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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_credit_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI83B.pls 120.11 2006/05/16 23:57:15 pathipat ship $ */
4   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   ||  Created By : vvutukur
6   ||  Created On : 03-Apr-2003
7   ||  Purpose : Private API for creating credit and deposit transactions.
8   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
9   ||  Change History :
10   ||  Who             When            What
11   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
12   ||  pathipat       17-May-2006      Bug 5104599 - Modified create_credit
13   ||  sapanigr       03-May-2006      Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Modified create_credit.
14       uudayapr       8-Oct-2005       BUG 4660773 Commentted the Code LOgic introduced as part of Credit Card Enryption enhancement
15   ||   gurprsin      26-Sep-2005      Bug 4607540, In create_credit, Credit Card Enryption enhancement, Modified the call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row method.
16   ||   gurprsin      13-Sep-2005      Bug 3627209, After calling build accounts process, Added message on to the stack before adding it on to the fnd_message_pub.
17   ||   pmarada       26-JUL-2005      Enh 3392095, modifed as per tution waiver build, passing p_api_version
18   ||                                  parameter value as 2.1 to the igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit call
19   ||  svuppala         9-JUN-2005     Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
20   ||                                  Added x_credit_number OUT parameter
21   ||  bannamal        03-Jun-2005     Bug#3442712 Unit Level Fee Assessment Build. Modified the call
22                                       to igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts to add new paramters.
23   ||  pathipat        22-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Receivables Enhancements
24   ||                                  Modified TBH call to igs_fi_credits_pkg in create_credit()
25   ||  vvutukur        14-Sep-2003     Enh#3045007.Payment Plans Build. Modified create_credit.
26   ||  pathipat        13-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds
27   ||                                  Proc create_credit(): Added call to finp_auto_release_holds()
28   ||  vvutukur        16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Modified create_credit procedure.
29   ||  schodava        11-Jun-2003     Enh# 2831587. Modified the create_credit procedure
30   ||  shtatiko        30-APR-2003     Enh# 2831569, Modified create_credit
31   ||  vchappid        19-May-2003     Build Bug# 2831572, Financial Accounting Enhancements
32   ||                                  New Parameters - Attendance Type, Attendance Mode, Residency Status Code
33   ||                                  added in procedure create_credit
34   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36   PROCEDURE create_credit(  p_api_version                 IN            NUMBER,
37                             p_init_msg_list               IN            VARCHAR2,
38                             p_commit                      IN            VARCHAR2,
39                             p_validation_level            IN            NUMBER,
40                             x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
41                             x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
42                             x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
43                             p_credit_rec                  IN            credit_rec_type,
44                             p_attribute_record            IN            igs_fi_credits_api_pub.attribute_rec_type,
45                             x_credit_id                   OUT NOCOPY    igs_fi_credits_all.credit_id%TYPE,
46                             x_credit_activity_id          OUT NOCOPY    igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE,
47                             x_credit_number               OUT NOCOPY    igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE
48                           ) AS
49   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50   ||  Created By : vvutukur
51   ||  Created On : 03-Apr-2003
52   ||  Purpose : Private API for creating credit and deposit transactions.
53   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
54   ||  Change History :
55   ||  Who             When            What
56   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
57   ||  pathipat       17-May-2006      Bug 5104599 - After call to igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances, added condition to not raise
58   ||                                  exception if the messages were regd exclusion of credit types or fee types
59   ||  svuppala       05-May-2006      Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Done the formatting of amount in the beginning itslef
60   ||  sapanigr       03-May-2006      Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted to igs_fi_credits and
61   ||                                  igs_fi_cr_activities_pkg are now rounded off to currency precision
62       uudayapr       8-Oct-2005       BUG 4660773 Commentted the Code LOgic introduced as part of Credit Card Enryption enhancement
63   ||  gurprsin      26-Sep-2005      Bug 4607540, Credit Card Enryption enhancement, Modified the call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row method.
64   ||  pmarada       26-JUL-2005      Enh 3392095, modifed as per tution waiver build, passing p_api_version
65   ||                                  parameter value as 2.1 to the igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit call
66   ||  svuppala         9-JUN-2005     Enh 4213629 - The automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
67   ||                                  Added x_credit_number OUT parameter
68   ||  pathipat        22-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Receivables Enhancements
69   ||                                  Added param x_source_invoice_id in call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row()
70   ||                                  Modified IF condition in validation of p_invoice_id.
