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APPS.IGS_AD_IMP_008 dependencies on IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL

Line 1610: FROM igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1607: --1. Pick up all the records from the table IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT.
1608: CURSOR relcon_rec_c(cp_interface_relations_id NUMBER) IS
1609: SELECT *
1610: FROM igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1611: WHERE status = '2'
1612: AND interface_relations_id = cp_interface_relations_id;
1614: --2. The duplicate check in the table HZ_CONTACT_POINTS.

Line 1763: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E322','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1760: ln_Error_Code := 'E322';
1762: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1763: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E322','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1764: END IF;
1766: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1767: SET error_code = ln_Error_Code, --error code for the insert failure

Line 1766: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1762: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1763: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E322','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1764: END IF;
1766: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1767: SET error_code = ln_Error_Code, --error code for the insert failure
1768: status = '3'
1769: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id;

Line 1772: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1768: status = '3'
1769: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1771: ELSE
1772: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1773: SET status = '1'
1774: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = p_rel_con_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1775: END IF;
1776: END prc_rel_con;

Line 1797: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E246','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1793: THEN
1794: -- If the validation is not successful.
1796: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1797: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E246','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1798: END IF;
1800: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1801: SET status = '3',

Line 1800: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1796: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1797: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E246','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1798: END IF;
1800: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1801: SET status = '3',
1802: error_code = 'E246'
1803: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1804: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1812: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E450','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1808: IF relcon_rec.primary_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
1809: IF relcon_rec.primary_flag NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
1811: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1812: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E450','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1813: END IF;
1815: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1816: SET error_code = 'E450',

Line 1815: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1811: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1812: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E450','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1813: END IF;
1815: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1816: SET error_code = 'E450',
1817: status = '3'
1818: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1819: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1829: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E250','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1825: -- Validation to check whether phone line type or phone number are null
1826: IF relcon_rec.phone_number IS NULL OR relcon_rec.phone_line_type IS NULL THEN
1828: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1829: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E250','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1830: END IF;
1832: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1833: SET error_code = 'E250',

Line 1832: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1828: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1829: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E250','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1830: END IF;
1832: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1833: SET error_code = 'E250',
1834: status = '3'
1835: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1836: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1848: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E247','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1844: -- If the validation is not successful.
1847: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1848: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E247','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1849: END IF;
1851: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1852: SET status = '3',

Line 1851: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1847: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1848: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E247','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1849: END IF;
1851: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1852: SET status = '3',
1853: error_code = 'E247'
1854: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1855: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1867: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E173','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1863: IF c_ph_cntry_cd%NOTFOUND THEN
1864: -- If the validation is not successful.
1866: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1867: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E173','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1868: END IF;
1870: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1871: SET status = '3',

Line 1870: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1866: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1867: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E173','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1868: END IF;
1870: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1871: SET status = '3',
1872: error_code = 'E173'
1873: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1874: CLOSE c_ph_cntry_cd;

Line 1888: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E251','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1884: -- Validation to check whether email address is null
1885: IF relcon_rec.email_addrress IS NULL THEN
1887: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1888: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E251','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1889: END IF;
1891: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1892: SET error_code = 'E251',

Line 1891: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1887: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1888: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E251','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1889: END IF;
1891: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1892: SET error_code = 'E251',
1893: status = '3'
1894: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1895: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1904: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E248','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

1900: (igs_pe_pers_imp_001.validate_lookup_type_code('EMAIL_FORMAT',relcon_rec.email_format,222))
1901: THEN
1903: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1904: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E248','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1905: END IF;
1907: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1908: SET error_code = 'E248',

Line 1907: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1903: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
1904: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E248','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
1905: END IF;
1907: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1908: SET error_code = 'E248',
1909: status = '3'
1910: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
1911: l_Check := 'TRUE';

