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Line 227: --* to use the rcv_transactions.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE as the Exchg Rate .

223: --*
224: --* 06-Jan-2004 Dinesh Vadivel Bug# 4095937
225: --* The Lot Cost Process calculates the Exchg Rate as on the Receipt Header Date
226: --* whereas the Subledger uses the "Exchg Rate Date". Modified the Lot Actual Cost Process
227: --* to use the rcv_transactions.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE as the Exchg Rate .
228: --* This is how we are doing in Actual Costing and Subledger Update
229: --*
230: --* 20-Jan-2005 Girish Jha Bug 4094132
231: --* We added a new filtering condition in the materials_cursor for handling reversals

Line 2217: FROM rcv_transactions t,

2213: SELECT rc.cost_component_class_id
2214: ,rc.cost_analysis_code
2215: ,nvl(rca.estimated_amount, rca.actual_amount)/mmt.transaction_quantity /* ANTHIYAG Bug#5463200 14-Aug-2006 */
2216: ,uom.uom_code
2217: FROM rcv_transactions t,
2218: po_rcv_charges rc,
2219: po_rcv_charge_allocations rca,
2220: mtl_units_of_measure uom,
2221: mtl_material_transactions mmt /* ANTHIYAG Bug#5463200 14-Aug-2006 */

Line 3467: --* to use the rcv_transactions.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE as the Exchg Rate .

3463: --*
3464: --* 06-Jan-2004 Dinesh Vadivel Bug# 4095937
3465: --* The Lot Cost Process calculates the Exchg Rate as on the Receipt Header Date
3466: --* whereas the Subledger uses the "Exchg Rate Date". Modified the Lot Actual Cost Process
3467: --* to use the rcv_transactions.CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE as the Exchg Rate .
3468: --* 2-Aug-2007 Bug 6320304/5953977 - Non-recoverable taxes ME, as part of this added unit of
3469: --* nonrecoverable tax to the unit cost.
3470: --*
3471: --********************************************************************************************************

Line 3475: document_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;

3471: --********************************************************************************************************
3473: PROCEDURE process_receipt
3474: IS
3475: document_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
3476: source_orgn_id NUMBER;
3477: target_orgn_id NUMBER;
3478: source_le_id NUMBER;
3479: target_le_id NUMBER;

Line 3498: -- LINE_ID is the TRANSACTION_ID in rcv_transactions

3494: END IF;
3496: -- The pointers in the inventory transaction link to the receipt as follows:
3497: -- DOC_ID is the SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID in rcv_shipment_headers
3498: -- LINE_ID is the TRANSACTION_ID in rcv_transactions
3500: -- From the row in rcv_transactions the po_unit_price (expressed in price_um so
3501: -- we need to convert it to item_um) is the source of the cost. There is also the
3502: -- received qty (expressed in recv_um so it might need converting too, although the

Line 3500: -- From the row in rcv_transactions the po_unit_price (expressed in price_um so

3496: -- The pointers in the inventory transaction link to the receipt as follows:
3497: -- DOC_ID is the SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID in rcv_shipment_headers
3498: -- LINE_ID is the TRANSACTION_ID in rcv_transactions
3500: -- From the row in rcv_transactions the po_unit_price (expressed in price_um so
3501: -- we need to convert it to item_um) is the source of the cost. There is also the
3502: -- received qty (expressed in recv_um so it might need converting too, although the
3503: -- OPM inventory transaction should have the number we need already). There are
3504: -- pointers in the receiving transaction to the po_header, po_line and the receipt

Line 3542: FROM rcv_transactions t, mtl_units_of_measure u, mtl_material_transactions mmt -- jboppana

3538: receipt_qty,
3539: receipt_uom,
3540: document_code,
3541: l_exchange_rate
3542: FROM rcv_transactions t, mtl_units_of_measure u, mtl_material_transactions mmt -- jboppana
3543: , po_distributions_all pda
3544: WHERE t.source_doc_unit_of_measure = u.unit_of_measure(+)
3545: AND t.transaction_id = mmt.rcv_transaction_id
3546: -- AND mmt.transaction_source_id = transaction_row.doc_id

Line 3596: rcv_transactions t,

3592: r.shipped_date
3593: INTO
3594: target_orgn_id,source_orgn_id, source_le_id, target_le_id, l_shipped_date
3595: FROM
3596: rcv_transactions t,
3597: mtl_material_transactions mmt,
3598: rcv_shipment_headers r,
3599: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
3600: po_headers_all poh,

Line 3636: rcv_transactions t,

3632: r.shipped_date
3633: INTO
3634: target_orgn_id,source_orgn_id, source_le_id, target_le_id, l_shipped_date
3635: FROM
3636: rcv_transactions t,
3637: mtl_material_transactions mmt,
3638: rcv_shipment_headers r,
3639: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
3640: po_headers_all poh,