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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

          SELECT flex_value_id,
          FROM   fnd_flex_values
          WHERE  flex_value        = p_flex_value
          AND    flex_value_set_id = p_vset_id;
Line: 35

Line: 50

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO   l_count
        FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments fs,
               fnd_flex_value_sets  vs
        WHERE  fs.enabled_flag      = 'Y'
        AND    fs.application_id    = 101
        AND    fs.id_flex_code      = 'GL#'
        AND    fs.flex_value_set_id = vs.flex_value_set_id
        AND    vs.flex_value_set_id = p_vset_id;
Line: 73

          INTO  l_vset_max_size
          WHERE FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID =p_vset_id;
Line: 87

        SELECT count(*)
        INTO   l_count
        FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments         s,
               fnd_segment_attribute_values sav,
               fnd_segment_attribute_types  sat
        WHERE  s.application_id           = sav.application_id
        AND    s.id_flex_code             = sav.id_flex_code
        AND    s.id_flex_num              = sav.id_flex_num
        AND    s.enabled_flag             = 'Y'
        AND    s.flex_value_set_id        = p_vset_id
        AND    s.application_column_name  = sav.application_column_name
        AND    sav.application_id         = sat.application_id
        AND    sav.id_flex_code           = sat.id_flex_code
        AND    sav.attribute_value        = 'Y'
        AND    sav.segment_attribute_type = sat.segment_attribute_type
        AND    sat.application_id         = 101
        AND    sat.id_flex_code           = 'GL#'
        AND    sat.unique_flag            = 'Y'
        AND    sat.segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT';
Line: 147

                g_action := 'Flex-value Insert';
Line: 202

                g_action := 'Flex-value insert';
Line: 223

                SELECT fnd_flex_values_s.nextval
                INTO   l_next_id
                FROM   dual;
Line: 231

                                itg_debug_pub.Add('Inserting flex value row.' ,1);
Line: 234

                        g_action := 'Flex-value insert';
Line: 235

                            x_rowid                       => l_rowid,
                            x_flex_value_id               => l_next_id,
                            x_flex_value_set_id           => p_vset_id,
                            x_flex_value                  => p_flex_value,
                            x_enabled_flag                => p_enabled_flag,
                            x_summary_flag                => 'N',
                            x_start_date_active           => p_effective_date,
                            x_end_date_active             => p_expiration_date,
                            x_parent_flex_value_low       => NULL,
                            x_parent_flex_value_high      => NULL,
                            x_structured_hierarchy_level  => NULL,
                            x_hierarchy_level             => NULL,
                            x_compiled_value_attributes   => l_comp_attrs,
                            x_value_category              => NULL,
                            x_flex_value_meaning          => p_flex_value,
                            x_description                 => p_flex_desc,
                            x_creation_date               => l_creation_date,
                            x_created_by                  => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
                            x_last_update_date            => l_creation_date,
                            x_last_updated_by             => FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
                            x_last_update_login           => FND_GLOBAL.login_id,
                            x_attribute_sort_order        => NULL,
                            /* Why didn't the flex people default these to NULL??? */
                            x_attribute1  => NULL, x_attribute2  => NULL, x_attribute3  => NULL,
                            x_attribute4  => NULL, x_attribute5  => NULL, x_attribute6  => NULL,
                            x_attribute7  => NULL, x_attribute8  => NULL, x_attribute9  => NULL,
                            x_attribute10 => NULL, x_attribute11 => NULL, x_attribute12 => NULL,
                            x_attribute13 => NULL, x_attribute14 => NULL, x_attribute15 => NULL,
                            x_attribute16 => NULL, x_attribute17 => NULL, x_attribute18 => NULL,
                            x_attribute19 => NULL, x_attribute20 => NULL, x_attribute21 => NULL,
                            x_attribute22 => NULL, x_attribute23 => NULL, x_attribute24 => NULL,
                            x_attribute25 => NULL, x_attribute26 => NULL, x_attribute27 => NULL,
                            x_attribute28 => NULL, x_attribute29 => NULL, x_attribute30 => NULL,
                            x_attribute31 => NULL, x_attribute32 => NULL, x_attribute33 => NULL,
                            x_attribute34 => NULL, x_attribute35 => NULL, x_attribute36 => NULL,
                            x_attribute37 => NULL, x_attribute38 => NULL, x_attribute39 => NULL,
                            x_attribute40 => NULL, x_attribute41 => NULL, x_attribute42 => NULL,
                            x_attribute43 => NULL, x_attribute44 => NULL, x_attribute45 => NULL,
                            x_attribute46 => NULL, x_attribute47 => NULL, x_attribute48 => NULL,
                            x_attribute49 => NULL, x_attribute50 => NULL
Line: 279

Line: 302

        p_update_date      IN         DATE     := NULL,
        p_effective_date   IN         DATE,
        p_expiration_date  IN         DATE,
        p_enabled_flag     IN         VARCHAR2
        l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Change_FlexValue';
Line: 314

        l_update_date          DATE;
Line: 322

        g_action := 'Flex-value update';
Line: 335

                        itg_debug_pub.Add('CFV  - p_update_date'    ||p_update_date     ,1);
Line: 369

Line: 374

                g_action := 'Flex-value update';
Line: 375

                l_update_date := nvl(p_update_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 381

                        UPDATE fnd_flex_values
                        SET    start_date_active = nvl(p_effective_date,  start_date_active),
                               end_date_active   = nvl(p_expiration_date, end_date_active),
                               enabled_flag      = p_enabled_flag,
                               last_update_date  = l_update_date,
                               last_updated_by   = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                        WHERE  flex_value_id     = l_value_id;
Line: 390

Line: 395

                        UPDATE fnd_flex_values_tl
                        SET     description       = p_flex_desc,
                                last_update_date  = l_update_date,
                                last_updated_by   = FND_GLOBAL.user_id
                        WHERE  flex_value_id     = l_value_id
                        AND    userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG);
Line: 403

Line: 478

                                  p_update_date      => p_action_date,
                                  p_effective_date   => p_effective_date,
                                  p_expiration_date  => p_expiration_date,
                                  p_enabled_flag     => p_enabled_flag);