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Line 38: and measure1_char in ('STANDARD','SERVICE');

34: select measure_value_id, ord_level_value
35: from qpr_measure_data where instance_id = p_instance_id
36: and measure_type_code = 'SALESDATA'
37: and time_level_value between p_date_from and p_date_to
38: and measure1_char in ('STANDARD','SERVICE');
40: cursor c_sales_mdl(p_date_from date, p_date_to date) is
41: select measure_value_id, ord_level_value
42: from qpr_measure_data where instance_id = p_instance_id

Line 45: and measure1_char not in ('STANDARD','SERVICE');

41: select measure_value_id, ord_level_value
42: from qpr_measure_data where instance_id = p_instance_id
43: and measure_type_code = 'SALESDATA'
44: and time_level_value between p_date_from and p_date_to
45: and measure1_char not in ('STANDARD','SERVICE');
47: /********** Mapping info in qpr_plan_measures *********
48: price_plan_id = Request_id
49: price_plan_meas_grp_id = 999

Line 372: ' and item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''SERVICE'')';

368: ' unit_list_price, top_model_line_id, link_to_line_id, item_type_code, '||
369: ' inventory_item_id, component_code, ato_line_id , order_quantity' ||
370: ' from qpr_sr_cost_data_v'|| qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)||
371: ' where booked_date between :1 and :2 ' ||
372: ' and item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''SERVICE'')';
374: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Process Standard and service items..');
375: open c_sales(date_from, date_to);
376: fetch c_sales bulk collect into t_meas_id, t_ord_val;

Line 374: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Process Standard and service items..');

370: ' from qpr_sr_cost_data_v'|| qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)||
371: ' where booked_date between :1 and :2 ' ||
372: ' and item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''SERVICE'')';
374: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Process Standard and service items..');
375: open c_sales(date_from, date_to);
376: fetch c_sales bulk collect into t_meas_id, t_ord_val;
377: close c_sales;

Line 530: ' and item_type_code not in (''STANDARD'',''SERVICE'')';

526: ' unit_list_price, top_model_line_id, link_to_line_id, item_type_code, '||
527: ' inventory_item_id, component_code, ato_line_id , order_quantity' ||
528: ' from qpr_sr_cost_data_v'||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)||
529: ' where booked_date between :1 and :2 ' ||
530: ' and item_type_code not in (''STANDARD'',''SERVICE'')';
532: open c_sales_mdl(date_from, date_to);
533: fetch c_sales_mdl bulk collect into t_meas_id, t_ord_val;
534: close c_sales_mdl;