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2 /* $Header: pyfrmgta.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 05:04:11 appldev noship $ */
3 Procedure Migrate(errbuf              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
4                   retcode             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
5                   p_business_group_id IN NUMBER) Is
7 Cursor csr_get_all_asg IS
8  Select  distinct asg.assignment_id
9    From per_all_assignments_f asg
10   Where asg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
11  order by asg.assignment_id;
13 Cursor csr_get_asg_datetrk(c_assignment_id number)IS
14  Select  asg.effective_start_date
15         ,asg.effective_end_date
16         ,asg.normal_hours
17         ,asg.frequency
18         ,scl.segment15 work_days
19         ,asg.person_id
20         ,full_name
21    From per_all_assignments_f asg
22        ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
23        ,per_all_people_f per
24   Where asg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
25     and asg.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
26     and asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
27     and asg.person_id = per.person_id
28  Order by asg.effective_start_date;
30  Cursor csr_get_all_contr(c_person_id number) is
31   Select distinct contract_id
32    from per_contracts_f
33   where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
34     and person_id = c_person_id ;
36 Cursor csr_all_contr_date(c_contract_id number,
37                             c_previous_start_date date,
38                             c_asg_start_date date) is
39   Select contract_id,
40          reference,
41          type,
42          status,
43          effective_start_date,
44          effective_end_date,
45          person_id,
46          object_version_number
47    from per_contracts_f
48   where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
49     and contract_id = c_contract_id
50     and effective_start_date
51         between c_previous_start_date and c_asg_start_date
52   order by  effective_start_date desc;
54 -- Cursor for checking if rows exist in pay_patch_status
55 Cursor csr_migr_script_run is
56   Select count(*)
57     from pay_patch_status
58    where patch_number = p_business_group_id
59      and patch_name = 'WORKING TIME'
60      and legislation_code = 'FR';
62  l_count_asg Number;
63  l_count_contr_date Number;
64  l_flg_same_date VARCHAR2(3);
65  l_prev_frequency VARCHAR2(15);
66  l_prev_work_days NUMBER;
67  l_prev_num_hours NUMBER;
68  l_prev_end_date DATE;
69  l_prev_start_date DATE;
70  l_effective_start_date DATE;
71  l_effective_end_date   DATE;
72  l_fixed_time VARCHAR2(3);
73  l_frequency  VARCHAR2(10);
74  l_units      VARCHAR2(10);
75  l_amount_time NUMBER;
76  l_ctr_ref     VARCHAR2(80);
77  l_obj_version_number number;
78  l_script_run  NUMBER;
79  l_disp_start_date VARCHAR2(30);
80  l_disp_end_date   VARCHAR2(30);
81  l_disp_fixed_time VARCHAR2(10);
82  l_disp_units      VARCHAR2(20);
83  l_disp_frequency  VARCHAR2(30);
84  l_disp_canon_amt  VARCHAR2(15);
85  l_head_full_name  VARCHAR2(30);
86  l_head_ctr_ref    VARCHAR2(30);
87  l_head_start_date VARCHAR2(30);
88  l_head_end_date   VARCHAR2(30);
89  l_head_fixed_time VARCHAR2(30);
90  l_head_amount     VARCHAR2(30);
91  l_head_units      VARCHAR2(30);
92  l_head_frequency  VARCHAR2(30);
93  l_head_wrk_days   VARCHAR2(50);
94  l_head_asg_hrs    VARCHAR2(50);
95  l_head_asg_freq   VARCHAR2(50);
96  --
97 Begin
98 -- Initializing variables
99 l_fixed_time := 'N';
100 l_frequency := 'NA';
101 l_units := 'NA';
102 /*
103 Identify employees with no data entered in the Working Hours and Frequency fields on the Standard Conditions Tab.
104 Set the new Fixed Working Time field to "No" for these employees and produce a listing of the employees that this has been done to.
