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1 package HR_GENERAL as
2 /* $Header: hrgenral.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 02:30:57 appldev noship $ */
3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |                       Copyright (c) 1994 Oracle Corporation                  |
7 |                          Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
8 |                               All rights reserved.                           |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 Name
11         General HR Utilities
12 Purpose
13         To provide widely used functions in a single shared area
14         Other general purpose routines can be found in hr_utility and hr_chkfmt.
16         See the package body for details of the functions.
17 History
18          1 Mar 94       N Simpson       Created
19          2 Mar 94       PK Attwood      Added init_forms procedure. Corrected
20                                         show errors statement.
21          4 Mar 94       N Simpson       Added functions to return constants
22         27 Apr 94       N Simpson       Added function LOCATION_VALID
23         27 Apr 94       N Simpson       Corrected location_valid datatypes
24         17 Oct 94       N Simpson       Added restrict_references to
25                                         decode_lookup
26         16 Jan 95       N Simpson       Added overloaded DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE
27                                         using p_business_group_id
28         15 Mar 95       R Fine          Allowed a session date to be passed in
29                                         to init_forms.
30         23 Jun 95       D Kerr          Added bg_name and bg_legislation_code
31                                         to init_forms together with temp.
32                                         overloaded version.
33         11 Mar 95       A Forte         Added function calls DECODE_GRADE to
34                                         DECODE_ASS_STATUS_TYPE which are called
35                                         from peasg03v.sql which allowed the
36                                         elimination of outer joins and enhanced
37                                         the performance of the asssignments
38                                         folder PERWSFAS. Bug 343096.
39         13 Jun 96       A.Mills         Added function definition for
40                                         GET_SALARY, used by view per
41                                         _expanded_assignments_v1, for bug
42                                         336409.
43         09 DEC 96       Ty Hayden       Added function GET_WORK_PHONE and
44                                         GET_HOME_PHONE
45         12 DEC 96       Ty Hayden       Modified GET_WORK_PHONE and
46                                         GET_HOME_PHONE to be more efficient.
48         20 DEC 96       D. Kerr         init_forms: removed temporary overload
49                                         Removed p_commit and added
50                                         p_enable_hr_trace
51         02 APR 1997     HPATEL          Added functions CHK_APPLICATION_ID,
52                                         CORE_HR_APP_ID and VERTICAL_APP_ID
53     Name     Date      Versn  Bug       Text
54     ========================================================================
55     rfine    29-Apr-97 40.23  n/a       Leapfrogged from 40.21 over special
56                                         p15.1 version. Only change is this
57                                         comment in change history.
58     dkerr    27-Jul-97 110.3  n/a       Added :
59                                            char_to_bool
60                                            bool_to_char
61                                            get_application_short_name
62                                            hrms_object
63         19 Aug 97       Sxshah  Banner now on eack line.
64     mhoyes   27-AUG-97 110.4  n/a       Added chk_geocodes_installed.
65     dkerr    19-OCT-97 110.8  n/a       Added get_business_group_id
66     mshah    09-OCT-97 110.9  n/a       Added proc set_calling_context
67                                         and function get_calling_context
68     fychu    16-Dec-97 110.10 n/a       Added function get_phone_number
69                                         from per_phones table.
70     fychu    19-Dec-97 110.11 n/a       Fixed the version number in the log.
71     dkerr    06-Jan-98 110.12 n/a       char_to_bool/bool_to_char now public
72     dkerr    20_MAR-98 40.25  643828    Added DECODE_PEOPLE_GROUP
73     ccarter  23-DEC-98 115.2            Added chk_product_installed function.
74     sxshah   13-Jan-99 115.3            Added g_data_migrator_mode variable
75                                         which will be used by the HRMS
76                                         data migrator process.
77     sxshah   29-Jan-99 115.4            Default for above var to 'N'
78     ccarter  03-Jun-99 115.5            Added get_user_status function.
