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Line 36: ,p_staffing_priority_name IN pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR

32: ,p_project_name IN pa_projects_all.name%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
33: ,p_project_number IN pa_projects_all.segment1%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
34: ,p_project_subteam_name IN pa_project_subteams.name%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
35: ,p_project_status_name IN pa_project_statuses.project_status_name%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
36: ,p_staffing_priority_name IN pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
37: ,p_project_role_name IN pa_project_role_types.meaning%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
38: ,p_location_city IN pa_locations.city%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
39: ,p_location_region IN pa_locations.region%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
40: ,p_location_country_name IN fnd_territories_tl.territory_short_name%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR

Line 116: FROM pa_lookups plks

112: IS
114: CURSOR csr_get_tp_amt_type_name (p_tp_amt_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
115: SELECT plks.meaning
116: FROM pa_lookups plks
117: WHERE plks.lookup_type = 'TP_AMOUNT_TYPE'
118: AND plks.lookup_code = p_tp_amt_type;
120: l_item_type VARCHAR2(8) := 'PARMATRX';

Line 809: l_resolve_con_action_code pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

805: l_first_assignment_id NUMBER;
806: l_document VARCHAR2(32767);
807: l_conflict_group_id NUMBER;
808: l_overcommitment_flag VARCHAR2(1);
809: l_resolve_con_action_code pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
810: l_view_conflicts_link VARCHAR2(2000);
811: l_conf_asgmt_count NUMBER;
812: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
813: l_view_conf_action_text fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;

Line 1202: FROM pa_project_assignments asgn, pa_lookups lkup

1199: -- Added for Perf fix 4918687 SQL ID 14910597
1200: cursor csr_get_tp_amt_type (p_asg_id NUMBER) IS
1201: SELECT lkup.meaning fcst_tp_amount_type_name
1202: FROM pa_project_assignments asgn, pa_lookups lkup
1203: WHERE lkup.lookup_type(+) = 'TP_AMOUNT_TYPE'
1204: AND asgn.fcst_tp_amount_type = lkup.lookup_code(+)
1205: AND asgn.assignment_id = p_asg_id;

Line 1244: l_staffing_priority_name pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

1240: l_project_name pa_projects_all.name%TYPE;
1241: l_project_number pa_projects_all.segment1%TYPE;
1242: l_project_subteam_name pa_project_subteams.name%TYPE;
1243: l_project_status_name pa_project_statuses.project_status_name%TYPE;
1244: l_staffing_priority_name pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1245: l_project_role_name pa_project_role_types.meaning%TYPE;
1246: l_location_city pa_locations.city%TYPE;
1247: l_location_region pa_locations.region%TYPE;
1248: l_location_country_name fnd_territories_tl.territory_short_name%TYPE;

Line 1331: l_expense_owner_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

1327: l_rating_level_id_tbl SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type := SYSTEM.pa_num_tbl_type();
1328: l_mandatory_flag_tbl SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type := SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type() ;
1329: l_extension_possible_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1330: l_mandatory_flag_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1331: l_expense_owner_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1332: l_fcst_tp_amount_type_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1333: l_rating_level per_rating_levels_v.step_value%TYPE;
1334: l_submitter_user_id NUMBER;
1335: l_submitter_resp_id NUMBER;

Line 1332: l_fcst_tp_amount_type_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

1328: l_mandatory_flag_tbl SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type := SYSTEM.pa_varchar2_1_tbl_type() ;
1329: l_extension_possible_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1330: l_mandatory_flag_meaning fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1331: l_expense_owner_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1332: l_fcst_tp_amount_type_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
1333: l_rating_level per_rating_levels_v.step_value%TYPE;
1334: l_submitter_user_id NUMBER;
1335: l_submitter_resp_id NUMBER;
1336: l_submitter_resp_appl_id NUMBER;

Line 1443: FROM pa_lookups

1439: --get the name as we will only have the code as the field is a poplist on the page
1440: IF l_staffing_priority_code <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR AND l_staffing_priority_code IS NOT NULL THEN
1441: IF l_staffing_priority_name = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR OR l_staffing_priority_name IS NULL THEN
1442: SELECT meaning INTO l_staffing_priority_name
1443: FROM pa_lookups
1444: WHERE lookup_type = 'STAFFING_PRIORITY_CODE'
1445: AND lookup_code = l_staffing_priority_code;
1446: END IF;
1447: x_document := x_document||get_translated_attr_name('STAFFING_PRIORITY_NAME')||' - '||l_staffing_priority_name||'

Line 1655: FROM pa_lookups

1651: --append to x_document to display the Updated Information region in the wf notification
1652: --get the meaning as we will not have it as the field is a poplist on the page
1653: IF l_expense_owner <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR AND l_expense_owner IS NOT NULL THEN
1654: SELECT meaning INTO l_expense_owner_meaning
1655: FROM pa_lookups
1656: WHERE lookup_type = 'EXPENSE_OWNER_TYPE'
1657: AND lookup_code = l_expense_owner;
1658: x_document := x_document||get_translated_attr_name('EXPENSE_OWNER')||' - '||l_expense_owner_meaning||'
1659: END IF;

Line 1812: FROM pa_lookups

1808: --append to x_document to display the Updated Information region in the wf notification
1809: --get the meaning as we will not have it as the field is a poplist on the page
1810: IF l_fcst_tp_amount_type <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR AND l_fcst_tp_amount_type IS NOT NULL THEN
1811: SELECT meaning INTO l_fcst_tp_amount_type_meaning
1812: FROM pa_lookups
1813: WHERE lookup_type = 'TP_AMOUNT_TYPE'
1814: AND lookup_code = l_fcst_tp_amount_type;
1815: x_document := x_document||get_translated_attr_name('FCST_TP_AMOUNT_TYPE')||' - '||l_fcst_tp_amount_type_meaning||'
1816: END IF;

Line 2712: l_resolve_con_action_code pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;

2708: FUNCTION Is_Asgmt_Revert_Or_Cancel(p_conflict_group_id IN NUMBER,
2709: p_assignment_id IN pa_project_assignments.assignment_id%TYPE)
2712: l_resolve_con_action_code pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
2714: CURSOR check_asgmt_revert_or_cancel IS
2715: SELECT resolve_conflicts_action_code
2716: FROM pa_assignment_conflict_hist

Line 3057: FROM pa_lookups

3053: --get the translated updated attribute name from lookups.
3054: --this will be displayed in the Updated Information section of the mass update
3055: --workflow notification.
3056: SELECT meaning INTO l_meaning
3057: FROM pa_lookups
3059: AND lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
3061: RETURN l_meaning;