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1 Package Body ben_extract as
2 /* $Header: benxtrct.pkb 120.11.12010000.2 2008/08/05 15:01:27 ubhat ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
7 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 --
9 g_package  varchar2(33)	:= '  ben_extract.';  -- Global package name
10 --
11 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
12 --
13 Procedure setup_rcd_typ_lvl (
14   p_ext_file_id             in number
15 )
16 is
17 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 -- |------< setup_rcd_typ_lvl >------|-private-
19 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 --
21   l_proc                        varchar2(72);
23   lb_rec_not_exists             BOOLEAN :=TRUE;
24 --
26   cursor ext_rcd_rqd_c (
27     p_ext_file_id IN NUMBER
28   )
29   is
30      select distinct a.low_lvl_cd
31        from ben_ext_rcd          a,
32             ben_ext_rcd_in_file  b
33        where a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
34          and b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
35          and b.rqd_flag = 'Y'
36          -- Bug fix 1702733 - header/trailer type records should not be checked for required flag = 'Y' here
37          --                   since they never get proccessed in xtrct_skltn. Also, ben_ext_person.process_ext_recs
38          --                   processes only Detail Type records.
39          --                   Hence the gtt_rcd_rqd_vals.rcd_found flag for 'H'/'T' type records, if retreived,
40          --                   remains unchanged as FALSE, and this leads to raising of required_error exception
41          --                   in ben_ext_person.process_ext_levels.
42          and a.rcd_type_cd = 'D'
43          -- end fix 1702733
44          and a.low_lvl_cd <> 'P';
49   cursor ext_rcd_rqd_seq_c (
50     p_ext_file_id IN NUMBER
51   )
52   is
53      select a.low_lvl_cd,b.seq_num
54        from ben_ext_rcd          a,
55             ben_ext_rcd_in_file  b
56        where a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
57          and b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
58          and b.rqd_flag = 'Y'
59          and a.rcd_type_cd in ( 'D','S') ;   -- subheader
60          -- we need person level, person may be excluded if he does no have address
61          --and a.low_lvl_cd <> 'P';
65   cursor ext_rcd_typ_c (
66     p_ext_file_id IN NUMBER
67   )
68   is
69      select a.ext_rcd_id,
70             b.sort1_data_elmt_in_rcd_id,
71             b.sort2_data_elmt_in_rcd_id,
72             b.sort3_data_elmt_in_rcd_id,
73             b.sort4_data_elmt_in_rcd_id,
74             b.ext_rcd_in_file_id,
75             b.seq_num,
76             b.sprs_cd,
77             b.any_or_all_cd,
78             a.rcd_type_cd,
79             a.low_lvl_cd
80        from ben_ext_rcd          a,
81             ben_ext_rcd_in_file  b
82        where a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
83          and b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id
84      order by b.seq_num;
86 --
87 Begin
88   --
89   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
90   if g_debug then
91     l_proc := g_package||'setup_rcd_typ_lvl';
92     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
93   end if;
94   --
95   /*
96     nw variable created with seq number
97   FOR rqd IN ext_rcd_rqd_c (p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id)
98   LOOP
99     lb_rec_not_exists := FALSE;
101     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals(ext_rcd_rqd_c%rowcount).low_lvl_cd := rqd.low_lvl_cd;
102     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals(ext_rcd_rqd_c%rowcount).rcd_found := FALSE;
104   END LOOP;
106   IF lb_rec_not_exists
107   THEN
108     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals(1).low_lvl_cd := 'NOREQDRCD';
109     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals(1).rcd_found  := TRUE;
110   END IF;
111   */
113   -- reocrd level mandatory , not low level
115   lb_rec_not_exists:= TRUE;
116   FOR rqd IN ext_rcd_rqd_seq_c (p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id)
117   LOOP
118     lb_rec_not_exists := FALSE;
120     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(ext_rcd_rqd_seq_c%rowcount).low_lvl_cd := rqd.low_lvl_cd;
121     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(ext_rcd_rqd_seq_c%rowcount).rcd_found  := FALSE;
122     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(ext_rcd_rqd_seq_c%rowcount).seq_num    := rqd.seq_num ;
