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1 PACKAGE dbms_gsm_cloudadmin AS
4 --*****************************************************************************
5 -- Package Public Types
6 --*****************************************************************************
9 --*****************************************************************************
10 -- Package Public Constants
11 --*****************************************************************************
13 gsm_master_lock_name    constant    varchar2(19) := 'ORA$GSM_MASTER_LOCK';
14 no_lock                 constant    number := 99; -- lock not granted (GDS)
15 rogueGSM                constant    number := 99;
16 masterNotAllowed        constant    number := 98; -- GSM is not allowed to
17                                                   -- get master lock
18 MaxGSM                  constant    number := 5;
21 --*****************************************************************************
22 -- Package Public Exceptions
23 --*****************************************************************************
27 --*****************************************************************************
28 -- Package Public Procedures
29 --*****************************************************************************
31 maxwait     constant    integer := 32767;            -- Wait forever
32 sessioninfo    gsm_session;
34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 --
36 -- PROCEDURE     getMasterLock
37 --
38 -- Description:
39 --     Request the GSM catalog master lock in exclusive mode.
40 --
41 -- Parameters:
42 --     timeout:  the number of seconds to wait for the lock
43 --               "maxwait" means to wait forever
44 --     lock_handle: handle used to identify the lock
45 --                  should be passed to releaseMasterLock to release the lock
46 --                  size can be up to 128
47 --
48 -- Returns:
49 --      0 - success
50 --      1 - timeout
51 --      2 - deadlock
52 --      3 - parameter error
53 --      4 - already own lock
54 --      5 - illegal lock handle
55 --     99 - Lock not granted (due to GDS checking)
56 --
57 -- Notes:
58 --     The routine uses dbms_lock.allocate_unique, so will always do a
59 --     transaction commit.
60 --
61 --     Lock is held until it is explicitly released or session terminates.
62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 FUNCTION getMasterLock( timeout     IN  integer default maxwait,
65                         lock_handle OUT varchar2,
66                         gsm_name    IN  varchar2 default NULL,
67                         gsm_vers    IN  varchar2 default NULL )
68  RETURN integer;
70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 --
72 -- PROCEDURE     releaseMasterLock
73 --
74 -- Description:
75 --     Release the GSM catalog master lock acquired previously by getMasterLock.
76 --
77 -- Parameters:
78 --     lock_handle: handle returned by getMasterLock
79 --
80 -- Returns:
81 --      0 - success
82 --      3 - parameter error
83 --      4 - don't own lock
84 --      5 - illegal lock handle
85 --
86 -- Notes:
87 --
88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 FUNCTION releaseMasterLock( lock_handle IN varchar2 )
91  RETURN integer;
94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 --
96 -- PROCEDURE     createCloud
97 --
98 -- Description:
99 --     Creates a cloud entry in the cloud catalog.
100 --
101 -- Parameters:
102 --     cloud_name: name to give the cloud.
103 --
104 -- Notes:
105 --     Currently the catalog only supports one cloud.
106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 PROCEDURE createCatalog(cloud_name IN varchar2 default NULL,
108                        autoVNCR IN number default  dbms_gsm_common.isTrue,
109                        instances IN number default NULL,
110                        force IN number default  dbms_gsm_common.isFalse);
111 PROCEDURE createCloud( cloud_name IN varchar2 default NULL,
112                        autoVNCR IN number default  dbms_gsm_common.isTrue,
113                        instances IN number default NULL,
114                        force IN number default  dbms_gsm_common.isFalse);
116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 --
118 -- PROCEDURE     modifyCatalog
119 --
120 -- Description:
121 --     Modifies information in the cloud catalog
122 --
123 -- Parameters:
124 --     autoVNCR: boolean - isTrue = Turn on autoVNCR
125 --                         isFalse = Turn off autoVNCR
126 --
127 -- Notes:
128 --     Currently the catalog only supports one cloud.
129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 PROCEDURE modifyCatalog(autoVNCR IN number default NULL);
131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 --
133 -- PROCEDURE     removeCloud
134 --
135 -- Description:
136 --     Removes the cloud entry from the cloud catalog.
137 --
138 -- Parameters:
139 --     cloud_name: name of the cloud to remove.
140 --
141 -- Notes:
142 --     Currently the catalog only supports one cloud.