Line 1948: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1944: l_rule := Igs_Ad_Imp_001.Find_Source_Cat_Rule(p_source_type_id,'RELATIONS_CONTACTS');
1946: --1. If rule is E or I, then if the match_ind is not null, the combination is invalid
1947: IF l_rule IN ('E','I') THEN
1948: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1949: SET status = '3',
1950: ERROR_CODE = 'E695' -- Error code depicting incorrect combination
1951: WHERE match_ind IS NOT NULL
1952: AND status = '2'

Line 1958: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi

1954: END IF;
1956: --2. If rule is E and duplicate exists, update match_ind to 19 and status to 1
1957: IF l_rule = 'E' THEN
1958: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi
1959: SET status = '1',
1960: match_ind = '19'
1961: WHERE mi.interface_relations_id = p_interface_relations_id
1962: AND mi.status = '2'

Line 1984: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1981: --3. If rule is R and there match_ind is 18,19,22 or 23 then the records must have been
1982: -- processed in prior runs and didn't get updated .. update to status 1
1983: IF l_rule = 'R' THEN
1984: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1985: SET status = '1'
1986: WHERE interface_relations_id = p_interface_relations_id
1987: AND match_ind IN ('18','19','22','23')
1988: AND status = '2';

Line 1993: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

1989: END IF;
1991: --4 If rule is R and match_ind is neither 21 nor 25 then error
1992: IF l_rule = 'R' THEN
1993: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
1994: SET status = '3',
1995: ERROR_CODE = 'E695'
1996: WHERE interface_relations_id = p_interface_relations_id
1997: AND status = '2'

Line 2003: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi

1999: END IF;
2001: --5. If rule is R, set duplicated records with no discrepancy to status 1 and match_ind 23
2002: IF l_rule = 'R' THEN
2003: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi
2004: SET status = '1',
2005: match_ind = '23'
2006: WHERE mi.interface_relations_id = p_interface_relations_id
2007: AND mi.match_ind IS NULL

Line 2026: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi

2022: END IF;
2024: --6. If rule is R records still exist, they are duplicates and have discrepancy .. update status=3,match_ind=20
2025: IF l_rule = 'R' THEN
2026: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all mi
2027: SET status = '3',
2028: match_ind = '20',
2029: DUP_CONTACT_POINT_ID = (SELECT pe.contact_point_id
2030: FROM hz_contact_points pe

Line 2137: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

2133: --4. Update the IGS_AD_CONTACTS_INT with the following values
2134: -- If the validation and update is successful.
2136: IF l_return_status NOT IN ('E','U') THEN
2137: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2138: SET status = '1',
2139: match_ind = '18'
2140: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
2141: ELSE --ssomani added this check 15 March 2001

Line 2172: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

2168: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,TO_CHAR(l_request_id));
2169: END IF;
2171: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2172: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2173: END IF;
2175: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2176: SET status = '3',

Line 2175: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

2171: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2172: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2173: END IF;
2175: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2176: SET status = '3',
2177: error_code = 'E014'
2178: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
2179: END IF;

Line 2258: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

2254: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,TO_CHAR(l_request_id));
2255: END IF;
2257: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2258: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2259: END IF;
2261: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2262: SET status = '3',

Line 2261: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

2257: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2258: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E014','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2259: END IF;
2261: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2262: SET status = '3',
2263: ERROR_CODE = 'E014'
2264: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
2265: ELSE

Line 2266: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

2262: SET status = '3',
2263: ERROR_CODE = 'E014'
2264: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;
2265: ELSE
2266: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2267: SET status = '1',
2269: match_ind = '18'
2270: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;

Line 2297: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E518','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');

2293: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,TO_CHAR(l_request_id));
2294: END IF;
2296: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2297: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E518','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2298: END IF;
2300: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2301: SET status = '3',

Line 2300: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all

2296: IF l_enable_log = 'Y' THEN
2297: igs_ad_imp_001.logerrormessage(relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id,'E518','IGS_AD_REL_CON_INT_ALL');
2298: END IF;
2300: UPDATE igs_ad_rel_con_int_all
2301: SET status = '3',
2302: error_code = 'E518'
2303: WHERE interface_rel_con_id = relcon_rec.interface_rel_con_id;