71   ||  vvutukur        14-Sep-2003     Enh#3045007.Payment Plans Build. Changes as specified in TD.
72   ||  pathipat        13-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds
73   ||                                  Added call to finp_auto_release_holds()
74   ||  vvutukur        16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Added 3 new paramters lockbox_interface_id,batch_name,deposit_date
75   ||                                  in the TBH call igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row.
76   ||  shtatiko        30-APR-2003     Enh# 2831569, Added check for Manage Accounts
77   ||                                  System Option. If its value is NULL then this will
78   ||                                  error out. If its value is OTHER then it tries
79   ||                                  to create a credit but doesn't update Standard
80   ||                                  or Holds Balance for the person in context.
81   ||  vchappid        19-May-2003     Build Bug# 2831572, Financial Accounting Enhancements
82   ||                                  New Parameters - Attendance Type, Attendance Mode, Residency Status Code
83   ||                                  added in procedure create_credit
84   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
86   --Cursors used in this procedure
88     --Cursor to derive revenue account from the credit account of source charge transaction.
89     CURSOR cur_override_dr(cp_invoice_id   igs_fi_invln_int_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
90       SELECT rev_account_cd, rev_gl_ccid
91       FROM   igs_fi_invln_int_all
92       WHERE  invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
94     --Cursor to fetch the admission application number for an application id and person id.
95     CURSOR cur_adm_app_num ( cp_application_id igs_ad_appl.application_id%TYPE,
96                              cp_person_id      igs_ad_appl.person_id%TYPE
97                             )IS
98       SELECT admission_appl_number
99       FROM   igs_ad_appl_all
100       WHERE  person_id      = cp_person_id
101       AND    application_id = cp_application_id;
103     -- Cursor to get the waiver name, fee cal type for the passed waiver name
104    CURSOR cur_waiver_pgms (cp_fee_cal_type igs_fi_waiver_pgms.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
105                            cp_fee_ci_sequence_number igs_fi_waiver_pgms.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
106                            cp_waiver_name igs_fi_waiver_pgms.waiver_name%TYPE ) IS
107    SELECT fwp.fee_cal_type, fwp.fee_ci_sequence_number, fwp.waiver_name
108    FROM igs_fi_waiver_pgms fwp
109    WHERE fwp.fee_cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
110    AND fwp.fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
111    AND fwp.waiver_name = cp_waiver_name;
113    l_waiver_pgms cur_waiver_pgms%ROWTYPE;
114     --Local Variables declaration part.
115     l_pkg_name                 CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'IGS_FI_CREDIT_PVT';
116     l_api_version              CONSTANT  NUMBER := 2.1;
117     l_api_name                 CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'create_credit';
118     l_credit                   CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(10) := 'CREDIT';
119     l_standard                 CONSTANT  igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_name%TYPE  := 'STANDARD';
120     l_hold                     CONSTANT  igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_name%TYPE := 'HOLDS';
121     l_v_action_active          CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(10) := 'ACTIVE';
123     l_b_return_status            BOOLEAN;
124     l_d_last_conversion_date     DATE;
125     l_d_transaction_date         DATE;
126     l_d_effective_date           DATE;
128     l_n_cnv_prc                  igs_fi_control_all.conv_process_run_ind%TYPE := NULL;
129     l_n_version_number           igs_fi_balance_rules.version_number%TYPE;
130     l_n_balance_rule_id          igs_fi_balance_rules.balance_rule_id%TYPE;
131     l_v_message_name             fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
132     l_v_currency_cd              igs_fi_control_all.currency_cd%TYPE := NULL;
133     l_n_amount                   igs_fi_credits_all.amount%TYPE;
135     l_n_dr_gl_ccid               igs_fi_cr_activities.dr_gl_ccid%TYPE;
136     l_n_cr_gl_ccid               igs_fi_cr_activities.cr_gl_ccid%TYPE;
137     l_v_dr_account_cd            igs_fi_cr_activities.dr_account_cd%TYPE;
138     l_v_cr_account_cd            igs_fi_cr_activities.cr_account_cd%TYPE;
139     l_n_err_type                 NUMBER(2) := NULL;
140     l_v_err_string               VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
142     l_rec_cur_override_dr        cur_override_dr%ROWTYPE;
143     l_v_credit_class             igs_fi_cr_types_all.credit_class%TYPE;
144     l_v_acct_mthd                igs_fi_control_all.accounting_method%TYPE;
145     l_var                        VARCHAR2(1);
147     l_n_credit_id                igs_fi_credits.credit_id%TYPE := NULL;
148     l_n_credit_activity_id       igs_fi_cr_activities.credit_activity_id%TYPE := NULL;
149     l_v_rowid                    VARCHAR2(25) := NULL;
151     l_adm_app_number             igs_ad_appl_all.admission_appl_number%TYPE;
152     l_v_manage_accounts          igs_fi_control_all.manage_accounts%TYPE;
154     l_v_credit_number            igs_fi_credits_all.credit_number%TYPE;
155     l_v_cc_number                igs_fi_credits_all.credit_card_number%TYPE;
157   BEGIN
159     --Create a savepoint.
