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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 135

   	SELECT 	start_date, end_date, auto_trx_numbering_flag, copy_doc_number_flag
	INTO	l_start_date, l_end_date, l_auto_trx_numbering_flag, l_copy_doc_number_flag
   	WHERE  	batch_source_id 	=  p_batch_source_id
   	AND	nvl(status, 'A')      	=  'A'
   	AND    	batch_source_type       =  'INV';
Line: 223

	   	SELECT  'Y'
	   	INTO	l_currency_valid
	   	WHERE   CURRENCY_CODE     =	  p_currency_code
	   	AND	p_issue_date      BETWEEN  nvl(cur.START_DATE_ACTIVE, p_issue_date)
				     	      AND  nvl(cur.END_DATE_ACTIVE, p_issue_date)
Line: 278

   		SELECT 	'Y'
	   	INTO	l_Receipt_Method_valid
	   	WHERE  	rm.receipt_method_id = p_receipt_method_id
   		AND	p_issue_date 	BETWEEN nvl(rm.start_date , p_issue_date)
					AND	nvl(rm.end_date   , p_issue_date);
Line: 381

 |    Does validation that is required when a new batch is inserted.	     |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |		      p_batch_rec					     |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000     Tien Tran     	Created                              |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE validate_batch ( p_batch_rec IN ra_batches%rowtype ) IS


   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
Line: 451

 |    validate_delete_batch		                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Does validation that is required when a batch is deleted.	     	     |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |		      p_batch_id					     |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000     Tien Tran     	Created                              |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE validate_delete_batch ( p_batch_id IN ra_batches.batch_id%type ) IS


   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
Line: 488

Line: 495

           arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION:  arp_process_batch.validate_delete_batch()');
Line: 496

           arp_util.debug('validate_delete_batch: ' || '');
Line: 497

           arp_util.debug('------ parameters for validate_delete_batch() -------');
Line: 498

           arp_util.debug('validate_delete_batch: ' || 'p_batch_id               = '|| p_batch_id);
Line: 502

END validate_delete_batch;
Line: 508

 |    validate_selection		                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Does validation that is required when Selection Criteria are inserted  |
 |    or updated                                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |		      p_sel_rec					     	     |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000     Tien Tran     	Created                              |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE validate_selection (  p_sel_rec 	IN  ar_selection_criteria%rowtype,
			  	p_issue_date 	IN  ra_batches.issue_date%type   ) IS


   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
Line: 547

Line: 553

           arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION:  arp_process_batch.validate_selection()');
Line: 554

           arp_util.debug('validate_selection: ' || '');
Line: 555

           arp_util.debug('------ parameters for validate_selection() -------');
Line: 557

Line: 560

END validate_selection;
Line: 566

 |    Is_Selection_Entered                                     		     |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    This function determines if Selection Criteria have been entered or not|
 |                                                                           |

FUNCTION Is_Selection_Entered (p_sel_rec  IN  ar_selection_criteria%rowtype ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS

   IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
Line: 602

           arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION:  arp_process_batches.Is_Selection_Entered ()');
Line: 603

           arp_util.debug('Is_Selection_Entered: ' || '');
Line: 604

           arp_util.debug('Is_Selection_Entered: ' || '------ parameters for validate_selection() -------');
Line: 606

