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1 package body BIS_BIA_STATS AS
2 /*$Header: BISGTSPB.pls 120.2 2006/09/07 14:34:46 aguwalan noship $*/
4 /**
5 * This is the wrapper around FND_STATS.gather_table_stats
6 * Object name will be the table name or MV name seeded in RSG,
7 * while object type is either 'MV' or 'TABLE'
8 * We will derive the object schema name , then
9 * call FND_STATS.gather_table_stats to analyze the object
10 **/
12 /**Changes for Enhancement 4378448. We have to review/rollback
13 the changes after ST fix the issue as mentioned in the enhancement.
14 Changes made:
15  Call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for the MV log if num_rows in all_tables
16  for this log <>0. Otherwise, not to call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for the MV log.
17 **/
19 procedure GATHER_TABLE_STATS(errbuf out NOCOPY varchar2,
20                              retcode out NOCOPY varchar2,
21 							 objecttype in varchar2,
22                              objectname  in varchar2,
23                              percent  in number default null,
24                              degree in number default null,
25                              partname in varchar2 default null,
26                              backup_flag in varchar2 default 'NOBACKUP',
27                              granularity  in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT',
28                               hmode in varchar2 default 'LASTRUN',
29                               invalidate    in varchar2 default 'Y'
30                             ) is
31 l_object_owner varchar2(30);
32 l_object_log varchar2(30);
33 l_request_id number;
34 l_root_request_id number;
35 l_stage_request_id number;
36 l_num_rows number;
37 begin
38   l_request_id:=fnd_global.CONC_REQUEST_ID ;
39   l_root_request_id:=FND_GLOBAL.CONC_PRIORITY_REQUEST;
41   bis_collection_utilities.put_line('request id: '||l_request_id);
43   begin
44    l_object_owner:=bis_create_requestset.get_object_owner(objectname,objecttype);
45    l_object_log:=bis_create_requestset.get_mv_log(objectname,l_object_owner);
46     bis_collection_utilities.put_line('schema for '||objectname||':'||l_object_owner);
47    bis_collection_utilities.put_line('MV log  for '||objectname||':'||l_object_log );
48    exception
49     when others then
50       bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Error happened when get object schema and object mv log'||sqlcode||sqlerrm);
51       raise;
52   end;
55    if nvl(l_object_owner,'NOTFOUND')<>'NOTFOUND' then
56     begin
57       bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Calling FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS for object '||l_object_owner||','||objectname);
58       FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(errbuf =>errbuf,
59                              retcode =>retcode,
60                              ownname =>l_object_owner,
61                              tabname =>objectname,
62                              percent =>percent,
63                              degree  =>degree,
64                              partname =>partname,
65                              backup_flag =>backup_flag,
66                              granularity =>granularity,
67                               hmode =>hmode,
68                               invalidate=>invalidate
69                              );
70     bis_collection_utilities.put_line(l_object_owner||','||objectname||' has been analyzed successfully');
71   exception
72    when others then
73       bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Error happened inside FND_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS '||sqlcode||sqlerrm);
74       raise;
75   end;
76  end if;
78   if l_object_log is not null then
79    begin
80     select num_rows
81     into l_num_rows
82     from all_tables
83     where owner=l_object_owner
84     and table_name=l_object_log;
85    exception
86     when no_data_found then
87        l_num_rows:=0;
88     when others then
89       raise;
90    end;
91   end if;
93   if l_object_log is not null and l_num_rows=0 then
94          bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Not to call FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for '||l_object_owner||'.'||l_object_log||' because num_rows in all_tables for this MV log is already 0');
95   end if;
97   if l_object_log is not null and l_num_rows<>0  then
98    begin
99      bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Calling FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS for object log '||l_object_owner||','||l_object_log);
100       FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS(OWNNAME=>l_object_owner,
101                                 TABNAME=>l_object_log,
102                                 NUMROWS=>0,
103                                 NUMBLKS=>0,
104                                 AVGRLEN=>0);
105      bis_collection_utilities.put_line(l_object_owner||','||l_object_log||' statistics has been set successfully');
106   exception
107     when others then
108       bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Error happened inside FND_STATS.SET_TABLE_STATS '||sqlcode||sqlerrm);
109   raise;
110   end;
111  end if;
112  --Enh#4418520-aguwalan
113  IF(BIS_CREATE_REQUESTSET.is_history_collect_on(l_root_request_id)) THEN
114    begin
118                                      (x_request_id  => l_request_id,
115      bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Calling BIS_COLL_RS_HISTORY.insert_program_object_data ');
116      if nvl(l_object_owner,'NOTFOUND')<>'NOTFOUND' then
117        BIS_COLL_RS_HISTORY.insert_program_object_data
119                                      x_stage_req_id  =>null,
120                                      x_object_name   =>objectname,
121                                      x_object_type   =>objecttype,
122                                      x_refresh_type  =>'ANALYZED',
123                                      x_set_request_id =>l_root_request_id);
124      end if;
126      if l_object_log is not null and l_num_rows<>0 then
127        BIS_COLL_RS_HISTORY.insert_program_object_data
128                                      (x_request_id  => l_request_id,
129                                      x_stage_req_id  =>null,
130                                      x_object_name   =>l_object_log,
131                                      x_object_type   =>'MV_LOG',
132                                      x_refresh_type  =>'ANALYZED',
133                                      x_set_request_id =>l_root_request_id);
134      end if;
136      bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Called BIS_COLL_RS_HISTORY.insert_program_object_data');
137    exception
138      when others then
139        bis_collection_utilities.put_line('Error happened in BIS_COLL_RS_HISTORY.insert_program_object_data'||sqlcode||sqlerrm);
140        raise;
141    end;
142   ELSE
143     BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.put_line('------------------------------------------------------------------');
144     BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.put_line('Request Set History Collection Option is off for this Request Set.');
145     BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.put_line('No History Collection will happen for this request set.');
146     BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.put_line('------------------------------------------------------------------');
147   END IF;
149 exception
150  when others then
151   raise;
153 end;