124   END LOOP;
126   IF lb_rec_not_exists
127   THEN
128     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(1).low_lvl_cd := 'NOREQDRCD';
129     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals_seq(1).rcd_found  := TRUE;
130   END IF;
131   -- eof
136   lb_rec_not_exists:= TRUE;
138   FOR rtyp IN ext_rcd_typ_c (p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id)
139   LOOP
140     lb_rec_not_exists := FALSE;
141     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).ext_rcd_id
142       := rtyp.ext_rcd_id;
143     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).sort1
144       := rtyp.sort1_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
145     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).sort2
146       := rtyp.sort2_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
147     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).sort3
148       := rtyp.sort3_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
149     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).sort4
150       := rtyp.sort4_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
151     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).ext_rcd_in_file_id
152       := rtyp.ext_rcd_in_file_id;
153     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).seq_num
154       := rtyp.seq_num;
155     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).sprs_cd
156       := rtyp.sprs_cd;
157     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).any_or_all_cd
158       := rtyp.any_or_all_cd;
159     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).rcd_type_cd
160       := rtyp.rcd_type_cd;
161     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(ext_rcd_typ_c%rowcount).low_lvl_cd
162       := rtyp.low_lvl_cd;
164   END LOOP;
166   IF lb_rec_not_exists
167   THEN
168     gtt_rcd_typ_vals(1).low_lvl_cd := 'NOREQTYP';
169   END IF;
170   --
171   if g_debug then
172     hr_utility.set_location('Exiting:'||l_proc, 15);
173   end if;
174   --
175 End setup_rcd_typ_lvl;
177 --
178 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 -- |------< xtrct_skltn>------|
180 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 --
182 -- Description
183 --   This procedure will assign values for extract specific parameters
184 --   needed for each thread, such as extract levels/cursors to include.
185 --   This procedure will loop through person_id values predefined for each
186 --   thread and invoke extract processing for each person
187 --
188 -- Pre-Conditions
189 --   None.
190 --
191 -- In Parameters
192 --   p_ext_dfn_id
193 --   p_run_date
194 --   p_business_group_id
195 --   p_run_date
196 --
197 -- Post Success
198 --   Processing continues
199 --
200 -- Post Failure
201 --   No database changes
202 --
203 -- Access Status
204 --   Internal table handler use only.
205 --
206 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 Procedure xtrct_skltn(p_ext_dfn_id		        in number,
208                       p_business_group_id       in number,
209                       p_effective_date          in date,
210                       p_benefit_action_id       in number,
211                       p_range_id                in number,
212                       p_start_person_action_id  in number,
213                       p_end_person_action_id    in number,
214                       p_data_typ_cd             in varchar2,
215                       p_ext_typ_cd              in varchar2,
216                       p_ext_crit_prfl_id        in number,
217                       p_ext_rslt_id             in number,
218                       p_ext_file_id             in number,
219                       p_ext_strt_dt             in date,
220                       p_ext_end_dt              in date,
221                       p_prmy_sort_cd            in varchar2,
222                       p_scnd_sort_cd            in varchar2,
223                       p_request_id              in number,
224                       p_use_eff_dt_for_chgs_flag in varchar2,
225                       p_penserv_mode             in varchar2
226                       )
227 is
228   --
229   l_proc                        varchar2(72);
230   --
231   l_personid_va  benutils.g_number_table   := benutils.g_number_table();
232   l_pactid_va    benutils.g_number_table   := benutils.g_number_table();
233   l_pactovn_va   benutils.g_number_table   := benutils.g_number_table();
234   l_lerid_va     benutils.g_number_table   := benutils.g_number_table();