79     skekkar  23-AUG-99 115.6            Added decode_territory ,
80                                         decode_organization and
81                                         decode_availability_status functions
82     hsajja   25-AUG-99 115.7            Added decode_position_current_name
83                                         function
84     darora   27-Sep-99 115.11           Included functions - DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME,
85                                         and DECODE_STEP
86     rraina   29-Sep-99 115.9     985430   Added decode_ar_lookup and
87                                         hr_lookup_locations functions
88     hsajja   01-OCT-99 115.10            Added decode_latest_position_def_id
89                                         ,decode_avail_status_start_date function
90     hsajja   04-OCT-99 115.12           Added get_position_date_end function
91     pzwalker 05-OCT-99 115.12           removed pragma to decode_lookups
92     hsajja   07-OCT-99 115.13           Added functions DECODE_PERSON_NAME,
93                                         DECODE_GRADE_RULE.
94     hsajja   12-OCT-99 115.14           Added Commit at the end
95     rraina  10-NOV-1999 115.15           added decode_fnd_comm_lookup for ota views opt
96     dkerr    10-NOV-99 115.16           Added p_hr_trace_dest parameter to
97                                         init_forms
98     cxsimpso 28-DEC-99 115.17           Added get_validation_name function.
99     mbocutt  03/01/2000 115.18 1125512  Remove pragma from get_business_group_id
100     hsajja   21/02/2000 115.25          Included function DECODE_SHARED_TYPE
101     rvydyana 24/05/2000 115.27          Added new function get_xbg_profile
102     tcewis   29-FEB-00 115.21           added the function chk_maintain_tax
103                                          records.
104     arashid  13-OCT-00 115.22           Added a cover routine for:
105                                         DBMS_DESCRIBE.DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE to
106                                         compile an invalid package. The new
107                                         routine is called: DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE.
108     stlocke  23-JAN-2001 115.33         Added procedure init-fndload.
109     stlocke  08-FEB-2001 115.34         Procedure init-fndload removed.
110     hsajja   18-JAN-2002 115.25         added dbdrv command
111     hsajja   18-JAN-2002 115.26         replaced -- with rem before create package
112     adhunter 28-AUG-2002 115.27         correct gscc warning
113     dsaxby   04-DEC-2002 115.28 2692195 Nocopy changes.
114     ynegoro  23-JUL-2003 115.29         Added DECODE_GRADE_LADDER function
115     hsajja   10-DEC-2004 115.30 3663875 Changed DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME
116                                         function
117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121     IF REQUIRED PLEASE ADD TO HR_GENRAL2 (hrgenrl2.pkh/pkb)
123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 */
126 g_data_migrator_mode varchar2(1) := 'N';
127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 --Due to bug 286699 you cannot use restrict references for boolean returns
129 --prior to 8.0.3/7.3.4
130 function char_to_bool (p_value in varchar2) return boolean ;
131 pragma restrict_references (char_to_bool, WNPS, RNPS, WNDS, RNDS);
132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 function bool_to_char (p_value in boolean) return varchar2 ;
134 pragma restrict_references (bool_to_char, WNPS, RNPS, WNDS, RNDS);
135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 procedure assert_condition (p_condition in boolean);
137 pragma restrict_references (assert_condition, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS, RNDS);
138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 function GET_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID  return number;
140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 function CHK_APPLICATION_ID (p_application_id number) return varchar2;
142 pragma restrict_references (chk_application_id, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS, RNDS);
143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 function CORE_HR_APP_ID (p_application_id number) return varchar2;
145 pragma restrict_references (core_hr_app_id, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS, RNDS);
146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 function VERTICAL_APP_ID (p_application_id number) return varchar2;
148 pragma restrict_references (vertical_app_id, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS, RNDS);
149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 function HRMS_OBJECT (p_object_name in varchar2) return varchar2;
151 pragma restrict_references (hrms_object, WNPS, WNDS);
152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 function GET_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME (p_application_id in varchar2) return varchar2;
154 pragma restrict_references (get_application_short_name, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS);
155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 function EFFECTIVE_DATE return date;
157 pragma restrict_references (effective_date, WNPS, WNDS);
158 -------------------------------------------------------------------
159 function START_OF_TIME  return date;
160 pragma restrict_references (start_of_time, WNPS,WNDS);
161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 function END_OF_TIME    return date;
163 pragma restrict_references (end_of_time, WNPS,WNDS);
164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 function PAY_VALUE      return varchar2;
166 pragma restrict_references (pay_value, WNPS,WNDS);
167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 function MONEY_UNIT     return varchar2;
169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 function DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE (p_legislation_code varchar2) return varchar2;
