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Line 210: -- Error exceptions that may be raised by hr_general.describe_procedure.

207: ----------------------
209: --
210: -- Error exceptions that may be raised by hr_general.describe_procedure.
211: --
212: package_not_exists exception;
213: pragma exception_init(package_not_exists, -6564);
214: --

Line 476: -- Uses the results of the hr_general.describe_procedure call to get

472: end get_mapping_packages;
474: -- ---------------------------- get_latest_api ----------------------------
475: -- Description:
476: -- Uses the results of the hr_general.describe_procedure call to get
477: -- the latest API overload version. By "latest" we mean the overload with
478: -- the most mandatory parameters as this is the normal case with the
479: -- HRMS API strategy. Of course, the HRMS API strategy will allow APIs
480: -- to be overloaded to remove parameters also in which case the above

Line 668: -- Calls hr_general.describe_procedure on the API specified by

664: end get_latest_api;
666: -- -------------------------- describe_api --------------------------------
667: -- Description:
668: -- Calls hr_general.describe_procedure on the API specified by
669: -- p_module_package || '.' || p_module_name, and returns an initial
670: -- t_parameter_tbl and a count of the API parameters.
671: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
672: procedure describe_api

Line 708: hr_general.describe_procedure

704: hr_utility.trace('Entered describe_api.');
705: end if;
707: begin
708: hr_general.describe_procedure
709: ( object_name => p_module_package || '.' || p_module_name,
710: reserved1 => null,
711: reserved2 => null,
712: overload => l_overload,

Line 1211: -- Calls hr_general.describe_procedure on a parameter mapping function.

1207: end merge_api_and_seed_data;
1209: -- ----------------------- describe_function ------------------------------
1210: -- Description:
1211: -- Calls hr_general.describe_procedure on a parameter mapping function.
1212: -- Sets up the parameter lists for the functions and updates the relevant
1213: -- counts.
1214: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1215: procedure describe_function

Line 1267: hr_general.describe_procedure

1264: for i in 1 .. p_mapping_package_tbl.count loop
1265: begin
1266: l_package := p_mapping_package_tbl(i).mapping_package;
1267: hr_general.describe_procedure
1268: ( object_name => l_package || '.' || p_function.function_name,
1269: reserved1 => null,
1270: reserved2 => null,
1271: overload => l_overload,