173: CURSOR c_get_o_payee IS
174: SELECT SUBSTR(hou.name,1,240)
175: FROM hr_locations loc,
176: hr_organization_units hou
177: WHERE hou.organization_id = IN_payee_id
178: AND hou.business_group_id = IN_business_group_id
179: AND IN_payment_date BETWEEN hou.date_from
180: AND NVL(hou.date_to, IN_payment_date)
818: begin
819: hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_reports.get_tax_unit',5);
820: SELECT name
821: INTO l_tax_unit_name
822: FROM hr_organization_units
823: WHERE organization_id = p_tax_unit_id;
824: --
825: exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then RETURN NULL;
826: end;
1264: /* Bug No 4350592
1265: SELECT decode(tax_unit_id,'','N','Y')
1266: INTO tax_unit_flag
1267: FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv,
1268: hr_organization_units hou
1269: WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
1270: AND hou.organization_id = parent_tax_unit_id;
1271: */
1272: END LOOP;
1332: /* previous */
1333: /*cursor csr_tax_unit_flag(p_tax_unit_id number) is -- Bug 3624095
1334: SELECT htuv.tax_unit_id
1335: FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv,
1336: hr_organization_units hou
1337: WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
1338: AND hou.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id;
1339: */--
1340: --
1384: --
1385: SELECT decode(hr_tax_unit_id,'','N','Y')
1386: INTO hr_tax_unit_flag
1387: FROM hr_tax_units_v htuv,
1388: hr_organization_units hou
1389: WHERE htuv.tax_unit_id(+) = hou.organization_id
1390: AND hou.organization_id = parent_hr_tax_unit_id;
1391: */
1392: --
1478: hr_utility.set_location('Entered hr_us_reports.get_org_name',5);
1479: --
1480: SELECT name
1481: INTO l_org_name
1482: FROM hr_organization_units
1483: WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
1484: AND business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
1485: --
1486: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving hr_us_reports.get_org_name',10);