143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 PROCEDURE removeCatalog( cloud_name IN varchar2 default NULL );  -- TODO: remove
145 PROCEDURE removeCloud( cloud_name IN varchar2 default NULL );
148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 --
150 -- PROCEDURE     addGSM
151 --
152 -- Description:
153 --     Adds a GSM to the cloud.
154 --
155 -- Parameters:
156 --     gsm_name:             GSM alias name
157 --     gsm_endpoint1:        Listener endpoint
158 --     gsm_endpoint2:        TODO:?
159 --     local_ons_port:       Local ONS port for ONS server process
160 --     remote_ons_port:      Remote ONS port of ONS server process
161 --     region_name:          The GSM region, if NULL will use the default.
162 --     gsm_number:           Unique number assigned to the GSM
163 --
164 -- Notes:
165 --     Updates the "_remote_gsm" parameter on the catalog database to point
166 --     to the new GSM.
167 --
168 --     region_name can be NULL if there is only one region in the cloud.
169 --     In which case the GSM will be added to that region.
170 --
171 --     No assumptions should be made about gsm_number other than it is
172 --     unique for the cloud.  For example, the caller should not assume that it
173 --     is a monotonically increasing number.
174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 PROCEDURE addGSM( gsm_name        IN  varchar2,
176                   gsm_endpoint1   IN  varchar2,
177                   gsm_endpoint2   IN  varchar2,
178                   local_ons_port  IN  number,
179                   remote_ons_port IN  number,
180                   region_name     IN  varchar2 default NULL,
181                   gsm_number      OUT number,
182                   gsm_oracle_home IN  varchar2 default NULL,
183                   gsm_hostname    IN  varchar2 default NULL );
185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 --
187 -- PROCEDURE     syncParameters
188 --
189 -- Description:
190 --     Syncronize spfile parameter values using database information
191 --
192 -- Parameters:
193 --    NONE
194 --
195 -- Notes:
196 --    Currently updates the _gsm and _cloud_name parameters. These values are
197 --    required for the catalog database instance and will not be set on
198 --    data-guard standby databases (since createCatalog is never run there).
199 --    This function will be executed as part of the database open notifier
200 --    callback on any primary database that is a catalog database
201 --
202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 PROCEDURE syncParameters;
205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 --
207 -- PROCEDURE     modifyGSM
208 --
209 -- Description:
210 --     Changes a GSM attributes.
211 --
212 -- Parameters:
213 --     gsm_name:             GSM alias name
214 --     gsm_endpoint1:        Listener endpoint
215 --     gsm_endpoint2:        TODO:?
216 --     local_ons_port:       Local ONS port for ONS server process
217 --     remote_ons_port:      Remote ONS port of ONS server process
218 --     region_name:          The GSM region.
219 --
220 -- Notes:
221 --     One or more of the attributes can be changed on each call.
222 --
223 --     If "gsm_endpoint1" is changed, then will update the "_remote_gsm"
224 --     parameter on the catalog database with the new endpoint.
225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 PROCEDURE modifyGSM( gsm_name        IN  varchar2,
227                      gsm_endpoint1   IN  varchar2 default NULL,
228                      gsm_endpoint2   IN  varchar2 default NULL,
229                      local_ons_port  IN  number   default NULL,
230                      remote_ons_port IN  number   default NULL,
231                      region_name     IN  varchar2 default NULL );
234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 --
236 -- PROCEDURE     removeGSM
237 --
238 -- Description:
239 --     Removes a GSM from the cloud.
240 --
241 -- Parameters:
242 --     gsm_name:             GSM alias name
243 --
244 -- Notes:
245 --    It is up to the caller to insure that the GSM has been stopped.
246 --
247 --    Will remove this GSM endpoint from the "_remote_gsm" parameter on the
248 --    catalog database.
249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 PROCEDURE removeGSM( gsm_name        IN  varchar2 );
253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 --
255 -- PROCEDURE     disconnectGSM
256 --
257 -- Description:
258 --     Kills GSM session.
