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1 package body PAY_US_TRR_ENGINE_PKG as
2 /* $Header: pyusteng.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 09:59:04 appldev noship $ */
4 procedure federal_trr(errbuf     OUT nocopy    VARCHAR2,
5                       retcode    OUT nocopy    NUMBER,
6                       p_business_group   number ,
7                       p_start_date       varchar2,
8                       p_end_date	 varchar2,
9 		      p_gre		 number,
10                       p_federal  	 varchar2,
11                       p_state		 varchar2,
12                       p_dimension        varchar2)
13 is
14 --
15 --
17  cursor gre_sizes(c_business_group_id  number,
18                   c_tax_unit_id        number,
19                   c_jurisdiction_code  varchar2)
20  is
21    select count(*) gre_size, puar.tax_unit_id gre_id, htu.name gre_name
22    from   pay_us_asg_reporting puar,
23           hr_tax_units_v htu
24    where  puar.tax_unit_id=htu.tax_unit_id
25    and    htu.business_group_id=c_business_group_id
26    and    substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2)=
27                    nvl(c_jurisdiction_code,substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2))
28    and    htu.tax_unit_id=nvl(c_tax_unit_id,htu.tax_unit_id)
29    group by puar.tax_unit_id,htu.name
30    order by count(*);
31 */
33  cursor gre_sizes_gre is
34    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
35    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
36           hr_organization_information info
37    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
38      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
39      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
40      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
41      and info.organization_id = p_gre
42    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
43    order by count(*);
45  cursor gre_sizes is
46    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
47    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
48           hr_organization_information info
49    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
50      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
51      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
52      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
53      and trunc(nvl(date_to,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date)),'Y') >= trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date),'Y')
54    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
55    order by count(*);
57  cursor gre_sizes_gre_state is
58    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
59    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
60           hr_organization_information info
61    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
62      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
63      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
64      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
65      and info.organization_id = p_gre
66      and exists (select  '1' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
67                  where puar.tax_unit_id = info.organization_id
68                    and puar.jurisdiction_code like p_state||'%')
69    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
70    order by count(*);
72  cursor gre_sizes_state is
73  select /*+ INDEX(hoi.hao HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_FK1) */
74     count(*) gre_size,info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
75     from  hr_organization_units hoi,
76           hr_organization_information info
77     where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
78       and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
79       and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
80       and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
81       and trunc(nvl(date_to,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date)),'Y') >= trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date),'Y')
82       and exists (select  '1' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
83                   where puar.tax_unit_id = info.organization_id
84                     and puar.jurisdiction_code like p_state||'%')
85     group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
86     order by count(*);
88   gre_list    gre_info_list;
89   list_index  number:=1;
90   start_index number:=1;
91   end_index   number:=1;
92   l_req_id    number;
93   copies_buffer varchar2(80) := null;
94   print_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
95   printer_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
96   style_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
97   save_buffer  boolean := null;
98   save_result  varchar2(1) := null;
99   req_id  varchar2(80) := null;
100   x boolean;
101   x1 boolean;
103   l_valid_status  varchar2(5);
104   l_program       varchar2(100);
105 --
106 --
107 begin
109 --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'oracle');
111   -- initialise variable - 0 is SRS Success, 1 is SRS Warning, 2 is SRS Error
112   retcode := 0;
113   -- get printing info
114   req_id:=fnd_profile.value('CONC_REQUEST_ID');
115   print_buffer:=fnd_profile.value('CONC_PRINT_TOGETHER');
116    if (print_buffer is NULL)
117    then print_buffer:='N';
118    end if;
120   select number_of_copies,
121         printer,
122         print_style,
123         save_output_flag
124   into  copies_buffer,
125         printer_buffer,
126         style_buffer,
127         save_result
128   from  fnd_concurrent_requests
129   where request_id = fnd_number.canonical_to_number(req_id);
132   if (save_result='Y') then
133     save_buffer:=true;
134   elsif (save_result='N') then
135     save_buffer:=false;
136   else
137     save_buffer:=NULL;
138   end if;
140 -- logic to decide which report to fire
141    /*begin
142         select pdb.run_balance_status
143           into l_valid_status
144         from   pay_defined_balances pdb,
145                pay_balance_types pbt,
146                pay_balance_dimensions pbd
147         where  pdb.legislation_code = 'US'
148            and pdb.save_run_balance = 'Y'
149            and pdb.run_balance_status is not null
150            and pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
151            and pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
152            and pbt.balance_name = 'SIT Withheld'
153            and pbd.database_item_suffix = '_GRE_JD_RUN';
154    */
155 /* New code : In the table pay_balnace_validation the balance_load_date is
156               not Mendatory so we need to take a look at it.p_start_date
157               can have null value .
