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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

                            || ' WHERE a.application_id = :appl_id AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM jtf_dsp_lgl_phys_map m WHERE a.attachment_id = m.attachment_id) ';
Line: 105

  sql_stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' || sql_cond;
Line: 164

    || 'SELECT attachment_id, attachment_used_by_id, file_name, file_id, file_extension, display_width, display_height, '
    || 'object_version_number '
    || 'BULK COLLECT INTO :id_tbl, :dlv_id_tbl, :file_tbl, :file_id_tbl, :file_ext_tbl, :dsp_width_tbl, :dsp_height_tbl, :version_tbl '
    || 'FROM (SELECT a.attachment_id, a.attachment_used_by_id, a.file_name, a.file_id, a.file_extension, a.display_width, a.display_height, a.object_version_number '
    || sql_cond
    || 'ORDER BY a.file_name ) '
    || 'WHERE ROWNUM <= :row_num '
    || '; END;';
Line: 313

  l_operation_type VARCHAR2(10) := 'INSERT';
Line: 342

  l_act_attachment_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE := NULL;
Line: 343

  l_act_attachment_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY := NULL;
Line: 346

  l_act_attachment_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN := NULL;
Line: 459

    l_operation_type := 'UPDATE';
Line: 467

  IF (l_operation_type = 'INSERT') THEN
    l_act_attachment_rec.attachment_used_by_id := p_attachment_rec.deliverable_id;
Line: 494

      p_api_version       => g_amv_api_version,
      x_return_status     => l_return_status,
      x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
      p_act_attachment_rec => l_act_attachment_rec
Line: 727

PROCEDURE delete_attachment (
                             p_api_version			IN	NUMBER,
                             p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
  p_commit				IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.g_false,
  x_return_status		OUT	VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER,
  x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2,
  p_ath_id_ver_tbl		IN OUT ATH_ID_VER_TBL_TYPE ) IS

  l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_attachment';
Line: 773

  SAVEPOINT delete_one_attachment_grp;
Line: 786

Line: 791

    p_api_version		=> g_amv_api_version,
    x_return_status	=> l_return_status,
    x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
    x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
    p_act_attachment_id	=> p_ath_id_ver_tbl(l_index).attachment_id,
    p_object_version	=> p_ath_id_ver_tbl(l_index).object_version_number
Line: 812

     ROLLBACK TO delete_one_attachment_grp;
Line: 820

     ROLLBACK TO delete_one_attachment_grp;
Line: 826

     ROLLBACK TO delete_one_attachment_grp;
Line: 857

     ROLLBACK TO delete_attachment_grp;
Line: 866

     ROLLBACK TO delete_attachment_grp;
Line: 875

     ROLLBACK TO delete_attachment_grp;
Line: 888

END delete_attachment;