105 */
106 -- Check to see if the program has already been run for this business group
107 OPEN csr_migr_script_run;
108 FETCH csr_migr_script_run INTO l_script_run;
109 IF l_script_run = 0 THEN
110   -- Update the required values
111   -- Assign values to teh heading variables
112   l_head_full_name   := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'FULL_NAME');
113   l_head_ctr_ref     := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'CTR_REFERENCE');
114   l_head_start_date  := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'CTR_START_DATE');
115   l_head_end_date    := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'CTR_END_DATE');
116   l_head_fixed_time  := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'FIXED_WORKING_TIME');
117   l_head_amount      := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'FIXED_TIME_AMT');
118   l_head_units       := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'FIXED_TIME_UNIT');
119   l_head_frequency   := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'FIXED_TIME_FREQUENCY');
120   l_head_wrk_days    := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'WORKING_TIME_YEAR');
121   l_head_asg_hrs     := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'ASG_NORMAL_HR');
122   l_head_asg_freq    := hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_TIME_MIGR_HEADINGS', 'ASG_FREQUENCY');
123   --
124   -- Print the heading for the columns
125   -- Presently using the following format to display data in the log file
126   -- Full Name Ctr reference Ctr_start_date Ctr_end_date Fixed_working_Time Amount Units Frequency Asg work days/yr   Asg hours  Asg freq
127   FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG, l_head_full_name||' '||l_head_ctr_ref||' '||l_head_start_date||' '||l_head_end_date||' '||l_head_fixed_time);
128   FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG,' '||l_head_amount||' '||l_head_units||' '||l_head_frequency||' '||l_head_wrk_days||' '||l_head_asg_hrs);
129   FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG,' '||l_head_asg_freq);
131   FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, '=====================================================================================================');
132   --
133   -- Get all assignments and persons for the business group
134   -- and loop through them
135   hr_utility.set_location('Getting all assignments',22);
136   FOR asg_person_rec IN csr_get_all_asg LOOP
137     --
138     l_count_asg :=0;
139     -- get the date track changes for each assignment
140     hr_utility.set_location('getting date track data for assignments', 22);
141     FOR asg_mod_rec IN csr_get_asg_datetrk(asg_person_rec.assignment_id) LOOP
142       --
143       hr_utility.set_location('Name is :'||asg_mod_rec.full_name, 22);
144       --
145       l_count_asg := l_count_asg +1;
146       -- if it is the first row for the assignment
147       hr_utility.set_location('l_count_asg is'||l_count_asg, 22);
148       IF l_count_asg =1
149       -- or the changes are for time
150       OR (l_prev_work_days <> to_number(asg_mod_rec.work_days) OR
151           l_prev_frequency <> asg_mod_rec.frequency OR
152           l_prev_num_hours <> asg_mod_rec.normal_hours)THEN
153           -- Assign values to variables according to data
154           hr_utility.set_location('Assigning values to variables from asg data',22);
155           If asg_mod_rec.Work_days Is Null Then
156       	     If asg_mod_rec.Normal_hours Is Null then
157       	        l_fixed_time := 'N';
158       	        l_frequency := 'NA';
159       	        l_amount_time := null;
160       	        l_units := 'NA';
161       	     Elsif asg_mod_rec.Normal_hours Is not Null then
162       	        l_fixed_time := 'Y';
163       	        l_frequency := asg_mod_rec.frequency;
164       	        l_amount_time := asg_mod_rec.normal_hours;
165       	        l_units := 'HOUR';
166       	        If l_frequency not in('M', 'W') Then
167 		   l_amount_time := pay_fr_general.convert_hours
168 		                    (p_effective_date    => last_day(sysdate)
169 			            ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
170 			            ,p_assignment_id     => asg_person_rec.assignment_id
171 			            ,p_hours             => asg_mod_rec.normal_hours
172 			            ,p_from_freq_code    => l_frequency
173 			            ,p_to_freq_code      => 'M');
175 	           l_frequency := 'M';
176       	        End If;
177       	     End If;
178       	  Else
179       	     l_fixed_time := 'Y';
180       	     l_frequency  := 'Y';
181       	     l_units      := 'DAY';
182       	     l_amount_time := to_number(asg_mod_rec.work_days);
183           End if;
184           -- For all the contracts of this person
185           hr_utility.set_location('getting all contracts for the person', 22);
186           -- convert the value to canonical format(NLS issue)
187           l_disp_canon_amt := fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_amount_time);