158           1.  What should we do if the status of the column
159               is processing. Should we stop running TRR or should we
160               continue with the process "
162 */
163    -- Bug 3400857 : Logic to check valid balances is now moved to PAYUSFTR.rdf
164      /* select   pbv.run_balance_status
165         into   l_valid_status
166         from   pay_defined_balances pdb,
167                pay_balance_types pbt,
168                pay_balance_validation pbv,
169                pay_balance_dimensions pbd
170          where  pdb.legislation_code = 'US'
171            and pdb.save_run_balance = 'Y'
172            and pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
173            and pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
174            and pbt.balance_name = 'SIT Withheld'
175            and pbd.database_item_suffix = '_GRE_JD_RUN'
176            and pdb.defined_balance_id = pbv.defined_balance_id
177            and pbv.business_group_id = p_business_group
178            and nvl(pbv.balance_load_date,
179                    fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date))
180                 <= fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date);
183         if l_valid_status = 'V' then
184            --call the new report
185            l_program := 'PYFEDTRR_RB';
187         else
188            -- call the old report
189            l_program := 'PYFEDTRR';
191         end if;
193    exception when others then
194            -- call the old report
195            l_program := 'PYFEDTRR';
196    end;*/
197 -- end logic
198   l_program := 'PYFEDTRR';
199 --  l_program := 'PYFEDTRR_RB';
200   -- read data into table
201   if (p_gre is null and p_state is null ) then
203      for  grerec in gre_sizes loop
204        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
205        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
206        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
208        list_index:=list_index+1;
209      end loop;
211   elsif (p_gre is not null and p_state is null ) then
213      for  grerec in gre_sizes_gre loop
214        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
215        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
216        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
218        list_index:=list_index+1;
219      end loop;
221   elsif (p_gre is not null and p_state is not null) then
223      for  grerec in gre_sizes_gre_state loop
224        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
225        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
226        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
228        list_index:=list_index+1;
229      end loop;
231   else /* (p_gre is null and p_state is not null) */
233      for  grerec in gre_sizes_state loop
234        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
235        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
236        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
238        list_index:=list_index+1;
239      end loop;
241   end if;
244   for  grerec in gre_sizes(p_business_group,p_gre,p_state) loop
245     gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
246     gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
247     gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
249     list_index:=list_index+1;
250   end loop;
251 */
253   -- get start of list
254   start_index:=1;
255   -- get end of list
256   end_index:=list_index-1;
257   -- loop round from both ends working inwards
258   while (start_index<end_index) loop
259     -- set print options
260     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
261                    printer        => printer_buffer,
262                    style          => style_buffer,
263                    copies         => copies_buffer,
264                    save_output    => save_buffer,
265                    print_together => print_buffer);
267     -- Bug 3487186 Added by ssmukher
268     x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
270     -- submit requests for report
271     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
272                             application    => 'PAY',
273                             program        => l_program,
274                             argument1      => gre_list(start_index).gre_name,
275                             argument2      => p_business_group,
276                             argument3      => p_start_date,
277                             argument4      => p_end_date,
278                             argument5      => gre_list(start_index).gre_id,
279                             argument6      => p_federal,
280                             argument7      => p_state,
281                             argument8      => p_dimension);
282     -- set print options
283     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
284                    printer        => printer_buffer,
285                    style          => style_buffer,
286                    copies         => copies_buffer,
287                    save_output    => save_buffer,
288                    print_together => print_buffer);
289    --Bug 3487186 Add  by ssmukher
290    x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
292     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
293                             application    => 'PAY',
294                             program        => l_program,
295                             argument1      => gre_list(end_index).gre_name,
296                             argument2      => p_business_group,
297                             argument3      => p_start_date,
298                             argument4      => p_end_date,
299                             argument5      => gre_list(end_index).gre_id,
300                             argument6      => p_federal,
301                             argument7      => p_state,
302                             argument8      => p_dimension);
303     -- get next values
304     start_index:=start_index+1;
305     end_index:=end_index-1;
306     --
308   end loop;
309   -- submit for middle value in list if odd number of gre's
310   if (start_index=end_index) then
311     -- set print options
312     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
313                    printer        => printer_buffer,
314                    style          => style_buffer,
315                    copies         => copies_buffer,
316                    save_output    => save_buffer,
317                    print_together => print_buffer);
319 -- Bug 3487186 Added by ssmukher
320    x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
321     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
322                             application    => 'PAY',
323                             program        => l_program,
324                             argument1      => gre_list(start_index).gre_name,
325                             argument2      => p_business_group,
326                             argument3      => p_start_date,
327                             argument4      => p_end_date,
328                             argument5      => gre_list(start_index).gre_id,
329                             argument6      => p_federal,
330                             argument7      => p_state,
331                             argument8      => p_dimension);
332   end if;
334   --
335    WHEN hr_utility.hr_error THEN
336      --
337      -- Set up error message and error return code.
