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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 94

			X_Rowid				=>	v_rowid,
			X_Batch_Id			=>	v_batch_id,
			X_Creation_Date			=>	NULL,
			X_Created_By			=>	NULL,
			X_Last_Update_Date		=>	NULL,
			X_Last_Updated_By		=>	NULL,
			X_Last_Update_Login		=>	NULL,
			X_Name				=>	v_batch_name,
			X_Backorders_Only_Flag		=> 	'I',
			X_Print_flag			=>	to_char(v_document_set),
			X_Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag	=> 	'N',
			X_Shipment_Priority_Code	=>	NULL,
			X_Ship_Method_Code		=>	NULL,
			X_Customer_Id			=>	NULL,
			X_Group_Id			=>	NULL,
			X_Header_Count			=>	NULL,
			X_Header_Id			=>	NULL,
			X_Ship_Set_Number		=>	NULL,
			X_Inventory_Item_Id		=>	NULL,
			X_Order_Type_Id			=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Requested_From		=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Requested_To		=>	NULL,
			X_Scheduled_Shipment_Date_From	=>	NULL,
			X_Scheduled_Shipment_Date_To	=>	NULL,
			X_Site_Use_Id			=>	NULL,
			X_Warehouse_Id			=>	p_warehouse_id,
			X_Subinventory			=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Completed		=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Confirmed		=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Last_Printed		=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Released			=>	NULL,
			X_Date_Unreleased		=>	NULL,
			X_Departure_Id			=>	p_departure_id,
			X_Delivery_Id			=>	p_delivery_id,
			X_Include_Planned_Lines		=>	'N',
			X_Partial_Allowed_Flag		=>	'Y',
			X_Pick_Slip_Rule_Id		=>	v_psr_id,
			X_Release_Seq_Rule_Id		=>	v_rsr_id,
			X_Autocreate_Delivery_Flag	=>	'N',
			X_Context			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute1			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute2			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute3			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute4			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute5			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute6			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute7			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute8			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute9			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute10			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute11			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute12			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute13			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute14			=>	NULL,
			X_Attribute15			=>	NULL,
			X_Error_Report_Flag		=>	NULL,
			X_Org_Id			=>	v_org_id);