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Line 77: from ra_customer_trx trx, ra_customer_trx_lines line

73: IF source = 'PS' THEN
74: IF trx_class = 'CM' THEN
75: select nvl(sum(extended_amount),0)
76: into adjusted_amount
77: from ra_customer_trx trx, ra_customer_trx_lines line
78: where trx.customer_trx_id = line.customer_trx_id
79: and trx.customer_trx_id = child_customer_trx_id
80: and complete_flag = 'Y';

Line 149: ra_customer_trx_lines l

145: NVL( SUM(NVL(i.promised_commitment_amount,
146: i.amount)), 0)
147: into oe_amount
148: from ra_interface_lines i,
149: ra_customer_trx_lines l
150: where nvl(interface_status,
151: 'A') <> 'P'
152: and i.line_type = 'LINE'
153: and i.reference_line_id = l.customer_trx_line_id

Line 163: from ra_customer_trx trx,

159: where (i.cust_trx_type_name = ty.name OR
160: i.cust_trx_type_id = ty.cust_trx_type_id)
161: AND ty.type = 'INV')
162: OR EXISTS (select 'valid sub_trx_type'
163: from ra_customer_trx trx,
164: ra_cust_trx_types ty
165: where trx.customer_trx_id = customer_trx_id1
166: and trx.cust_trx_type_id = ty.cust_trx_type_id
167: and (i.cust_trx_type_name is null AND