338      --
339 	--hr_utility.trace('in the exception');
340      errbuf  := hr_utility.get_message;
341      retcode := 2;
342      --
343 --
344 WHEN others THEN
345 --
346      -- Set up error message and return code.
347      --
348      errbuf  := sqlerrm;
349      retcode := 2;
350 end federal_trr;
352 procedure state_trr
353 is
354 begin
356  null;
357 end state_trr;
358 --
359 procedure local_trr(errbuf      out nocopy    varchar2
360                      ,retcode   out nocopy    number
361                      ,p_business_group  number
362                      ,p_start_date      varchar2
363                      ,p_end_date        varchar2
364                      ,p_gre             number
365                      ,p_state           varchar2
366                      ,p_locality_type   varchar2
367                      ,p_is_city         varchar2
368                      ,p_city            varchar2
369                      ,p_is_county       varchar2
370                      ,p_county          varchar2
371                      ,p_is_school       varchar2
372                      ,p_school          varchar2
373                      ,p_sort_option_1   varchar2
374                      ,p_sort_option_2   varchar2
375                      ,p_sort_option_3   varchar2
376                      ,p_dimension       varchar2)
377 is
378 --
380  cursor gre_sizes(c_business_group_id  number,
381                   c_tax_unit_id        number,
382                   c_jurisdiction_code  varchar2)
383  is
384    select count(*) gre_size,puar.tax_unit_id gre_id,htu.name gre_name
385    from   pay_us_asg_reporting puar,
389    and    substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2)=
386           hr_tax_units_v htu
387    where  puar.tax_unit_id=htu.tax_unit_id
388    and    htu.business_group_id=c_business_group_id
390                    nvl(c_jurisdiction_code,substr(puar.jurisdiction_code,1,2))
391    and    htu.tax_unit_id=nvl(c_tax_unit_id,htu.tax_unit_id)
392    group by puar.tax_unit_id,htu.name
393    order by count(*);
394 */
396  cursor gre_sizes_gre is
397    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
398    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
399           hr_organization_information info
400    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
401      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
402      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
403      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
404      and info.organization_id = p_gre
405    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
406    order by count(*);
408  cursor gre_sizes is
409    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
410    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
411           hr_organization_information info
412    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
413      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
414      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
415      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
416      and trunc(nvl(date_to,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date)),'Y') >= trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date),'Y')
417    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
418    order by count(*);
420  cursor gre_sizes_gre_juri(cv_jurisdiction  varchar2) is
421    select count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
422    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
423           hr_organization_information info
424    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
425      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
426      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
427      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
428      and info.organization_id = p_gre
429      and exists (select  '1' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
430                  where puar.tax_unit_id = info.organization_id
431                    and puar.jurisdiction_code like cv_jurisdiction)
432    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
433    order by count(*);
435  cursor gre_sizes_juri(cv_jurisdiction  varchar2) is
436    select /*+ INDEX(hoi.hao HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_FK1) */
437    count(*) gre_size, info.organization_id gre_id, hoi.name gre_name
438    from   hr_organization_units hoi,
439           hr_organization_information info
440    where hoi.organization_id = info.organization_id
441      and info.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
442      and info.org_information1  = 'HR_LEGAL'
443      and hoi.business_group_id  = p_business_group
444      and trunc(nvl(date_to,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date)),'Y') >= trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date),'Y')
445      and exists (select  '1' from pay_us_asg_reporting puar
446                  where puar.tax_unit_id = info.organization_id
447                    and puar.jurisdiction_code like cv_jurisdiction)
448    group by info.organization_id,hoi.name
449    order by count(*);
451   gre_list    gre_info_list;
