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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

l_delete               Boolean;
Line: 20

l_delete_next_change   Boolean;
Line: 39

   ,p_delete                        => l_delete
   ,p_future_change                 => l_future_change
   ,p_delete_next_change            => l_delete_next_change
Line: 46

 elsif l_delete then
    Return 'DELETE';
Line: 50

 elsif l_delete_next_change then
Line: 64

L_UPDATE                 Boolean;
Line: 65

L_UPDATE_OVERRIDE        Boolean;
Line: 66

Line: 84

,P_UPDATE                 =>  L_UPDATE
Line: 88

If L_Update Then
   Return 'UPDATE';
Line: 90

Line: 92

Elsif L_Update_Override Then
      Return 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE';
Line: 108

l_Update_Salary_cd         Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 116

l_Mass_update_Call         Varchar2(1) := 'N';
Line: 122

 Select Full_name, Last_NAME, Person.Person_Id, Asgt.Grade_id, Asgt.Grade_Ladder_Pgm_Id
   from Per_All_Assignments_F       Asgt,
        Per_All_People_F            Person
  Where Assignment_Id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Asgt.Effective_End_Date
    and Person.Person_Id = Asgt.Person_Id
    and asgt.assignment_type ='E'
    and asgt.primary_flag ='Y'
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Person.Effective_Start_Date
    and Person.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 140

 Select Dflt_Step_cd, Update_Salary_Cd
   from Ben_Pgm_F
  Where Pgm_id = l_Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 148

 Select Pgm.Pgm_Id
   From Ben_Pgm_F  Pgm,
        Ben_Plip_F Plip,
        Ben_Pl_F   Plan
  where Pgm.Dflt_Pgm_Flag = 'Y'
    and Pgm.Pgm_Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and P_effective_date
Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pgm.Effective_End_Date
    and Pgm.Business_Group_id = hr_general.get_Business_group_Id
    and Plan.Mapping_Table_name  = 'PER_GRADES'
    and Plan.Mapping_Table_Pk_id = l_grade_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plan.Effective_Start_Date
    and Plan.Effective_End_Date
    and Plan.Pl_Id = Plip.Pl_Id
    and Pgm.Pgm_Id = Plip.Pgm_id
    and P_Effective_Date
between Plip.Effective_Start_Date
    and Plip.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 170

 Select Plcmt.Step_id
   From Per_Spinal_POint_Placements_f Plcmt,
        Per_Spinal_point_Steps_F Step
  Where Plcmt.Assignment_id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plcmt.Effective_Start_Date
    and plcmt.Effective_End_Date
    and Step.Step_id = Plcmt.Step_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Step.Effective_Start_Date
    and Step.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 185

 Select max(pil.Per_in_Ler_Id)
   From Ben_Per_in_ler PIL,
        Ben_Ler_F LER
  Where Pil.Ler_Id = LER.Ler_Id
    And Pil.LF_EVT_OCRD_DT = P_Effective_Date
    And ler.typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    And Pil.person_Id = l_person_id
    And Pil.Per_In_Ler_Stat_Cd = 'PROCD';
Line: 195

 Select Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt Sal_Chg_Dt
   From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Elct,
        Ben_Enrt_Rt Rate
  Where Elct.DFLT_FLAG = 'Y'
    and Elct.Elctbl_Flag = 'Y'
    and Elct.Per_in_ler_id = l_Last_Per_In_ler_Id
    and Elct.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt is Not NULL
Line: 205

  Select 'X'
    from Ben_Per_in_ler Pler,
         Ben_Ler_F      Ler
   where Person_id = l_Person_Id
     and Per_In_ler_Stat_Cd = 'STRTD'
     and Pler.Ler_Id = Ler.ler_ID
     and Ler.Typ_Cd  = 'GSP'
     and P_Effective_Date
 Between Ler.Effective_Start_Date
     and Ler.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 246

Fetch Dflt_Step into l_Dflt_Step_Cd, L_Update_Salary_Cd;
Line: 263

   l_Mass_Update_Call := 'N';
Line: 265

   l_Mass_Update_Call := 'Y';
Line: 313

If L_Update_Salary_Cd <> 'NO_UPDATE'  and l_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id is NOT NULL Then
   (P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id  =>  l_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
   ,P_Effective_Date	      =>  P_Effective_Date
   ,P_Dt_Mode                 =>  P_DATE_TRACK_MODE
   ,P_Called_From             =>  'A'
   ,P_Prv_Sal_Chg_Dt          =>  l_Lst_Rt_Chg_Dt);
Line: 323

   hr_utility.set_location(' Completed Salary Update ', 40);
Line: 328

If l_Mass_Update_call = 'N' then
/* Not Called from Mass Update and hence logging the process Completion */

   (P_Master_txn_Id             =>  P_Assignment_Id
   ,P_Txn_Id                    =>  P_Assignment_Id
   ,p_module_cd        	        =>  'PQH_GSP_ASSIGN_ENTL'
   ,p_message_type_cd           =>  'C'
   ,p_message_text              =>  NULL
   ,P_Effective_Date            =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 350

if l_Mass_Update_Call = 'N' Then
   (P_Master_txn_Id             =>  P_Assignment_Id
   ,P_Txn_Id                    =>  P_Assignment_Id
   ,p_module_cd                 =>  'PQH_GSP_ASSIGN_ENTL'
   ,p_message_type_cd           =>  'E'
   ,p_message_text              =>  Nvl(fnd_Message.Get,sqlerrm)
   ,P_Effective_Date            =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 369

   (P_Message_Type_Cd    =>  Hr_general.Decode_Lookup('PQH_GSP_GEN_PROMPTS','ERR')
   ,P_Message_text       =>  Nvl(fnd_message.get,Sqlerrm));
Line: 386

 Select Pler.Per_In_Ler_Id, Pler.Object_Version_Number, Elct.Pgm_Id
   From Ben_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc Elct,
        Ben_Per_In_Ler          Pler
  Where Elct.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id  = P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
    and Pler.Per_In_Ler_Id           = Elct.Per_In_Ler_Id;
Line: 393

 Select Update_Salary_Cd
   from Ben_Pgm_F
  where Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 403

l_Update_Salary_Cd         Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 426

