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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

           SELECT MAX( ct.trx_number )
           INTO   l_inv_trx_number
           FROM   ra_customer_trx ct,
                  ar_adjustments_all aa --anuj
           WHERE  aa.chargeback_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
                  and ct.org_id = aa.org_id
           AND    aa.customer_trx_id            = ct.customer_trx_id;
Line: 108

            SELECT SUM( NVL( ps.AMOUNT_IN_DISPUTE, 0) )
            INTO   l_amount_in_dispute
            FROM   ar_payment_schedules ps
            WHERE  ps.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 169

            SELECT MAX(ps.dispute_date )
            INTO   l_dispute_date
            FROM   ar_payment_schedules ps
            WHERE  ps.customer_trx_id   = p_customer_trx_id
            AND    ps.dispute_date     IS NOT NULL;
Line: 231

            SELECT  MAX(h.start_date)
            INTO    l_dispute_date
            FROM    ar_dispute_history h,
                    ar_payment_schedules ps
            WHERE   h.payment_schedule_id = ps.payment_schedule_id
            AND     ps.customer_trx_id    = p_customer_trx_id
            AND     end_date IS NULL;
Line: 276

 |                        SELECT to determine whether Revenue Recognition is |
 |                        run is also modified.The old code is commented out |
 |                        below the new one.                                 |
 |                                                                           |

FUNCTION get_revenue_recog_run_flag( p_customer_trx_id    IN number,
                                     p_invoicing_rule_id  IN number)
                                   RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
l_rule_flag varchar2(1)  := 'N';
Line: 298

     Select decode(max(DUMMY), null , 'N','Y')
     Into   l_rule_flag
     From   dual
     Where  Exists ( Select 'Revenue recognition has been run'
                     From   ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist d
                     Where  d.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
                     and    d.account_class   = 'REC'
                     and    d.account_set_flag = 'N');
Line: 330

       SELECT decode(previous_customer_trx_id,NULL,'N','Y')
       INTO l_cm_flag
       FROM ra_customer_trx
       WHERE  customer_trx_id   = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 339

            SELECT decode( max(d.customer_trx_id),
                           null, 'N',
            INTO   l_rule_flag
            FROM   ra_customer_trx trx,
                   ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist d
            WHERE  trx.customer_trx_id   = p_customer_trx_id
            and    trx.previous_customer_trx_id = d.customer_trx_id
            and    d.account_class in ('UNEARN', 'UNBILL')
            and    d.account_set_flag='N';       Added for bug 559954
Line: 368

                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_temp_flag
            FROM   DUAL
            WHERE EXISTS (
                           SELECT 'Revenue recognition has been run'
                           FROM   ra_customer_trx_lines
                           WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
                           AND    autorule_duration_processed <> 0
Line: 443

                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_temp_flag
            FROM   DUAL
            WHERE EXISTS (
                           SELECT 'transaction has been posted'
                           FROM   ar_transaction_history
                           WHERE  customer_trx_id  = p_customer_trx_id
                           AND    gl_posted_date  IS NOT NULL
Line: 456

                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_temp_flag
            FROM   DUAL
            WHERE EXISTS (
                           SELECT 'transaction has been posted'
                           FROM   ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist
                           WHERE  customer_trx_id  = p_customer_trx_id
                           AND    gl_posted_date  IS NOT NULL
Line: 507

FUNCTION get_selected_for_payment_flag( p_customer_trx_id    IN number,
                          p_open_receivables_flag IN varchar2,
                          p_complete_flag      IN  varchar2)
                               RETURN VARCHAR2 IS

      l_auto_rec_count           integer;
Line: 525

           | been selected for automatic receipt.      |

           SELECT COUNT(*)
           INTO   l_auto_rec_count
           FROM   ar_payment_schedules
           WHERE  customer_trx_id                = p_customer_trx_id
           AND    selected_for_receipt_batch_id  IS NOT NULL;
Line: 535

           |  If no payment schedules have been selected   |
           |  for automatic receipt, return 'N'.           |

