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Line 1450: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = cur_rec.action_key;

1447: if cur_rec.action_key is not null then
1448: begin
1449: select meaning into action
1450: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = cur_rec.action_key;
1451: exception
1452: when no_data_found then action := cur_rec.action_key;
1453: end;
1454: if (cur_rec.SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_CURR = p_item_number

Line 1471: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = cur_rec.event_key;

1468: if cur_rec.event_key is not null then
1469: begin
1470: select meaning into event
1471: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = cur_rec.event_key;
1472: exception
1473: when no_data_found then event := cur_rec.event_key;
1474: end;
1475: end if;

Line 1520: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = code;

1516: end if ;
1517: current_meaning :='';
1518: begin
1519: select meaning into current_meaning
1520: from ieu_lookups where lookup_type = 'IEU_WR_AUDIT_LOG_RULES' and lookup_code = code;
1521: exception
1522: when no_data_found then current_meaning :='';
1523: end;
1524: if position > 0 then