259 --
260 -- Parameters:
261 --     gsm_name:             GSM alias name
262 --     kill_level:           if 0 kill sesssion, if 1 the same immediate,
263 --                           if 2 disconnect session
264 --
265 -- Notes:
266 --
267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 PROCEDURE disconnectGSM( gsm_name IN  varchar2, kill_level number default 2 );
270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 --
272 -- PROCEDURE     addVNCR
273 --
274 -- Description:
275 --     Adds VNCR to Cloud
276 --
277 -- Parameters:
278 --     name:             VNCR name
279 --     group_id:            VNCR group id
280 --
281 -- Notes:
282 --    Group id could be NULL. If set, it allows group removal of VNCRs
283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 PROCEDURE addVNCR( name        IN  varchar2,
285                    group_id in varchar2 default NULL,
286                    updateRequestTable  IN number
287                      default dbms_gsm_utility.updateTrue);
289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 --
291 -- PROCEDURE     removeVNCR
292 --
293 -- Description:
294 --     removes VNCR from Cloud
295 --
296 -- Parameters:
297 --     name:             VNCR name
298 --     group_id:            VNCR group id
299 --
300 -- Notes:
301 --    One and only one of either group id or name could be NULL.
302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
303 PROCEDURE removeVNCR( name IN  varchar2 default NULL,
304                       group_id in varchar2 default NULL);
306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
307 --
308 -- PROCEDURE     createSubscriber
309 --
310 -- Description:
311 --     Add an AQ subscriber to the change log queue.
312 --
313 -- Parameters:
314 --     gsm_name:    Subscriber name should be a name of one of the GSMs in
315 --                  the cloud.
316 --
317 -- Notes:
318 --
319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 PROCEDURE createSubscriber( gsm_name IN varchar2 );
323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 --
325 -- PROCEDURE     removeSubscriber
326 --
327 -- Description:
328 --     Remove an AQ subscriber to the change log queue.
329 --
330 -- Parameters:
331 --     gsm_name:    The name used originally to subscribe to the queue.
332 --                  The name should have been a name of one of the GSMs in
333 --                  the cloud.
334 --
335 -- Notes:
336 --
337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 PROCEDURE removeSubscriber( gsm_name IN varchar2 );
341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 --
343 -- PROCEDURE     addRegion
344 --
345 -- Description:
346 --     Adds a region to the cloud.
347 --
348 -- Parameters:
349 --     region_name:      The name to give to the region.
350 --     buddy_name:       The name of the buddy region.
351 --
352 -- Notes:
353 --
354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 PROCEDURE addRegion( region_name IN varchar2,
356                      buddy_name  IN varchar2 default NULL );
359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 --
361 -- PROCEDURE     modifyRegion
362 --
363 -- Description:
364 --     Modifies a region.
365 --
366 -- Parameters:
367 --     region_name:      The name of the region to modify.
368 --     buddy_name:       The name of a buddy region to assign to the region.
369 --                       Can be NULL.
370 --
371 -- Notes:
372 --
373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 PROCEDURE modifyRegion( region_name     IN varchar2,
375                         buddy_name      IN varchar2 default NULL,
376                         region_weights  IN varchar2 default NULL);
379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 --
381 -- PROCEDURE     removeRegion
382 --
383 -- Description:
384 --     Removes a region from the cloud.
385 --
386 -- Parameters:
387 --     region_name:      The name of the region.
388 --
389 -- Notes:
390 --     The region should be empty of GSMs and databases.
391 --
392 --     The last region in the cloud cannot be removed.
393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 PROCEDURE removeRegion( region_name IN varchar2 );
397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 --
399 -- PROCEDURE     addDatabasePool
400 --
401 -- Description:
402 --     Adds a database pool to the cloud.
403 --
404 -- Parameters:
405 --     database_pool_name:    The name to give to the database pool.
406 --
407 -- Notes:
408 --
409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 PROCEDURE addDatabasePool( database_pool_name IN varchar2 );
413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 --
415 -- PROCEDURE     removeDatabasePool
416 --
417 -- Description:
418 --     Removes a database pool from the cloud.
419 --
420 -- Parameters:
421 --     database_pool_name:    The name of the database pool.
422 --
423 -- Notes:
424 --     The pool should be empty, i.e. it should no longer have any
425 --     databases or services.
426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 PROCEDURE removeDatabasePool( database_pool_name IN varchar2 );
433 --
430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 --
432 -- PROCEDURE     removeDatabasePoolAdmin
434 -- Description:
435 --     Adds an administrator for a database pool.
436 --
437 -- Parameters:
438 --     database_pool_name:    The name of the database pool.
439 --     user_name:             The name of user to become administrator for the
440 --                            pool.
441 --
442 -- Notes:
443 --     database_pool_name can be NULL if there is only one database pool
444 --     in the cloud.  In which case the command will default to that pool.
445 --
446 --     The user is revoked VPD access to the cloud information about the
447 --     database pool.