Line: 609

END Is_Selection_Entered;
Line: 615

 |    insert_batch                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Cover for calling the batch entity handler insert_batch                |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                    p_form_name                                            |
 |                    p_form_version                                         |
 |                    p_batch_source_id                                      |
 |                    p_batch_date                                           |
 |                    p_gl_date                                              |
 |                    p_type                                                 |
 |                    p_currency_code                                        |
 |                    p_comments                                             |
 |                    p_attribute_category                                   |
 |                    p_attribute1 - 15                                      |
 |                    p_issue_date					     |
 |                    p_maturity_date                                        |
 |                    p_special_instructions                                 |
 |                    p_batch_process_status                                 |
 |		      p_due_date_low					     |
 |		      p_due_date_high				  	     |
 |		      p_trx_date_low					     |
 |		      p_trx_date_high					     |
 |		      p_cust_trx_type_id				     |
 |		      p_receipt_method_id				     |
 |		      p_bank_branch_id			  	     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_low				     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_high				     	     |
 |		      p_customer_class_code				     |
 |		      p_customer_category_code		  	             |
 |		      p_customer_id					     |
 |		      p_site_use_id		 			     |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    p_batch_id    					     |
 |		      p_selection_criteria_id                                |
 |          IN  OUT:                                                         |
 |                    p_name                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000     Tien Tran     	Created                              |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE insert_batch (
	p_form_name              	IN  	varchar2				,
	p_form_version           	IN  	number					,
	p_batch_source_id        	IN  	ra_batches.batch_source_id%TYPE		,
	p_batch_date             	IN  	ra_batches.batch_date%TYPE		,
	p_gl_date                	IN  	ra_batches.gl_date%TYPE			,
	p_TYPE                   	IN  	ra_batches.TYPE%TYPE			,
  	p_currency_code          	IN  	ra_batches.currency_code%TYPE		,
  	p_comments               	IN  	ra_batches.comments%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute_category     	IN  	ra_batches.attribute_category%TYPE	,
	p_attribute1             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute1%TYPE		,
 	p_attribute2             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute2%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute3             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute3%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute4             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute4%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute5             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute5%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute6             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute6%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute7             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute7%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute8            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute8%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute9            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute9%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute10            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute10%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute11            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute11%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute12            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute12%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute13            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute13%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute14            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute14%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute15            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute15%TYPE		,
  	p_issue_date		   	IN  	ra_batches.issue_date%TYPE		,
  	p_maturity_date   	   	IN  	ra_batches.maturity_date%TYPE		,
  	p_special_instructions   	IN  	ra_batches.special_instructions%TYPE	,
  	p_batch_process_status   	IN  	ra_batches.batch_process_status%TYPE	,
  	p_due_date_low  	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_low%TYPE	,
  	p_due_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_high%TYPE,
  	p_trx_date_low	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_low%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_high%TYPE,
  	p_cust_trx_TYPE_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.cust_trx_TYPE_id%TYPE	,
  	p_receipt_method_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.receipt_method_id%TYPE	,
  	p_bank_branch_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.bank_branch_id%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_low	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_low%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_high	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_high%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_class_code	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_class_code%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_category_code 	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_category_code%TYPE,
  	p_customer_id		   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_id%TYPE	,
  	p_site_use_id		   	IN 	ar_selection_criteria.site_use_id%TYPE	,
  	p_selection_criteria_id  	OUT NOCOPY 	ra_batches.selection_criteria_id%TYPE	,
  	p_batch_id               	OUT NOCOPY 	ra_batches.batch_id%TYPE		,
  	p_name               	   	IN OUT NOCOPY 	ra_batches.name%TYPE			)

  	l_batch_rec     ra_batches%rowtype		;
Line: 718

  	l_sel_rec       ar_selection_criteria%rowtype	;
Line: 719

  	l_sel_id	ar_selection_criteria.selection_criteria_id%type;
Line: 723

Line: 762

    	l_batch_rec.selection_criteria_id  	:= 	null			;
Line: 778

     	|  Call Table Handler to insert the batch                        |

    	arp_tbat_pkg.insert_p (l_batch_rec, p_batch_id, p_name);
Line: 785

     	|                 Selection Criteria Information                 |

     	l_sel_rec.due_date_low			:= 	p_due_date_low		;
Line: 802

    	p_selection_criteria_id			:= 	NULL			;
Line: 805

	IF  (Is_Selection_Entered (l_sel_rec)) THEN

       		|  Do required validation for the selection criteria           |

		ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.validate_selection (l_sel_rec, p_issue_date);
Line: 815

     		|  Call Table Handler to insert the selection                  |

     		arp_selection_criteria_pkg.insert_p (l_sel_rec, p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 822

     		|  Update the Batch information with the Selection Criteria ID |

		SET	selection_criteria_id = p_selection_criteria_id
		WHERE	batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 832

Line: 836

    arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION : ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.insert_batch');
Line: 864

    arp_util.debug('p_selection_criteria_id : ' || p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 884

