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Line 1618: FROM igs_en_rep_process rp , igs_or_unit ou

1614: CURSOR cur_org_incl_adv_stand (
1615: cp_org_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2
1616: ) IS
1617: SELECT include_adv_standing_units,max_repeats_for_credit,max_repeats_for_funding,rp.org_unit_id
1618: FROM igs_en_rep_process rp , igs_or_unit ou
1619: WHERE ou.org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd
1620: AND ou.party_id = rp.org_unit_id
1621: AND rp.org_unit_id IS NOT NULL
1622: UNION

Line 1624: FROM igs_en_rep_process

1620: AND ou.party_id = rp.org_unit_id
1621: AND rp.org_unit_id IS NOT NULL
1622: UNION
1623: SELECT include_adv_standing_units,max_repeats_for_credit,max_repeats_for_funding,org_unit_id
1624: FROM igs_en_rep_process
1625: WHERE org_unit_id IS NULL
1626: ORDER BY org_unit_id;
1627: --
1628: -- Cursor to select all the Unit Attempts of the Student.

Line 1714: l_include_in_advanced_standing igs_en_rep_process.include_adv_standing_units%TYPE := 'N';

1711: rec_cur_unit_details cur_unit_details%ROWTYPE;
1712: l_step_override_limit igs_en_elgb_ovr_step.step_override_limit%TYPE;
1713: l_number_of_repeats NUMBER := 0 ;
1714: l_include_in_advanced_standing igs_en_rep_process.include_adv_standing_units%TYPE := 'N';
1715: l_repeat_allowed igs_ps_unit_ver.repeatable_ind%TYPE ;
1716: l_max_repeats NUMBER;
1717: l_unit_max_repeats NUMBER;
1718: l_org_max_repeats NUMBER;