235   --
236   cursor bus_c
237   is
238     select name
239     from per_business_groups_perf
240     where business_group_id  = p_business_group_id;
241   --
242   cursor c_ext_dfn
243   is
244 /*    select spcl_hndl_flag,
245            upd_cm_sent_dt_flag,
246            ext_global_flag
247     from ben_ext_dfn xdf
248     where xdf.ext_dfn_id = p_ext_dfn_id;
249 */ -- Commented in Bug fix 4545881
251     select xdf.spcl_hndl_flag,
252            xdf.upd_cm_sent_dt_flag,
253            decode(xdf.data_typ_cd,'CW','Y',xcr.ext_global_flag) ext_global_flag
254     from ben_ext_dfn xdf,
255          ben_ext_crit_prfl xcr
256     where xdf.ext_dfn_id = p_ext_dfn_id
257     and   xdf.ext_crit_prfl_id = xcr.ext_crit_prfl_id (+) ;
258   --
259   cursor c_overide_dt_cd(p_crit_typ_cd in varchar2) is
260     select xcv.val_1
261     from ben_ext_crit_val xcv,
262          ben_ext_crit_typ xct
263     where xct.ext_crit_prfl_id = p_ext_crit_prfl_id
264     and   xct.ext_crit_typ_id = xcv.ext_crit_typ_id
265     and   xct.crit_typ_cd = p_crit_typ_cd ;
268   l_err_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%type ;
269   --
271   --
272   g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
273   if g_debug then
274     l_proc := g_package||'xtrct_skltn';
275     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
276   end if;
277   --
278   -- This next condition was added for performance enhancements.  The
279   -- encompassed routines should only be called once per thread, not once
280   -- per chunk.  th 3/2/2000
281   --
282   If nvl(g_request_id,-2) <> p_request_id
283     OR p_request_id = -1
284   then
285     --
286     -- Initialize globals
287     --
288     ben_ext_person.g_err_num            := null;
289     ben_ext_person.g_err_name           := null;
290     ben_ext_person.g_chg_enrt_rslt_id   := null;
291     ben_ext_person.g_chg_input_value_id := null;
292     ben_ext_person.g_pay_last_start_date:= null;
293     ben_ext_person.g_pay_last_end_date  := null;
295     --
296     g_ext_dfn_id     := p_ext_dfn_id;
297     g_request_id     := p_request_id;
298     g_ext_rslt_id    := p_ext_rslt_id;
299     g_ext_strt_dt    := p_ext_strt_dt;
300     g_ext_end_dt     := p_ext_end_dt;
301     g_effective_date := p_effective_date;
302     g_spcl_hndl_flag := null;
303     g_run_date       := sysdate;
304     --
305     open c_ext_dfn;
306     fetch c_ext_dfn into g_spcl_hndl_flag,
307                          ben_ext_person.g_upd_cm_sent_dt_flag ,
308                          ben_ext_person.g_ext_global_flag ;
309     close c_ext_dfn;
310     hr_utility.set_location( 'GLOBAL Flag ' || ben_ext_person.g_ext_global_flag , 99 ) ;
311 /*
312     --
313     -- MH moved call to thread level (ben_ext_thread.do_multithread)
314     -- rather than chunk level to minimize
315     -- memory consumption
316     --
317     --
318     -- Determine extract Levels
319     --
320     set_ext_lvls(p_ext_file_id         => p_ext_file_id,
321                  p_business_group_id   => p_business_group_id);
322 */
323     --
324     -- retrieve business group name only if it is required
325     g_proc_business_group_id   := p_business_group_id ;
326     if g_bg_csr = 'Y' then
327       open bus_c;
328       fetch bus_c into g_business_group_name;
329       close bus_c;
330       g_proc_business_group_name := g_business_group_name ;
331     end if;
332     --
333     --  Load Inclusion Tables for later processing.
334     --
335     IF p_ext_crit_prfl_id is not null THEN
336        --
337        ben_ext_evaluate_inclusion.Determine_Incl_Crit_To_Check(p_ext_crit_prfl_id);
339        -- cache the person and benefit overide dates.
340        -- get the person overide date
341        open c_overide_dt_cd ('PASOR') ;
342        fetch c_overide_dt_cd into g_pasor_dt_cd ;
343        close c_overide_dt_cd ;
345        -- get the benefit overide date
346        open c_overide_dt_cd ('BDTOR') ;
347        fetch c_overide_dt_cd into g_bdtor_dt_cd ;
348        close c_overide_dt_cd ;
350     END IF;
351     --
352     -- initialize extract totals
353     --
354     g_trans_num := 0;
355     g_per_num   := 0;
356     g_error_num := 0;
357 /*
358     --
359     -- Initialize tables
360     gtt_rcd_rqd_vals.DELETE;
361     --
362     -- MH moved call to thread level (ben_ext_thread.do_multithread)
363     -- rather than chunk level to minimize
364     -- memory consumption
365     --
366     --  For each Person - pb24/3/00:'not sure what this comment is meant to mean'?
