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2 /* $Header: wipopinb.pls 120.2 2006/03/01 16:35:22 hshu noship $ */
4   procedure derive_info(
5     p_org_id            in  number,
6     p_wip_entity_id     in  number,
7     p_first_schedule_id in  number,
8     p_operation_seq_num in  number,
9     p_operation_code    out nocopy varchar2,
10     p_department_id     out nocopy number,
11     p_department_code   out nocopy varchar2,
12     p_prev_op_seq_num   out nocopy number,
13     p_next_op_seq_num   out nocopy number,
14     p_operation_exists  out nocopy boolean) is
15     x_operation_exists boolean;
16   begin
17     begin
18       select bso.operation_code,
19              bd.department_code,
20              wo.department_id,
21              wo.previous_operation_seq_num,
22              wo.next_operation_seq_num
23       into   p_operation_code,
24              p_department_code,
25              p_department_id,
26              p_prev_op_seq_num,
27              p_next_op_seq_num
28       from   bom_standard_operations bso,
29              bom_departments bd,
30              wip_operations wo
31       where  wo.organization_id = p_org_id
32 /* %cfm  Ignore cfm ops. */
33       and    nvl(bso.operation_type, 1) = 1
34       and    bso.line_id is null
35 /* %/cfm */
36       and    wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
37       and    wo.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
38       and    (wo.repetitive_schedule_id is null
39               or
40               wo.repetitive_schedule_id = p_first_schedule_id)
41       and    bso.organization_id (+) = wo.organization_id
42       and    bso.standard_operation_id (+) = wo.standard_operation_id
43       and    bd.organization_id = wo.organization_id
44       and    bd.department_id = wo.department_id;
46       x_operation_exists := TRUE;
47     exception
48       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
49         p_operation_code   := NULL;
50         p_department_id    := NULL;
51         p_department_code  := NULL;
52         x_operation_exists := FALSE;
53     end;
55     -- get previous and next operation for a newly added operation
56     if (not x_operation_exists) then
57       select max(wo1.operation_seq_num),
58              min(wo2.operation_seq_num)
59       into   p_prev_op_seq_num,
60              p_next_op_seq_num
61       from   dual sd,
62              wip_operations wo1,
63              wip_operations wo2
64       where  wo1.organization_id(+) = p_org_id
65       and    wo1.wip_entity_id(+) = decode(1, 1, p_wip_entity_id, sd.dummy)
66       and    wo1.operation_seq_num(+) < p_operation_seq_num
67       and    wo2.organization_id(+) = p_org_id
68       and    wo2.wip_entity_id(+) = decode(1, 1, p_wip_entity_id, sd.dummy)
69       and    wo2.operation_seq_num(+) > p_operation_seq_num;
70     end if;
72     p_operation_exists := x_operation_exists;
73     return;
75   exception
76     when others then
77       wip_constants.get_ora_error(
78         application => 'WIP',
79         proc_name   => 'WIP_OPERATIONS_PKG.DERIVE_INFO');
80       fnd_message.raise_error;
81   end derive_info;
83   procedure last_operation(
84     p_org_id                   in  number,
85     p_wip_entity_id            in  number,
86     p_line_id                  in  number,
87     p_first_schedule_id        in  number,
88     p_last_op_seq              out nocopy number,
89     p_last_op_code             out nocopy varchar2,
90     p_last_dept_id             out nocopy number,
91     p_last_dept_code           out nocopy varchar2,
92     p_last_op_move_quantity    out nocopy number,
93     p_last_op_min_transfer_qty out nocopy number,
94     p_last_move_allowed        out nocopy number) is
96     -- cursors to get last operation and shop floor status information
97     cursor get_last_operation_yes(
98       c_org_id            number,
99       c_wip_entity_id     number,
100       c_line_id           number,
101       c_first_schedule_id number) is
102     select distinct
103 	   wo.operation_seq_num,
104            bso.operation_code,
105            wo.department_id,
106            bd.department_code,
107            wo.minimum_transfer_quantity,
108            wo.quantity_waiting_to_move,
109            WIP_CONSTANTS.YES allow_moves
110     from   bom_standard_operations bso,
111            bom_departments bd,
112            wip_operations wo
113     where  wo.operation_seq_num =
114              (select max(operation_seq_num)
115               from   wip_operations wo1