Fetch Pgm_Dtl into L_UPdate_Salary_Cd;
Line: 433

/* Update the Assignment Record with the new grade , Step */

(P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id   => P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
,P_Effective_Date	    => P_Effective_Date);
Line: 440

   hr_utility.set_location(' Completed Asgt Update ', 30);
Line: 443

/* Update the Salary */

If Nvl(l_Update_Salary_Cd,'NO_UPDATE') <> 'NO_UPDATE' Then
   (P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id	=>  P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
   ,P_Effective_Date	        =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 452

   hr_utility.set_location(' Completed Sal Update ', 40);
Line: 455

(P_PER_IN_LER_ID                   => l_PER_IN_LER_ID
,P_PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD              => 'PROCD'
,P_PROCD_DT                        =>  L_PROCD_DT
,P_STRTD_DT                        =>  L_STRTD_DT
,P_VOIDD_DT                        =>  L_VOIDD_DT
,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER           =>  L_Pil_Ovn
,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                  =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 465

   hr_utility.set_location(' Completed PIL Update ', 20);
Line: 497

,p_person_selection_rule_id     IN Number Default Null) Is

l_Concurrent_Req_Id        Number(18);
Line: 506

 Select Paa.Assignment_Id, Paa.Grade_ladder_Pgm_Id, Paa.Grade_Id, Paa.Person_Id,
   from Per_All_Assignments_F Paa
  Where L_Effective_Date Between paa.Effective_Start_Date and Paa.Effective_End_Date
    and Paa.Business_group_id = hr_General.get_Business_group_id
    and Paa.Person_id = Nvl(P_Person_Id, Paa.Person_Id)
    and paa.assignment_type ='E'
    and paa.primary_flag ='Y'
    and Paa.Grade_ladder_Pgm_Id is null
    and Paa.grade_id in
    (select pl.mapping_table_pk_id
from ben_plip_f plip,ben_pl_f pl
where plip.pgm_id = p_grade_ladder_id
and plip.pl_id = pl.pl_id
and L_Effective_Date between
plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date
and l_effective_date between
pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
and pl.mapping_table_pk_id = nvl(p_grade_id,pl.mapping_table_pk_id));
Line: 543

l_spp_delete_warning           Boolean;
Line: 581

      Select Count(*) into L_Cnt
        from Ben_Per_in_ler Pler,
             Ben_Ler_F      Ler
       where Person_id = Asgt_Rec.Person_Id
         and Per_In_ler_Stat_Cd = 'STRTD'
         and Pler.Ler_Id = Ler.ler_ID
         and Ler.Typ_Cd  = 'GSP'
         and L_Effective_Date
     Between Ler.Effective_Start_Date
         and Ler.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 604

if p_person_selection_rule_id is not null then
          p_formula_id        => p_person_selection_rule_id
         ,p_effective_date    => l_effective_date
         ,p_business_group_id => l_business_group_id
         ,p_assignment_id     => l_assignment_id);
Line: 629

IF l_date_track_mode = 'CORRECTION' OR l_date_track_mode = 'UPDATE' THEN
  (p_effective_date               =>  L_Effective_Date
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode        =>  L_Date_Track_Mode
  ,p_assignment_id                =>  L_Assignment_id
  ,p_grade_ladder_pgm_id          =>  P_Grade_Ladder_Id
  ,p_object_version_number        =>  L_Assignment_Ovn
  ,p_special_ceiling_step_id      =>  L_special_ceiling_step_id
  ,p_people_group_id              =>  L_People_Group_Id
  ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id       =>  L_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id
  ,p_group_name                   =>  L_group_name
  ,p_effective_start_date         =>  L_Asg_effective_start_date
  ,p_effective_end_date           =>  L_Asg_effective_end_date
  ,p_org_now_no_manager_warning   =>  L_org_now_no_manager_warning
  ,p_other_manager_warning        =>  L_other_manager_warning
  ,p_spp_delete_warning           =>  L_spp_delete_warning
  ,p_entries_changed_warning      =>  L_entries_changed_warning
  ,p_tax_district_changed_warning =>  L_tax_district_changed_warning
  ,p_concatenated_segments        =>  L_concatenated_segments);
Line: 719

 Select Ler_id
   from Ben_Ler_F
  Where Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and LF_EVT_OPER_CD = 'PROG' --ggnanagu  4032221
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date
    and Business_Group_id = P_Business_Group_id;
Line: 729

 Select Asgt.Person_Id, Asgt.Business_Group_id,
        Asgt.Grade_Id , Asgt.pay_basis_id, Asgt.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID, Asgt.Effective_Start_Date
   from Per_All_Assignments_f Asgt
  Where Assignment_Id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Asgt.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 738

 Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
   from Ben_Pgm_F  Pgm,
        Ben_Pl_F   Pl,
        Ben_Plip_f Plip
  Where Pgm.Pgm_Id  = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pgm.Effective_End_Date
    and Pl.Mapping_table_Name  = 'PER_GRADES'
    and Pl.Mapping_Table_Pk_Id = P_Grd_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pl.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pl.Effective_End_Date
    and Plip.Pgm_Id = Pgm.Pgm_id
    and Plip.Pl_id  = Pl.Pl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plip.Effective_Start_Date
    and Plip.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 759

 Select Plcmt.Step_id, Step.Spinal_point_id, Plcmt.Effective_Start_Date
   From Per_Spinal_POint_Placements_f Plcmt,
        Per_Spinal_point_Steps_F Step
  Where Plcmt.Assignment_id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plcmt.Effective_Start_Date
    and plcmt.Effective_End_Date
    and Step.Step_id = Plcmt.Step_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Step.Effective_Start_Date
    and Step.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 773

 Select Oipl.Oipl_Id, Opt.Opt_Id
   From Ben_Opt_F  Opt,
        Ben_Oipl_F Oipl
  Where Opt.Mapping_table_name  = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS'
    and Opt.mapping_table_Pk_Id = P_Point_id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Opt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Opt.Effective_End_Date
    and Oipl.Pl_Id  = P_Pl_Id
    and Oipl.Opt_id = Opt.Opt_id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Oipl.Effective_Start_Date
    and Oipl.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 788

 Select Pl_typ_Id
   From Ben_Pl_Typ_F
  Where Opt_typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 796

 select 'Y'
   from pay_element_types_f   pet
       ,pay_element_links_f   pel
       ,pay_element_entries_f pee
  where Pet.Element_type_id  = P_Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pet.effective_start_date
    and pet.effective_end_date
    and Pel.Element_type_Id  = Pet.Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pel.effective_start_date
    and pel.effective_end_date
    and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and pee.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
    and p_Effective_date
between pee.effective_start_date
    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 815

 Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
   From Ben_Acty_base_Rt_f
  where Pl_id   = l_Pl_Id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 823

 Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
   From Ben_Acty_Base_rt_f
  where Opt_Id = L_Opt_id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 831

