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1 package body pay_kr_bal_init_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pykrbini.pkb 120.1 2005/06/30 03:58:54 pdesu noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Constants
5 --
6 c_package	varchar2(31) := '  pay_kr_bal_init_pkg.';
7 c_sot		date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('0001/01/01');
8 c_eot		date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4712/12/31');
9 c_iv_limit	number := 15;
10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 procedure create_structure(
12 		p_batch_id		in number,
13 		p_classification_id	in number,
14 		p_element_name_prefix	in varchar2)
15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 is
17 	l_proc			varchar2(61) := c_package || 'create_bal_init_struct';
18 	l_business_group_id	per_business_groups_perf.business_group_id%TYPE;
19 	l_business_group_name	per_business_groups_perf.name%TYPE;
20 	l_legislation_code	per_business_groups_perf.legislation_code%TYPE;
21 	l_currency_code		per_business_groups_perf.currency_code%TYPE;
22 	l_classification_name	pay_element_classifications.classification_name%TYPE;
23 	l_element_type_id	pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%TYPE;
24 	l_element_name		pay_element_types_f.element_name%TYPE;
25 	l_element_link_id	number;
26 	l_input_value_id	number;
27 	l_counter		number;
28 	l_dummy			varchar2(255);
29 	--
30 	-- Cursor to derive necessary parameters in later phase.
31 	--
32 	cursor csr_init is
33 		select	pbg.business_group_id,
34 			pbg.name,
35 			pbg.legislation_code,
36 			pec.classification_name,
37 			pbg.currency_code
38 		from	pay_element_classifications	pec,
39 			per_business_groups_perf	pbg,
40 			pay_balance_batch_headers	h
41 		where	h.batch_id = p_batch_id
42 		and	upper(pbg.name) = upper(h.business_group_name)
43 		and	pec.classification_id = p_classification_id
44 		and	pec.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y'
45 		and	nvl(pec.business_group_id, pbg.business_group_id) = pbg.business_group_id
46 		and	nvl(pec.legislation_code, pbg.legislation_code) = pbg.legislation_code;
47 	--
48 	-- Cursor to return balance types without balance initialization element feed
49 	-- for current batch_id
50 	--
51 	cursor csr_balance_wo_feed is
52 		select	pbt.balance_type_id,
53 			pbt.balance_name,
54 			pbt.balance_uom
55 		from	pay_balance_types	pbt
56 		where	upper(pbt.balance_name) IN
57 			(
58 				select	upper(balance_name)	balance_name
59 				from	pay_balance_batch_lines
60 				where	batch_id = p_batch_id
61 			)
62 		and	nvl(pbt.business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
63 		and	nvl(pbt.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
64 		and	not exists(
65 				select	null
66 				from	pay_element_classifications	pec,
67 					pay_element_types_f		pet,
68 					pay_input_values_f		piv,
69 					pay_balance_feeds_f		pbf
70 				where	pbf.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
71 				and	pbf.effective_start_date = c_sot
72 				and	pbf.effective_end_date = c_eot
73 				and	nvl(pbf.business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
74 				and	nvl(pbf.legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code
75 				and	piv.input_value_id = pbf.input_value_id
76 				and	piv.effective_start_date = c_sot
77 				and	piv.effective_end_date = c_eot
78 				and	pet.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
79 				and	pet.effective_start_date = c_sot
80 				and	pet.effective_end_date = c_eot
81 				and	pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
82 				and	pec.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y')
83 		order by pbt.balance_uom, pbt.balance_name;
84 	--------------------------------------------------------------
85 	procedure create_et_el(
86 			p_element_type_id	out NOCOPY number,
87 			p_element_name		out NOCOPY varchar2,
88 			p_element_link_id	out NOCOPY number)
89 	--------------------------------------------------------------
90 	is
91 		function element_name return varchar2
92 		is
93 			l_max_seq	number;
94 			l_seq		number;
95 			cursor csr_et is
96 				select	element_name
97 				from	pay_element_types_f
98 				where	element_name like replace(p_element_name, '_', '\_') || '%' escape '\';
99 		begin
100 			l_max_seq := 1;
101 			p_element_name := p_element_name_prefix || '_';
102 			--
103 			for l_rec in csr_et loop
104 				begin
105 					l_seq := to_number(replace(l_rec.element_name, p_element_name));
106 				exception
107 					when others then
108 						exit;
109 				end;
110 				--
111 				if l_seq >= l_max_seq then
112 					l_max_seq := l_seq + 1;
113 				end if;
114 			end loop;
115 			--
116 			return p_element_name || to_char(l_max_seq);
117 		end element_name;
118 	begin
119 		p_element_name := element_name;
120 		--
121 		p_element_type_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_element(
122 					p_element_name		=> p_element_name,
123 					p_effective_start_date	=> c_sot,
124 					p_effective_end_date	=> c_eot,
125 					p_classification_name	=> l_classification_name,
126 					p_input_currency_code	=> l_currency_code,
127 					p_output_currency_code	=> l_currency_code,
128 					p_processing_type	=> 'N',
129 					p_adjustment_only_flag	=> 'Y',
130 					p_process_in_run_flag	=> 'Y',
131 					p_business_group_name	=> l_business_group_name,
132 					p_post_termination_rule	=> 'Final Close');
133 		--
134 		update	pay_element_types_f
135 		set	element_information1 = 'B'
136 		where	element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