 |    update_batch                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Call the table handlers of RA_BATCHES and AR_SELECTION_CRITERIA        |
 |    to update BR Batch information                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                    p_form_name                                            |
 |                    p_form_version                                         |
 |		      p_batch_id					     |
 |                    p_name                                                 |
 |                    p_batch_source_id                                      |
 |                    p_batch_date                                           |
 |                    p_gl_date                                              |
 |                    p_type                                                 |
 |                    p_currency_code                                        |
 |                    p_comments                                             |
 |                    p_attribute_category                                   |
 |                    p_attribute1 - 15                                      |
 |                    p_issue_date					     |
 |                    p_maturity_date                                        |
 |                    p_special_instructions                                 |
 |                    p_batch_process_status                                 |
 |		      p_due_date_low					     |
 |		      p_due_date_high				  	     |
 |		      p_trx_date_low					     |
 |		      p_trx_date_high					     |
 |		      p_cust_trx_type_id				     |
 |		      p_receipt_method_id				     |
 |		      p_bank_branch_id			  	     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_low				     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_high				     	     |
 |		      p_customer_class_code				     |
 |		      p_customer_category_code		  	             |
 |		      p_customer_id					     |
 |		      p_site_use_id		 			     |
 |      								     |
 |              IN OUT NOCOPY :						     |
 |		      p_selection_criteria_id				     |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000     Tien Tran     	Created                              |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE update_batch (
  	p_form_name              	IN  	varchar2				,
	p_form_version           	IN  	number					,
  	p_batch_id               	IN  	ra_batches.batch_id%TYPE		,
  	p_name                 	  	IN  	ra_batches.name%TYPE			,
  	p_batch_source_id        	IN  	ra_batches.batch_source_id%TYPE		,
  	p_batch_date             	IN  	ra_batches.batch_date%TYPE		,
  	p_gl_date                	IN  	ra_batches.gl_date%TYPE			,
  	p_TYPE                   	IN  	ra_batches.TYPE%TYPE			,
  	p_currency_code          	IN  	ra_batches.currency_code%TYPE		,
  	p_comments               	IN  	ra_batches.comments%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute_category     	IN  	ra_batches.attribute_category%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute1             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute1%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute2             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute2%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute3             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute3%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute4            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute4%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute5             	IN 	ra_batches.attribute5%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute6             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute6%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute7             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute7%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute8             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute8%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute9             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute9%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute10            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute10%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute11            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute11%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute12            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute12%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute13            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute13%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute14            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute14%TYPE		,
  	p_attribute15            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute15%TYPE		,
  	p_issue_date		   	IN  	ra_batches.issue_date%TYPE		,
  	p_maturity_date   	   	IN  	ra_batches.maturity_date%TYPE		,
  	p_special_instructions   	IN  	ra_batches.special_instructions%TYPE	,
  	p_batch_process_status   	IN  	ra_batches.batch_process_status%TYPE	,
  	p_request_id		   	IN  	ra_batches.request_id%TYPE		,
  	p_due_date_low  	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_low%TYPE	,
  	p_due_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_high%TYPE,
  	p_trx_date_low	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_low%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_high%TYPE,
  	p_cust_trx_TYPE_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.cust_trx_TYPE_id%TYPE	,
  	p_receipt_method_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.receipt_method_id%TYPE	,
  	p_bank_branch_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.bank_branch_id%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_low	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_low%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_high	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_high%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_class_code	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_class_code%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_category_code 	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_category_code%TYPE,
  	p_customer_id		   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_id%TYPE	,
  	p_site_use_id		   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.site_use_id%TYPE	,
  	p_selection_criteria_id  	IN  OUT NOCOPY ar_selection_criteria.selection_criteria_id%TYPE)

  l_batch_rec     ra_batches%rowtype;
Line: 987

  l_sel_rec       ar_selection_criteria%rowtype;
Line: 992

Line: 1038

    	l_batch_rec.selection_criteria_id   	:=  	p_selection_criteria_id	;
Line: 1051

     	|  Call Table Handler to update the batch                        |

    	arp_tbat_pkg.update_p (l_batch_rec, p_batch_id);
Line: 1059

		UPDATE  ra_batches
		SET	request_id 	= 	p_request_id
		WHERE	batch_id	=	p_batch_id;
Line: 1066

     	|                 Selection Criteria Information                 |

	IF  	(p_selection_criteria_id  IS NOT NULL)
Line: 1089

     	IF  (Is_Selection_Entered (l_sel_rec))

       		|  Do required validation for the selection criteria           |

		ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.validate_selection (l_sel_rec, p_issue_date);
Line: 1099

		IF  	(p_selection_criteria_id  IS NULL)

	     		|  Call Table Handler to insert the selection                  |

		     	arp_selection_criteria_pkg.insert_p ( l_sel_rec, p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 1109

     			|  Update the Batch information with the Selection Criteria ID |

			SET	selection_criteria_id = p_selection_criteria_id
			WHERE	batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1119

     			|  Call Table Handler to update the selection                  |

	     		arp_selection_criteria_pkg.update_p (l_sel_rec, p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 1129

