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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 51

                       , organization_id
                       , operation_sequence_id
                       , operation_seq_num
                       , standard_operation_id
                       , department_id
                       , description
                       , minimum_transfer_quantity
                       , count_point_type
                       , backflush_flag
                       , shutdown_type
                       , first_unit_start_date
                       , first_unit_completion_date
                       , attribute_category
                       , attribute1
                       , attribute2
                       , attribute3
                       , attribute4
                       , attribute5
                       , attribute6
                       , attribute7
                       , attribute8
                       , attribute9
                       , attribute10
                       , attribute11
                       , attribute12
                       , attribute13
                       , attribute14
                       , attribute15
                       , long_description
                       , l_eam_op_rec.organization_id
                       , l_eam_op_rec.operation_sequence_id
                       , l_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num
                       , l_eam_op_rec.standard_operation_id
                       , l_eam_op_rec.department_id
                       , l_eam_op_rec.description
                       , l_eam_op_rec.minimum_transfer_quantity
                       , l_eam_op_rec.count_point_type
                       , l_eam_op_rec.backflush_flag
                       , l_eam_op_rec.shutdown_type
                       , l_eam_op_rec.start_date
                       , l_eam_op_rec.completion_date
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute_category
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute1
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute2
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute3
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute4
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute5
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute6
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute7
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute8
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute9
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute10
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute11
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute12
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute13
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute14
                       , l_eam_op_rec.attribute15
                       , l_eam_op_rec.long_description
                FROM  wip_operations wo
                WHERE wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                AND   wo.organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND   wo.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num;
Line: 134

        * Procedure     : Insert_Row
        * Parameters IN : EAM OP column record
        * Parameters OUT NOCOPY: Message Token Table
        *                 Return Status
        * Purpose       : Procedure will perfrom an insert into the
        *                 wip_operations table.

        PROCEDURE Insert_Row
        (  p_eam_op_rec         IN  EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_op_rec_type
         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
         , x_return_Status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
		l_count			number;
Line: 162

                       ( wip_entity_id
                       , operation_seq_num
                       , organization_id
                       , operation_sequence_id
                       , standard_operation_id
                       , department_id
                       , description
                       , scheduled_quantity
                       , quantity_in_queue
                       , quantity_running
                       , quantity_waiting_to_move
                       , quantity_rejected
                       , quantity_scrapped
                       , quantity_completed
                       , first_unit_start_date
                       , first_unit_completion_date
                       , last_unit_start_date
                       , last_unit_completion_date
                       , count_point_type
                       , backflush_flag
                       , minimum_transfer_quantity
                       , shutdown_type
                       , attribute_category
                       , attribute1
                       , attribute2
                       , attribute3
                       , attribute4
                       , attribute5
                       , attribute6
                       , attribute7
                       , attribute8
                       , attribute9
                       , attribute10
                       , attribute11
                       , attribute12
                       , attribute13
                       , attribute14
                       , attribute15
                       , long_description
                       , last_update_date
                       , last_updated_by
                       , creation_date
                       , created_by
                       , last_update_login
                       , request_id
                       , program_application_id
                       , program_id
                       , program_update_date
		       , x_pos
 	               , y_pos)
                       ( p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num
                       , p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.operation_sequence_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.standard_operation_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.department_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.description
                       , 1
                       , 0
                       , 0,0,0,0,0
                       , p_eam_op_rec.start_date
                       , p_eam_op_rec.completion_date
                       , p_eam_op_rec.start_date
                       , p_eam_op_rec.completion_date
                       , p_eam_op_rec.count_point_type
                       , p_eam_op_rec.backflush_flag
                       , p_eam_op_rec.minimum_transfer_quantity
                       , p_eam_op_rec.shutdown_type
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute_category
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute1
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute2
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute3
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute4
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute5
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute6
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute7
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute8
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute9
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute10
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute11
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute12
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute13
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute14
                       , p_eam_op_rec.attribute15
                       , p_eam_op_rec.long_description
                       , SYSDATE
                       , FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                       , SYSDATE
                       , FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                       , FND_GLOBAL.login_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.request_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.program_application_id
                       , p_eam_op_rec.program_id
                       , SYSDATE
 	               , p_eam_op_rec.x_pos
 	               , p_eam_op_rec.y_pos); --Added for bug#4615678
Line: 277

				      X_last_update_login     =>  '',
				      X_program_application_id=>  '',
				      X_program_id            =>  '',
				      X_request_id            =>  ''
Line: 285

	  SELECT count(*) INTO l_count
	    FROM wip_requirement_operations
           WHERE organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	     AND wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
	     AND operation_seq_num = 1
	     AND  rownum <=1;
Line: 293

	    select min(operation_seq_num) into l_min_op_seq_num
	      from wip_operations
	     where organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	       and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id ;
Line: 299

		     select department_id into l_department_id
		       from wip_operations
		      where organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
		        and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
		        and operation_seq_num = l_min_op_seq_num;
Line: 307

	    update wip_requirement_operations
	       set operation_seq_num = l_min_op_seq_num,
	           department_id = l_department_id
	     where operation_seq_num = 1
	       and organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	       and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id ;
Line: 315

