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Line 2127: v_component_code_tbl CZ_ATP_CALLBACK_UTIL.char30_arr ;

2123: x_msg_count number ;
2124: x_msg_data varchar2(2000) ;
2125: l_stmt_num number ;
2126: v_bill_sequence_id bom_bill_of_materials.bill_sequence_id%type ;
2127: v_component_code_tbl CZ_ATP_CALLBACK_UTIL.char30_arr ;
2128: l_validation_org number ;
2129: v_config_item_id number ;
2130: v_top_config_item_id number ;

Line 2158: , cz_atp_callback_util.inv_item_id_from_item_key( item_key )

2154: , item_key
2155: , quantity
2156: , uom_code
2157: , ship_to_date
2158: , cz_atp_callback_util.inv_item_id_from_item_key( item_key )
2159: /* line to be commented if noncz */
2160: , config_item_id /*BUG#2250621 Multiple Instantiation Code Change */
2161: , parent_config_item_id /*BUG#2250621 Multiple Instantiation Code Change */
2162: into

Line 2190: v_component_code := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_from_item_key(

2186: g_requests_tab(v_index).location := v_location ;
2187: g_requests_tab(v_index).ship_set_name := p_shipset.ship_set_name(v_location ) ;
2188: g_requests_tab(v_index).assigned := FALSE ;
2190: v_component_code := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_from_item_key(
2191: g_requests_tab(v_index).item_key
2192: ) ;
2193: v_component_code_tbl := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_tokens(
2194: v_component_code

Line 2193: v_component_code_tbl := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_tokens(

2190: v_component_code := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_from_item_key(
2191: g_requests_tab(v_index).item_key
2192: ) ;
2193: v_component_code_tbl := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_tokens(
2194: v_component_code
2195: ) ;
2196: v_top_model_code := v_component_code_tbl( v_component_code_tbl.first ) ;
2197: v_top_config_item_id := cz_atp_callback_util.root_bom_config_item_id( g_requests_tab(v_index).configurator_session_key) ; /*BUG#2250621 Multiple Instantiation Code Change */

Line 2197: v_top_config_item_id := cz_atp_callback_util.root_bom_config_item_id( g_requests_tab(v_index).configurator_session_key) ; /*BUG#2250621 Multiple Instantiation Code Change */

2193: v_component_code_tbl := cz_atp_callback_util.component_code_tokens(
2194: v_component_code
2195: ) ;
2196: v_top_model_code := v_component_code_tbl( v_component_code_tbl.first ) ;
2197: v_top_config_item_id := cz_atp_callback_util.root_bom_config_item_id( g_requests_tab(v_index).configurator_session_key) ; /*BUG#2250621 Multiple Instantiation Code Change */
2199: l_stmt_num := 14 ;
2200: END IF ; /* check whether identifier is null */
2201: END LOOP ;

Line 2220: l_validation_org := cz_atp_callback_util.validation_org_for_cfg_model( g_requests_tab(g_requests_tab.first).configurator_session_key ) ;

2216: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
2217: oe_debug_pub.add('populate_cz_shipset: ' || 'Fetched cz information ' , 3 );
2218: END IF;
2220: l_validation_org := cz_atp_callback_util.validation_org_for_cfg_model( g_requests_tab(g_requests_tab.first).configurator_session_key ) ;
2222: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
2223: oe_debug_pub.add('populate_cz_shipset: ' || 'Validation org is ' || l_validation_org , 3 );
2224: END IF;