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Line 70: from qpr_pn_response_hdrs resp, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b req

66: begin
67: select response_header_id into p_response_id
68: from (
69: select response_header_id
70: from qpr_pn_response_hdrs resp, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b req
71: where resp.request_header_id = req.request_header_id
72: and req.source_ref_hdr_short_desc = (p_quote_number || ' - Ver ' || p_quote_version)
73: and req.source_id = p_quote_origin
74: and req.instance_id = p_instance_id

Line 139: from qpr_pn_response_hdrs resp, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b req

135: select response_status, response_header_id
136: into l_response_status, l_deal_id
137: from (
138: select resp.response_status, resp.response_header_id
139: from qpr_pn_response_hdrs resp, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b req
140: where resp.request_header_id = req.request_header_id
141: and req.source_ref_hdr_id = p_quote_header_id
142: and req.source_id = p_quote_origin
143: order by resp.version_number)

Line 375: from qpr_pn_response_approvals pnra, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b pnre,

371: l_count_lines number;
373: cursor c_resp_app is
374: select distinct rule_description
375: from qpr_pn_response_approvals pnra, qpr_pn_request_hdrs_b pnre,
376: qpr_pn_response_hdrs pnrs
377: where pnra.response_header_id = pnrs.response_header_id
378: and pnrs.request_header_id = pnre.request_header_id
379: and pnrs.version_number = 1