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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

function execute_update(p_stmt_str in varchar2, p_valid_only in boolean) return number;
Line: 25

procedure execute_select(c in out nocopy t_gen_cur,
                         p_stmt_str in out nocopy varchar2,
                         p_valid_only in boolean);
Line: 112

  return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                         'set org_id = (select org_id from ap_card_programs_all apcp where apcp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id) '||
                         'where cc.org_id is null' , p_valid_only );
Line: 123

  return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                         'set request_id = ' || to_char(p_request_id) ||
                         'where cc.request_id is null' , l_valid_only );
Line: 143

  stmt := 'select distinct cp.card_program_id, cp.card_exp_type_map_type_code, cp.card_exp_type_source_col '||
          'from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc, ap_card_programs_all cp '||
          'where cc.card_program_id = cp.card_program_id ';
Line: 151

  execute_select(c, stmt, p_valid_only);
Line: 157

      l_stmt := 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                'set folio_type =  ap_map_types_pkg.get_map_to_code(:r0, cc.'||l_column_name||') '||
                'where cc.card_program_id = :r1';
Line: 186

  l_count := execute_update('update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                            'set merchant_country = nvl(merchant_country, ap_web_locations_pkg.default_country(card_program_id)) '||
                            'where merchant_country is null ', p_valid_only);
Line: 193

  l_count := execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                             'set merchant_country_code = ' ||
                               '(select ap_map_types_pkg.get_map_to_code(c.country_map_type_code, cc.merchant_country) '||
                               ' from ap_card_programs_all c '||
                               ' where c.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id) '||
                             'where 1=1', p_valid_only );
Line: 226

  num_rows := execute_update(
  ' update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
    set    payment_flag = ''Y''
    where  (mis_industry_code = ''PA''
    or      transaction_type = ''PAYMENTS''
    or     (upper(description)  like ''%PAYMENT%'' and
           (upper(description) not like ''%FEE%''
           and  upper(description) not like ''%REVERSAL%''
           and upper(description) not like ''%ADJUSTMENT%''
           and upper(description) not like ''%CREDIT%''
           and upper(description) not like ''%DEBIT%''))
    or     transaction_type in (''0108'',''0440'')) ', p_valid_only);
Line: 248

  num_rows := execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    cc.billed_currency_code =
    (select currency_code
     from ap_card_currencies
     where numeric_currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)
  where  cc.billed_currency_code is not null
  and    cc.billed_currency_code not in
    (select fndcvl.currency_code
     from   fnd_currencies_vl fndcvl
     where  fndcvl.enabled_flag = ''Y''
     and    fndcvl.currency_flag = ''Y''
     and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.start_date_active, sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
     and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.end_date_active, sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate))
  and exists
    (select currency_code
     from ap_card_currencies
     where numeric_currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)', p_valid_only
Line: 272

  num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    cc.billed_currency_code =
    (select cp.card_program_currency_code
     from ap_card_programs_all cp
     where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
  where billed_currency_code is null', p_valid_only
Line: 284

  num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    cc.posted_currency_code =
    (select currency_code
     from ap_card_currencies
     where numeric_currency_code = cc.posted_currency_code)
  where  cc.posted_currency_code is not null
  and exists
    (select currency_code
     from ap_card_currencies
     where numeric_currency_code = cc.posted_currency_code)', p_valid_only
Line: 300

  num_rows := num_rows + execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    cc.posted_currency_code =
    (select cp.card_program_currency_code
     from ap_card_programs_all cp
     where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
  where posted_currency_code is null', p_valid_only
Line: 327

  stmt := 'select *
     from ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
     where location_id is null '||g_where_clause
     || ' for update of location_id nowait';
Line: 331

  execute_select(l_loc_cur, stmt, p_valid_only);
Line: 339

    update ap_credit_card_trxns_all set location_id = l_cc_trx.location_id
    where trx_id = l_cc_trx.trx_id;
Line: 351

  return execute_update(
  ' update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
    set payment_due_from_code = (select payment_due_from_code
                                 from ap_card_programs_all cp
                                 where cp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id)
    where payment_due_from_code is null ', p_valid_only);
Line: 371

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION''
  where  exists
    (select ''A corresponding transaction exists with this reference number''
     from   ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc2
     where  cc.reference_number = cc2.reference_number
     and    cc.trx_id <> cc2.trx_id
     and    cc.card_id = cc2.card_id
     and    cc.card_program_id = cc2.card_program_id)', p_valid_only
Line: 391

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_AMOUNT''
  where  (billed_amount is null
  or      billed_amount = 0)', p_valid_only
Line: 405

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_CURR_CODE''
  where  billed_currency_code is not null
  and    not exists
    (select ''A corresponding currency exists in FND_CURRENCIES''
     from   fnd_currencies_vl fndcvl
     where  fndcvl.enabled_flag = ''Y''
     and    fndcvl.currency_flag = ''Y''
     and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.start_date_active, sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
     and    trunc(nvl(fndcvl.end_date_active, sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
     and    fndcvl.currency_code = cc.billed_currency_code)', p_valid_only
Line: 427

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_BILL_DATE''
  where  billed_date is null', p_valid_only
Line: 443

  num_rows := execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
   set validate_code = ''INACTIVE_CARD_NUMBER''
   where cc.transaction_date >=
        (select max(nvl(apc.inactive_date,cc.transaction_date+1))
         from  ap_cards_all apc
         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id
         and   apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)', p_valid_only
Line: 463

  num_rows := execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_CARD_NUMBER''
  where  card_id not in
        (select apc.card_id from ap_cards_all apc
         where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id
         and   apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)', p_valid_only
Line: 483

