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Line 255: if 'T' <> Pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_access (p_ci_id) then

251: pa_debug.write(l_module_name,pa_debug.g_err_stage,l_debug_level3);
252: end if;
254: /*Security check for the CI_ID UpdateAccess*/
255: if 'T' <> Pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_access (p_ci_id) then
256: PA_UTILS.add_Message( p_app_short_name => 'PA'
257: ,p_msg_name => 'PA_CI_NO_UPDATE_ACCESS');
258: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
259: if l_debug_mode = 'Y' then

Line 266: pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'After call to pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_acces';

262: end if;
263: raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;
264: end if;
265: if l_debug_mode = 'Y' then
266: pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'After call to pa_ci_security_pkg.check_update_acces';
267: pa_debug.write(l_module_name,pa_debug.g_err_stage,l_debug_level3);
268: end if;

Line 1259: /*pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_ci will check if the current project type and role played by user are allowed

1255: source_attrs_enabled_flag
1256: from pa_ci_types_b
1257: where ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id;
1259: /*pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_ci will check if the current project type and role played by user are allowed
1260: to create the control item of this type. Also it will check for project authority.*/
1261: cursor check_create_ci_priv(p_ci_type_id NUMBER, p_project_id NUMBER) is
1262: select 'Y'
1263: from pa_ci_types_vl

Line 1265: and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_ci(p_ci_type_id, p_project_id)='T'

1261: cursor check_create_ci_priv(p_ci_type_id NUMBER, p_project_id NUMBER) is
1262: select 'Y'
1263: from pa_ci_types_vl
1264: where ci_type_id = p_ci_type_id
1265: and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_ci(p_ci_type_id, p_project_id)='T'
1266: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, sysdate);
1269: l_ci_type_attrs_rec get_ci_type_attrs%rowtype;

Line 1678: and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_proj_auth_ci(p_project_id, l_user_id, l_resp_id) = 'T'; --validating the project authority here.

1675: where party_type <> 'ORGANIZATION'
1676: and project_id = p_project_id
1677: and resource_party_id = p_closed_by_id --validating the p_closed_by_id
1678: and pa_ci_security_pkg.check_proj_auth_ci(p_project_id, l_user_id, l_resp_id) = 'T'; --validating the project authority here.
1680: cursor validate_resolution_code(p_resolution_code number)
1681: is
1682: select cat.class_code_id code

Line 2507: l_create_action_flg := pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_action(p_ci_id => l_ci_id, p_calling_context => 'AMG');

2503: /*Need to revisit function used below. It cannot be used here. We dont want to use the status controls check
2504: from here*/
2505: if(l_ci_id is not null)--checking only if ci_id was valid and not null
2506: then
2507: l_create_action_flg := pa_ci_security_pkg.check_create_action(p_ci_id => l_ci_id, p_calling_context => 'AMG');
2508: end if;
2510: if(l_create_action_flg is not null and l_create_action_flg = 'F') then
2511: /*user doesnt have privilige to create the action*/

Line 3635: l_ViewAccess := PA_CI_SECURITY_PKG.Check_View_Access (p_Ci_Id, l_ProjectId, l_StatusCode, l_CiTypeClassCode);

3631: CLOSE Check_Workflow_On_CI;
3632: -- If the User has View Access to this Control Item and
3633: -- delete is allowed on this Control Item then call the
3634: -- API to delete it.
3635: l_ViewAccess := PA_CI_SECURITY_PKG.Check_View_Access (p_Ci_Id, l_ProjectId, l_StatusCode, l_CiTypeClassCode);
3636: l_DeleteAllowed := PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_UTILS.CheckCIActionAllowed ('CONTROL_ITEM', l_StatusCode, 'CONTROL_ITEM_ALLOW_DELETE', p_Ci_Id);
3637: IF (l_ViewAccess = 'T' AND l_DeleteAllowed = 'Y') THEN
3638: if (l_debug_mode = 'Y') then
3639: pa_debug.g_err_stage := 'Before Calling PA_CONTROL_ITEMS_PUB.Delete_Control_Item';