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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

  delete pay_action_interlocks
  where locking_action_id in (
    select assignment_action_id
    from   pay_assignment_actions
    where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id);
Line: 43

                select  business_group_id,
                from    pay_payroll_actions
                where   payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 107

'select	distinct per.person_id
from	per_all_people_f	per,
        pay_payroll_actions	ppa
where	ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
and  ppa.business_group_id + 0 = per.business_group_id
order by per.person_id';
Line: 136

          select  /* Removed the hint as per Bug# 4767118 */
          from	(
                  select  /* Removed the hint as per Bug# 4767118 */
                          distinct asg.assignment_id
                  from    per_periods_of_service  pds,
                          per_all_assignments_f   asg
                  where   pds.person_id
                                 between p_start_person_id and p_end_person_id
                  and     pds.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                  and     asg.period_of_service_id = pds.period_of_service_id
                ) v,
                pay_assignment_actions  paa,
                pay_payroll_actions     ppa
          where paa.assignment_id = v.assignment_id
          and   paa.action_status = 'C'
          and   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
          and   (ppa.consolidation_set_id = p_consolidation_set_id or p_consolidation_set_id is null)
          and   ppa.effective_date
                   between nvl(p_start_date, ppa.effective_date) and p_effective_date
          and   (ppa.payroll_id = p_payroll_id or p_payroll_id is null)
          and   ppa.action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'B', 'I')
          and   not exists(
                   select  /*+ ORDERED
                               USE_NL(PAAA PPAA)
                               INDEX(XPAI PAY_ACTION_INTERLOCKS_FK2)
                               INDEX(XPAA PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_PK)
                               INDEX(XPPA PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK) */
                   from    pay_action_interlocks  xpai,
                           pay_assignment_actions xpaa,
                           pay_payroll_actions    xppa
                   where   xpai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   and     xpaa.assignment_action_id = xpai.locking_action_id
                   and     xppa.payroll_action_id = xpaa.payroll_action_id
                   and     xppa.action_type = 'X'
                   and     xppa.report_type = 'PRT'
                   and     xppa.report_qualifier = 'JP')
                   and not exists(
                           select  null
                           from    pay_action_information pai
                           where   (pai.action_information_category='JP_PRE_TAX_1')
                           and     pai.action_context_type='AAP'
                           and     pai.action_information1=paa.assignment_action_id
                           and     pai.assignment_id=paa.assignment_id)
                order by paa.assignment_id
                for update of paa.assignment_action_id nowait;
Line: 199

             select  pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into    l_locking_action_id
             from    dual;
Line: 237

          select locked_action_id
          from   pay_action_interlocks
          where  locking_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
Line: 273

          select 'Y'
          from   dual
          where	not exists(
               select  null
               from    pay_assignment_actions
               where   payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
               and     action_status <> 'C');