Line: 1135

       arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION : ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.update_batch');
Line: 1136

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_batch_source_id       : ' || p_batch_source_id);
Line: 1137

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_batch_date            : ' || p_batch_date);
Line: 1138

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_gl_date               : ' || p_gl_date);
Line: 1139

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_type                  : ' || p_type);
Line: 1140

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_currency_code         : ' || p_currency_code);
Line: 1141

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_comments              : ' || p_comments);
Line: 1142

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute_category    : ' || p_attribute_category);
Line: 1143

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute1            : ' || p_attribute1);
Line: 1144

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute2            : ' || p_attribute2);
Line: 1145

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute3            : ' || p_attribute3);
Line: 1146

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute4            : ' || p_attribute4);
Line: 1147

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute5            : ' || p_attribute5);
Line: 1148

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute6            : ' || p_attribute6);
Line: 1149

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute7            : ' || p_attribute7);
Line: 1150

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute8            : ' || p_attribute8);
Line: 1151

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute9            : ' || p_attribute9);
Line: 1152

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute10           : ' || p_attribute10);
Line: 1153

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute11           : ' || p_attribute11);
Line: 1154

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute12           : ' || p_attribute12);
Line: 1155

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute13           : ' || p_attribute13);
Line: 1156

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute14           : ' || p_attribute14);
Line: 1157

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_attribute15           : ' || p_attribute15);
Line: 1158

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_issue_date            : ' || p_issue_date);
Line: 1159

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_maturity_date         : ' || p_maturity_date);
Line: 1160

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_special_instructions  : ' || p_special_instructions);
Line: 1161

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_batch_process_status  : ' || p_batch_process_status);
Line: 1162

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_name                  : ' || p_name);
Line: 1163

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_selection_criteria_id : ' || p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 1164

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_due_date_low          : ' || p_due_date_low);
Line: 1165

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_due_date_high         : ' || p_due_date_high);
Line: 1166

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_trx_date_low          : ' || p_trx_date_low);
Line: 1167

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_trx_date_high         : ' || p_trx_date_high);
Line: 1168

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_cust_trx_type_id      : ' || p_cust_trx_type_id);
Line: 1169

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_receipt_method_id     : ' || p_receipt_method_id);
Line: 1170

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_bank_branch_id        : ' || p_bank_branch_id);
Line: 1171

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_trx_number_low        : ' || p_trx_number_low);
Line: 1172

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_trx_number_high       : ' || p_trx_number_high);
Line: 1173

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_customer_class_code   : ' || p_customer_class_code);
Line: 1174

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_customer_category_code: ' || p_customer_category_code);
Line: 1175

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_customer_id	    : ' || p_customer_id);
Line: 1176

       arp_util.debug('update_batch: ' || 'p_site_use_id           : ' || p_site_use_id);
Line: 1179

END Update_Batch;
Line: 1184

 |    delete_batch                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |									     |
 |    Call the table handlers of RA_BATCHES and AR_SELECTION_CRITERIA        |
 |    to delete BR Batch information                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                    p_form_name                                            |
 |                    p_form_version                                         |
 |                    p_batch_id                                             |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |          IN  OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000    Tien Tran            Created                           |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE delete_batch (
  	p_form_name              	IN 	varchar2				,
  	p_form_version           	IN 	number					,
  	p_batch_id               	IN 	ra_batches.batch_id%TYPE		,
  	p_selection_criteria_id  	IN 	ar_selection_criteria.selection_criteria_id%TYPE)


Line: 1237

     	ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.validate_delete_batch (p_batch_id);
Line: 1241

     	|  Delete the selection Criteria if they exist                   |

     	IF  (p_selection_criteria_id IS NOT NULL)
         	arp_selection_criteria_pkg.delete_p (p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 1251

     	|  Call Table Handler to delete the batch                        |

     	arp_tbat_pkg.delete_p (p_batch_id);
Line: 1257

Line: 1261

    arp_util.debug('EXCEPTION : ARP_PROCESS_BR_BATCHES.delete_batch');
Line: 1266

    arp_util.debug('p_selection_criteria_id : '|| p_selection_criteria_id);
Line: 1279