 Select Lrsn.Lee_Rsn_Id
   From Ben_Popl_Enrt_Typ_Cycl_F Cylc,
        Ben_Lee_Rsn_f            Lrsn
  Where Cylc.ENRT_TYP_CYCL_CD = 'L'
    and Cylc.Pgm_Id = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Cylc.Effective_Start_Date
    and Cylc.Effective_End_Date
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Lrsn.Effective_Start_Date
    and Lrsn.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 845

 Select Pl_Id, Oipl_Id
   from Ben_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc
  Where Pgm_Id      = P_Pgm_Id
    and Dflt_Flag   = 'Y'
    and Elctbl_Flag = 'Y'
    and Per_In_ler_Id = (Select Max(Per_In_ler_Id)
			 from Ben_per_in_Ler
			 Where Ler_id = P_Ler_Id
			 and Person_Id = P_Person_Id
			 and LF_EVT_OCRD_DT = ( SELECT max(LF_EVT_OCRD_DT) FROM Ben_per_in_Ler
						 where Ler_id = P_Ler_Id
						 and Person_Id = P_Person_Id
			    			 and PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD = 'PROCD'
						 and LF_EVT_OCRD_DT <= p_effective_date)
			 and PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD = 'PROCD'); -- Query changed for Bug 6519699
Line: 864

        select max(LF_EVT_OCRD_DT)
    	   from Ben_per_in_Ler
    	  Where Person_Id = P_Person_Id
          and Ler_id = P_Ler_Id;
Line: 871

        select assignment_id
        from per_all_assignments_f
        where person_id = p_person_id
        and assignment_type ='E'
        and primary_flag ='Y'
        and p_max_lf_evt_date
    between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 881

 SELECT pyp.yr_perd_id,
   FROM ben_popl_yr_perd pyp,
        ben_yr_perd yp
  WHERE pyp.pl_id = P_Pl_Id
    AND pyp.yr_perd_id = yp.yr_perd_id
    AND pyp.business_group_id = P_Bg_Id
    AND P_Effective_Date
BETWEEN yp.start_date AND yp.end_date
    AND yp.business_group_id = P_Bg_Id;  */
Line: 895

  Select Yr_Perd_id
    From Ben_Yr_Perd
   Where P_Effective_Date
 Between Start_Date and End_Date;
Line: 901

 Select Pgm_Id
   From Ben_PGM_F
  Where DFLT_PGM_FLAG = 'Y'
    and Pgm_Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date
    and Business_Group_id = Hr_general.get_business_group_id;
Line: 937

L_Update_Salary_Cd            Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 1036

Fetch Ben_Grd_Dtls into L_Pl_id, l_plip_Id  , l_Prog_style, L_Update_Salary_Cd, l_Dflt_Element_typ_Id;
Line: 1061

If L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_BASIS' and L_pay_basis_id is NULL Then
   /* Grade Ladder is defined for Salary basis and Pay Basis is not attached to the assignment */
Line: 1066

ElsIf L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT' then

   /* Grade Ladder uses Salary Element, but Default Salary Element type is not defined */
   If l_Dflt_Element_typ_Id is NULL Then
Line: 1259

If L_Update_Salary_Cd is NULL Then
Line: 1265

      hr_utility.set_location('L_Update_Salary_Cd :' || L_Update_Salary_Cd, 180);
Line: 1267

   If L_Update_Salary_Cd in ('SALARY_BASIS','SALARY_ELEMENT') Then

      /* Not Batch Mode and Salary Update is Set for the Grade ladder */
      if g_debug then
         hr_utility.set_location(' Determine Rates ', 190);
Line: 1323

  (P_PER_IN_LER_ID                   => l_PER_IN_LER_ID
  ,P_PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD              => 'PROCD'
  ,P_PROCD_DT                        =>  L_PROCD_DT
  ,P_STRTD_DT                        =>  L_STRTD_DT
  ,P_VOIDD_DT                        =>  L_VOIDD_DT
  ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER           =>  L_Pil_Ovn
  ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                  =>  l_New_Enrlmt_Dt);
Line: 1355

Select Elctbl.PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_ID, Elctbl.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt , Elctbl.Crntly_Enrd_Flag, Rate.ENRT_RT_ID, Rate.ENRT_BNFT_ID,
       Rate.Val                , Elctbl.Business_Group_Id, Elctbl.Per_in_Ler_Id   , Rate.ANN_VAL
  From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Elctbl,
       Ben_Enrt_Rt             Rate
Line: 1383

   l_Datetrack_Mode := hr_api.g_Insert;
Line: 1385

   l_Datetrack_Mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 1448

L_Update_Salary_Cd          Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 1466

   From ben_Pgm_F
  Where Pgm_id = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 1475

 select pee.Element_Entry_Id, pee.Object_version_Number
   from pay_element_types_f   pet
       ,pay_element_links_f   pel
       ,pay_element_entries_f pee
  where Pet.Element_type_id  = L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
    and p_Effective_date
Between pet.effective_start_date
    and pet.effective_end_date
    and Pel.Element_type_Id  = Pet.Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pel.effective_start_date
    and pel.effective_end_date
    and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and pee.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
    and p_Effective_date
between pee.effective_start_date
    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1496

 Select pil.Per_in_Ler_Id, pil.person_id
   From Ben_Per_in_ler PIL, Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Enrt
   Where Enrt.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id = P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
     And Enrt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id;
Line: 1506

 Select max(pil.Per_in_Ler_Id)
   From Ben_Per_in_ler PIL,
        Ben_Ler_F LER
  Where Pil.Ler_Id = LER.Ler_Id
    And ler.typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    And Pil.person_Id = l_person_id
    And Pil.Per_In_Ler_Stat_Cd = 'PROCD'
    And pil.Per_in_Ler_Id <> l_curr_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 1517

 Select Elct.Pgm_id, Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt Sal_Chg_Dt,Rate.Val Val
   From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Elct,
        Ben_Enrt_Rt Rate
  Where Elct.DFLT_FLAG = 'Y'
    and Elct.Elctbl_Flag = 'Y'
    and Elct.Per_in_ler_id = l_Last_Per_In_ler_Id
   and Elct.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt is Not NULL
Line: 1528