452   list_index  number:=1;
453   start_index number:=1;
454   end_index   number:=1;
455   l_req_id    number;
456   copies_buffer varchar2(80) := null;
457   print_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
458   printer_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
459   style_buffer  varchar2(80) := null;
460   save_buffer  boolean := null;
461   save_result  varchar2(1) := null;
462   req_id  varchar2(80) := null;
463   x boolean;
464   x1 boolean;
466   c_jurisdiction    varchar2(15);
467 /* Bug 3376256  added local variable to hold the substring of p_county  */
468   lv_County         varchar2(15);
469 --
470 --
471 begin
472   -- initialise variable - 0 is SRS Success, 1 is SRS Warning, 2 is SRS Error
473   retcode := 0;
474   -- get printing info
475   req_id:=fnd_profile.value('CONC_REQUEST_ID');
476   print_buffer:=fnd_profile.value('CONC_PRINT_TOGETHER');
477    if (print_buffer is NULL)
478    then print_buffer:='N';
479    end if;
481   select number_of_copies,
482         printer,
483         print_style,
484         save_output_flag
485   into  copies_buffer,
486         printer_buffer,
487         style_buffer,
488         save_result
489   from  fnd_concurrent_requests
490   where request_id = fnd_number.canonical_to_number(req_id);
492   if (save_result='Y') then
493     save_buffer:=true;
494   elsif (save_result='N') then
495     save_buffer:=false;
496   else
497     save_buffer:=NULL;
498   end if;
500 /* New Logic */
502    If p_locality_type is null then
504       if p_state is null then
506          c_jurisdiction := null;
507       else
508          c_jurisdiction := p_state||'%';
510       end if;
512    else /* p_locality_type */
514       if p_city is null then
516          if p_county is null then
518             if p_school is null then
520                c_jurisdiction := null;
521             else
522                c_jurisdiction := p_school;
524             end if; /* school */
526          else /* county */
528 /* Bug 3376256: select the first 6 characters from p_county and assign to c_jurisdiction   */
530  		Begin
531 			Select Substr(p_county, 1, 6)
532 			Into	lv_County
533 			From	Dual;
534 		Exception
535 			When Others Then
536 				lv_County := Null;
537 		End;
538               c_jurisdiction := lv_County||'%';
540 /* End Bug 3376256                              */
541          end if; /* county */
543       else  /* city */
544          c_jurisdiction := p_city;
546       end if; /* city */
548   end if; /* p_locality_type */
550     if (p_gre is null and c_jurisdiction is null ) then
552      for  grerec in gre_sizes loop
553        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
554        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
555        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
557        list_index:=list_index+1;
558      end loop;
560   elsif (p_gre is not null and c_jurisdiction is null ) then
562      for  grerec in gre_sizes_gre loop
563        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
564        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
565        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
567        list_index:=list_index+1;
568      end loop;
570   elsif (p_gre is not null and c_jurisdiction is not null) then
572      for  grerec in gre_sizes_gre_juri(c_jurisdiction ) loop
573        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
574        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
575        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
577        list_index:=list_index+1;
578      end loop;
580   else /* (p_gre is null and c_jurisdiction is not null) */
582      for  grerec in gre_sizes_juri(c_jurisdiction ) loop
583        gre_list(list_index).gre_size :=grerec.gre_size;
584        gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
585        gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
587        list_index:=list_index+1;
588      end loop;
590   end if;
592   -- read data into table
594   for  grerec in gre_sizes(p_business_group,p_gre,p_state) loop
595     gre_list(list_index).gre_size:=grerec.gre_size;
596     gre_list(list_index).gre_id   :=grerec.gre_id;
597     gre_list(list_index).gre_name :=grerec.gre_name;
599     list_index:=list_index+1;
600   end loop;
602 */
603   -- get start of list
604   start_index:=1;
605   -- get end of list
606   end_index:=list_index-1;
607   -- loop round from both ends working inwards
608   while (start_index<end_index) loop
609     -- set print options
610     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
611                    printer        => printer_buffer,
612                    style          => style_buffer,
613                    copies         => copies_buffer,
614                    save_output    => save_buffer,
615                    print_together => print_buffer);
617 -- Bug 3487186 Added by ssmukher
618     x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
619     -- submit requests for report
620     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
621                             application    => 'PAY',