 |    Call the table handlers of RA_BATCHES and AR_SELECTION_CRITERIA        |
 |    to lock BR Batch information                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE -                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                   |
 |    arp_util.debug                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                    p_form_name                                            |
 |                    p_form_version                                         |
 |                    p_batch_id                                             |
 |                    p_name                                                 |
 |                    p_batch_source_id                                      |
 |                    p_batch_date                                           |
 |                    p_gl_date                                              |
 |                    p_type                                                 |
 |                    p_currency_code                                        |
 |                    p_comments                                             |
 |                    p_attribute_category                                   |
 |                    p_attribute1 - 15                                      |
 |                    p_issue_date					     |
 |                    p_maturity_date                                        |
 |                    p_special_instructions                                 |
 |                    p_batch_process_status                                 |
 |                    p_selection_criteria_id                                |
 |		      p_due_date_low					     |
 |		      p_due_date_high				  	     |
 |		      p_trx_date_low					     |
 |		      p_trx_date_high					     |
 |		      p_cust_trx_type_id				     |
 |		      p_receipt_method_id				     |
 |		      p_bank_branch_id			  	     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_low				     	     |
 |		      p_trx_number_high				     	     |
 |		      p_customer_class_code				     |
 |		      p_customer_category_code		  	             |
 |		      p_customer_id					     |
 |		      p_site_use_id		 			     |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |          IN  OUT:                                                         |
 |                    None                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |     17-APR-2000    Tien Tran            Created                           |
 |									     |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE lock_compare_batch (
  	p_form_name              	IN  	varchar2			,
  	p_form_version           	IN  	number				,
  	p_batch_id               	IN  	ra_batches.batch_id%TYPE	,
  	p_name                   	IN  	ra_batches.name%TYPE		,
  	p_batch_source_id        	IN  	ra_batches.batch_source_id%TYPE	,
  	p_batch_date            	IN  	ra_batches.batch_date%TYPE	,
  	p_gl_date                	IN  	ra_batches.gl_date%TYPE		,
  	p_TYPE                   	IN  	ra_batches.TYPE%TYPE		,
  	p_currency_code          	IN  	ra_batches.currency_code%TYPE	,
  	p_comments               	IN  	ra_batches.comments%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute_category     	IN  	ra_batches.attribute_category%TYPE,
  	p_attribute1             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute1%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute2             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute2%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute3             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute3%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute4             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute4%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute5             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute5%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute6             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute6%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute7             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute7%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute8             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute8%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute9             	IN  	ra_batches.attribute9%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute10            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute10%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute11            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute11%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute12            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute12%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute13            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute13%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute14            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute14%TYPE	,
  	p_attribute15            	IN  	ra_batches.attribute15%TYPE	,
  	p_issue_date		   	IN  	ra_batches.issue_date%TYPE	,
  	p_maturity_date   	   	IN  	ra_batches.maturity_date%TYPE	,
  	p_special_instructions   	IN  	ra_batches.special_instructions%TYPE		,
  	p_batch_process_status   	IN  	ra_batches.batch_process_status%TYPE		,
  	p_selection_criteria_id  	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.selection_criteria_id%TYPE,
  	p_due_date_low  	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_low%TYPE		,
  	p_due_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.due_date_high%TYPE	,
 	p_trx_date_low	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_low%TYPE		,
  	p_trx_date_high	   		IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_date_high%TYPE	,
  	p_cust_trx_TYPE_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.cust_trx_TYPE_id%TYPE	,
  	p_receipt_method_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.receipt_method_id%TYPE	,
  	p_bank_branch_id	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.bank_branch_id%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_low	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_low%TYPE	,
  	p_trx_number_high	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.trx_number_high%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_class_code	   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_class_code%TYPE	,
  	p_customer_category_code 	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_category_code%TYPE,
  	p_customer_id		   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.customer_id%TYPE		,
  	p_site_use_id		   	IN  	ar_selection_criteria.site_use_id%TYPE		)

  	l_batch_rec        ra_batches%rowtype		;
Line: 1381

  	l_sel_rec          ar_selection_criteria%rowtype;
Line: 1398

     	| Call Table Handler to lock the Selection Criteria if they exist|

    	IF	(p_selection_criteria_id IS NOT NULL)
Line: 1405

    		l_sel_rec.selection_criteria_id := p_selection_criteria_id;
Line: 1420

		arp_selection_criteria_pkg.display_selection_rec (l_sel_rec);
Line: 1422

Line: 1462

    	l_batch_rec.selection_criteria_id  	:= 	p_selection_criteria_id	;
Line: 1621

        SELECT org_id
        INTO  l_org_id
        WHERE batch_source_id = p_batch_source_id;