188           FOR person_contr_rec IN csr_get_all_contr(asg_mod_rec.person_id) LOOP
189              l_count_contr_date :=0;
190              -- IF rows are present
191              -- Initialize the previous end date as start of time
192              l_prev_end_date := hr_general.start_of_time;
193              --
194              -- Loop thru' all rows
195              hr_utility.set_location('asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date is: '||asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date,22);
196              hr_utility.set_location('getting date tracked data for contracts', 22);
197              hr_utility.set_location('person_contr_rec.contract_id is: '||person_contr_rec.contract_id,22);
198              hr_utility.set_location('l_prev_end_date is: '||l_prev_end_date, 22);
199              --
200              FOR contr_date_rec IN csr_all_contr_date(person_contr_rec.contract_id,
201                                                       l_prev_end_date,
202                                                       asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date) LOOP
203                  --
204                  l_count_contr_date := l_count_contr_date +1;
205                  l_obj_version_number := contr_date_rec.object_version_number;
206                  --
207                  hr_utility.set_location('l_count_contr_date is :'||l_count_contr_date,22);
208                  hr_utility.set_location('contr_date_rec.effective_start_date is: '||contr_date_rec.effective_start_date,22);
209                  --
210                  -- Check for matching effective dates for the first contract row
211                  IF l_count_contr_date = 1
212                    OR asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date = contr_date_rec.effective_start_date
213                  THEN
214                     hr_utility.set_location('Updating in correction mode',22);
215                     -- update in 'CORRECTION' mode
216                     hr_contract_api.update_contract
217 		    (P_VALIDATE               => false,
218 		     P_CONTRACT_ID            => contr_date_rec.contract_id,
219 		     P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_effective_start_date,
220 		     P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_effective_end_date,
221 		     P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_obj_version_number,
222 		     P_PERSON_ID              => contr_date_rec.person_id,
223 		     P_REFERENCE              => contr_date_rec.reference,
224 		     P_TYPE                   => contr_date_rec.type,
225 		     P_STATUS                 => contr_date_rec.status,
226 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION10      => l_fixed_time,
227 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION11      => l_disp_canon_amt,
228 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION12      => l_units,
229 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION13      => l_frequency,
230 		     P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => contr_date_rec.effective_start_date,
231                      P_DATETRACK_MODE         => 'CORRECTION');
232                     --
233                     l_prev_end_date := l_effective_end_date;
234                     l_ctr_ref := contr_date_rec.reference;
235                     --
236                  ELSE
237                     -- insert a row in 'UPDATE' mode
238                     hr_utility.set_location('Inserting a row in correction mode',22);
239 		    hr_contract_api.update_contract
240 		    (P_VALIDATE               => false,
241 		     P_CONTRACT_ID            => contr_date_rec.contract_id,
242 		     P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_effective_start_date,
243 		     P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_effective_end_date,
244 		     P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_obj_version_number,
245 		     P_PERSON_ID              => contr_date_rec.person_id,
246 		     P_REFERENCE              => contr_date_rec.reference,
247 		     P_TYPE                   => contr_date_rec.type,
248 		     P_STATUS                 => contr_date_rec.status,
249 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION10      => l_fixed_time,
250 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION11      => l_disp_canon_amt,
251 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION12      => l_units,
252 		     P_CTR_INFORMATION13      => l_frequency,
253 		     P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date,
254 		     P_DATETRACK_MODE         => 'UPDATE');
255 		    --
256 		    l_prev_end_date := l_effective_end_date;
257 		    l_ctr_ref := contr_date_rec.reference;
258                     --
259                  END IF;
260                  hr_utility.set_location('End of if for contr-asg date match',22);
261              END LOOP;-- end loop for within date contracts
262              --
263              hr_utility.set_location('l_count_contr_date before the row check'||l_count_contr_date,22);
264              -- If rows are not present