           IF    ( l_auto_rec_count = 0 )
           THEN  RETURN( 'N' );
Line: 544

                 |  Find out how many of the payment schedules selected  |
                 |  for automatic receipt have been approved.            |

                 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ps.payment_schedule_id)
                 INTO   l_auto_rec_approved_count
                 FROM   ar_payment_schedules ps,
                        ar_receivable_applications ra,
                        ar_cash_receipt_history crh
                 WHERE  ps.customer_trx_id             = p_customer_trx_id
                 AND    ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = ps.payment_schedule_id
                 AND    ra.cash_receipt_id             = crh.cash_receipt_id
                 AND    ps.selected_for_receipt_batch_id = crh.batch_id
                 AND    crh.batch_id = ps.selected_for_receipt_batch_id;
Line: 560

                 |  If all of the payment schedules selected for automatic |
                 |  receipt have been approved, then return 'N'.           |
                 |  Otherwise, return 'Y'.                                 |

                 IF   ( l_auto_rec_count = l_auto_rec_approved_count )
                 THEN RETURN('N');
Line: 627

  SELECT 'Y' FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist
  WHERE customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
  AND account_set_flag = 'N'
  AND posting_control_id > 0;
Line: 637

  SELECT 'Y' FROM iex_delinquencies
  WHERE transaction_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 686

                   SELECT DECODE(ctt.type,
                                 'GUAR', 'Y',
                   INTO   l_activity_flag
                   FROM   ra_customer_trx   ct,
                          ra_cust_trx_types ctt
                   WHERE  ct.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
                   AND    ct.customer_trx_id  = p_initial_customer_trx_id
--begin anuj
/* Multi-Org Access Control Changes for SSA;Begin;anukumar;11/01/2002*/
Line: 722

                   SELECT DECODE( MAX(ct.customer_trx_id),
                                  NULL, 'N',
                   INTO   l_activity_flag
                   FROM   ra_customer_trx ct
                   WHERE  ct.initial_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 743

                 SELECT  DECODE( MAX(ps.payment_schedule_id),
                                 NULL, 'N',
                 INTO    l_activity_flag
                 FROM    ar_payment_schedules ps
                 WHERE   ps.customer_trx_id         = p_customer_trx_id
                 AND    (
                            ps.amount_due_original <> ps.amount_due_remaining
                         OR NVL(ps.amount_applied,0)    <> 0
                         OR NVL(ps.amount_credited,0)   <> 0
                         OR NVL(ps.amount_adjusted,0)   <> 0
                         OR NVL(ps.amount_in_dispute,0) <> 0
                         OR ps.selected_for_receipt_batch_id  IS NOT NULL
                         OR exists
                               SELECT 'dunned'
                               FROM    ar_correspondence_pay_sched cps
                               WHERE   cps.payment_schedule_id =
Line: 777

                 SELECT DECODE( MAX( receivable_application_id ),
                                NULL, 'N',
                                      'Y' )
                 INTO   l_activity_flag
                 FROM   ar_receivable_applications app
                 WHERE  app.customer_trx_id         = p_customer_trx_id
                 OR     app.applied_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 799

                 SELECT DECODE( MAX( payment_schedule_id ),
                                NULL, 'N',
                                      'Y' )
                 INTO    l_activity_flag
                 FROM    ar_payment_schedules ps
                 WHERE   (
                                 NVL(ps.amount_credited,   0) <> 0
                              OR NVL(ps.amount_adjusted,   0) <> 0
                              OR NVL(ps.amount_in_dispute, 0) <> 0
                            ps.selected_for_receipt_batch_id  IS NOT NULL
                 AND     ps.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 827

                 SELECT DECODE( MAX( other_ps.payment_schedule_id),
                                NULL, 'N',
                 INTO   l_activity_flag
                 FROM   ar_payment_schedules  this_ps,
                        ar_payment_schedules  other_ps,
                        ra_customer_trx       other_ct
                 WHERE  this_ps.customer_trx_id           = p_customer_trx_id
                 AND    other_ct.previous_customer_trx_id =
                 AND    other_ct.customer_trx_id = other_ps.customer_trx_id
                 AND    other_ps.creation_date   > this_ps.creation_date;
Line: 858