160     SAVEPOINT create_credit_pvt;
162     --Check if the user is having a compatible version.
163     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call( p_current_version_number  =>  l_api_version,
164                                         p_caller_version_number   =>  p_api_version,
165                                         p_api_name                =>  l_api_name,
166                                         p_pkg_name                =>  l_pkg_name) THEN
167       --If not, then raise an error message.
168       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
169     END IF;
171     --If the calling program has passed the parameter for initializing the message list
172     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list) THEN
173       --then call the Initialize program of the fnd_msg_pub package to initialize the message list.
174       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
175     END IF;
177     --Set the return status to success
178     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
180     -- Get the value of "Manage Accounts" System Option value.
181     -- If this value is NULL then this process should error out.
182     igs_fi_com_rec_interface.chk_manage_account ( p_v_manage_acc => l_v_manage_accounts,
183                                                   p_v_message_name => l_v_message_name );
184     IF l_v_manage_accounts IS NULL THEN
185       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
186         fnd_message.set_name ( 'IGS', l_v_message_name );
187         fnd_msg_pub.add;
188         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
189       END IF;
190     END IF;
192     l_v_message_name := NULL;
193     -- Check for Holds Balance Conversion Process and Existance of Balance Rule for Holds Balance
194     -- are not required if Manage Accounts Option has value OTHER.
195     IF l_v_manage_accounts <> 'OTHER' THEN
196       --Check whether Holds Balance Conversion Process is running..
197       igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_conv_prc_run_ind( p_n_conv_process_run_ind => l_n_cnv_prc,
198                                                 p_v_message_name         => l_v_message_name
199                                                );
201       --If holds conversion process is running..error out of Private Credits API.
202       IF l_n_cnv_prc = 1 AND l_v_message_name IS NULL THEN
203         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
204           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_REASS_BAL_PRC_RUN');
205           fnd_msg_pub.add;
206           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
207         END IF;
208       END IF;
210       IF l_v_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
211         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
212           fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_message_name);
213           fnd_msg_pub.add;
214           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
215         END IF;
216       END IF;
218       --Get the latest active balance rule for 'HOLDS' balance type.
219       igs_fi_gen_007.finp_get_balance_rule( p_v_balance_type         => l_hold,
220                                             p_v_action               => l_v_action_active,
221                                             p_n_balance_rule_id      => l_n_balance_rule_id,
222                                             p_d_last_conversion_date => l_d_last_conversion_date,
223                                             p_n_version_number       => l_n_version_number
224                                            );
226       --If no active balance rule exists for 'HOLDS', raise error.
227       IF l_n_version_number = 0 THEN
228         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
229           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_CANNOT_CRT_TXN');
230           fnd_msg_pub.add;
231           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
232         END IF;
233       END IF;
234     END IF;
236     --Assign the parameter values of amount and currency code into local variables.
237     -- Added call to format amount by rounding off to currency precision
238     l_n_amount := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(p_credit_rec.p_amount);
239     l_v_currency_cd := p_credit_rec.p_currency_cd;
241     --If this procedure is invoked with FULL validation level,
242     IF p_validation_level = fnd_api.g_valid_level_full THEN
243       --then, call the public procedure for all validations to happen.
244       igs_fi_crdapi_util.validate_parameters( p_n_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
245                                               p_credit_rec         => p_credit_rec,
246                                               p_attribute_rec      => p_attribute_record,
247                                               p_b_return_status    => l_b_return_status);
249       --if any error occurred during above validation, raise error.
250       IF l_b_return_status = FALSE THEN
251         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
252           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
253         END IF;
254       END IF;
256       l_v_message_name := NULL;
258       --also, call the public procedure for currency code validation and translation into local currency(if required).