171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 function DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE (p_business_group_id number) return varchar2;
173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 function LOCATION_VALID (       p_location_id           number,
175                                 p_date                  date,
176                                 p_error_if_invalid      boolean default TRUE
177         ) return boolean;
178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 function DECODE_LOOKUP (        p_lookup_type varchar2,
180                                 p_lookup_code varchar2) return varchar2;
181 -- pragma restrict_references (decode_lookup,  WNPS,WNDS);
182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 function DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP (       p_lookup_type varchar2,
184                                 p_lookup_code varchar2) return varchar2;
185 -- pragma restrict_references (decode_lookup,  WNPS,WNDS);
186 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
187 function DECODE_GRADE (p_grade_id number) return varchar2;
188 pragma restrict_references (decode_grade, WNPS,WNDS);
189 ------------------------------------------------------------
190 function DECODE_GRADE_LADDER (p_grade_ladder_pgm_id number) return varchar2;
191 pragma restrict_references (decode_grade_ladder, WNPS,WNDS);
192 ------------------------------------------------------------
193 function DECODE_PAYROLL (p_payroll_id number) return varchar2;
194 pragma restrict_references (decode_payroll, WNPS, WNDS);
195 ------------------------------------------------------------
196 function GET_SALARY (p_pay_basis_id number, p_assignment_id number)
197 return varchar2;
198 pragma restrict_references (get_salary, WNPS, WNDS);
199 --------------------------------------------------------------------
200 function DECODE_JOB (p_job_id number) return varchar2;
201 pragma restrict_references (decode_job, WNPS, WNDS);
202 ------------------------------------------------------------
203 function DECODE_POSITION (p_position_id number) return varchar2;
204 pragma restrict_references (decode_position, WNPS, WNDS);
205 ------------------------------------------------------------
206 function DECODE_LOCATION (p_location_id number) return varchar2;
207 pragma restrict_references (decode_location, WNPS, WNDS);
208 ------------------------------------------------------------
209 function DECODE_PAY_BASIS (p_pay_basis_id number) return varchar2;
210 pragma restrict_references (decode_pay_basis, WNPS, WNDS);
211 ------------------------------------------------------------
212 function DECODE_ASS_STATUS_TYPE (p_assignment_status_type_id number,
213                                  p_business_group_id         number)
214                   return varchar2;
215 pragma restrict_references (decode_ass_status_type, WNPS, WNDS);
216 ------------------------------------------------------------
217 function GET_WORK_PHONE (
218          p_person_id              number) return varchar2;
219 pragma restrict_references (get_work_phone, WNPS, WNDS);
220 ------------------------------------------------------------
221 function GET_HOME_PHONE (
222          p_person_id              number) return varchar2;
223 pragma restrict_references (get_home_phone, WNPS, WNDS);
224 ------------------------------------------------------------
225 function DECODE_PEOPLE_GROUP (p_people_group_id number) return varchar2;
226 pragma restrict_references (decode_people_group, WNPS, WNDS);
227 ------------------------------------------------------------
228 function decode_ar_lookup (
229                         p_lookup_type varchar2,
233 function hr_lookup_locations(
230                         p_lookup_code varchar2) return varchar2;
231 --pragma restrict_references (decode_ar_lookup, RNPS,RNDS);
232 ------------------------------------------------------------------
234                        p_location_id number) return varchar2;
235 pragma restrict_references (hr_lookup_locations,WNPS,WNDS);
236   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237   -- Name                                                                    --
238   --   init_forms                                                            --
239   -- Purpose                                                                 --
240   --   This procedure obtains session date from fnd_sessions and             --
241   --   short_name, legislation_code values from per_business_groups. If      --
242   --   there is no row in fnd_sessions for this session, one will be         --
243   --   inserted. p_session_date will then set to trunc(sysdate).             --
244   --   If a null business group id is past in p_short_name and               --
245   --   p_legislation_code will be set to null. Otherwise their               --
246   --   values are obtained from per_business_groups.                         --
247   -- Arguments                                                               --
248   --   In :-                                                                 --
249   --   p_business_group_id should be set to the AOL business group profile   --
250   --                       value.                                            --
251   --   Out :-                                                                --
252   --   p_short_name        If p_business_group_id is not null p_short_name   --
253   --                       will be set to short_name from                    --
254   --                       per_business_groups. If p_business_group_id is    --
255   --                       null p_short_name will be null.                   --
256   --   p_bg_name           If p_business_group_id is not null p_bg_name      --
257   --                       is set to name from per_business_groups           --
258   --   p_bg_currency_code  If p_business_group_id is not null p_bg_currency_ --
259   --                       code is set to currency_code from per_business    --
260   --                       groups.