116               where  wo1.organization_id = wo.organization_id
117               and    wo1.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
118               and    (wo1.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
119                       or
120                       wo1.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id))
121 /* %cfm  Ignore cfm ops. */
122     and    nvl(bso.operation_type, 1) = 1
123     and    bso.line_id is null
124 /* %/cfm */
125     and    wo.department_id = bd.department_id
126     and    wo.standard_operation_id = bso.standard_operation_id (+)
127     and    wo.organization_id = c_org_id
128     and    wo.wip_entity_id = c_wip_entity_id
129     and    (wo.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
130             or
131             wo.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id)
132     and    not exists
133           (select 'No move status exists'
134            from   wip_shop_floor_statuses ws,
135                   wip_shop_floor_status_codes wsc
136            where  wsc.organization_id = wo.organization_id
137            and    ws.organization_id = wo.organization_id
138            and    ws.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
139            and    (ws.line_id is NULL
140                    or
141                    ws.line_id = c_line_id)
142            and    ws.operation_seq_num = wo.operation_seq_num
143            and    ws.intraoperation_step_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.TOMOVE
144            and    ws.shop_floor_status_code = wsc.shop_floor_status_code
145            and    wsc.status_move_flag = WIP_CONSTANTS.NO
146            and    nvl(wsc.disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE);
148     cursor get_last_operation_no(
149       c_org_id            number,
150       c_wip_entity_id     number,
151       c_line_id           number,
152       c_first_schedule_id number) is
153     select distinct
154 	   wo.operation_seq_num,
155            bso.operation_code,
156            wo.department_id,
157            bd.department_code,
158            wo.minimum_transfer_quantity,
159            wo.quantity_waiting_to_move,
160            WIP_CONSTANTS.NO allow_moves
161     from   bom_standard_operations bso,
162            bom_departments bd,
163            wip_operations wo
164     where  wo.operation_seq_num =
165              (select max(operation_seq_num)
166               from   wip_operations wo1
167               where  wo1.organization_id = wo.organization_id
168               and    wo1.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
169               and    (wo1.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
170                       or
171                       wo1.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id))
172 /* %cfm  Ignore cfm ops. */
173     and    nvl(bso.operation_type, 1) = 1
174     and    bso.line_id is null
175 /* %/cfm */
176     and    wo.department_id = bd.department_id
177     and    wo.standard_operation_id = bso.standard_operation_id (+)
178     and    wo.organization_id = c_org_id
179     and    wo.wip_entity_id = c_wip_entity_id
180     and    (wo.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
181             or
182             wo.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id)
183     and    exists
184           (select 'Move status exists'
185            from   wip_shop_floor_statuses ws,
186                   wip_shop_floor_status_codes wsc
187            where  wsc.organization_id = wo.organization_id
188            and    ws.organization_id = wo.organization_id
189            and    ws.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
190            and    (ws.line_id is NULL
191                    or
192                    ws.line_id = c_line_id)
193            and    ws.operation_seq_num = wo.operation_seq_num
194            and    ws.intraoperation_step_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.TOMOVE
195            and    ws.shop_floor_status_code = wsc.shop_floor_status_code
196            and    wsc.status_move_flag = WIP_CONSTANTS.NO
197            and    nvl(wsc.disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE);
199     yes_vals get_last_operation_yes%ROWTYPE;
200     no_vals get_last_operation_no%ROWTYPE;
201   begin
202     open get_last_operation_yes(
203       c_org_id            => p_org_id,
204       c_wip_entity_id     => p_wip_entity_id,
205       c_line_id           => p_line_id,
206       c_first_schedule_id => p_first_schedule_id);