259       igs_fi_crdapi_util.translate_local_currency( p_n_amount         => l_n_amount,
260                                                    p_v_currency_cd    => l_v_currency_cd,
261                                                    p_n_exchange_rate  => p_credit_rec.p_exchange_rate,
262                                                    p_b_return_status  => l_b_return_status,
263                                                    p_v_message_name   => l_v_message_name);
264       --if any error occurred during above validation...
265       IF l_b_return_status = FALSE THEN
266         --raise the error and abort further processing.
267         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
268           fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_message_name);
269           fnd_msg_pub.add;
270           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
271         END IF;
272       END IF;
273     END IF;
276     --Fetch the credit class.
277     igs_fi_crdapi_util.validate_credit_type( p_n_credit_type_id  => p_credit_rec.p_credit_type_id,
278                                              p_v_credit_class    => l_v_credit_class,
279                                              p_b_return_stat     => l_b_return_status
280                                             );
282      -- Pmarada Added logic as per Tution Waivers enhancement
283      IF (p_credit_rec.p_waiver_name IS NOT NULL) AND (l_v_credit_class = 'WAIVER') THEN
284         OPEN cur_waiver_pgms (p_credit_rec.p_fee_cal_type, p_credit_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number, p_credit_rec.p_waiver_name );
285         FETCH cur_waiver_pgms INTO l_waiver_pgms;
286         IF cur_waiver_pgms%NOTFOUND THEN
287           CLOSE cur_waiver_pgms;
288           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_WAV_PGM_NO_REC_FOUND');
289           fnd_msg_pub.add;
290           RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
291         END IF;
292         CLOSE cur_waiver_pgms;
293      END IF;
295     --Assign the parameter values of trancation date and effective dates into local variables.
296     l_d_transaction_date := p_credit_rec.p_transaction_date;
297     l_d_effective_date   := p_credit_rec.p_effective_date;
299     --If no value is provided for the transaction date parameter, set the System Date to this and use for further processing.
300     IF p_credit_rec.p_transaction_date IS NULL THEN
301       l_d_transaction_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
302     END IF;
304     --If no value is provided for the effective date parameter also, set effective date same as the transaction date.
305     IF p_credit_rec.p_effective_date IS NULL THEN
306       l_d_effective_date := l_d_transaction_date;
307     END IF;
309     --Invoke the Build Accounts Process for deriving the accounting information.
310     igs_fi_prc_acct_pkg.build_accounts(
311                                        p_fee_type               => NULL,
312                                        p_fee_cal_type           => NULL,
313                                        p_fee_ci_sequence_number => NULL,
314                                        p_course_cd              => NULL,
315                                        p_course_version_number  => NULL,
316                                        p_org_unit_cd            => NULL,
317                                        p_org_start_dt           => NULL,
318                                        p_unit_cd                => NULL,
319                                        p_unit_version_number    => NULL,
320                                        p_uoo_id                 => NULL,
321                                        p_location_cd            => NULL,
322                                        p_transaction_type       => l_credit,
323                                        p_credit_type_id         => p_credit_rec.p_credit_type_id,
324                                        p_source_transaction_id  => NULL,
325                                        x_dr_gl_ccid             => l_n_dr_gl_ccid,
326                                        x_cr_gl_ccid             => l_n_cr_gl_ccid,
327                                        x_dr_account_cd          => l_v_dr_account_cd,
328                                        x_cr_account_cd          => l_v_cr_account_cd,
329                                        x_err_type               => l_n_err_type,
330                                        x_err_string             => l_v_err_string,
331                                        x_ret_status             => l_b_return_status,
332                                        p_v_attendance_type      => NULL,
333                                        p_v_attendance_mode      => NULL,
334                                        p_v_residency_status_cd  => NULL,
335                                        p_n_unit_type_id         => NULL,
336                                        p_v_unit_class           => NULL,
337                                        p_v_unit_mode            => NULL,
338                                        p_v_unit_level           => NULL,
339                                        p_v_waiver_name          => NULL
340                                        );
342     --If any error occurred, raise the error.
343     IF l_b_return_status = FALSE THEN
344       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
345         --Bug 3627209, Added message on to the stack before adding it on to the fnd_message_pub
346         fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_err_string);
347         fnd_msg_pub.add;
348         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
349       END IF;
350     END IF;
352     --If the user has provided a value for p_invoice_id parameter...