367     --
368     -- Setup record and required level tables
369     --
370     setup_rcd_typ_lvl
371       (p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id
372       );
373     --
374 */
375   end if;
376   --
377   -- Get the person id range for the person action id range
378   --
379   ben_maintain_benefit_actions.get_peractionrange_persondets
380     (p_benefit_action_id      => p_benefit_action_id
381     ,p_start_person_action_id => p_start_person_action_id
382     ,p_end_person_action_id   => p_end_person_action_id
383     --
384     ,p_personid_va            => l_personid_va
385     ,p_pactid_va              => l_pactid_va
386     ,p_pactovn_va             => l_pactovn_va
387     ,p_lerid_va               => l_lerid_va
388     );
389   --
390   if l_personid_va.count > 0
391   then
392     --
393     for vaen in l_personid_va.first..l_personid_va.last
394     loop
395       --
396       if g_debug then
397         hr_utility.set_location(' Person ID '||l_personid_va(vaen), 00 );
398       end if;
399      Begin
400         --
401         ben_ext_person.process_ext_person
402           (p_person_id          => l_personid_va(vaen)
403           ,p_ext_dfn_id         => p_ext_dfn_id
404           ,p_ext_rslt_id        => p_ext_rslt_id
405           ,p_ext_file_id        => p_ext_file_id
406           ,p_ext_crit_prfl_id   => p_ext_crit_prfl_id
407           ,p_data_typ_cd        => p_data_typ_cd
408           ,p_ext_typ_cd         => p_ext_typ_cd
409           ,p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
410           ,p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
411           ,p_penserv_mode       => p_penserv_mode           ----------vkodedal changes for penserver 30-apr-2008
412           );
413           --
414           -- update the status for the person proceesed
415           -- this helps to restart only the person not processed
416           --
417          --
418          -- Bug 4161111 perf issue in GSI.
419          --
420          ben_person_actions_api.update_person_actions
424           ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date);
421           (p_person_action_id      =>l_pactid_va(vaen)
422           ,p_action_status_cd      => 'P'
423           ,p_object_version_number =>l_pactovn_va(vaen)
425         --
426       Exception
427         when ben_ext_person.detail_restart_error then
429            --- update the range to warning
430            --- the warning will be later converted to erro because
431            --- if error the range  the subseqent range may not be  executed , every time spawn the thread
432            --- the process validated for the errored  thread so we set the range status to 'W'
434            update ben_batch_ranges set range_status_cd = 'W'
435            where range_id = p_range_id and range_status_cd = 'P';
437            l_err_message := ben_ext_fmt.get_error_msg(ben_Ext_person.g_err_num,
438                                          ben_Ext_person.g_err_name,ben_Ext_person.g_elmt_name ) ;
439            if g_debug then
440               hr_utility.set_location('err msg ' || l_err_message, 99.98 );
441            end if;
442            ben_ext_person.write_error(
443                 p_err_num     => ben_Ext_person.g_err_num,
444                 p_err_name    => l_err_message,
445                 p_typ_cd      => 'E',
446                 p_request_id  => ben_extract.g_request_id,
447                 p_ext_rslt_id => p_ext_rslt_id
448                );
449             --- the changes are commited along with the error message in thge write error process
451            when Others then
453            --- update the range to warning
454            --- the warning will be later converted to erro because
455            --- if error the range  the subseqent range may not be  executed , every time spawn the thread
456            --- the process validated for the errored  thread so we set the range status to 'W'
458            update ben_batch_ranges set range_status_cd = 'W'
459            where range_id = p_range_id and range_status_cd = 'P';
460            if  nvl(ben_ext_person.g_err_num,-1)  <>   94102  then
461               l_err_message := substr(sqlerrm,1,2000) ;
462               if g_debug then
463                  hr_utility.set_location('err msg ' || l_err_message, 99.98 );
464               end if;
465               ben_ext_person.write_error(
466                    p_err_num     => 94701,
467                    p_err_name    => l_err_message,
468                    p_typ_cd      => 'E',
469                    p_request_id  => ben_extract.g_request_id,
470                    p_ext_rslt_id => p_ext_rslt_id
471                   );
472                --- the changes are commited along with the error message in thge write error process
473            end if ;
474            ben_ext_person.g_err_num := null ;
476       End ;
477     end loop;
478     --
479   end if;
480   --
481 /*
482   FOR person IN per_cursor LOOP
483       --
484       --
485       --
486       if g_debug then
487         hr_utility.set_location(' Person ID ' || person.person_id, 00 );
488       end if;
489       ben_ext_person.process_ext_person
490                       ( p_person_id          => person.person_id
491                       , p_ext_dfn_id         => p_ext_dfn_id
492                       , p_ext_rslt_id        => p_ext_rslt_id
493                       , p_ext_file_id        => p_ext_file_id
494                       , p_ext_crit_prfl_id   => p_ext_crit_prfl_id
495                       , p_data_typ_cd        => p_data_typ_cd
496                       , p_ext_typ_cd         => p_ext_typ_cd
497                       , p_effective_date     => p_effective_date