622                             program        => 'PYLOCTRR',
623                             argument1      => gre_list(start_index).gre_name,
624                             argument2      => p_business_group,
625                             argument3      => p_start_date,
626                             argument4      => p_end_date,
627                             argument5      => gre_list(start_index).gre_id,
628                             argument6      => p_state,
629 			    argument7	   => p_locality_type,
630                             argument8      => p_is_city,
631                             argument9      => p_city,
632                             argument10     => p_is_county,
633                             argument11     => p_county,
634                             argument12     => p_is_school,
635                             argument13     => p_school,
636                             argument14     => p_sort_option_1,
637                             argument15     => p_sort_option_2,
638                             argument16     => p_sort_option_3,
639                             argument17     => p_dimension);
640     -- set print options
641     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
642                    printer        => printer_buffer,
643                    style          => style_buffer,
644                    copies         => copies_buffer,
645                    save_output    => save_buffer,
646                    print_together => print_buffer);
648     -- Bug 3487186 Added by ssmukher
649     x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
651     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
652                             application    => 'PAY',
653                             program        => 'PYLOCTRR',
654                             argument1      => gre_list(end_index).gre_name,
655                             argument2      => p_business_group,
656                             argument3      => p_start_date,
657                             argument4      => p_end_date,
658                             argument5      => gre_list(end_index).gre_id,
662                             argument9      => p_city,
659                             argument6      => p_state,
660                             argument7      => p_locality_type,
661                             argument8      => p_is_city,
663                             argument10     => p_is_county,
664                             argument11     => p_county,
665                             argument12     => p_is_school,
666                             argument13     => p_school,
667                             argument14     => p_sort_option_1,
668                             argument15     => p_sort_option_2,
669                             argument16     => p_sort_option_3,
670                             argument17     => p_dimension);
671     -- get next values
672     start_index:=start_index+1;
673     end_index:=end_index-1;
674     --
676   end loop;
677   -- submit for middle value in list if odd number of gre's
678   if (start_index=end_index) then
679     -- set print options
680     x:=FND_REQUEST.set_print_options(
681                    printer        => printer_buffer,
682                    style          => style_buffer,
683                    copies         => copies_buffer,
684                    save_output    => save_buffer,
685                    print_together => print_buffer);
687   -- Bug 3487186 Added by ssmukher
688     x1 := fnd_Request.USE_CURRENT_NOTIFICATION;
689     l_req_id:=fnd_request.submit_request(
690                             application    => 'PAY',
691                             program        => 'PYLOCTRR',
692                             argument1      => gre_list(start_index).gre_name,
693                             argument2      => p_business_group,
694                             argument3      => p_start_date,
695                             argument4      => p_end_date,
696                             argument5      => gre_list(start_index).gre_id,
697                             argument6      => p_state,
698                             argument7      => p_locality_type,
699                             argument8      => p_is_city,
700                             argument9      => p_city,
701                             argument10     => p_is_county,
702                             argument11     => p_county,
703                             argument12     => p_is_school,
704                             argument13     => p_school,
705                             argument14     => p_sort_option_1,
706                             argument15     => p_sort_option_2,
707                             argument16     => p_sort_option_3,
708                             argument17     => p_dimension);
709   end if;
711   --
712    WHEN hr_utility.hr_error THEN
713      --
714      -- Set up error message and error return code.
715      --
716      errbuf  := hr_utility.get_message;
717      retcode := 2;
719    WHEN others THEN
720      -- Set up error message and return code.
721      --
722      errbuf  := sqlerrm;
723      retcode := 2;
724 end local_trr;