Select max(Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt) Sal_Chg_Dt
   From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Elct,
        Ben_Enrt_Rt Rate
  Where Elct.DFLT_FLAG = 'Y'
    and Elct.Elctbl_Flag = 'Y'
    and Elct.Per_in_ler_id in (Select pil.Per_in_Ler_Id
                                 From Ben_Per_in_ler PIL,
                                      Ben_Ler_F LER
                                Where Pil.Ler_Id = LER.Ler_Id
                                  And ler.typ_Cd = 'GSP'
                                  And Pil.person_Id = l_person_id
                                  And Pil.Per_In_Ler_Stat_Cd = 'PROCD'
                                 And pil.Per_in_Ler_Id <> l_curr_per_in_ler_id)
    and Elct.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt is Not NULL
Line: 1545

  Select Pay_Proposal_Id, Object_Version_Number, nvl(date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'))  -- bug 6856664
    From Per_Pay_Proposals
   Where Change_Date   = P_Change_Dt
     and Assignment_id = P_Assignment_id;
Line: 1551

    select element_entry_id
    from   pay_element_entries_f
    where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and    creator_type = 'SP'
    and    l_prev_sal_change_dt between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1606

                       Fetch Pgm_Dtl into L_Update_Salary_Cd, L_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID, L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID, l_Dflt_Step_Cd;
Line: 1609

                       If  L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT'  AND
                           l_prev_sal is not null Then
                           hr_utility.set_location('Sal Element used to pay previously',5);
Line: 1627

Line: 1634

                        	       ,p_current_rate_change_dt - 1
Line: 1649

Line: 1657

                       ElsIf  L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_BASIS'  AND
                           l_prev_sal is not null Then
                           hr_utility.set_location('Sal Basis used to pay previously',5);
Line: 1681

                                 (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID              =>   l_Del_proposal_Id
                                 ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID           =>    p_business_Group_Id
                                 ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       =>    l_Del_Proposal_Ovn
                                 ,P_SALARY_WARNING              =>    l_Del_Warn);
Line: 1690

                        	       ,p_current_rate_change_dt - 1
Line: 1703

                                  p_validate                     => false,
                                  p_pay_proposal_id              => l_Del_proposal_Id,
                                  p_date_to                      => p_current_rate_change_dt -1,
                                  p_object_version_number        => l_Del_Proposal_Ovn,
                                  p_inv_next_sal_date_warning    => l_inv_next_sal_date_warning,
                                  p_proposed_salary_warning      => l_proposed_salary_warning,
                                  p_approved_warning             => l_approved_warning,
                                  p_payroll_warning              => l_payroll_warning);
Line: 1718

                        	       ,p_current_rate_change_dt - 1
Line: 1728

                       End if; -- L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT'
Line: 1751

/************************** Update Salary Info. ***************************/

Procedure Update_Salary_Info
(P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id	IN 	Number
,P_Effective_Date	        IN	Date
,P_Dt_Mode                      IN      Varchar2
,P_Called_From                  IN      Varchar2
,P_Prv_Sal_Chg_Dt               IN      Date) Is

/* Cursor Enroll_Info is
 Select Rate.rt_Val       , Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt, Rate.Prtt_Rt_Val_Id,
        Rate.pk_Id        , Rate.Object_Version_Number, Enrt.Pgm_Id,
        Asgt.Assignment_Id, Asgt.pay_basis_id, Enrt.Business_Group_id
   From Ben_PRTT_ENRT_RSLT_F  Enrt,
        ben_prtt_rt_val       Rate,
        Per_All_Assignments_F Asgt
    and P_Effective_Date
between Enrt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Enrt.Effective_End_Date
    and Enrt.Prtt_Enrt_Rslt_Id = Rate.Prtt_Enrt_Rslt_Id
    And Asgt.Person_id = Enrt.Person_id
    And Asgt.PRIMARY_FLAG =  'Y'
    And Asgt.assignment_type =  'E'
    And P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_start_Date and Asgt.Effective_end_Date; */
Line: 1791

L_Update_Salary_Cd          Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 1809

 Select Rate.Val       , Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt, Rate.Prtt_Rt_Val_Id,
        Rate.Object_Version_Number, Enrt.Pgm_Id, Enrt.OiPl_Id,
        Asgt.Assignment_Id, Asgt.pay_basis_id, Asgt.Grade_Id, Enrt.Business_Group_id
   From Ben_ELig_per_Elctbl_Chc  Enrt,
        ben_Enrt_Rt              Rate,
        Ben_Per_in_ler           PIL,
        Per_All_Assignments_F    Asgt
  Where Enrt.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id = P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
    And Enrt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id
    And Asgt.Person_id = PIL.Person_id
    And P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_start_Date and Asgt.Effective_end_Date
    and Enrt.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id = Rate.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id(+)
    and asgt.assignment_type ='E'
    And Asgt.PRIMARY_FLAG =  'Y';
Line: 1827

Select ele.element_entry_id
 from  per_pay_bases bas,
       pay_element_entries_f ele,
       pay_element_entry_values_f entval
 where bas.pay_basis_id = P_pay_basis_id
   and entval.input_value_id = bas.input_value_id
   and p_effective_date
between entval.effective_start_date
    and entval.effective_end_date
    and ele.assignment_id  = P_assignmnet_id
    and p_effective_date between ele.effective_start_date
    and ele.effective_end_date
    and ele.element_entry_id = entval.element_entry_id;
Line: 1842

   From ben_Pgm_F
  Where Pgm_id = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 1850

 select pee.Element_Entry_Id, pee.Object_version_Number
   from pay_element_types_f   pet
       ,pay_element_links_f   pel
       ,pay_element_entries_f pee
  where Pet.Element_type_id  = L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
    and p_Effective_date
Between pet.effective_start_date
    and pet.effective_end_date
    and Pel.Element_type_Id  = Pet.Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pel.effective_start_date
    and pel.effective_end_date
    and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and pee.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
    and p_Effective_date
between pee.effective_start_date
    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 1869

 Select Max(Change_Date)
   from Per_Pay_Proposals
  Where Assignment_Id = P_Assignment_id
  AND  p_Effective_date BETWEEN Change_Date AND
	nvl(DATE_TO,to_date('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy')) ;-- added for bug 6880958
Line: 1879

  Select Pay_Proposal_Id, Object_Version_Number
    From Per_Pay_Proposals
   Where Change_Date   = l_Change_Dt
     and Assignment_id = P_Assignment_id;
Line: 1891

select change_date ,Pay_Proposal_Id, Object_Version_Number
from per_pay_proposals
where assignment_id = P_Assignment_id
and  change_date > p_Effective_date;
Line: 1901

select count(*)
from per_pay_proposals
where assignment_id = P_Assignment_id
and  change_date > p_Effective_date;
Line: 1924

   hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Salary Update: Elec_id :' || P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id, 10);
Line: 1933