353     IF (p_credit_rec.p_invoice_id IS NOT NULL) AND (l_v_credit_class = 'CHGADJ') THEN
354       --Check if the accounting method setup in the System Options Form is ACCRUAL.
355       --If accounting method is CASH, no changes are necessary for the accounting information derived earlier.
356       l_v_acct_mthd := igs_fi_gen_005.finp_get_acct_meth;
357       --If the accounting method is ACCRUAL...
358       IF l_v_acct_mthd = 'ACCRUAL' THEN
359          OPEN cur_override_dr(p_credit_rec.p_invoice_id);
360          FETCH cur_override_dr INTO l_rec_cur_override_dr;
361          IF cur_override_dr%FOUND THEN
362             --Override the debit account with the revenue account checking if the receivables is installed or not.
363             IF igs_fi_gen_005.finp_get_receivables_inst = 'Y' THEN
364                l_n_dr_gl_ccid := l_rec_cur_override_dr.rev_gl_ccid;
365                l_v_dr_account_cd := NULL;
366             ELSE
367                l_n_dr_gl_ccid := NULL;
368                l_v_dr_account_cd := l_rec_cur_override_dr.rev_account_cd;
369             END IF;
370          END IF; --cur override IF
371          CLOSE cur_override_dr;
372       END IF; --acct mthd IF
373     END IF;  --for p_invoice_id IF
375     --Enh 4607540 , Calling iPayment API to get the encrypted value of Credit card number.
376     --This Code logic is commented as the part of the Bug 4660773 Dont remove the commented Code
377 /*  IF p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number IS NOT NULL THEN
378       l_v_cc_number := IBY_CC_SECURITY_PUB.SECURE_CARD_NUMBER(p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE, p_card_number => p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number);
379     ELSE
380       l_v_cc_number := p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number;
381     END IF;
383     */
384     l_v_cc_number := p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number; -- This piece of code has to be removed when the above commented code is uncommented.
387     --Call the table handler for the credits table for creating a record in the credits table.
388     --passed l_v_credit_number for x_credit_number (svuppala - Enh# 4213629)
389     igs_fi_credits_pkg.insert_row(    x_rowid                        => l_v_rowid,
390                                       x_credit_id                    => l_n_credit_id,
391                                       x_credit_number                => l_v_credit_number,
392                                       x_status                       => p_credit_rec.p_credit_status,
393                                       x_credit_source                => p_credit_rec.p_credit_source,
394                                       x_party_id                     => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
395                                       x_credit_type_id               => p_credit_rec.p_credit_type_id,
396                                       x_credit_instrument            => p_credit_rec.p_credit_instrument,
397                                       x_description                  => p_credit_rec.p_description,
398                                       x_amount                       => l_n_amount,
399                                       x_currency_cd                  => l_v_currency_cd,
400                                       x_exchange_rate                => 1,
401                                       x_transaction_date             => TRUNC(l_d_transaction_date),
402                                       x_effective_date               => TRUNC(l_d_effective_date),
403                                       x_reversal_date                => NULL,
404                                       x_reversal_reason_code         => NULL,
405                                       x_reversal_comments            => NULL,
406                                       x_unapplied_amount             => l_n_amount,
407                                       x_source_transaction_id        => p_credit_rec.p_source_transaction_id,
408                                       x_merchant_id                  => NULL,
409                                       x_receipt_lockbox_number       => p_credit_rec.p_receipt_lockbox_number,
410                                       x_credit_card_code             => p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_code,
411                                       x_credit_card_holder_name      => p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_holder_name,
412                                       --Bug 4607540, Credit Card Enryption enhancement
413                                       x_credit_card_number           => l_v_cc_number,
414                                       x_credit_card_expiration_date  => TRUNC(p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_expiration_date),
415                                       x_credit_card_approval_code    => p_credit_rec.p_credit_card_approval_code,
416                                       x_awd_yr_cal_type              => p_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_cal_type,
417                                       x_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number    => p_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number,
418                                       x_fee_cal_type                 => p_credit_rec.p_fee_cal_type,
419                                       x_fee_ci_sequence_number       => p_credit_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number,
420                                       x_attribute_category           => p_attribute_record.p_attribute_category,
421                                       x_attribute1                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute1,
422                                       x_attribute2                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute2,
423                                       x_attribute3                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute3,
424                                       x_attribute4                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute4,
425                                       x_attribute5                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute5,
426                                       x_attribute6                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute6,
427                                       x_attribute7                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute7,
428                                       x_attribute8                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute8,
429                                       x_attribute9                   => p_attribute_record.p_attribute9,
430                                       x_attribute10                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute10,
