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2 /* $Header: hrgbutil.pkb 120.2.12010000.2 2008/08/06 08:41:34 ubhat ship $ */
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 function push_pay_message(p_applid    in number,
5                           p_msg_name  in varchar2,
6                           p_level     in varchar2) return number is
7 --
8 l_number number;
9 --
10 begin
11   begin
12   l_number := 0;
13   pay_core_utils.push_message(p_applid   => p_applid,
14                               p_msg_name => p_msg_name,
15                               p_level    => p_level);
16 --
17   exception when others then
18     l_number := 1;
19   end;
20 return l_number;
21 end push_pay_message;
22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 function push_pay_token(p_tok_name    in varchar2,
24                         p_tok_value   in varchar2) return number is
25 --
26 l_number number;
27 --
28 begin
29   begin
30   l_number := 0;
31   pay_core_utils.push_token(p_tok_name  => p_tok_name,
32                             p_tok_value => p_tok_value);
33   --
34   exception when others then
35     l_number := 1;
36   end;
37 return l_number;
38 end push_pay_token;
39 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
40 function place_message_stack(p_pactid in number) return number is
41 --
42 -- Commented out code as this should not be used.
43 l_number number;
44 --
45 begin
46   begin
47   l_number := 0;
48   -- pay_core_utils.mesg_stack_error_hdlr(p_pactid => p_pactid);
49   --
50   exception when others then
51     l_number := 1;
52   end;
53 return l_number;
54 end place_message_stack;
55 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
56 function lookup_valid (p_lookup_type in varchar2,
57                        p_lookup_code in varchar2,
58                        p_effective_date in date) return boolean is
59   --
60    cursor csr_lookup_code(c_lookup_type    in varchar2,
61                           c_lookup_code    in varchar2,
62                           c_effective_date in date) is
63    select 1 from dual where exists
64    (select hlu.lookup_code
65     from hr_lookups hlu
66     where hlu.lookup_type = c_lookup_type
67     and hlu.lookup_code = c_lookup_code
68     and c_effective_date between
69             nvl(hlu.start_date_active, p_effective_date)
70        and  nvl(hlu.end_date_active, p_effective_date)
71     and hlu.enabled_flag = 'Y');
72     --
73     l_valid boolean := TRUE;
74     l_exist_number number;
75   --
76 begin -- lookup_valid
77   BEGIN
78   --
79     open csr_lookup_code(p_lookup_type, p_lookup_code, p_effective_date);
80     fetch csr_lookup_code into l_exist_number;
81      --
82      if csr_lookup_code%NOTFOUND or l_exist_number <> 1 then
83         l_valid := FALSE;
84      end if;
85     close csr_lookup_code;
87      l_valid := FALSE;
88   END;
89   --
90   return l_valid;
91   --
92 end lookup_valid;
93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- function: ni_validate
95 -- description: takes in a NI Number and the effective date,
96 --              then checks whether the format is valid, and whether
97 --              the prefix and suffix are within the allowable range
98 --              of the lookups.
99 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
100 function ni_validate(p_ni_number      in varchar2,
101                      p_effective_date in date) return number is
102 --
103  l_validate_ni_code varchar2(30);
104  l_return_code number;
105  l_exist_number number;
106  l_ni_number varchar2(30);
107  l_ni_prefix varchar2(2);
108  l_ni_suffix varchar2(1);
110  l_char_chk          constant varchar2(26) := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
111  l_number_chk        constant varchar2(10) := '0123456789';
112  l_translated_value  varchar2(200);
113  l_invalid_char      constant varchar2(1) := '~';  -- required for translate
115 --
117   --
118   -- Default the return code, and set NI number to upper, incase passed in lower
119   --
120   l_return_code := 0;
122   -- Added for bug fix : 5381242
123   l_translated_value :=
124       translate(p_ni_number,
125                 l_invalid_char||l_char_chk||l_number_chk,
126                 l_invalid_char);
128   if l_translated_value is not null then
129       hr_utility.trace('Lower case chars found: '||l_translated_value);
130       l_return_code := 5; -- Not valid
131   end if;
133   l_ni_number := upper(p_ni_number);
134   --
135   -- NULL is an allowable NI Number, if this is the case then return 0 (valid)
136   IF p_ni_number is null then
137      l_return_code := 0;
138   --
139   ELSE
140     -- Check that the NI Number is the correct format, AADDDDDDA,
141     -- where A=Alpha Character, D = Digit. Returns full NI number back if OK, or
142     -- 0 if not ok.
