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Line 264: --,pa_expenditure_types et

260: ,ra.person_type_code
261: FROM pa_resource_assignments ra
262: --,pa_budget_versions bv
263: --,pa_proj_fp_options fp
264: --,pa_expenditure_types et
265: --,pa_non_labor_resources nlr
266: --,pa_expenditure_categories ec
267: --,pa_event_types ev
268: --,pa_resource_classes_b rc

Line 286: from pa_expenditure_types et

282: If g_rbs_numRecInserted > 0 Then
283: l_stage := 'Update the tmp table with exp,event,cate,Ids';
284: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
285: SET tmp.expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
286: from pa_expenditure_types et
287: ,pa_resource_assignments ra
288: where et.expenditure_type = ra.expenditure_type
289: and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
290: and rownum =1 )

Line 368: from pa_expenditure_types et

364: print_msg(g_debug_flag,l_stage);
365: FORALL i IN g_txn_source_id_sqltab.FIRST .. g_txn_source_id_sqltab.LAST
366: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
367: SET tmp.expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
368: from pa_expenditure_types et
369: where et.expenditure_type = g_expenditure_type_sqltab(i))
370: , tmp.non_labor_resource_id = (select nlr.non_labor_resource_id
371: from pa_non_labor_resources nlr
372: where nlr.non_labor_resource = g_non_labor_resource_sqltab(i))

Line 435: from pa_expenditure_types et

431: print_msg(g_debug_flag,l_stage);
432: FORALL i IN g_txn_source_id_systab.FIRST .. g_txn_source_id_systab.LAST
433: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp
434: SET expenditure_type_id = (select et.expenditure_type_id
435: from pa_expenditure_types et
436: where et.expenditure_type = g_expenditure_type_systab(i))
437: , non_labor_resource_id = (select nlr.non_labor_resource_id
438: from pa_non_labor_resources nlr
439: where nlr.non_labor_resource = g_non_labor_resource_systab(i))

Line 457: from pa_expenditure_types et

453: /* Bug fix: 3698579 */
454: -- update exp category id if null
455: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
456: SET tmp.expenditure_category_id = (select etc.expenditure_category_id
457: from pa_expenditure_types et
458: ,pa_expenditure_categories etc
459: where et.expenditure_type_id = tmp.expenditure_type_id
460: and et.expenditure_category = etc.expenditure_category
461: )

Line 480: from pa_expenditure_types et

477: -- update revenue category if its null based on expendiure types
478: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
479: SET tmp.Revenue_category_code = (select et.Revenue_category_code
480: from pa_expenditure_types et
481: where et.expenditure_type_id = tmp.expenditure_type_id
482: )
483: WHERE tmp.Revenue_category_code is NULL
484: AND tmp.expenditure_type_id is NOT NULL ;

Line 1172: from pa_expenditure_types et

1168: /* Bug fix: 3698579 */
1169: -- update exp category id if null
1170: UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
1171: SET tmp.expenditure_category = (select etc.expenditure_category
1172: from pa_expenditure_types et
1173: ,pa_expenditure_categories etc
1174: where et.expenditure_type = tmp.expenditure_type
1175: and et.expenditure_category = etc.expenditure_category
1176: and rownum = 1

Line 1192: from pa_expenditure_types et

1189: -- update revenue category based on exp type if its null
1190: UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
1191: SET tmp.Revenue_category = (select et.Revenue_category_code
1192: from pa_expenditure_types et
1193: where et.expenditure_type = tmp.expenditure_type
1194: and rownum = 1
1195: )
1196: WHERE tmp.Revenue_category is NULL