431                                       x_attribute11                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute11,
432                                       x_attribute12                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute12,
433                                       x_attribute13                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute13,
434                                       x_attribute14                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute14,
435                                       x_attribute15                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute15,
436                                       x_attribute16                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute16,
437                                       x_attribute17                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute17,
438                                       x_attribute18                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute18,
439                                       x_attribute19                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute19,
440                                       x_attribute20                  => p_attribute_record.p_attribute20,
441                                       x_gl_date                      => p_credit_rec.p_gl_date,
442                                       x_check_number                 => p_credit_rec.p_check_number,
443                                       x_source_transaction_type      => p_credit_rec.p_source_tran_type,
444                                       x_source_transaction_ref       => p_credit_rec.p_source_tran_ref_number,
445                                       x_credit_card_payee_cd         => p_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_payee_cd,
446                                       x_credit_card_status_code      => p_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_status_code,
447                                       x_credit_card_tangible_cd      => p_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd,
448                                       x_lockbox_interface_id         => p_credit_rec.p_lockbox_interface_id,
449                                       x_batch_name                   => p_credit_rec.p_batch_name,
450                                       x_deposit_date                 => p_credit_rec.p_deposit_date,
451                                       x_source_invoice_id            => p_credit_rec.p_invoice_id,
452                                       x_tax_year_code                => NULL,
453                                       x_waiver_name                  => p_credit_rec.p_waiver_name
454                                       );
456     --Initilialize local variable of rowid to null values, as this value would be populated thru tbh call.
457     l_v_rowid := NULL;
459     --Call the table handler insert row procedure for creating the records in the credit activities table.
460     igs_fi_cr_activities_pkg.insert_row(x_rowid                      => l_v_rowid,
461                                         x_credit_activity_id         => l_n_credit_activity_id,
462                                         x_credit_id                  => l_n_credit_id,
463                                         x_status                     => p_credit_rec.p_credit_status,
464                                         x_transaction_date           => TRUNC(l_d_transaction_date),
465                                         x_amount                     => l_n_amount,
466                                         x_dr_account_cd              => l_v_dr_account_cd,
467                                         x_cr_account_cd              => l_v_cr_account_cd,
468                                         x_dr_gl_ccid                 => l_n_dr_gl_ccid,
469                                         x_cr_gl_ccid                 => l_n_cr_gl_ccid,
470                                         x_bill_id                    => NULL,
471                                         x_bill_number                => NULL,
472                                         x_bill_date                  => NULL,
473                                         x_posting_id                 => NULL,
474                                         x_gl_date                    => p_credit_rec.p_gl_date,
475                                         x_gl_posted_date             => NULL,
476                                         x_posting_control_id         => NULL
477                                         );
479     --If the credit class is Installment Payments then, apply the transaction amount to the person's
480     --installment payments such that the new installment balance is reflected.
481     IF l_v_credit_class = 'INSTALLMENT_PAYMENTS' THEN
482       igs_fi_crdapi_util.apply_installments(p_n_person_id      => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
483                                             p_n_amount         => l_n_amount,
484                                             p_n_credit_id      => l_n_credit_id,
485                                             p_n_cr_activity_id => l_n_credit_activity_id);
486     END IF;
488     --In case of a deposit transaction, with 'Enrollment Deposit' Credit Class, the successfully recorded
489     --transaction information in Student Finance Subsystem has to be updated in the Admission Subsystem also.
490     IF l_v_credit_class = 'ENRDEPOSIT' THEN
491       --Fetch the appliation number for the source transaction reference number(application_id).
492       OPEN cur_adm_app_num(TO_NUMBER(p_credit_rec.p_source_tran_ref_number),p_credit_rec.p_party_id);
493       FETCH cur_adm_app_num INTO l_adm_app_number;
494       CLOSE cur_adm_app_num;
496       --passed l_v_credit_number for p_reference_number  (svuppala - Enh# 4213629)
497       igs_ad_gen_015.create_enrollment_deposit( p_person_id                 => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
498                                                 p_admission_appl_number     => l_adm_app_number,
499                                                 p_enrollment_deposit_amount => l_n_amount,
500                                                 p_payment_date              => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
501                                                 p_fee_payment_method        => p_credit_rec.p_credit_instrument,
502                                                 p_reference_number          => l_v_credit_number
503                                                );
504     END IF;
506     -- After the records have been created in the credits and the credit activities table, then
507     -- the update balances process should be called for picking up the balances records in the credits
508     -- table for Holds and Standard Balance.