Fetch Pgm_Dtl into L_Update_Salary_Cd, L_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID, L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID, l_Dflt_Step_Cd;
Line: 1960

If L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_BASIS' Then
   If L_Enroll_Info.Pay_Basis_Id is NULL Then
Line: 2000

             (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID              =>   l_Del_proposal_Id
             ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID           =>    L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
             ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       =>    l_Del_Proposal_Ovn
             ,P_SALARY_WARNING              =>    l_Del_Warn);
Line: 2011

	     -- update replace operation.
	     hr_utility.set_location(' P_Dt_Mode :' || P_Dt_Mode, 1);
Line: 2016

             if P_Dt_Mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' THEN

                open csr_count_pay_det(L_Enroll_Info.Assignment_Id);
Line: 2036

                         (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID              =>   l_Del_proposal_Id
                         ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID           =>    L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
                         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       =>    l_Del_Proposal_Ovn
                         ,P_SALARY_WARNING              =>    l_Del_Warn);
Line: 2042

            hr_utility.set_location(' after calling delete Proposal ' || l_Del_Proposal_Id, 20);
Line: 2053

             END IF; -- update override IF ..
Line: 2057

		select max(effective_end_date) into L_entry_date
		    from pay_element_entries_f
		    where assignment_id=L_Enroll_Info.Assignment_Id
		    and creator_type='SP';
Line: 2099

   (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID            =>  l_Pay_Proposal_Id
   ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID              =>  L_Enroll_Info.Assignment_Id
   ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID          =>  L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
   ,P_CHANGE_DATE                =>  L_Enroll_Info.RT_Strt_Dt
   ,P_PROPOSED_SALARY_N          =>  l_Salary
   ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER      =>  L_Pay_Proposals_Ovn
   ,P_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID           =>  L_Element_Entry_Id
   ,P_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS        =>  'N'
   ,P_APPROVED                   =>  'Y'
   ,P_PROPOSAL_REASON            =>  'GSP'
Line: 2128

    (P_PRTT_RT_VAL_ID               =>	L_Enroll_Info.PRTT_RT_VAL_ID
    ,P_PK_ID_TABLE_NAME             =>	'PER_PAY_PROPOSALS'
    ,P_PK_ID                        =>	l_Pay_Proposal_Id
    ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        =>	L_Rt_Ovn
    ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               =>	P_Effective_Date); */
Line: 2135

Elsif L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT' Then

  -- If current grade ladder uses a salary element.
  -- Get default element and input value of current ladder.
Line: 2192

     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE           =>  L_Enroll_Info.RT_Strt_Dt
     ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID        =>  L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER    =>  L_Ele_Ovn
     ,P_ENTRY_VALUE1             =>  L_Salary
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE     =>  L_Effective_Start_Date
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE       =>  L_Effective_End_Date
     ,P_UPDATE_WARNING           =>  l_Create_Warn);
Line: 2236

End If; /* Update_Salary_Cd */
Line: 2238

End Update_Salary_info;
Line: 2242

/************************* Update Assignment info *************************/

Procedure Update_Assgmt_Info
(P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id   IN 	Number,
 P_Effective_Date	    IN 	Date) is

 Cursor Enrlmt_Dtls is
 Select Enrlmt.PL_Id           , Enrlmt.Pgm_Id   , Enrlmt.Oipl_Id        , Enrlmt.Business_Group_Id,
        Enrlmt.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, Pgm.Dflt_Step_CD, Pl.MAPPING_TABLE_PK_ID, Asgt.Assignment_Id,
        Asgt.Object_Version_Number , Asgt.SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID, Asgt.People_Group_Id,
        Asgt.Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id, Asgt.Grade_Id, Asgt.Grade_Ladder_Pgm_Id
   From Ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Enrlmt,
        Ben_Per_in_ler          PIL,
        Ben_Pgm_F               Pgm,
        Ben_PLip_F              Plip,
        Ben_Pl_F                Pl,
        Per_All_Assignments_F   Asgt
  Where Enrlmt.Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
    And Enrlmt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id
    And Asgt.Person_id = PIL.Person_id
    and Pgm.Pgm_Id     = Enrlmt.Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pgm.Effective_End_Date
    and Pl.Pl_Id       =    Enrlmt.Pl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pl.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pl.Effective_End_Date
    and Plip.Pgm_Id	=   Pgm.Pgm_Id
    and Plip.Pl_Id      =   Pl.Pl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plip.Effective_Start_Date
    and Plip.Effective_End_Date
    and Asgt.Person_id = Pil.Person_id
    And Asgt.PRIMARY_FLAG =  'Y'
    And Asgt.assignment_type =  'E'
    And P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_start_Date and Asgt.Effective_end_Date;
Line: 2283

 Select Step.Step_id, Step.Spinal_point_id, Step.Grade_spine_id
   From Ben_Oipl_F Oipl,
        Ben_pl_F Pl,
        Ben_Opt_F Opt,
        Per_Spinal_points point,
        Per_Grade_Spines_f GSpine,
        Per_Spinal_point_Steps_F Step
  Where Oipl.Oipl_id  = P_Oipl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between OiPl.Effective_Start_Date and OiPl.Effective_End_Date
    and Pl.Pl_id = Oipl.Pl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pl.Effective_Start_Date and Pl.Effective_End_Date
    and Oipl.Opt_id = Opt.Opt_id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Opt.Effective_Start_Date and Opt.Effective_End_Date
    and Point.Spinal_Point_id  = Opt.Mapping_Table_Pk_Id
    and Pl.Mapping_Table_Pk_Id = Gspine.Grade_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Gspine.Effective_Start_Date and Gspine.Effective_End_Date
    and Step.Grade_Spine_Id    = Gspine.Grade_Spine_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Step.Effective_Start_Date and Step.Effective_End_Date
Line: 2309

 Select PLACEMENT_ID        , Object_Version_Number,
        Effective_Start_Date, Effective_End_Date
   from Per_Spinal_Point_Placements_F
  Where Assignment_Id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 2340

l_spp_delete_warning           Boolean;
Line: 2351

   hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Update_Assgmt_Info ', 10);
Line: 2366

  /* Update Assignments with the Grade Ladder / Grade Details */
                        (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE        =>  Nvl(l_Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, P_Effective_Date)
                        ,P_BASE_TABLE_NAME       =>  'PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F'
                        ,P_BASE_KEY_COLUMN       =>  'ASSIGNMENT_ID'
                        ,P_BASE_KEY_VALUE        =>  L_Assignment_id);
Line: 2382