261   --   p_legislation_code  If p_business_group_id is not null                --
262   --                       p_legislation_code will be set to                 --
263   --                       legislation_code from per_business_groups. If     --
264   --                       p_business_group_id is null p_legislation_code    --
265   --                       will be null.                                     --
266   --   p_session_date      is set to the session date from fnd_sessions. If  --
267   --                       no row existed in fnd_sessions p_session_date is  --
268   --                       set to trunc(sysdate).                            --
269   --                       From 15.03.95., it is an IN OUT parameter. This   --
270   --                       is so a date other than sysdate can be passed     --
271   --                       in, and the new row in fnd_sessions has this date.--
272   --   p_ses_yesterday     set to p_session_date minus one day.              --
273   --   p_start_of_time     set to 01-JAN-0001.                               --
274   --   p_end_of_time       set to 31-DEC-4712.                               --
275   --   p_sys_date          set to sysdate.                                   --
276   --   p_enable_hr_trace   Set to TRUE if trace is required for the forms    --
277   --                       session.                                          --
278   --   p_hr_trace_dest     If p_enable_hr_trace is TRUE then this parameter  --
279   --                       is used to set the TRACE_DEST option              --
280   -- Notes                                                                   --
281   --   None.                                                                 --
282 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 --
284 --
285 procedure set_calling_context(p_calling_context IN VARCHAR2);
286 --
287   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 --
289   PROCEDURE init_forms(p_business_group_id    IN  NUMBER,
290                        p_short_name           OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
291                        p_bg_name              OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
292                        p_bg_currency_code     OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
293                        p_legislation_code     OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
294                        p_session_date      IN OUT nocopy DATE,
295                        p_ses_yesterday        OUT nocopy DATE,
296                        p_start_of_time        OUT nocopy DATE,
297                        p_end_of_time          OUT nocopy DATE,
298                        p_sys_date             OUT nocopy DATE,
299                        p_enable_hr_trace      IN  BOOLEAN,
300                        p_hr_trace_dest        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'DBMS_PIPE');
301 --
302 --
303 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 --  |----------------------<  chk_geocodes_installed   >----------------------|
305 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 --
307 --  Description:
308 --    Determines if GEOCODES is installed.
309 --
310 --  Pre-conditions:
311 --    None
312 --
313 --  In Arguments:
314 --    None
315 --
316 --  Out Arguments:
317 --    None
318 --
319 --  Post Success:
320 --    - When rows exist in the table pay_us_city_names then the value 'Y' is
321 --    returned.
325 --  Post Failure:
322 --    - When rows do not exist in the table pay_us_city_names then the value 'N' is
323 --    returned.
324 --
326 --    None
327 --
328 --  Access Status:
329 --    Public
330 --
331 -- {End Of Comments}
332 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 --
334 function chk_geocodes_installed
335   return varchar2;
336 --
337 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 --
339 function get_calling_context
340   return varchar2;
341 --
342 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 --  |----------------------<  get_phone_number  >-----------------------------|
344 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 --  Description:
346 --    Retrieve phone number by person_id, phone_type, and effective_date.