	 SELECT count(*) INTO l_count
	    FROM wip_eam_direct_items
           WHERE organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	     AND wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
	     AND operation_seq_num = 1
	     AND  rownum <=1;
Line: 323

	    select min(operation_seq_num) into l_min_op_seq_num
	      from wip_operations
	     where organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	       and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id ;
Line: 331

		     select department_id into l_department_id
		       from wip_eam_direct_items
		      where organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
		        and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
		        and operation_seq_num = l_min_op_seq_num;
Line: 341

	    update wip_eam_direct_items
	       set operation_seq_num = l_min_op_seq_num,
	           department_id = l_department_id
	     where operation_seq_num = 1
	       and organization_id = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
	       and wip_entity_id = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id ;
Line: 357

                         , p_message_text       => G_PKG_NAME ||' :Inserting Record ' || SQLERRM
                         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => x_mesg_token_tbl
Line: 363

        END Insert_Row;
Line: 366

        * Procedure     : Update_Row
        * Parameters IN : EAM OP column record
        * Parameters OUT NOCOPY: Message Token Table
        *                 Return Status
        * Purpose       : Procedure will perfrom an Update on the
        *                 wip_operations table.

        PROCEDURE Update_Row
        (  p_eam_op_rec         IN  EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_op_rec_type
         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
         , x_return_Status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

	l_old_dept_id NUMBER;
Line: 393

	select department_id into l_old_dept_id
	  from wip_operations
 	 WHERE organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
           AND wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
           AND operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 400

                SET      operation_sequence_id       = p_eam_op_rec.operation_sequence_id
                       , standard_operation_id       = p_eam_op_rec.standard_operation_id
                       , department_id               = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
                       , description                 = p_eam_op_rec.description
                       , first_unit_start_date       = p_eam_op_rec.start_date
                       , first_unit_completion_date  = p_eam_op_rec.completion_date
                       , last_unit_start_date        = p_eam_op_rec.start_date
                       , last_unit_completion_date   = p_eam_op_rec.completion_date
                       , count_point_type            = p_eam_op_rec.count_point_type
                       , backflush_flag              = p_eam_op_rec.backflush_flag
                       , minimum_transfer_quantity   = p_eam_op_rec.minimum_transfer_quantity
                       , shutdown_type               = p_eam_op_rec.shutdown_type
                       , attribute_category          = p_eam_op_rec.attribute_category
                       , attribute1                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute1
                       , attribute2                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute2
                       , attribute3                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute3
                       , attribute4                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute4
                       , attribute5                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute5
                       , attribute6                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute6
                       , attribute7                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute7
                       , attribute8                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute8
                       , attribute9                  = p_eam_op_rec.attribute9
                       , attribute10                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute10
                       , attribute11                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute11
                       , attribute12                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute12
                       , attribute13                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute13
                       , attribute14                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute14
                       , attribute15                 = p_eam_op_rec.attribute15
                       , long_description            = p_eam_op_rec.long_description
                       , last_update_date            = SYSDATE
                       , last_updated_by             = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                       , last_update_login           = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
                       , request_id                  = p_eam_op_rec.request_id
                       , program_application_id      = p_eam_op_rec.program_application_id
                       , program_id                  = p_eam_op_rec.program_id
                       , program_update_date         = SYSDATE
		       , x_pos                       = p_eam_op_rec.x_pos      --Added for bug#4615678
 	               , y_pos                       = p_eam_op_rec.y_pos	--Added for bug#4615678
                WHERE    organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
                  AND    wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
                  AND    operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 443

		-- If Department of operation is updated then correponding departemnt of materials should also get updated
		IF l_old_dept_id <> p_eam_op_rec.department_id THEN
			   set department_id = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
				WHERE organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
				  AND wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
				  AND operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num ;
Line: 451

			     SET  Department_id = p_eam_op_rec.department_id
        		   WHERE organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
			     AND wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
			     AND operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num ;
Line: 459

        END Update_Row;
Line: 464

        PROCEDURE Delete_Row
        ( p_eam_op_rec         IN  EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_op_rec_type
        , x_mesg_token_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
        , x_return_Status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

IF EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.Get_Debug = 'Y' THEN EAM_ERROR_MESSAGE_PVT.Write_Debug('Deleting Operation: '|| p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num); END IF;
Line: 474

                WHERE    wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
                  AND    organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
                  AND    operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num;
Line: 480

		UPDATE eam_asset_status_history
		SET enable_flag = 'N'
		    , last_update_date  = SYSDATE
		    , last_updated_by   = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                    , last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
		WHERE wip_entity_id     = p_eam_op_rec.wip_entity_id
                AND   organization_id   = p_eam_op_rec.organization_id
                AND   operation_seq_num = p_eam_op_rec.operation_seq_num
		AND   (enable_flag = 'Y' OR enable_flag IS NULL);
Line: 492

        END Delete_Row;
Line: 518

                        (  p_eam_op_rec         => p_eam_op_rec
                         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
                         , x_return_Status      => l_return_status
Line: 523

                ELSIF p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type = EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_UPDATE
                        (  p_eam_op_rec         => p_eam_op_rec
                         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
                         , x_return_Status      => l_return_status
Line: 530

                ELSIF p_eam_op_rec.transaction_type = EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_DELETE
                        (  p_eam_op_rec         => p_eam_op_rec
                         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
                         , x_return_Status      => l_return_status
Line: 560

                   select count(*)
                   into   l_count
                   from   wip_operations
                   where  wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                   and    organization_id = p_organization_id
         	   AND  rownum <=1;