        (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE          => Nvl(l_Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, P_Effective_Date) - 1
        ,P_DATETRACK_MODE          => 'DELETE'
        ,P_PLACEMENT_ID            => l_PLACEMENT_ID
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER    => l_Placement_Ovn
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE     => l_Effective_Start_Date
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE       => L_Effective_End_Date);
Line: 2393

  (p_effective_date               =>  Nvl(l_Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, P_Effective_Date)
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode        =>  L_Date_Track_Mode
  ,p_assignment_id                =>  L_Assignment_id
  ,p_grade_id                     =>  L_Grade_Id
  ,p_grade_ladder_pgm_id          =>  L_Pgm_Id
  ,p_object_version_number        =>  L_Assignment_Ovn
  ,p_special_ceiling_step_id      =>  L_special_ceiling_step_id
  ,p_people_group_id              =>  L_People_Group_Id
  ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id       =>  L_Soft_Coding_Keyflex_Id
  ,p_group_name                   =>  L_group_name
  ,p_effective_start_date         =>  L_Asg_effective_start_date
  ,p_effective_end_date           =>  L_Asg_effective_end_date
  ,p_org_now_no_manager_warning   =>  L_org_now_no_manager_warning
  ,p_other_manager_warning        =>  L_other_manager_warning
  ,p_spp_delete_warning           =>  L_spp_delete_warning
  ,p_entries_changed_warning      =>  L_entries_changed_warning
  ,p_tax_district_changed_warning =>  L_tax_district_changed_warning
  ,p_concatenated_segments        =>  L_concatenated_segments);
Line: 2438

          /* Update Placements with the New Step Details */
          (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => Nvl(l_Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, P_Effective_Date),
           P_DATETRACK_MODE         => l_Date_Track_Mode,
           P_PLACEMENT_ID           => l_PLACEMENT_ID,
           P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_Placement_Ovn,
           P_REASON                 => 'GSP',
           P_STEP_ID                => L_Step_id,
           P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_Effective_Start_Date,
           P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => L_Effective_End_Date);
Line: 2449

          l_Date_track_Mode := hr_api.g_Insert;
Line: 2450

          /* Insert Placements with the New Step Details */
          (P_EFFECTIVE_DATE         => Nvl(l_Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, P_Effective_Date),
           P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID      => l_Business_Group_Id,
           P_ASSIGNMENT_ID          => L_Assignment_Id,
           P_STEP_ID                => l_Step_Id,
           P_PLACEMENT_ID           => l_PLACEMENT_ID,
           P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  => l_Placement_Ovn,
           P_REASON                 => 'GSP',
           P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE   => l_Effective_Start_Date,
           P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE     => L_Effective_End_Date);
Line: 2467

      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving Assigmt Updates ', 30);
Line: 2479

End Update_Assgmt_Info;
Line: 2519

 select ptnl.ptnl_ler_for_per_id, ptnl.object_version_number
   from ben_per_in_ler per
       ,ben_ptnl_ler_for_per ptnl
  where per.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
    and per.ptnl_ler_for_per_id = ptnl.ptnl_ler_for_per_id;
Line: 2526

 Select Elct.ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID, Pil.Person_Id, Pil.Per_In_Ler_id, Pil. Object_Version_Number,
        Elct.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt, Pgm.Update_Salary_Cd, Pgm.Dflt_Step_Cd, Elct.Approval_Status_Cd, Person.Full_name
   From ben_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc Elct,
        Ben_Ler_F               Ler,
        Ben_Per_in_ler          Pil,
        Ben_Pgm_F               PGM,
        Per_All_People_F        Person
  where Ler.typ_Cd              = 'GSP'
    and L_Effective_Date
Between Ler.Effective_Start_Date
    and Ler.Effective_End_Date
    and Ler.Business_group_id       = Hr_general.get_Business_Group_id
    and Pil.Ler_Id                  = Ler.Ler_id
    and Pil.PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD      = 'STRTD'
    and Elct.Per_In_Ler_id          = Pil.Per_in_Ler_id
    and Elct.DFLT_FLAG              = 'Y'
    and ((P_Approval_Status_Cd       is NULL
    and Elct.Approval_Status_Cd     in ('PQH_GSP_A','PQH_GSP_R'))
    or  (Elct.Approval_Status_Cd     = P_Approval_Status_Cd))
    and Pgm.Pgm_Id                  = Elct.Pgm_Id
    and L_Effective_Date
Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pgm.Effective_End_Date
    and Person.Person_Id = Pil.Person_id
    and l_Effective_Date
Between Person.Effective_Start_Date
    and Person.Effective_End_Date
Order By Person.Full_name Desc;
Line: 2589

   /* Update Employee Salary */
   if g_debug then
      hr_utility.set_location(' Approve ', 30);
Line: 2594

   ,P_Effective_Date            =>  Elctbl_Rec.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt);
Line: 2599

      hr_utility.set_location(' Update Salary ', 40);
Line: 2602

   /* If Update_Salary_Cd  is NO_UPDATE -- Salary Updateis not required.
      Hence will not make a call to Salary Update */

   If Elctbl_Rec.Update_Salary_Cd <> 'NO_UPDATE' Then
      ,P_Effective_Date            =>  Elctbl_Rec.Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt);
Line: 2618

(P_PER_IN_LER_ID                   =>  l_PER_IN_LER_ID
,P_PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD              =>  l_Per_In_Ler_Stat_Cd
,P_PROCD_DT                        =>  L_PROCD_DT
,P_STRTD_DT                        =>  L_STRTD_DT
,P_VOIDD_DT                        =>  L_VOIDD_DT
,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER           =>  L_Pil_Ovn
,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                  =>  L_Effective_Date);
Line: 2633

  (p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id           => l_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_ID
  ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd      => l_Per_In_Ler_Stat_Cd
  ,p_voidd_dt                      => l_effective_date
  ,p_object_version_number         => l_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_OVN
  ,p_effective_date                => l_effective_date);
Line: 2718

Select Enrt_Rt_Id,
  From Ben_Enrt_Rt
 Where Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_id;
Line: 2731

   Update Ben_Elig_per_elctbl_Chc
      Set Approval_Status_Cd = 'PQH_GSP_A'
         ,Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt   =  P_Prog_Dt
         ,Comments           =  P_Comments
    Where Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_id;
Line: 2738

      Update Ben_Enrt_Rt
         Set Rt_Strt_Dt = P_Sal_Chg_Dt
       Where Enrt_Rt_Id = L_Enrt_Rt_Id;
Line: 2745