            SELECT DECODE( MAX(adjustment_id),
                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_activity_flag
            FROM   ar_adjustments
            WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 875

            SELECT DECODE( MAX( customer_trx_id ),
                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_activity_flag
            FROM   ar_interim_cash_receipts
            WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 887

            SELECT DECODE( MAX( customer_trx_id ),
                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_activity_flag
            FROM   ar_interim_cash_receipt_lines
            WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 897

            SELECT DECODE( MAX( cons_inv_id ),
                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_activity_flag
            FROM   ar_payment_schedules
            WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 914

            SELECT DECODE( MAX(customer_trx_line_id),
                           NULL, 'N',
            INTO   l_activity_flag
            FROM  ra_customer_trx_lines ctl
            WHERE br_ref_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 936

              SELECT DECODE( MAX( gl_posted_date ), NULL, 'N', 'Y')
              INTO   l_activity_flag
              FROM   ar_transaction_history
              WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 943

              SELECT DECODE( MAX( gl_posted_date ), NULL, 'N', 'Y')
              INTO   l_activity_flag
              FROM   ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist
              WHERE  customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 958

	    SELECT decode (MAX(previous_customer_trx_id), NULL, 'N', 'Y')
    	    INTO   l_activity_flag
	    FROM   ra_customer_trx
   	    WHERE  previous_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 1014

                      '1', ct.interface_header_attribute1,
                      '2', ct.interface_header_attribute2,
                      '3', ct.interface_header_attribute3,
                      '4', ct.interface_header_attribute4,
                      '5', ct.interface_header_attribute5,
                      '6', ct.interface_header_attribute6,
                      '7', ct.interface_header_attribute7,
                      '8', ct.interface_header_attribute8,
                      '9', ct.interface_header_attribute9,
                      '10', ct.interface_header_attribute10,
                      '11', ct.interface_header_attribute11,
                      '12', ct.interface_header_attribute12,
                      '13', ct.interface_header_attribute13,
                      '14', ct.interface_header_attribute14,
                      '15', ct.interface_header_attribute15,
                      NULL )
        INTO   l_temp
        FROM   ra_customer_trx ct,
               ra_batch_sources bs
        WHERE  ct.rowid = p_trx_rowid and
               bs.batch_source_id = ct.batch_source_id;
Line: 1079

                      '1', ctl.interface_line_attribute1,
                      '2', ctl.interface_line_attribute2,
                      '3', ctl.interface_line_attribute3,
                      '4', ctl.interface_line_attribute4,
                      '5', ctl.interface_line_attribute5,
                      '6', ctl.interface_line_attribute6,
                      '7', ctl.interface_line_attribute7,
                      '8', ctl.interface_line_attribute8,
                      '9', ctl.interface_line_attribute9,
                      '10', ctl.interface_line_attribute10,
                      '11', ctl.interface_line_attribute11,
                      '12', ctl.interface_line_attribute12,
                      '13', ctl.interface_line_attribute13,
                      '14', ctl.interface_line_attribute14,
                      '15', ctl.interface_line_attribute15,
                      NULL )
        INTO   l_line_temp
        FROM   ra_customer_trx_lines  ctl,
               ra_customer_trx  ct,
               ra_batch_sources bs
        WHERE  bs.batch_source_id  =  ct.batch_source_id  and
               ctl.customer_trx_id =  ct.customer_trx_id  and
               ctl.rowid           =  p_line_trx_rowid    ;
Line: 1181

        DECODE( tl.due_days,
         NULL, NVL( tl.due_date,
                    DECODE ( LEAST(
                                                    'DD') ),
                                    NVL(t.due_cutoff_day, 32)
                                           ) )
                                + LEAST(tl.due_day_of_month,
                                                      tl.due_months_forward +
                                                      1 )
                                                   ), 'DD'
                                                 ) ) ),
                  	/*BUG 1702687 --ADDED decode(tl.due....)*/
                            /* BUG 2019477 -- ADDED the decode(sign(trunc(t */