143     --
144     l_validate_ni_code := hr_ni_chk_pkg.chk_nat_id_format(p_ni_number, 'AADDDDDDA');
145     --
146     if l_validate_ni_code = '0' then
147        -- The NI Number is not in the right format, send the apt code.
148        l_return_code := 1;
149     else
150        -- NI Number in right format, check prefix and suffix
151        l_ni_prefix := substr(l_ni_number,1,2);
152        l_ni_suffix := substr(l_ni_number,9,1);
153        --
154        if not(lookup_valid('GB_NI_VALIDATION_PREFIX', l_ni_prefix, p_effective_date)) then
155           -- Prefix is invalid, is suffix also
156         if not(lookup_valid('GB_NI_VALIDATION_SUFFIX', l_ni_suffix, p_effective_date)) then
157            -- both invalid
158            l_return_code := 4;
159         else
160            -- just prefix invalid
161            l_return_code := 2;
162         end if;
163        else
164         if not(lookup_valid('GB_NI_VALIDATION_SUFFIX', l_ni_suffix, p_effective_date)) then
165            -- just suffix invalid
166            l_return_code := 3;
167         end if;
168        end if;
169        --
170     end if; -- validation code
171   END IF; -- null NI Number
172   --
173 RETURN l_return_code;
174 --
175 END ni_validate;
176 --------------------------------------------------------------------
177 -- NAME  tax_code_validate                                        --
178 --                                                                --
179 --DESCRIPTION                                                     --
180 -- This Function uses the TAX_CODE validation fast formula and    --
181 -- returns an error message if an incorrect tax code is entered.  --
182 -- Copied from pyudet and externalised so can be called from      --
183 -- external plsql code.                                           --
184 --------------------------------------------------------------------
185 --
186 function tax_code_validate (p_tax_code          in varchar2,
187                             p_effective_date    in date,
188                             p_assignment_id     in number)
189 return VARCHAR2 IS
190 --
191   l_formula_id           ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type;
192   l_effective_start_date ff_formulas_f.effective_start_date%type;
193   l_inputs               ff_exec.inputs_t;
194   l_outputs              ff_exec.outputs_t;
195   l_return_value         varchar2(50):= null;
196   l_formula_mesg         varchar2(50):= null;
197   l_status_value         varchar2(2):= null;
198   l_proc                 varchar2(72) := 'hr_gb_utility.tax_code_validate';
199   --
200 begin
201    --
202    hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 5);
203    --
204    BEGIN
205      select formula_id,effective_start_date
206      into   l_formula_id, l_effective_start_date
207      from   ff_formulas_f
208      where  formula_name='TAX_CODE'
209      and    business_group_id is null
210      and    legislation_code='GB'
211      and    p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
213      hr_utility.trace('Error: TAX_CODE formula not defined');
214      l_return_value := 'TAX_CODE formula not found';
215    END;
216    --
217    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
218    --
219    ff_exec.init_formula(l_formula_id,l_effective_start_date,l_inputs,l_outputs);
220    --
221    for l_in_cnt in
222    l_inputs.first..l_inputs.last
223    loop
224      if  l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name = 'ENTRY_VALUE' then
225           l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := ltrim(p_tax_code);
226       end if;
227       if  l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name = 'DATE_EARNED' then
228          -- Bug 6888656 modified to_char to fnd_date.date_to_canonical
229 	 -- l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MON-YYYY');
230 	 l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date);
231       end if;
232       if  l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name = 'ASSIGNMENT_ID' then
233            l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := to_char(p_assignment_id);
234       end if;
235     end loop;
236    --
237    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
238    --
239    ff_exec.run_formula(l_inputs,l_outputs);
240    --
241    for l_out_cnt in
242    l_outputs.first..l_outputs.last
243    loop
244       if l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='FORMULA_MESSAGE' then
245          l_formula_mesg := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
246       end if;
248       if l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name='FORMULA_STATUS' then
249          l_status_value := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
250       end if;
251    end loop;
252    --
253    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
254    --
255    if l_status_value = 'E' and
256       l_formula_mesg is null then
257       l_return_value := 'TAX_CODE Formula error';
258    else
259       l_return_value := l_formula_mesg;
260    end if;
261  return l_return_value;
262 exception
263 when NO_DATA_FOUND then
264    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| l_proc, 22);
265    --
266    return l_return_value;
267 --
268 end tax_code_validate;
269 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
271                        (p_tax_name                  in varchar2,
272                         p_style                     in varchar2,
273                         p_address_line_1            in varchar2,
274                         p_address_line_2            in varchar2,
275                         p_address_line_3            in varchar2,