448 --
449 --
450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 PROCEDURE removeDatabasePoolAdmin( database_pool_name IN varchar2 default NULL,
452                                 user_name          IN varchar2 );
454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 --
456 -- PROCEDURE     addDatabasePoolAdmin
457 --
458 -- Description:
459 --     Adds an administrator for a database pool.
460 --
461 -- Parameters:
462 --     database_pool_name:    The name of the database pool.
463 --     user_name:             The name of user to become administrator for the
464 --                            pool.
465 --
466 -- Notes:
467 --     database_pool_name can be NULL if there is only one database pool
468 --     in the cloud.  In which case the command will default to that pool.
469 --
470 --     The user is granted VPD access to the cloud information about the
471 --     database pool.
472 --
473 --     TODO: the user is also given "gsm_pooladmin_role".
474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
475 PROCEDURE addDatabasePoolAdmin( database_pool_name IN varchar2 default NULL,
476                                 user_name          IN varchar2 );
479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 --
481 -- PROCEDURE     poolVpdPredicate
482 --
483 -- Description:
484 --     Enforces VPD read security for database pool tables.
485 --
486 -- Parameters:
487 --     Standard VPD function parameters.
488 --
489 -- Notes:
490 --
491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 FUNCTION  poolVpdPredicate( obj_schema varchar2,
493                             obj_name   varchar2 ) RETURN varchar2;
495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 --
497 -- PROCEDURE     MaskPolicy
498 --
499 -- Description:
500 --     Enforces VPD masking for select on database table
501 --
502 -- Parameters:
503 --     Standard VPD function parameters.
504 --
505 -- Notes:
506 --
507 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 FUNCTION MaskPolicy ( obj_schema varchar2,
509                       obj_name   varchar2)  RETURN varchar2;
510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 --
512 -- FUNCTION     VerifyCatalog
513 --
514 -- Description:
515 --     Perform various cross-check verifications on the catalog data
516 --
517 -- Parameters:
518 --     NONE
519 --
520 -- Notes:
521 --
522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 FUNCTION VerifyCatalog
526 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 --
528 -- PROCEDURE     cancelAllChanges
529 --
530 -- Description:
531 --       Cancel (and rollback) all outstanding catalog changes
532 --
533 -- Parameters:
534 --       NONE
535 --
536 -- Notes:
537 --       This procedure requires that there are no GSM servers running, and it
538 --       will get the "master lock" to prevent any from becoming master while
539 --       it is running
540 --
541 --       This is an "escape hatch" to be used only under customer support
545 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 --       supervision. Usually the GSM will perform the right cleanup
543 --       automatically while it is running or as soon as it re-starts
544 --       after shutdown or crash.
546 PROCEDURE cancelAllChanges;
549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
550 --
551 -- FUNCTION     importBegin
552 --
553 -- Description:
554 --     Clear tables and other possibly important stuff
555 --
556 -- Parameters:
557 --     NONE
558 --
559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561 PROCEDURE importBegin;
564 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
565 --
566 -- FUNCTION     importEnd
567 --
568 -- Description:
569 --     Update sequences, and other possible stuff after successful import
570 --
571 -- Parameters:
572 --     NONE
573 --
574 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 PROCEDURE importEnd;
578 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
579 --
580 -- PROCEDURE    checkGSMDown
581 --
582 -- Description:
583 --       Checks whether a GSM is disconnecting from the catalog database.
584 --       If it is a GSM then post the alert GSM down.
585 --
586 -- Parameters:
587 --       None.
588 --
589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 PROCEDURE checkGSMDown;
591 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
592 --
593 -- PROCEDURE     doEncryptGSMPwd
594 --
595 -- Description:
596 --  Encrypt database.GSM_PASSWORD and store in database.ENCRYPTED_GSM_PASSWORD
597 --
598 -- Parameters:
599 --      NULL
600 --
601 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
602 PROCEDURE doEncryptGSMPwd;
603 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
604 --
605 -- PROCEDURE     setEncryptedGSMPwd
606 --
607 -- Description:
608 --     Sets value for gsmadmin_internal.database.ENCRYPTED_GSM_PASSWORD
609 --
610 -- Parameters:
611 --     dbname:        The name of the database.
612 --     encpwd:        content of encrypted password
613 --
614 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
615 PROCEDURE setEncryptedGSMPwd( dbname varchar2,
616                               encpwd   RAW);
618 --*****************************************************************************
619 -- End of Package Public Procedures
620 --*****************************************************************************
623 END dbms_gsm_cloudadmin;