll_actions   ppa
                        WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                        AND    paa.assignment_action_id =  l_sqwl_assact;
Line: 690

                         SELECT hoi1.org_information2
                         INTO   l_sui_id
                         FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
                                hr_organization_information hoi1
                         WHERE hoi1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
                         AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
                         AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
                         AND SR.jurisdiction_code =
Line: 717

                Select psif.sit_exists
                into   l_sit_exists
                from pay_us_state_tax_info_f psif,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa
               where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
               and psif.state_code = substr(l_jurisdiction,1,2)
               and ppa.effective_date
                  BETWEEN psif.effective_start_date AND psif.effective_end_date
               and sta_information_category = 'State tax limit rate info';
Line: 743

                    SELECT psr.jurisdiction_code
                     INTO l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code
                     FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                          pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                          pay_state_rules        psr
                     WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = l_sqwl_assact
                     AND   ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
                     AND   psr.state_code = ppa.report_qualifier;
Line: 752

                        SELECT hoi1.org_information2
                         INTO   l_sui_id
                         FROM   pay_state_rules SR,
                                hr_organization_information hoi1
                          WHERE hoi1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
                          AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'State Tax Rules'
                          AND hoi1.org_information1 = SR.state_code
                         AND SR.jurisdiction_code = substr(l_sqwl_jurisdiction_code,1,2)||'-000-0000';
Line: 818

              IF i = 1 THEN      -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value1
              hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 90);
Line: 820

              UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
              SET prt.value1 = NVL(prt.value1,0) + 1
              WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
              AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
              AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
              AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
              AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
              and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
              and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 830

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 100);
Line: 833

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 852

              ELSIF i = 2 THEN -- UPDATING / INSERTING into Column value2
                hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 110);
Line: 854

                UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value2 = NVL(prt.value2,0) + 1
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 864

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 120);
Line: 867

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 886

              ELSIF i = 3 THEN -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value3
                 hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 130);
Line: 888

                 UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value3 = NVL(prt.value3,0) + 1
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 898

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 140);
Line: 901

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 920

              ELSE               -- UPDATING / INSERTING into column value4
                 hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 150);
Line: 923

                 UPDATE pay_us_rpt_totals prt
                 SET prt.value4 = NVL(prt.value4,0) + l_archive_value
                 WHERE prt.session_id  = v_session_id
                 AND   prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
                 AND   prt.location_id = l_worksite
                 AND   prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_abbrev
                 AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST'
                 and   prt.attribute2  = l_sui_id
                 and   prt.attribute3  = l_fed_ein;
Line: 933

                 IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN  --- Row doesn't exist in table must insert.
                    hr_utility.set_location(gv_package || '.' || l_procedure , 160);
Line: 936

                    INSERT into pay_us_rpt_totals
                    ( session_id
                     ( v_session_id
Line: 989

     SELECT state_code
     INTO   l_state_code
     FROM   pay_state_rules
     where  fips_code = to_number(p_fips_code);
Line: 995

     SELECT nvl(sum(prt.value1),0),
     INTO   l_month_1_count,
     FROM   pay_us_rpt_totals prt
     WHERE  prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
     AND    prt.location_id = to_number(p_est_id)
     AND    prt.state_abbrev  = l_state_code
     AND    prt.attribute2  = p_sui_id
     AND    prt.attribute3  = p_fed_ein
     and    prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST';
Line: 1032

      FROM pay_us_rpt_totals prt
      WHERE prt.organization_id = p_payroll_action_id
      AND   prt.attribute1  = 'MWS_EST';
Line: 1245

FUNCTION update_global_values(p_estab_ID number,
                              p_state_abbrev varchar2)


      IF p_estab_id <> pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.est_id
         OR p_state_abbrev <> pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.state_abbrev
         OR pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.estab_count = 20 THEN
         pay_us_mwr_reporting_pkg.estab_count := 0;
Line: 1264

END update_global_values;