207     open get_last_operation_no(
208       c_org_id            => p_org_id,
209       c_wip_entity_id     => p_wip_entity_id,
210       c_line_id           => p_line_id,
211       c_first_schedule_id => p_first_schedule_id);
213     fetch get_last_operation_yes into yes_vals;
214     fetch get_last_operation_no into no_vals;
215     if (get_last_operation_yes%FOUND) then
216       p_last_op_seq              := yes_vals.operation_seq_num;
217       p_last_op_code             := yes_vals.operation_code;
218       p_last_dept_id             := yes_vals.department_id;
219       p_last_dept_code           := yes_vals.department_code;
220       p_last_op_min_transfer_qty := yes_vals.minimum_transfer_quantity;
221       p_last_op_move_quantity    := yes_vals.quantity_waiting_to_move;
222       p_last_move_allowed        := WIP_CONSTANTS.YES;
223     elsif (get_last_operation_no%FOUND) then
224       p_last_op_seq              := no_vals.operation_seq_num;
225       p_last_op_code             := no_vals.operation_code;
226       p_last_dept_id             := no_vals.department_id;
227       p_last_dept_code           := no_vals.department_code;
228       p_last_op_min_transfer_qty := no_vals.minimum_transfer_quantity;
229       p_last_op_move_quantity    := no_vals.quantity_waiting_to_move;
230       p_last_move_allowed        := WIP_CONSTANTS.NO;
231     else
232       p_last_op_seq              := -1;
233       p_last_op_code             := NULL;
234       p_last_dept_id             := NULL;
235       p_last_dept_code           := NULL;
236       p_last_op_min_transfer_qty := NULL;
237       p_last_op_move_quantity    := NULL;
238       p_last_move_allowed        := WIP_CONSTANTS.YES;
239     end if;
241     close get_last_operation_yes;
242     close get_last_operation_no;
244     return;
245   end last_operation;
247 /*=====================================================================+
250  */
252   procedure first_operation(
253     p_org_id                   in  number,
254     p_wip_entity_id            in  number,
255     p_line_id                  in  number,
256     p_first_schedule_id        in  number,
257     p_first_op_seq              out nocopy number,
258     p_first_op_code             out nocopy varchar2,
259     p_first_dept_id             out nocopy number,
260     p_first_dept_code           out nocopy varchar2) is
262     -- cursor to get first operation and shop floor status information
263     cursor get_first_operation(
264       c_org_id            number,
265       c_wip_entity_id     number,
266       c_line_id           number,
267       c_first_schedule_id number) is
268     select distinct
269 	   wo.operation_seq_num,
270            bso.operation_code,
271            wo.department_id,
272            bd.department_code
273     from   bom_standard_operations bso,
274            bom_departments bd,
275            wip_operations wo
276     where  wo.operation_seq_num =
277              (select min(operation_seq_num)
278               from   wip_operations wo1
279               where  wo1.organization_id = wo.organization_id
280               and    wo1.wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id
281               and    (wo1.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
282                       or
283                       wo1.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id))
284 /* %cfm  Ignore cfm ops. */
285     and    nvl(bso.operation_type, 1) = 1
286     and    bso.line_id is null
287 /* %/cfm */
288     and    wo.department_id = bd.department_id
289     and    wo.standard_operation_id = bso.standard_operation_id (+)
290     and    wo.organization_id = c_org_id
291     and    wo.wip_entity_id = c_wip_entity_id
292     and    (wo.repetitive_schedule_id is NULL
293             or
294             wo.repetitive_schedule_id = c_first_schedule_id);
295   begin
296      open get_first_operation
297        (
298 	c_org_id            => p_org_id,
299 	c_wip_entity_id     => p_wip_entity_id,
300 	c_line_id           => p_line_id,
301 	c_first_schedule_id => p_first_schedule_id);
303      fetch get_first_operation into
304        p_first_op_seq,
305        p_first_op_code,
306        p_first_dept_id,
307        p_first_dept_code;
309      if (get_first_operation%NOTFOUND) then
310 	p_first_op_seq              := -1;
311 	p_first_op_code             := NULL;
312 	p_first_dept_id             := NULL;
313 	p_first_dept_code           := NULL;
314      end if;
316      close get_first_operation;
318      return;
320   end first_operation;