347 --    Different phone_types can be found in hr_common_lookups where lookup_type
348 --     = 'PHONE_TYPE'.
349 --
351 function get_phone_number
352          (p_person_id       in number
353          ,p_phone_type      in varchar2
354          ,p_effective_date  in date default null)
355   return varchar2;
356   pragma restrict_references (get_phone_number, WNPS, WNDS);
357 --
358 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 function chk_product_installed(p_application_id in number)
360   return varchar2;
361 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
362 function get_user_status(p_assignment_status_type_id in number)
363   return varchar2;
364 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 function DECODE_TERRITORY (p_territory_code varchar2) return varchar2;
366 ------------------------------------------------------------
367 function DECODE_ORGANIZATION (p_organization_id number) return varchar2;
368 ------------------------------------------------------------
369 function DECODE_AVAILABILITY_STATUS (p_availability_status_id number) return varchar2;
370 ------------------------------------------------------------
371 function DECODE_POSITION_CURRENT_NAME (p_position_id in number) return varchar2;
372 ------------------------------------------------------------
373 function DECODE_POSITION_LATEST_NAME (p_position_id in number,
374                                       p_effective_date   in date default null
375                                      ) return varchar2;
376 ------------------------------------------------------------
377 function DECODE_STEP ( p_step_id           number, p_effective_date    date) return varchar2;
378 ------------------------------------------------------------
379 function DECODE_LATEST_POSITION_DEF_ID (p_position_id in number) return number;
380 ------------------------------------------------------------
381 function DECODE_AVAIL_STATUS_START_DATE (p_position_id in number,
382 p_availability_status_id number,p_effective_date date) return date;
383 ------------------------------------------------------------
384 function GET_POSITION_DATE_END (p_position_id in number) return date;
385 ------------------------------------------------------------
386 function DECODE_PERSON_NAME ( p_person_id           number) return varchar2;
387 ------------------------------------------------------------
388 function DECODE_GRADE_RULE ( p_grade_rule_id           number) return varchar2;
389 ------------------------------------------------------------------
390 -- Function to return localization specific lookup_type (validation_name)
391 -- for given core lookup_type (validation_type) or return core lookup_type
392 -- (validation_type) if none found.
393 --
394 function GET_VALIDATION_NAME(p_target_location VARCHAR2
395 					   ,p_field_name VARCHAR2
396 					   ,p_legislation_code VARCHAR2
397 					   ,p_validation_type VARCHAR2) return varchar2;
398 pragma restrict_references(get_validation_name, WNPS, WNDS);
399 -------------------------------------------------------------------
400 function decode_shared_type (
401    p_shared_type_id      number) return varchar2;
402 -------------------------------------------------------------------
403 function get_xbg_profile return varchar2;
404 --pragma restrict_references (get_xbg_profile, WNPS, WNDS, RNPS, RNDS);
405 -------------------------------------------------------------------
406 function  chk_maintain_tax_records return varchar2;
407 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
408 -- |----------------------< describe_procedure >-----------------------------|
409 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 -- Description:
411 -- Cover routine for DBMS_DESCRIBE.DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE. If describe_procedure
412 -- fails because a package is not compiled, it will attempt to compile the
413 -- package and call DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE again. Other DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE errors
414 -- will be propagated upwards.
415 -- Notes:
416 -- If the attempted package compilation fails, the standard -20003 exception
417 -- from DBMS_DESCRIBE.DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE will be returned. This procedure does
418 -- not raise any exceptions other then the ones raised by DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE.
419 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 procedure describe_procedure
421 (object_name    in  varchar2
422 ,reserved1      in  varchar2
423 ,reserved2      in  varchar2
424 ,overload       out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
425 ,position       out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
426 ,level          out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
427 ,argument_name  out nocopy dbms_describe.varchar2_table
431 ,length         out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
428 ,datatype       out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
429 ,default_value  out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
430 ,in_out         out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
432 ,precision      out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
433 ,scale          out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
434 ,radix          out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
435 ,spare          out nocopy dbms_describe.number_table
436 );
439 end     HR_GENERAL;