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Line 78: oe_order_lines_all ol

74: dd.volume_uom_code
75: FROM wsh_delivery_details dd,
76: wsh_delivery_assignments_v da,
77: wsh_new_deliveries nd,
78: oe_order_lines_all ol
79: WHERE dd.delivery_detail_id = da.delivery_detail_id AND
80: da.delivery_id = nd.delivery_id AND
81: da.delivery_id IS NOT NULL AND
82: ol.line_id = dd.source_line_id AND

Line 2390: FROM oe_order_headers_all h, oe_order_lines_all l, wsh_delivery_details wdd

2386: h.conversion_rate_date,
2387: h.conversion_rate,
2388: l.line_id,
2389: l.header_id
2390: FROM oe_order_headers_all h, oe_order_lines_all l, wsh_delivery_details wdd
2391: WHERE wdd.delivery_detail_id = c_delivery_detail_id AND
2392: wdd.source_line_id = l.line_id AND
2393: wdd.source_code = 'OE' and
2394: l.header_id = h.header_id;

Line 3079: oe_order_lines_all ol,

3075: wft.freight_cost_type_code
3076: , wfc.conversion_type_code, wfc.conversion_rate
3077: FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
3078: wsh_delivery_details wdd,
3079: oe_order_lines_all ol,
3080: wsh_freight_costs wfc,
3081: wsh_freight_cost_types wft,
3082: wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
3083: wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

Line 3728: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh, oe_order_lines_all l

3724: END IF;
3725: --
3726: SELECT wsh.source_line_id
3727: INTO l_line_id
3728: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh, oe_order_lines_all l
3729: WHERE wsh.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id AND
3730: wsh.source_line_id = l.line_id and
3731: wsh.source_code = 'OE';