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Line 23: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE

19: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
20: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
21: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec
22: , p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
23: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE
24: , p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
25: ) IS
27: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 77: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp

73: , subinventory_code
74: , transaction_type_id
75: , transaction_action_id
76: -- Bug 2515486: Added transaction_type_id, transaction_action_id, inventory_item_id
77: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
78: WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id
79: AND ROWNUM < 2;
81: CURSOR c_mmtt_cart_lpn IS

Line 83: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp

79: AND ROWNUM < 2;
81: CURSOR c_mmtt_cart_lpn IS
82: SELECT cartonization_id
83: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
84: WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
86: CURSOR c_mmtt_pregen_lpn IS
87: SELECT lpn_id

Line 90: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp

86: CURSOR c_mmtt_pregen_lpn IS
87: SELECT lpn_id
88: , subinventory_code
89: , locator_id
90: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
91: WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
93: CURSOR c_wdd_lpn IS
94: SELECT lpn_id

Line 102: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

98: -- Bug 2825748 : WIP is passing a transaction_temp_id instead of
99: -- wip_lpn_completions,header_id for both LPN and non-LPN Completions.
100: CURSOR c_wip_lpn IS
101: SELECT transfer_lpn_id
102: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
103: WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
105: -- For business flow code of 33, the MMTT, MTI or MOL id is passed
106: -- Depending on the txn identifier being passed,one of the

Line 373: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

369: ppf.full_name requestor
370: FROM mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch,
371: mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
372: per_people_f ppf,
373: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
374: WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id= p_transaction_id
375: AND mmtt.cycle_count_id = mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
376: AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id
377: AND ppf.person_id(+) = mcce.counted_by_employee_id_current ;

Line 1923: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE

1919: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1920: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1921: , p_label_type_info IN inv_label.label_type_rec
1922: , p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
1923: , p_input_param IN mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE
1924: , p_transaction_identifier IN NUMBER
1925: ) IS
1926: l_variable_data_tbl inv_label.label_tbl_type;
1927: BEGIN