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Line 611: mtl_system_items msi,

607: l_revision,
608: l_val_mode
609: from
610: po_lines_all pla,
611: mtl_system_items msi,
612: po_line_locations_all plla
613: where pla.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
614: and plla.ship_to_organization_id = msi.organization_id
615: and plla.line_location_id = p_line_loc_id

Line 895: l_lot_code mtl_system_items.lot_control_code%type;

891: procedure findLlsCode(p_line_location_id in number, x_llsCode out nocopy varchar2)
892: IS
893: l_api_name varchar2(50) := 'findLlsCode';
894: l_progress varchar2(20) := '000';
895: l_lot_code mtl_system_items.lot_control_code%type;
896: l_serial_code mtl_system_items.serial_number_control_code%type;
897: l_item_id number;
898: l_org_id po_line_locations_all.ship_to_organization_id%type;
899: BEGIN

Line 896: l_serial_code mtl_system_items.serial_number_control_code%type;

892: IS
893: l_api_name varchar2(50) := 'findLlsCode';
894: l_progress varchar2(20) := '000';
895: l_lot_code mtl_system_items.lot_control_code%type;
896: l_serial_code mtl_system_items.serial_number_control_code%type;
897: l_item_id number;
898: l_org_id po_line_locations_all.ship_to_organization_id%type;
899: BEGIN
900: l_progress := '001'||p_line_location_id;

Line 922: mtl_system_items msi

918: into
919: l_lot_code,
920: l_serial_code
921: from
922: mtl_system_items msi
923: where msi.inventory_item_id=l_item_id
924: and msi.organization_id=l_org_id;