276                         p_town_or_city              in varchar2,
277                         p_country                   in varchar2,
278                         p_postal_code               in varchar2,
279                         p_region_1                  in varchar2,
280                         p_region_2                  in varchar2,
281                         p_region_3                  in varchar2,
282                         p_telephone_number_1        in varchar2,
283                         p_telephone_number_2        in varchar2,
284                         p_telephone_number_3        in varchar2,
285                         p_loc_information13         in varchar2,
286                         p_loc_information14         in varchar2,
287                         p_loc_information15         in varchar2,
288                         p_loc_information16         in varchar2,
289                         p_loc_information17         in varchar2,
290                         p_attribute_category        in varchar2,
291                         p_attribute1                in varchar2,
292                         p_attribute2                in varchar2,
293                         p_attribute3                in varchar2,
294                         p_attribute4                in varchar2,
295                         p_attribute5                in varchar2,
296                         p_attribute6                in varchar2,
297                         p_attribute7                in varchar2,
298                         p_attribute8                in varchar2,
299                         p_attribute9                in varchar2,
300                         p_attribute10               in varchar2,
301                         p_attribute11               in varchar2,
302                         p_attribute12               in varchar2,
303                         p_attribute13               in varchar2,
304                         p_attribute14               in varchar2,
305                         p_attribute15               in varchar2,
306                         p_attribute16               in varchar2,
307                         p_attribute17               in varchar2,
308                         p_attribute18               in varchar2,
309                         p_attribute19               in varchar2,
310                         p_attribute20               in varchar2,
311                         p_global_attribute_category in varchar2,
312                         p_global_attribute1         in varchar2,
313                         p_global_attribute2         in varchar2,
314                         p_global_attribute3         in varchar2,
315                         p_global_attribute4         in varchar2,
316                         p_global_attribute5         in varchar2,
317                         p_global_attribute6         in varchar2,
318                         p_global_attribute7         in varchar2,
319                         p_global_attribute8         in varchar2,
320                         p_global_attribute9         in varchar2,
321                         p_global_attribute10        in varchar2,
322                         p_global_attribute11        in varchar2,
323                         p_global_attribute12        in varchar2,
324                         p_global_attribute13        in varchar2,
325                         p_global_attribute14        in varchar2,
326                         p_global_attribute15        in varchar2,
327                         p_global_attribute16        in varchar2,
328                         p_global_attribute17        in varchar2,
329                         p_global_attribute18        in varchar2,
330                         p_global_attribute19        in varchar2,
331                         p_global_attribute20        in varchar2,
332                         p_loc_information18         in varchar2,
333                         p_loc_information19         in varchar2,
334                         p_loc_information20         in varchar2,
335                         p_derived_locale           out nocopy varchar2
336                        ) is
337 begin
338   p_derived_locale := p_town_or_city || ', ' || p_country;
339 end;
340 --
342                        (p_style                     in varchar2,
343                         p_address_line1             in varchar2,
344                         p_address_line2             in varchar2,
345                         p_address_line3             in varchar2,
346                         p_country                   in varchar2,
347                         p_date_to                   in date,
348                         p_postal_code               in varchar2,
349                         p_region_1                  in varchar2,
350                         p_region_2                  in varchar2,
351                         p_region_3                  in varchar2,
352                         p_telephone_number_1        in varchar2,
353                         p_telephone_number_2        in varchar2,
354                         p_telephone_number_3        in varchar2,
355                         p_town_or_city              in varchar2,
356                         p_addr_attribute_category   in varchar2,
357                         p_addr_attribute1           in varchar2,
358                         p_addr_attribute2           in varchar2,
359                         p_addr_attribute3           in varchar2,
360                         p_addr_attribute4           in varchar2,
361                         p_addr_attribute5           in varchar2,
362                         p_addr_attribute6           in varchar2,