137 		--
138 		p_element_link_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_element_link(
139 					p_element_name          => p_element_name,
140 					p_link_to_all_pyrlls_fl => 'Y',
141 					p_standard_link_flag    => 'N',
142 					p_effective_start_date  => c_sot,
143 					p_effective_end_date    => c_eot,
144 					p_business_group_name   => l_business_group_name);
145 	end create_et_el;
146 	--------------------------------------------------------------
147 	procedure create_iv_ivl_bf(
148 			p_balance_type_id	in number,
149 			p_balance_uom		in varchar2,
150 			p_element_type_id	in number,
151 			p_element_name		in varchar2,
152 			p_element_link_id	in number,
153 			p_input_value_name	in varchar2,
154 			p_display_sequence	in number)
155 	--------------------------------------------------------------
156 	is
157 	begin
158 		l_input_value_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value(
159 					p_element_name		=> p_element_name,
160 					p_name			=> p_input_value_name,
161 					p_uom_code		=> p_balance_uom,
162 					p_business_group_name	=> l_business_group_name,
163 					p_effective_start_date	=> c_sot,
164 					p_effective_end_date	=> c_eot,
165 					p_display_sequence	=> p_display_sequence);
166 		--
167 		hr_input_values.create_link_input_value(
168 			p_insert_type		=> 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
169 			p_element_link_id	=> p_element_link_id,
170 			p_input_value_id	=> l_input_value_id,
171 			p_input_value_name	=> p_input_value_name,
172 			p_costable_type		=> NULL,
173 			p_validation_start_date	=> c_sot,
174 			p_validation_end_date	=> c_eot,
175 			p_default_value		=> NULL,
176 			p_max_value		=> NULL,
177 			p_min_value		=> NULL,
178 			p_warning_or_error_flag	=> NULL,
179 			p_hot_default_flag	=> NULL,
180 			p_legislation_code	=> NULL,
181 			p_pay_value_name	=> NULL,
182 			p_element_type_id	=> p_element_type_id);
183 		--
184 		hr_balances.ins_balance_feed(
185 			p_option			=> 'INS_MANUAL_FEED',
186 			p_input_value_id		=> l_input_value_id,
187 			p_element_type_id		=> p_element_type_id,
188 			p_primary_classification_id	=> NULL,
189 			p_sub_classification_id		=> NULL,
190 			p_sub_classification_rule_id	=> NULL,
191 			p_balance_type_id		=> p_balance_type_id,
192 			p_scale				=> '1',
193 			p_session_date			=> c_sot,
194 			p_business_group		=> l_business_group_id,
195 			p_legislation_code		=> NULL,
196 			p_mode				=> 'USER');
197 	end create_iv_ivl_bf;
198 begin
199 	hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
200 	--
201 	hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(
202 		p_api_name		=> l_proc,
203 		p_argument		=> 'batch_id',
204 		p_argument_value	=> p_batch_id);
205 	hr_api.mandatory_arg_error(
206 		p_api_name		=> l_proc,
207 		p_argument		=> 'classification_id',
208 		p_argument_value	=> p_classification_id);
209 	l_dummy := p_element_name_prefix;
210 	hr_chkfmt.checkformat(
211 		value	=> l_dummy,
212 		format	=> 'PAY_NAME',
213 		output	=> l_dummy,
214 		minimum	=> null,
215 		maximum	=> null,
216 		nullok	=> 'N',
217 		rgeflg	=> l_dummy,
218 		curcode	=> null);
219 	--
220 	-- Derives necessary local variables and checks the input variables
221 	-- are correct or not at the same time.
222 	-- The following SQL will raise NO_DATA_FOUND if input variables
223 	-- are not correct.
224 	--
225 	open csr_init;
226 	fetch csr_init into
227 		l_business_group_id,
228 		l_business_group_name,
229 		l_legislation_code,
230 		l_classification_name,
231 		l_currency_code;
232 	if csr_init%NOTFOUND then
233 		close csr_init;
234 		fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_KR_BAL_INIT_INV_PARAM');
235 		fnd_message.raise_error;
236 	end if;
237 	close csr_init;
238 	--
239 	-- Loop of balances without initial balance feed for current batch_id.
240 	--
241 	for l_rec in csr_balance_wo_feed loop
242 		if l_counter is null or l_counter >= c_iv_limit then
243 			l_counter := 1;
244 			--
245 			-- Create element type and element link.
246 			--
247 			create_et_el(
248 				p_element_type_id	=> l_element_type_id,
249 				p_element_name		=> l_element_name,
250 				p_element_link_id	=> l_element_link_id);
251 		else
252 			l_counter := l_counter + 1;
253 		end if;
254 		--
255 		-- Create input_value, link_input_value and balance_feed.
256 		--
257 		create_iv_ivl_bf(
258 			p_balance_type_id	=> l_rec.balance_type_id,
259 			p_balance_uom		=> l_rec.balance_uom,
260 			p_element_type_id	=> l_element_type_id,
261 			p_element_name		=> l_element_name,
262 			p_element_link_id	=> l_element_link_id,
263 			p_input_value_name	=> rtrim(substr(l_rec.balance_name, 1, 27)) || '_' || to_char(l_counter),
264 			p_display_sequence	=> l_counter);
265 	end loop;
266 end create_structure;
267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 procedure create_structure(
269 		errbuf			out NOCOPY varchar2,
270 		retcode			out NOCOPY number,
271 		p_batch_id		in number,
272 		p_classification_id	in number,
273 		p_element_name_prefix	in varchar2)
274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 is
276 begin
277 	--
278 	-- errbuf and retcode are special parameters needed for the SRS.
279 	-- retcode = 0 means no error and retcode = 2 means an error occurred.
280 	--
281 	create_structure(
282 		p_batch_id		=> p_batch_id,
283 		p_classification_id	=> p_classification_id,
284 		p_element_name_prefix	=> p_element_name_prefix);
285 	--
286 	commit;
287 end create_structure;
288 --
289 end pay_kr_bal_init_pkg;