265              IF l_count_contr_date =0  THEN
266                 -- insert a row in 'UPDATE' mode
267                 hr_utility.set_location('Before the before date loop start', 22);
268                 -- With some values the same as the previous datetracked row
269                 FOR contr_befdate_rec IN csr_all_contr_date(person_contr_rec.contract_id,
270 		                                            l_prev_start_date,
271                                                             l_prev_end_date) LOOP
272                    --
273                    l_count_contr_date := l_count_contr_date +1;
274                    l_obj_version_number := contr_befdate_rec.object_version_number;
275                    hr_utility.set_location('Inserting a row where none exist', 22);
276                    --
277                    hr_contract_api.update_contract
278 	           (P_VALIDATE               => false,
279 	            P_CONTRACT_ID            => contr_befdate_rec.contract_id,
280 	            P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_effective_start_date,
281 	            P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => l_effective_end_date,
282 	            P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_obj_version_number,
283 	            P_PERSON_ID              => contr_befdate_rec.person_id,
284 	            P_REFERENCE              => contr_befdate_rec.reference,
285 	            P_TYPE                   => contr_befdate_rec.type,
286 	            P_STATUS                 => contr_befdate_rec.status,
287 	            P_CTR_INFORMATION10      => l_fixed_time,
288 	            P_CTR_INFORMATION11      => l_disp_canon_amt,
289 	            P_CTR_INFORMATION12      => l_units,
290 	            P_CTR_INFORMATION13      => l_frequency,
291 	            P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date,
292                     P_DATETRACK_MODE         => 'UPDATE');
293                     --
294                     l_prev_end_date:= l_effective_end_date;
295                     l_ctr_ref := contr_befdate_rec.reference;
296                     --
297                     IF l_count_contr_date =1 THEN
298                        EXIT;
299                     END IF;
300                 --
301                 END LOOP;
302                 -- end loop for before date contracts
303                 hr_utility.set_location('Exiting loop for before date contracts',22);
304              END IF;
305              -- End if for count rows
306              -- Assigning values for writing into log files
307              l_disp_start_date := fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(DATEVAL=> l_effective_start_date);
308              l_disp_end_date := fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(DATEVAL=> l_effective_end_date);
309              l_disp_fixed_time:= hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',l_fixed_time);
310              l_disp_units:= hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_FIXED_TIME_UNITS',l_units);
311              l_disp_frequency:= hr_general.decode_lookup('FR_FIXED_TIME_FREQUENCY',l_frequency);
313              -- log the modified data
314              FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG, asg_mod_rec.full_name||' '||l_ctr_ref||' '||l_disp_start_date||' '||l_disp_end_date);
315              FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG, ' '||l_disp_fixed_time||' '||l_disp_canon_amt||' '||l_disp_units||' '||l_disp_frequency);
316              FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG, ' '||asg_mod_rec.work_days||' '||to_char(asg_mod_rec.normal_hours)||' '||asg_mod_rec.frequency);
317              FND_FILE.NEW_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,2);
318              --
319              hr_utility.set_location('Written into log file, exiting loop for contracts',22);
320           END LOOP; --end of loop for contracts
321       END IF;-- end of if for asg changes
322       -- Assign values to variables
323       l_prev_frequency  := asg_mod_rec.frequency;
324       l_prev_work_days  := to_number(asg_mod_rec.work_days);
325       l_prev_num_hours  := asg_mod_rec.normal_hours;
326       l_prev_start_date := asg_mod_rec.effective_start_date;
327     END LOOP; -- End loop for date tracked changes
328   END LOOP;-- End loop for assignments
329   --
330   -- Insert a row into pay_patch_status
331   INSERT INTO pay_patch_status
332           (id
333           ,patch_number
334           ,patch_name
335           ,phase
336           ,applied_date
337           ,legislation_code)
338   SELECT
339            pay_patch_status_s.nextval
340           ,p_business_group_id
341           ,'WORKING TIME'
342           ,Null
343           ,sysdate
344           ,'FR'
345   FROM dual;
346   --
347 END IF; -- end if for checking if migration script has already been run
348 CLOSE csr_migr_script_run;
349 --
350 Exception
351   When others then
352      hr_utility.set_location('Error:PAY_FR_MIGRATE_TIME_ANALYSIS.migrate',9999);
353      Raise;
354 End Migrate;