                              LAST_DAY( ADD_MONTHS(p_trx_date,
                                                   (tl.due_months_forward +decode(tl.due_months_forward-trunc(tl.due_months_forward),0,-1,0)))+

			      /*BUG 1702687 ends */
                                      ) +
                              LEAST( tl.due_day_of_month,
                                                ), 'DD'
                                              ) )
               p_trx_date + tl.due_days
       INTO   l_term_due_date
       FROM   ra_terms_lines tl,
              ra_terms t
       WHERE  tl.term_id       = p_term_id
       AND    t.term_id        = tl.term_id
       AND    tl.sequence_num  = (
                                    SELECT MIN(sequence_num)
                                    FROM   ra_terms_lines
                                    WHERE term_id = p_term_id
Line: 1293

 SELECT NVL(MIN(ps.due_date),
	arpt_sql_func_util.get_first_due_date(p_term_id, nvl(ct.billing_date, p_trx_date)))
 INTO l_term_due_date
 FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
      ra_customer_trx ct
 WHERE ct.customer_trx_id=ps.customer_trx_id(+)
   AND ct.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
   group by ct.billing_date;
Line: 1346

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        INTO   l_count
        FROM   ra_terms_lines
        WHERE  term_id = p_term_id;
Line: 1391

		select /*+use_nl(sp,gps) index(gps gl_period_statuses_u1)*/
		from	gl_period_statuses gps,
			ar_system_parameters sp
		where	gps.application_id = 222
		and	gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
		and	gps.set_of_books_id = sp.set_of_books_id
		and	p_gl_date between gps.start_date and gps.end_date;
Line: 1443

		select  ft.territory_short_name
		from	fnd_territories_vl ft,
			hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
                        hz_party_sites party_site,
                        hz_locations loc
		where	loc.country = ft.territory_code
                and     acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
                and     loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
		and	acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id;
Line: 1497

		select  ft.rowid
		from	fnd_territories_vl ft,
			hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
                        hz_party_sites party_site,
                        hz_locations loc
		where	loc.country = ft.territory_code
                and     acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
                and     loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
		and	acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id;
Line: 1574

            SELECT sp.code_combination_id_gain,
            INTO   l_code_combination_id_gain,
            FROM   ar_system_parameters sp,
                   gl_sets_of_books     sb
            WHERE  sp.set_of_books_id = sb.set_of_books_id;
Line: 1593

            SELECT MAX(initial_customer_trx_id)
            INTO   l_ct_prev_initial_cust_trx_id
            FROM   ra_customer_trx
            WHERE  customeR_trx_id = p_previous_customer_trx_id;
Line: 1603

    SELECT DECODE( MAX(dummy),
                   NULL, 'N',
                         'Y' )
    INTO   l_commitments_exist_flag
      SELECT 'commitments_exist'
      FROM   hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
             so_agreements soa,
             hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
             ra_cust_trx_types inv_type,
             ra_cust_trx_types type,
             ra_customer_trx trx
      WHERE  trx.cust_trx_type_id         = type.cust_trx_type_id
      AND    trx.bill_to_customer_id      = cust_acct.cust_account_id
      AND    trx.remit_to_address_id      = acct_site.cust_acct_site_id(+)
      AND    'A'                          = acct_site.status(+)
      AND    trx.agreement_id             = soa.agreement_id(+)
      AND    type.subsequent_trx_type_id  = inv_type.cust_trx_type_id(+)
      AND    'A'                          = inv_type.status(+)
      AND    type.type                    in ('DEP','GUAR')
      AND    trx.complete_flag            = 'Y'
      AND    trx.bill_to_customer_id
              in (
                  select distinct cr.cust_account_id
                  from   hz_cust_acct_relate cr
                  where  cr.related_cust_account_id = p_bill_to_customer_id
                  AND    status = 'A'
                  select to_number(p_bill_to_customer_id)
                  from   dual
                  SELECT acc.cust_account_id
                    FROM ar_paying_relationships_v rel,
                         hz_cust_accounts acc
                   WHERE rel.party_id = acc.party_id
                     AND rel.related_cust_account_id = p_bill_to_customer_id
                     AND l_trx_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                          AND effective_end_date