  Update Ben_Elig_per_elctbl_Chc
     Set Approval_Status_Cd = 'PQH_GSP_R'
   Where Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_id;
Line: 2768

Select grade_ladder_pgm_id,grade_id
  From per_all_assignments_f
 Where person_id = p_person_id
   and primary_flag = 'Y'
   and assignment_type ='E'
   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2776

Select pgm_id,dflt_step_cd
  From ben_pgm_f
 Where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
   and pgm_typ_cd = 'GSP'
   and pgm_stat_cd = 'A'
   and nvl(dflt_pgm_flag,'N') = 'Y'
   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2785

Select dflt_step_cd
  From ben_pgm_f
 Where pgm_id = p_pgm_id
   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2791

select pl_id
from ben_pl_f pl,ben_pl_typ_f pltyp
where pltyp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and pltyp.opt_typ_cd =  'GSP'
and p_effective_date between pltyp.effective_start_date and pltyp.effective_end_date
and pl.pl_typ_id = pltyp.pl_typ_id
and pl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and pl.mapping_table_name  = 'PER_GRADES'
and pl.mapping_table_pk_id = p_grade_id
and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date
and pl.pl_stat_cd = 'A';
Line: 2804

select plip_id from ben_plip_f
 where pl_id = p_pl_id
   and pgm_id = p_pgm_id
   and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
   and plip_stat_cd = 'A';
Line: 2928

 select ler_id,program_id,business_group_id
 from ben_per_in_ler
 where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 2934

 Select Asgt.Business_Group_id,
        Asgt.Grade_Id , Asgt.pay_basis_id, Asgt.GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID
   from Per_All_Assignments_f Asgt
  Where P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Asgt.Effective_End_Date
    and Asgt.Person_id = p_person_id
    And Asgt.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2944

 Select Pl.Pl_Id, plip.Plip_Id, Pgm.DFLT_STEP_CD,
   from Ben_Pgm_F  Pgm,
        Ben_Pl_F   Pl,
        Ben_Plip_f Plip
  Where Pgm.Pgm_Id  = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pgm.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pgm.Effective_End_Date
    and Pl.Mapping_table_Name  = 'PER_GRADES'
    and Pl.Mapping_Table_Pk_Id = P_Grd_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Pl.Effective_Start_Date
    and Pl.Effective_End_Date
    and Plip.Pgm_Id = Pgm.Pgm_id
    and Plip.Pl_id  = Pl.Pl_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plip.Effective_Start_Date
    and Plip.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 2966

 Select Plcmt.Step_id, Step.Spinal_point_id
   From Per_Spinal_POint_Placements_f Plcmt,
        Per_Spinal_point_Steps_F Step
  Where Plcmt.Assignment_id = P_Assignment_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Plcmt.Effective_Start_Date
    and plcmt.Effective_End_Date
    and Step.Step_id = Plcmt.Step_Id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Step.Effective_Start_Date
    and Step.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 2980

 Select Oipl.Oipl_Id, Opt.Opt_Id
   From Ben_Opt_F  Opt,
        Ben_Oipl_F Oipl
  Where Opt.Mapping_table_name  = 'PER_SPINAL_POINTS'
    and Opt.mapping_table_Pk_Id = P_Point_id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Opt.Effective_Start_Date
    and Opt.Effective_End_Date
    and Oipl.Pl_Id  = P_Pl_Id
    and Oipl.Opt_id = Opt.Opt_id
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Oipl.Effective_Start_Date
    and Oipl.Effective_End_Date;
Line: 2995

 Select Pl_typ_Id
   From Ben_Pl_Typ_F
  Where Opt_typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date
    and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 3005

 select 'Y'
   from pay_element_types_f   pet
       ,pay_element_links_f   pel
       ,pay_element_entries_f pee
  where Pet.Element_type_id  = P_Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pet.effective_start_date
    and pet.effective_end_date
    and Pel.Element_type_Id  = Pet.Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pel.effective_start_date
    and pel.effective_end_date
    and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and pee.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
    and p_Effective_date
between pee.effective_start_date
    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 3024

 Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
   From Ben_Acty_base_Rt_f
  where Pl_id   = l_Pl_Id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 3032

 Select ACTY_BASE_RT_ID, Rt_Typ_cd, Entr_Ann_Val_Flag
   From Ben_Acty_Base_rt_f
  where Opt_Id = L_Opt_id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 3040

  Select Yr_Perd_id
    From Ben_Yr_Perd
   Where P_Effective_Date
 Between Start_Date and End_Date;
Line: 3046

 Select Pgm_Id
   From Ben_PGM_F
  Where DFLT_PGM_FLAG = 'Y'
    and Pgm_Typ_Cd = 'GSP'
    and P_Effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date
    and Business_Group_id = Hr_general.get_business_group_id;
Line: 3078

L_Update_Salary_Cd            Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 3131

Fetch Ben_Grd_Dtls into L_Pl_id, l_plip_Id  , l_Prog_style, L_Update_Salary_Cd, l_Dflt_Element_typ_Id;
Line: 3147

If L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_BASIS' and L_pay_basis_id is NULL Then
   /* Grade Ladder is defined for Salary basis and Pay Basis is not attached to the assignment */
Line: 3153

ElsIf L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT' then */

   /* Grade Ladder uses Salary Element, but Default Salary Element type is not defined */
/*   If l_Dflt_Element_typ_Id is NULL Then
Line: 3171

 Select Plcmt.Step_id, Step.Spinal_point_id, Plcmt.Effective_Start_Date

End If;
Line: 3295

If L_Update_Salary_Cd is NULL Then
Line: 3326

/************************** Update Rate Sync Salary. **********************/

Procedure Update_Rate_Sync_Salary
(P_per_in_ler_Id	IN 	Number
,P_Effective_Date	        IN	Date
) Is
*********  Called from benmngle. Don't change the signature ********
Cursor csr_elct_chcs
Select Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id,COMP_LVL_CD,pgm_id
from Ben_ELig_per_Elctbl_Chc
where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 3344

select object_version_number,PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_ID
from ben_per_in_ler
where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;
Line: 3350

select object_version_number
from ben_ptnl_ler_for_per
Line: 3370

L_Update_Salary_Cd          Ben_Pgm_F.Update_Salary_Cd%TYPE;
Line: 3397

 Select Rate.Val       , Rate.Rt_Strt_Dt, Rate.Prtt_Rt_Val_Id,
        Rate.Object_Version_Number, Enrt.Pgm_Id, Enrt.OiPl_Id,
        Asgt.Assignment_Id, Asgt.pay_basis_id, Asgt.Grade_Id, Enrt.Business_Group_id,Pil.per_in_ler_id, Rate.Ann_val
   From Ben_ELig_per_Elctbl_Chc  Enrt,
        ben_Enrt_Rt              Rate,
        Ben_Per_in_ler           PIL,
        Per_All_Assignments_F    Asgt
  Where Enrt.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id = P_Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id
    And Enrt.Per_In_Ler_id = Pil.Per_In_Ler_id
    And Asgt.Person_id = PIL.Person_id
    And P_Effective_Date
Between Asgt.Effective_start_Date and Asgt.Effective_end_Date
    and Enrt.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id = Rate.Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_id(+)
    and asgt.assignment_type ='E'
    And Asgt.PRIMARY_FLAG =  'Y';
Line: 3415