498                       , p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
499                       );
501    --- update the status for the person proceesed
502    --- this helps to restart only the person not processed
503    update ben_person_actions act
504       set action_status_cd = 'P'
505       where   person_id = person.person_id
506         and   benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id;
507     --
508   END LOOP;   -- person
509 */
510 --
511 --
512 if g_debug then
513   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 70);
514 end if;
515 --
516 commit;
517 --
519   --
520   WHEN g_max_err_num_exception THEN
521     --
522     update ben_batch_ranges set range_status_cd = 'E'
523       where range_id = p_range_id;
524     --
525     commit;
526   --
527 --
528 END xtrct_skltn;
529 --
531 --
532 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
533 -- |------< set_ext_lvls >------|
534 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 --  This procedure will determine extract levels and cursors required
536 --  for a given exrtact file layout definition.  Package global variables
537 --  will be assigned values 'Y' or 'N' as appropriate.
538 --
539 Procedure set_ext_lvls(p_ext_file_id         in number,
540                        p_business_group_id   in number
541                       ) IS
542 --
543   l_proc               varchar2(72);
544 --
545   l_dummy              varchar2(30);
546   l_rec_lvl_cd         varchar2(30);
547   l_cursor_cd          varchar2(30);
551 --
548 --
549   l_err_name   varchar2(50);
550   job_failure  exception;
552 --
553   cursor ext_rec_lvl_c (p_ext_file_id  number) is
554     select
555       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'P',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_per_lvl,
556       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'E',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_enrt_lvl,
557       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'PR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_prem_lvl,
558       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'D',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_dpnt_lvl,
559       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'Y',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_payroll_lvl,
560       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'G',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_elig_lvl,
561       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'F',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_flex_lvl,
562       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'B',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_bnf_lvl,
563       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'A',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_actn_lvl,
564       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'R',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_runrslt_lvl,
565       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'CO',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_contact_lvl,
566       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'ED',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_eligdpnt_lvl,
567       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'WG',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_cwbgr_lvl,
568       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'WR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_cwbrt_lvl,
569       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'OR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_org_lvl,               -- subheader
570       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'PO',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_pos_lvl,               -- subheader
571       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'JB',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_job_lvl,               -- subheader
572       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'GR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_grd_lvl,               -- subheader
573       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'LO',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_loc_lvl,               -- subheader
574       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'PY',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_pay_lvl,               -- subheader
575       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'T',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_otl_summ_lvl,
576       decode(sum(decode(a.low_lvl_cd,'TS',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_otl_detl_lvl
577       from  ben_ext_rcd             a,
578             ben_ext_rcd_in_file     b
579       where a.ext_rcd_id  = b.ext_rcd_id
580       and   b.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id;
582   cursor ext_cursors_c (p_ext_file_id  number) is
583     select
584        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ADR',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_addr_csr,
585        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ASG',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_asg_csr,
586        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PHN',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_phn_csr,
587        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'RT',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_rt_csr,
588        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'LER',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_ler_csr,
589        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BGR',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bgr_csr,