      AND    trx.invoice_currency_code =
                         NULL,   l_base_currency,
                        ) /* non-on account credit memos must have the same
                           commitment as the transactions that they are
                           crediting. */
      AND    (
                  p_previous_customer_trx_id is NULL
               or trx.customer_trx_id = l_ct_prev_initial_cust_trx_id
            /* check effectivity dates */
      AND    l_trx_date
             BETWEEN NVL(trx.start_date_commitment, l_trx_date)
                 AND NVL(trx.end_date_commitment, l_trx_date)
      AND    l_trx_date
             BETWEEN NVL( soa.start_date_active(+), l_trx_date)
                 AND NVL( soa.end_date_active(+), l_trx_date)
      AND    l_trx_date
             BETWEEN NVL( inv_type.start_date(+), l_trx_date)
                 AND NVL( inv_type.end_date(+), l_trx_date)
Line: 1711

    SELECT DECODE( MAX(dummy),
                   NULL, 'N',
                         'Y' )
    INTO   l_agreements_exist_flag
      SELECT 'agreements_exist'
      FROM   so_agreements a
      WHERE  a.customer_id IN
                    SELECT cr.cust_account_id
                    FROM   hz_cust_acct_relate cr
                    WHERE  cr.related_cust_account_id  = p_bill_to_customer_id
                    AND    cr.status            = 'A'
                   UNION ALL
                    SELECT to_number(p_bill_to_customer_id)
                    FROM   dual
                   UNION ALL
                    SELECT -1   /* no customer case */
                    FROM   dual
      AND    p_trx_date
                BETWEEN NVL( TRUNC( a.start_date_active ), p_trx_date )
                AND     NVL( TRUNC( a.end_date_active   ), p_trx_date )
Line: 1781

      SELECT NVL(site.override_terms, cust.override_terms)
      INTO   l_override_terms
      FROM   hz_customer_profiles         cust,
             hz_customer_profiles         site
      WHERE  cust.cust_account_id      = p_customer_id
      AND    cust.site_use_id      IS NULL
      AND    site.cust_account_id (+)  = cust.cust_account_id
      AND    site.site_use_id (+)  = NVL(p_site_use_id,-44444);
Line: 1845

    select bs.name
    into   l_bs_name
    from   ra_customer_trx    ct,
           ra_batch_sources   bs
    where  ct.batch_source_id = bs.batch_source_id
           and ct.org_id = bs.org_id --anuj
    and    ct.customer_trx_id = (select max(ctt.customer_trx_id)
                                 from   ra_customer_trx          ctt,
                                        ar_adjustments           aa
                                 where  aa.chargeback_customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
                                 and aa.org_id = ctt.org_id --anuj
                                 and    aa.customer_trx_id            = ctt.customer_trx_id
Line: 1905

  select MAX(arc.correspondence_date)
  into   l_dunning_date_last
  from   ar_correspondences arc,
         ar_correspondence_pay_sched arcps
  where  arcps.payment_schedule_id = p_payment_schedule_id
  and 	 arc.correspondence_id = arcps.correspondence_id
  and	 nvl(arc.preliminary_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1939

     SELECT meaning
     INTO   l_meaning
     FROM   ar_lookups
     WHERE  lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      AND  lookup_code = p_lookup_code ;
Line: 1983

     SELECT name, salesrep_number
     INTO   l_salesrep_name, l_salesrep_number
     FROM   ra_salesreps
     WHERE  salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id and
--begin anuj
/* Multi-Org Access Control Changes for SSA;Begin;anukumar;11/01/2002*/
Line: 2051

        SELECT loc.ADDRESS1, loc.ADDRESS2, loc.ADDRESS3, loc.ADDRESS4,
               loc.CITY, loc.STATE, loc.PROVINCE, loc.POSTAL_CODE, loc.COUNTRY,
        INTO  l_add1, l_add2, l_add3, l_add4,
              l_city, l_state,l_province, l_postal_code, l_country,
        FROM  hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
              hz_party_sites party_site,
              hz_locations loc
        WHERE acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
          AND loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
          AND acct_site.cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id;
Line: 2065