Select ele.element_entry_id
 from  per_pay_bases bas,
       pay_element_entries_f ele,
       pay_element_entry_values_f entval
 where bas.pay_basis_id = P_pay_basis_id
   and entval.input_value_id = bas.input_value_id
   and p_effective_date
between entval.effective_start_date
    and entval.effective_end_date
    and ele.assignment_id  = P_assignmnet_id
    and p_effective_date between ele.effective_start_date
    and ele.effective_end_date
    and ele.element_entry_id = entval.element_entry_id;
Line: 3430

   From ben_Pgm_F
  Where Pgm_id = P_Pgm_Id
    and P_effective_Date
Between Effective_Start_Date
    and Effective_End_Date;
Line: 3438

 select pee.Element_Entry_Id, pee.Object_version_Number
   from pay_element_types_f   pet
       ,pay_element_links_f   pel
       ,pay_element_entries_f pee
  where Pet.Element_type_id  = L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID
    and p_Effective_date
Between pet.effective_start_date
    and pet.effective_end_date
    and Pel.Element_type_Id  = Pet.Element_type_Id
    and p_Effective_date
Between pel.effective_start_date
    and pel.effective_end_date
    and pee.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
    and pee.assignment_id   = p_assignment_id
    and p_Effective_date
between pee.effective_start_date
    and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 3457

 Select Max(Change_Date)
   from Per_Pay_Proposals
  Where Assignment_Id = P_Assignment_id;
Line: 3462

  Select Pay_Proposal_Id, Object_Version_Number
    From Per_Pay_Proposals
   Where Change_Date   = l_Change_Dt
     and Assignment_id = P_Assignment_id;
Line: 3468

  from per_pay_bases
  where pay_basis_id =p_pay_basis_id;
Line: 3487

   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering pqh_gsp_post_process.update_rate_sync_salary ', 5);
Line: 3503

Fetch Pgm_Dtl into L_Update_Salary_Cd, L_DFLT_INPUT_VALUE_ID, L_DFLT_ELEMENT_TYPE_ID, l_Dflt_Step_Cd,l_acty_ref_perd_cd;
Line: 3518

   hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Salary Update: Elec_id :' ||l_def_elct_chc_id , 10);
Line: 3576

        (P_PER_IN_LER_ID                   => p_PER_IN_LER_ID
        ,P_PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD              => 'VOIDD'
        ,P_PROCD_DT                        =>  l_procd_date
        ,P_STRTD_DT                        =>  l_strtd_date
        ,P_VOIDD_DT                        =>  l_voidd_date
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER           =>  l_per_in_ler_ovn
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                  =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 3585

   (p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id           => l_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_ID
  ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd       => 'VOIDD'
  ,p_voidd_dt                       => p_effective_date
  ,p_object_version_number          => l_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER_OVN
  ,p_effective_date                 => p_effective_date);
Line: 3604

If L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_BASIS' Then
   If L_Enroll_Info.Pay_Basis_Id is NULL Then
Line: 3623

          (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID              =>   l_Del_proposal_Id
          ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID           =>    L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
          ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER       =>    l_Del_Proposal_Ovn
          ,P_SALARY_WARNING              =>    l_Del_Warn);
Line: 3637

   (P_PAY_PROPOSAL_ID            =>  l_Pay_Proposal_Id
   ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID              =>  L_Enroll_Info.Assignment_Id
   ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID          =>  L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
   ,P_CHANGE_DATE                =>  L_Enroll_Info.RT_Strt_Dt
   ,P_PROPOSED_SALARY_N          =>  l_Salary
   ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER      =>  L_Pay_Proposals_Ovn
   ,P_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID           =>  L_Element_Entry_Id
   ,P_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS        =>  'N'
   ,P_APPROVED                   =>  'Y'
   ,P_PROPOSAL_REASON            =>  'GSP'
Line: 3653

Elsif L_Update_Salary_Cd = 'SALARY_ELEMENT' Then

Line: 3696

     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE           =>  L_Enroll_Info.RT_Strt_Dt
     ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID        =>  L_Enroll_Info.Business_Group_Id
     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER    =>  L_Ele_Ovn
     ,P_ENTRY_VALUE1             =>  L_Salary
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE     =>  L_Effective_Start_Date
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE       =>  L_Effective_End_Date
     ,P_UPDATE_WARNING           =>  l_Create_Warn);
Line: 3727

End If; /* Update_Salary_Cd */
Line: 3728

        (P_PER_IN_LER_ID                   => p_PER_IN_LER_ID
        ,P_PER_IN_LER_STAT_CD              => 'PROCD'
        ,P_PROCD_DT                        =>  l_procd_date
        ,P_STRTD_DT                        =>  l_strtd_date
        ,P_VOIDD_DT                        =>  l_voidd_date
        ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER           =>  l_per_in_ler_ovn
        ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE                  =>  P_Effective_Date);
Line: 3738

End Update_Rate_Sync_Salary;
Line: 3760

Select Enrt_Rt_Id,
  From Ben_Enrt_Rt
 Where Elig_per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_id;
Line: 3791

            (p_proposed_rank  => p_proposed_rank
            ,p_assignment_id  => p_assignment_id
            ,p_life_event_dt  => p_life_event_dt
            ,p_pgm_id         => p_grade_ladder_id
            ,p_pl_id          => p_pl_id
Line: 3799

   Update Ben_Elig_per_elctbl_Chc
      Set Enrt_Cvg_Strt_Dt   =  P_PROGRESSION_DATE
    Where Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_Id = P_Elig_Per_Elctbl_Chc_id;
Line: 3804

      Update Ben_Enrt_Rt
         Set Rt_Strt_Dt = P_Sal_Chg_Dt
       Where Enrt_Rt_Id = L_Enrt_Rt_Id;