590        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'MA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_ma_csr,
591        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_bp_csr,
592        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_ba_csr,
593        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CHCRT',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_chcrt_csr,
594        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CHC',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_chc_csr,
595        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CMA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_cma_csr,
596        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'DP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_dp_csr,
597        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'DA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_da_csr,
598        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'DPCP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_dpcp_csr,
599        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BG',1,0)),0,'N','Y')    g_bg_csr,
600        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BB1',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bb1_csr,
601        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BB2',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bb2_csr,
602        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BB3',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bb3_csr,
603        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BB4',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bb4_csr,
604        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BB5',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bb5_csr,
605        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PPCP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_ppcp_csr,
606        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PGN',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_pgn_csr,
607        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ABS',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_abs_csr,
608        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PPREM',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_pprem_csr,
609        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'EPREM',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_eprem_csr,
610        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'FLXCR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_flxcr_csr,
611        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ERGRP',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_ergrp_csr,
612        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PRGRP',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_prgrp_csr,
613        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ASA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_asa_csr,
614        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'EPLYR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_eplyr_csr,
615        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PPLYR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_pplyr_csr,
616        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'ELER',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_eler_csr,
617        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PLER',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_pler_csr,
618        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PMPR',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_pmpr_csr,
619        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'PMTPR',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_pmtpr_csr,
620        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'INTRM',1,0)),0,'N','Y') g_intrm_csr,
621        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'INT',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_int_csr,
622        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CBRA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_cbra_csr,
623        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_coa_csr,
624        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_cop_csr,
625        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COED',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_coed_csr,
626        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COCD',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_cocd_csr,
627        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COB',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_cob_csr,
628        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COSL',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_cosl_csr,
629        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'COEL',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_coel_csr,
630        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'EDP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_edp_csr,
634        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'BSL',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_bsl_csr,
631        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'EDA',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_eda_csr,
632        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'POS',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_pos_csr,
633        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'SUP',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_sup_csr,