         SELECT territory_short_name
         INTO   l_territory_short_name
         FROM   fnd_territories_vl
         WHERE  territory_code = l_country;
Line: 2142

     SELECT decode(cont_point.contact_point_type, 'TLX',
                   cont_point.telex_number, cont_point.phone_number),
     INTO  l_ph_num, l_area_code, l_ext
     FROM  hz_contact_points cont_point
     WHERE cont_point.contact_point_id = p_phone_id;
Line: 2178

   select max(rowid)
   into l_max_rowid
   from gl_import_references
   where (je_header_id, je_batch_id, je_line_num,
          reference_2, reference_3,
          reference_8, reference_9) = (select je_header_id, je_batch_id,je_line_num,
                                                    reference_2, reference_3,
                                                    reference_8, reference_9
                                                    from gl_import_references
                                                    where rowid = p_rowid);
Line: 2212

     SELECT name,calc_discount_on_lines_flag,partial_discount_flag
     INTO  l_name, l_calc_disc_on_lines_flag, l_partial_discount_flag
     FROM  ra_terms
     WHERE term_id = p_term_id;
Line: 2272

      SELECT name,start_date_active, end_date_active
      INTO   l_name, l_start_date_active, l_end_date_active
      FROM   so_agreements
      WHERE  agreement_id =  p_agreement_id ;
Line: 2316

      SELECT name,start_date_active, end_date_active
      INTO   l_name, l_start_date_active, l_end_date_active
      FROM   so_agreements
      WHERE  agreement_id =  p_agreement_id ;
Line: 2365

          SELECT name, type, subsequent_trx_type_id ,
                 allow_overapplication_flag ,
                 creation_sign, post_to_gl
          INTO   l_name, l_type, l_subseq_trx_type_id,
                 l_allow_overapplication_flag ,
                 l_creation_sign, l_post_to_gl
          FROM   ra_cust_trx_types_all
          WHERE  cust_trx_type_id = p_trx_type_id
           AND   org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2381

          SELECT name, type, subsequent_trx_type_id ,
                 allow_overapplication_flag ,
                 creation_sign, post_to_gl
          INTO   l_name, l_type, l_subseq_trx_type_id,
                 l_allow_overapplication_flag ,
                 l_creation_sign, l_post_to_gl
          FROM   ra_cust_trx_types
          WHERE  cust_trx_type_id = p_trx_type_id;
Line: 2395

             SELECT name, type, subsequent_trx_type_id ,
                    allow_overapplication_flag ,
                    creation_sign, post_to_gl
             INTO   l_name, l_type, l_subseq_trx_type_id,
                    l_allow_overapplication_flag ,
                    l_creation_sign, l_post_to_gl
             FROM   ra_cust_trx_types_all
             WHERE  cust_trx_type_id = p_trx_type_id;
Line: 2462

   SELECT gl_date
   INTO   l_orig_gl_date
   FROM   ar_transaction_history h
   WHERE  h.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
   AND    h.event in ('COMPLETED','ACCEPTED')
   AND    h.transaction_history_id =
     (SELECT max(transaction_history_id)
      FROM   ar_transaction_history h2
      WHERE  h2.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
      AND    h2.event IN ('COMPLETED','ACCEPTED'));
Line: 2478

   SELECT gl_date
   INTO   l_orig_gl_date
   FROM   ar_transaction_history h
   WHERE  h.customer_trx_id  = p_customer_trx_id
   AND    h.current_record_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2496

   SELECT NVL(SUM(extended_amount),0)
   INTO   l_total
   FROM   ra_customer_trx_lines
   WHERE  line_type = p_line_type
   AND    customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 2562

 SELECT nvl(sum(nvl(amount_applied,0) + nvl(earned_discount_taken,0) + nvl(unearned_discount_taken,0)), 0)
 INTO   p_amount_applied
 FROM   ar_receivable_applications
 WHERE  applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
 AND	status = 'APP'
 AND	nvl(confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
 AND    apply_date <= p_as_of_date;
Line: 2572