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_MERCH_NAME''
  where  (merchant_name1 is null
  and     merchant_name2 is null)
  and    ( (transaction_type in (''11'',''20'',''22'',''80'')
            and    sic_code <> ''6012''
            and    (card_program_id in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code = ''Visa'')))
           (merchant_activity <> ''A''
            and    (card_program_id in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code = ''MasterCard'')))
           (mis_industry_code <> ''SP''
            and transaction_type <> ''05''
            and card_program_id in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))
            card_program_id not in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code in (''American Express'',''Visa'',''MasterCard''))
', p_valid_only
Line: 521

   return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_POST_CURR_CODE''
  where  posted_currency_code is not null
  and posted_currency_code not in (select currency_code from ap_card_currencies) ', p_valid_only
Line: 536

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_TRX_AMOUNT''
  where  (transaction_amount is null
  or      transaction_amount = 0)', p_valid_only
Line: 551

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_TRX_DATE''
  where  transaction_date is null
  and    ((mis_industry_code <> ''PA''
  and      card_program_id in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))
           card_program_id not in (select card_program_id
                           from ap_card_programs_all
                           where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express'')
  ', p_valid_only
Line: 573

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''Y''
  where  validate_code = ''UNTESTED''', true);
Line: 589

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set    validate_code = ''INVALID_SIC_CODE''
  where  card_program_id in (select card_program_id
                             from ap_card_programs_all
                             where card_brand_lookup_code = ''Visa'')
  and    ((sic_code is null
           and  transaction_type in (''10'',''11'',''20'',''22'',''80''))
          (transaction_type in (''20'',''22'',''80'')
          and sic_code not in (''6010'', ''6011'', ''6012'', ''6050'', ''6051''))
  )', p_valid_only
Line: 631

  select full_name into l_full_name from ap_card_details where card_id = p_card_id;
Line: 633

    select substrb(full_name, 1, 80) into l_full_name
    from per_employees_x pap, financials_system_parameters fsp
    where pap.business_group_id = fsp.business_group_id
    and pap.employee_id = p_employee_id;
Line: 640

  delete from ap_card_details where card_id = p_card_id;
Line: 663

  update ap_cards_all
  set employee_id = p_employee_id,
      cardmember_name = p_full_name,
      physical_card_flag = 'Y',
      paper_statement_req_flag = 'N'
  where card_id = p_card_id
  and employee_id is null;-- bug 5224047
Line: 675

      select card_reference_id into l_instrid
      from ap_cards_all
      where card_id = p_card_id;
Line: 685

          select party_id into l_party_id
          from  per_people_f ppf
          where ppf.person_id = p_employee_id
          and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
          and rownum = 1;
Line: 694

                         p_card_instrument, x_response);
Line: 698

  delete from ap_card_emp_candidates where card_id = p_card_id;
Line: 713

  return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc '||
                         'set validate_code = ''UNTESTED'' '||
                         'where validate_code <> ''Y'' ' ||
                         'and nvl(category,''BUSINESS'')  <> ''DEACTIVATED'' ', false );
Line: 723

function execute_update(p_stmt_str in varchar2, p_valid_only in boolean) return number is
  l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
Line: 745

      module varchar2(50) := 'ap.oie_cc_validations_pkg.execute_update';
Line: 757

end execute_update;
Line: 763

procedure execute_select(c in out nocopy t_gen_cur,
                         p_stmt_str in out nocopy varchar2,
                         p_valid_only in boolean) is
  l_validate_where varchar2(50) := null;
Line: 780

end execute_select;
Line: 798

  return execute_update(
  -- Bug 3313557: Replaced TRXN alias with CC, so that it is compatible
  --              with the rest of the dynamic SQL.
                    FROM AP_CARDS_ALL CARD,
                         PER_EMPLOYEES_X P
                    WHERE AP_WEB_DB_HR_INT_PKG.IsPersonTerminated(CARD.employee_id)=''Y''
                    AND CARD.employee_id=P.employee_id
                    AND P.inactive_date < CC.transaction_date
                    AND CARD.card_program_id=CC.card_program_id
                    AND CARD.card_id=CC.card_id)', p_valid_only --
Line: 817

  return execute_update(
  'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc
  set trxn_detail_flag = NULL
  where trxn_detail_flag = ''Y''
  and abs(transaction_amount) <
          (select abs(sum(transaction_amount))
           from ap_cc_trx_details c
           where c.trx_id = cc.trx_id)', true);
Line: 839

  return execute_update( 'update ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc ' ||
                         'set merchant_name1 = (' ||
                                  'select card_program_name ' ||
                                    'from ap_card_programs_all apcp ' ||
                                   'where apcp.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and rownum = 1) ' ||
                         'where merchant_name1 is null ' ||
                         'and   merchant_name2 is null ' ||
                         'and  ( '||
                                '(transaction_type in (''01'',''02'',''03'',''06'',''08'',''09'',''10'',''11'',''12'') '||
                                'and (card_program_id in (select card_program_id '||
                                        'from ap_card_programs_all where card_brand_lookup_code = ''American Express''))) '||
                                'or '||
                                '(merchant_activity = ''A'' '||
                                 'and (card_program_id in (select card_program_id '||
                                        'from ap_card_programs_all where card_brand_lookup_code = ''MasterCard'')))'||
                              ') ',
                              p_valid_only );
Line: 860

function delete_invalid_rows(p_valid_only in boolean, card_program_id in number ) return number is
       num_rows number;
Line: 874

 num_rows := execute_update('delete ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc where card_id not in
      (select card_id
        from ap_cards_all apc
        where apc.card_program_id = cc.card_program_id and
         apc.card_id     = cc.card_id)
         and cc.card_number is null
         and cc.validate_code != ''Y''' || card_prog_where, p_valid_only);
Line: 882

end delete_invalid_rows;