635        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'SHL',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_shl_csr,
636        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CWPG',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_cwbdg_csr ,
637        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CWPR',1,0)),0,'N','Y')  g_cwbawr_csr,
638        decode(sum(decode(e.csr_cd,'CBRADM',1,0)),0,'N','Y')   g_cbradm_csr
639        from ben_ext_rcd_in_file        a,
640             ben_ext_rcd                b,
641             ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd   c,
642             ben_ext_data_elmt          d,
643             ben_ext_fld                e
644        where a.ext_file_id      = p_ext_file_id
645        and   a.ext_rcd_id       = b.ext_rcd_id
646        and   c.ext_rcd_id       = b.ext_rcd_id
647        and   d.ext_data_elmt_id = c.ext_data_elmt_id
648        and   e.ext_fld_id       = d.ext_fld_id;
650   --  subheader global variable for multithread
651    cursor c_ext_file (p_file_id number) is
652   select ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id1,
653          ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id2
654   from  ben_Ext_file exf
655   where exf.ext_file_id = p_file_id ;
658   cursor  c_ext_elmt (p_data_elmt_in_rcd_id  number
659                       ) is
660   select  exf.short_name
661   from ben_ext_fld  exf,
662        ben_Ext_data_elmt_in_rcd edr,
663        ben_ext_data_elmt        ede
664   where edr.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id = p_data_elmt_in_rcd_id
665     and edr.ext_data_elmt_id     = ede.ext_Data_elmt_id
666     and ede.ext_fld_id           = exf.ext_fld_id (+)
667     ;
669   l_ext_rcd c_ext_file%rowtype ;
670   -- eof subheader
674 --
675 begin
676 --
677  g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
678  if g_debug then
679    l_proc := g_package||'set_ext_lvls';
680    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc, 5);
681  end if;
682    --
683    -- determine extract record levels:
684    -- ==============================================================
685     open ext_rec_lvl_c(p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id);
686     fetch ext_rec_lvl_c into
687       g_per_lvl,
688       g_enrt_lvl,
689       g_prem_lvl,
690       g_dpnt_lvl,
691       g_payroll_lvl,
692       g_elig_lvl,
693       g_flex_lvl,
694       g_bnf_lvl,
695       g_actn_lvl,
696       g_runrslt_lvl,
697       g_contact_lvl,
698       g_eligdpnt_lvl,
699       g_cwb_bdgt_lvl ,
700       g_cwb_awrd_lvl ,
701       g_org_lvl,               -- subheader
702       g_pos_lvl,               -- subheader
703       g_job_lvl,               -- subheader
704       g_grd_lvl,               -- subheader
705       g_loc_lvl,               -- subheader
706       g_pay_lvl,               -- subheader
707       g_otl_summ_lvl,
708       g_otl_detl_lvl;
709     --
710     close ext_rec_lvl_c;
712      if g_org_lvl = 'Y' or g_pos_lvl = 'Y' or g_job_lvl = 'Y' or g_loc_lvl = 'Y' or
713         g_pay_lvl = 'Y' or g_grd_lvl = 'Y'
714         then
715          g_subhead_dfn := 'Y' ;
716     end if ;
718     --
719     -- ============================================
720     -- determine extract cursor needed:
721     -- ============================================
722     --
724     open ext_cursors_c (p_ext_file_id => p_ext_file_id);
725     fetch ext_cursors_c into
726        g_addr_csr,
727        g_asg_csr,
728        g_phn_csr,
729        g_rt_csr,
730        g_ler_csr,
731        g_bgr_csr,
732        g_ma_csr,
733        g_bp_csr,
734        g_ba_csr,
735        g_chcrt_csr,
736        g_chc_csr,
737        g_cma_csr,
738        g_dp_csr,
739        g_da_csr,
740        g_dpcp_csr,
741        g_bg_csr,
742        g_bb1_csr,
743        g_bb2_csr,
744        g_bb3_csr,
745        g_bb4_csr,
746        g_bb5_csr,
747        g_ppcp_csr,
748        g_pgn_csr,
749        g_abs_csr,
750        g_pprem_csr,
751        g_eprem_csr,
752        g_flxcr_csr,
753        g_ergrp_csr,
754        g_prgrp_csr,
755        g_asa_csr,
756        g_eplyr_csr,
757        g_pplyr_csr,
758        g_eler_csr,
759        g_pler_csr,
760        g_pmpr_csr,
761        g_pmtpr_csr,
762        g_intrm_csr,
763        g_int_csr,
764        g_cbra_csr,
765        g_coa_csr,
766        g_cop_csr,
767        g_coed_csr,
768        g_cocd_csr,
769        g_cob_csr,
770        g_cosl_csr,
771        g_coel_csr,
772        g_edp_csr,
773        g_eda_csr,
774        g_pos_csr,
775        g_sup_csr,
776        g_bsl_csr,
777        g_shl_csr,
778        g_cwbdg_csr,
779        g_cwbawr_csr,
780        g_cbradm_csr ;
782     --
783     close ext_cursors_c;
785     --
787     --subhead
789    if  ben_ext_thread.g_ext_group_elmt1 is null then
790        open c_ext_file(p_ext_file_id) ;
794        if l_ext_rcd.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id1 is not null then
791        fetch c_ext_file into l_ext_rcd ;
792        close c_ext_file ;
795           open  c_ext_elmt(l_ext_rcd.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id1) ;
796           fetch c_ext_elmt into ben_ext_thread.g_ext_group_elmt1 ;
797           close c_ext_elmt ;
799           if l_ext_rcd.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id2 is not null then
800              open  c_ext_elmt(l_ext_rcd.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id2) ;
801              fetch c_ext_elmt into ben_ext_thread.g_ext_group_elmt2 ;
802              close c_ext_elmt ;
803           end if ;
804        end if ;
805    end if ;
806   -- eof subheader
808  if g_debug then
809    hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc, 15);
810  end if;
811 --
812 End set_ext_lvls;
813 --
814 End ben_extract;