510     --Firstly, Standard Balance updation.
512     l_v_message_name :=NULL;
514     --Updation of balances table SHOULD NOT happen for Deposit Transactions.
515     -- And also if Manage Accounts is OTHER
516     IF (l_v_credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT'))
517        AND l_v_manage_accounts <> 'OTHER' THEN
518       igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances(  p_party_id             => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
519                                             p_balance_type         => l_standard,
520                                             p_balance_date         => TRUNC(l_d_transaction_date),
521                                             p_amount               => ((-1)*l_n_amount),
522                                             p_source               => l_credit,
523                                             p_source_id            => l_n_credit_id,
524                                             p_message_name         => l_v_message_name
525                                           );
527       IF l_v_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
528         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
529           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_v_message_name);
530           fnd_msg_pub.add;
531           -- Do not raise error for information messages regd credit type or fee type being excluded.
532           IF l_v_message_name NOT IN ('IGS_FI_CTYP_EXCLDED','IGS_FI_FTYP_EXCLDED') THEN
533              RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
534           END IF;
535         END IF;
536       END IF;
537     END IF;
539     --Secondly, Holds Balance updation.
541     l_v_message_name   := NULL;
543     --Updation of balances table SHOULD NOT happen for Deposit Transactions.
544     -- And also if Manage Accounts is OTHER
545     IF (l_v_credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT'))
546        AND l_v_manage_accounts <> 'OTHER' THEN
547       igs_fi_prc_balances.update_balances(  p_party_id             => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
548                                             p_balance_type         => l_hold,
549                                             p_balance_date         => TRUNC(l_d_transaction_date),
550                                             p_amount               => ((-1)*l_n_amount),
551                                             p_source               => l_credit,
552                                             p_source_id            => l_n_credit_id,
553                                             p_message_name         => l_v_message_name
554                                           );
556       IF l_v_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
557         IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
558           fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_v_message_name);
559           fnd_msg_pub.add;
560           -- Do not raise error for information messages regd credit type or fee type being excluded.
561           IF l_v_message_name NOT IN ('IGS_FI_CTYP_EXCLDED','IGS_FI_FTYP_EXCLDED') THEN
562              RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
563           END IF;
564         END IF;
565       END IF;
566     END IF;
568     -- Call procedure to Validate the holds and release holds if applicable
569     -- The holds table, IGS_FI_PERSON_HOLDS, will contain the credit id of the
570     -- transaction as the release_credit_id
571     l_v_message_name := NULL;
572     IF (l_v_credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT')) AND l_v_manage_accounts <> 'OTHER' THEN
573            igs_fi_prc_holds.finp_auto_release_holds( p_person_id          => p_credit_rec.p_party_id,
574                                                      p_hold_plan_level    => 'S',
575                                                      p_release_credit_id  => l_n_credit_id,
576                                                      p_run_application    => 'N',
577                                                      p_message_name       => l_v_message_name
578                                                     );
579            -- If p_message_name has been returned with a value, add message to stack
580            IF l_v_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
581               fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_message_name);
582               fnd_msg_pub.add;
583            END IF;
584     END IF;
586     --If the calling program has passed the parameter for committing the data and there
587     --have been no errors in calling the balances process, then commit the work
588     IF (fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit)) THEN
589       COMMIT WORK;
590     END IF;
592     --Assign the values to the out parameters
593     x_credit_id          := l_n_credit_id;
594     x_credit_activity_id := l_n_credit_activity_id;
595     x_credit_number      := l_v_credit_number;
597     fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
598                                p_data           => x_msg_data);
601     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
602       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pvt;
603       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
604       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
605                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
607     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
608       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pvt;
609       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
610       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
611                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
614       ROLLBACK TO create_credit_pvt;
615       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
616       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
617         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(l_pkg_name,
618                                 l_api_name);
619       END IF;
620       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count          => x_msg_count,
621                                  p_data           => x_msg_data);
623   END create_credit;
624 END igs_fi_credit_pvt;