 SELECT nvl(sum(amount_applied),0)
 INTO p_cm_amount_applied
 FROM   ar_receivable_applications
 WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
 AND apply_date <= p_as_of_date;
Line: 2581

 SELECT nvl(sum(amount),0)
 INTO   p_adj_amount_applied
 FROM   ar_adjustments
 WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
        AND        status   = 'A'
        AND     apply_date <= p_as_of_date;
Line: 2588

 SELECT amount_due_original
 INTO   p_amt_due_original
 FROM   ar_payment_schedules
 WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id;
Line: 2625

   select decode(p_buck_line_typ,
                decode( greatest(p_days_from,
                * decode(nvl(p_amt_in_disp,0), 0, 1,
                                'DISPUTE_ONLY', 0, 'DISPUTE_PENDADJ', 0,
                * decode(nvl(p_amt_adj_pen,0), 0, 1,
                                'PENDADJ_ONLY', 0, 'DISPUTE_PENDADJ', 0,
   into bucket_amount
   from dual;
Line: 2676

  only one row will ever be returned by the select.


FUNCTION get_bill_id(p_site_use_id IN NUMBER)

l_site_with_profile  NUMBER;
Line: 2690

   SELECT distinct site_use_id
     INTO l_site_with_profile
     FROM hz_customer_profiles
    WHERE site_use_id = p_site_use_id;
Line: 2705

      select site_use_id
        into l_site_with_profile
        from hz_customer_profiles
       where site_use_id in ( select site_use_id
                              from hz_cust_site_uses
                              where cust_acct_site_id =
                                  ( SELECT cust_acct_site_id
                                    FROM hz_cust_site_uses
                                    WHERE site_use_id = p_site_use_id)
                                and status = 'A'
                                and site_use_code in ('BILL_TO','DUN','STMTS'));
Line: 2732

      select site_use_id
        into l_site_with_profile
        from hz_customer_profiles
       where site_use_id in ( select site_use_id
                              from hz_cust_site_uses
                              where cust_acct_site_id =
                                  ( SELECT cust_acct_site_id
                                    FROM hz_cust_site_uses
                                    WHERE site_use_id = p_site_use_id)
                                and status = 'A'
                                and site_use_code = 'BILL_TO');
Line: 2761

   SELECT statement_cycle_id
     INTO l_cycle_id
     FROM hz_customer_profiles
    WHERE site_use_id = arpt_sql_func_util.get_bill_id(p_site_use_id);
Line: 2776

   SELECT nvl(send_statements ,'N')
     INTO l_send
     FROM hz_customer_profiles
    WHERE site_use_id = arpt_sql_func_util.get_bill_id(p_site_use_id);
Line: 2791

   SELECT nvl(credit_balance_statements ,'N')
     INTO l_cred_bal
     FROM hz_customer_profiles
    WHERE site_use_id = arpt_sql_func_util.get_bill_id(p_site_use_id);
Line: 2914

     SELECT name
       INTO   l_trx_name
       FROM   ra_cust_trx_types_all
       WHERE  cust_trx_type_id = p_trx_type_id
       AND    NVL(org_id,-99) = NVL(p_org_id,-99);
Line: 2951

   select type, name
     into l_type, l_name
     from ar_receivables_trx
    where receivables_trx_id = p_rec_trx_id;
Line: 2967

      select type, name
        into l_type, l_name
        from ar_receivables_trx_all
       where receivables_trx_id = p_rec_trx_id;
Line: 2995

   select decode(rc.creation_method_code,'AUTOMATIC',nvl(rc.bill_of_exchange_flag,'N'),'N')
     into boe_flag
     from ar_receipt_classes rc,
          ar_receipt_methods rm
    where rm.receipt_method_id = p_receipt_method_id
      and rm.receipt_class_id = rc.receipt_class_id;
Line: 3019

  Select decode(p_application_type, 'CASH',
  into l_curr from dual;