363                         p_addr_attribute7           in varchar2,
364                         p_addr_attribute8           in varchar2,
365                         p_addr_attribute9           in varchar2,
366                         p_addr_attribute10          in varchar2,
367                         p_addr_attribute11          in varchar2,
368                         p_addr_attribute12          in varchar2,
369                         p_addr_attribute13          in varchar2,
370                         p_addr_attribute14          in varchar2,
371                         p_addr_attribute15          in varchar2,
372                         p_addr_attribute16          in varchar2,
373                         p_addr_attribute17          in varchar2,
374                         p_addr_attribute18          in varchar2,
375                         p_addr_attribute19          in varchar2,
376                         p_addr_attribute20          in varchar2,
377                         p_add_information13         in varchar2,
378                         p_add_information14         in varchar2,
379                         p_add_information15         in varchar2,
380                         p_add_information16         in varchar2,
381 			p_add_information17         in varchar2,
382                         p_add_information18         in varchar2,
383                         p_add_information19         in varchar2,
384                         p_add_information20         in varchar2,
385                         p_derived_locale           out nocopy varchar2
386                        ) is
387 begin
388   p_derived_locale := p_town_or_city || ', ' ||
389                       p_region_2 || ', ' ||
390                       p_country;
392 end;
393 --
394 FUNCTION per_gb_full_name(
396         p_first_name       in varchar2
397        ,p_middle_names     in varchar2
398        ,p_last_name        in varchar2
399        ,p_known_as         in varchar2
400        ,p_title            in varchar2
401        ,p_suffix           in varchar2
402        ,p_pre_name_adjunct in varchar2
403        ,p_per_information1 in varchar2
404        ,p_per_information2 in varchar2
405        ,p_per_information3 in varchar2
406        ,p_per_information4 in varchar2
407        ,p_per_information5 in varchar2
408        ,p_per_information6 in varchar2
409        ,p_per_information7 in varchar2
410        ,p_per_information8 in varchar2
411        ,p_per_information9 in varchar2
412        ,p_per_information10 in varchar2
413        ,p_per_information11 in varchar2
414        ,p_per_information12 in varchar2
415        ,p_per_information13 in varchar2
416        ,p_per_information14 in varchar2
417        ,p_per_information15 in varchar2
418        ,p_per_information16 in varchar2
419        ,p_per_information17 in varchar2
420        ,p_per_information18 in varchar2
421        ,p_per_information19 in varchar2
422        ,p_per_information20 in varchar2
423        ,p_per_information21 in varchar2
424        ,p_per_information22 in varchar2
425        ,p_per_information23 in varchar2
426        ,p_per_information24 in varchar2
427        ,p_per_information25 in varchar2
428        ,p_per_information26 in varchar2
429        ,p_per_information27 in varchar2
430        ,p_per_information28 in varchar2
431        ,p_per_information29 in varchar2
432        ,p_per_information30 in VARCHAR2
433                          )
434                           RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
435 --
436 l_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%TYPE;
437 --
438 l_title hr_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
439 l_part2 varchar2(240);
441   --
442 -- bug fix for 2504672
443 /*
444   l_full_name := substr(p_last_name||', '||p_title||' '||
445                  p_first_name ||' '||p_middle_names,1,240);
446 */
448 -- bug fix for 2581959
449   if p_title IS NOT NULL and
450       fnd_profile.value('PER_USE_TITLE_IN_FULL_NAME') = 'Y' then
451       SELECT meaning
452       INTO   l_title
453       FROM   hr_lookups
454       WHERE  lookup_type = 'TITLE'
455       AND    p_title     = lookup_code
456       AND    application_id = 800;
457   end if;
459 /********************************************
460 * Bug 2581959 -                             *
461 *******************************************/
463 /*
464 select trim(
465            substr(
466          decode(l_title,'','',null,'',l_title || ' ')      ||
467          decode(p_first_name,'','',null,'',p_first_name || ' ') ||
468          decode(p_middle_names,'','',null,'',p_middle_names) ,
469             1,240)
470              )
471     into l_part2 from dual;
473   if length(l_part2) > 1 then
474       select trim(substr(decode(p_last_name,'','',null,'',p_last_name || ', ') || l_part2,1,240))
475          into l_full_name from dual;
476   else
477       Select trim(substr(decode(p_last_name,'','',null,'',p_last_name),1,240))
478          into l_full_name from dual;
479   end if;
480 */
482 -- Note this is only a select because PL/SQL can't cope with DECODEs
483 --
484   SELECT rtrim(substrb(DECODE(p_pre_name_adjunct,'','',p_pre_name_adjunct||' ')||
485                       p_last_name||','||DECODE(l_title,'','',
486                       ' '||l_title)||DECODE(p_first_name,'','',
487                       ' '||p_first_name)||DECODE(p_middle_names,'','',
488                       ' '||p_middle_names)||
489                       DECODE(p_suffix,'','',' '||p_suffix)||
490                       DECODE(p_known_as,'','',
491                       ' ('||p_known_as||')'),1,240))
492   INTO  l_full_name
493   FROM sys.dual ;
494 --
495 --
497 return l_full_name;
498 --
499 END;
500 --